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Listado top ventas step

  • Encontrar tu siguiente nivel: Para los principiantes, tómalo con calma. Una altura de 10 cm está ahí para ti. ¿Listo para explorar? 4 elevadores adicionales (2 por cada lado) para otras 2 opciones: 15 y 20 cm. Ponga el escalón en alta deseada
  • Incluye una banda de resistencia: Esta plataforma viene con una banda de resistencia hecha de látex, que te ayuda a apuntar a los músculos correctos y añadir resistencia; también puede ser usada en yoga, pilates, aeróbicos, u otros entrenamientos
  • Apoyar cada movimiento: El plástico de ingeniería de larga duración, la gran superficie y los detalles bien pensados son los que hacen que esta plataforma aeróbica se diferencie de las demás. Carga de 100 kg ofrece la estabilidad necesaria
  • Entrenamiento de cuerpo entero: ¿La parte superior del cuerpo? Comprobado. ¿La parte inferior del cuerpo? Comprobado. Ya sea de quemar calorías, perder peso, aumentar tu ritmo cardíaco o simplemente estar más saludable, el entrenamiento te ayuda en todo
  • Mantente firme, mantente a salvo: Una superficie antideslizante y 4 almohadillas antideslizantes en la parte inferior mantienen esta plataforma estable incluso durante los entrenamientos cardiovasculares más intensos
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  • Nuestras pruebas de embarazo son muy sencillas de usar e interpretar.
  • Los mejores test de embarazo del mercado al mejor precio.
  • Nuestras pruebas de embarazo caseras cuentan con el sello CE, ya que están aprobadas por la Unión Europea. Son fáciles, rápidas y seguras.
  • Los tests de embarazo One Step le ofrecen la más alta calidad al mejor precio del mercado. Somos proveedores de numerosos hospitales europeos.
  • Cada tira de test está envasada individualmente en un sobre de aluminio sellado.
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  • La efectividad del test de embarazo One Step es la más alta: Mas del 99,99% de precisión.
  • Los mejores test de embarazo del mercado al mejor precio.
  • Nuestras pruebas de embarazo caseras cuentan con el sello CE, ya que están aprobadas por la Unión Europea. Son fáciles, rápidas y seguras.
  • Los tests de embarazo One Step le ofrecen la más alta calidad al mejor precio del mercado. Somos proveedores de numerosos hospitales europeos.
  • Envío estándar muy discreto, sin marcas en el exterior del paquete (ver imágenes)
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  • Los aeróbicos Step de TecnoFit son la herramienta ideal para entrenar tanto en casa como en el gimnasio, y se venden a muy buen precio.
  • TecnoFit ha creado este peldaño en plástico y goma antideslizante, con un peldaño de 5 cm extraíble, para ajustar la altura variable de 10 a 15 cm.
  • La versión de escalón aeróbico TecnoFit es gris y negra, el pie extraíble adicional es rojo
  • Producto profesional garantizado 24 meses. Solo Tecnofit te da la garantía profesional
  • Capacidad de usuario 150 kg
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    • Ajustable en 3 niveles para un mayor control en la intensidad de su entrenamiento; 10cm, 15cm, 20cm
    • Ideal en entrenamiento cardiovascular, aeróbico, adelgazante, intensidad, fuerza e intervalos, HIIT
    • Los alzadores encajan de forma segura y pueden ser guardados bajo la plataforma para transporte
    • Hecho de plástico duradero resistente contra golpes. Con superficie antiadherente y antideslizante
    • Largo pero compacto y ligero: Largo: 78cm, Ancho: 28cm, Alto: 10/15/20cm, Peso: 3,1kg
    [Leer más]
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    • ¿ Como saber cuales son mis dias fertiles ? Los tests de ovulacion One Step son la respuesta mas rapida y eficaz a esa pregunta. Con mas del 99,99% de precision, podra identificar de forma natural los dias en los que es mas probable quedarse embarazada.
    • Con nuestras pruebas podra calcular sus dias fertiles de forma rapida, precisa y natural.
    • Nuestras pruebas de embarazo caseras cuentan con el sello CE, ya que están aprobadas por la Unión Europea. Son fáciles, rápidas y seguras.
    • Los tests de embarazo One Step le ofrecen la más alta calidad al mejor precio del mercado. Somos proveedores de numerosos hospitales europeos.
    • Cada tira de test está envasada individualmente en un sobre de aluminio sellado.
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    • Ideal para ejercicios aeróbicos
    • Beneficios: Mantenerse en forma, perder peso, afinar la silueta, trabajar coordinación
    • Superfície antideslizante
    • Incluye: topes para proteger el suelo
    • Altura del step regulable
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    • Asesoramiento y Envío Ordinario gratuito desde España.
    • Posibilidad de envío Urgente ASMGO (recogida en tu agencia más cercana en 24/48h)
    • Test de embarazo de alta sensibilidad y calidad. Efectividad 99,9%
    • Sensibilidad de 10 mIU/ml. Formato 2.5mm
    • Detecta el embarazo hasta 2 días antes de la fecha de la falta
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    • La alfombra de entrenamiento adidas proporciona una amortiguación sensible de 10 mm para comodidad y presión reducida en las articulaciones, lo que la convierte en un compañero de entrenamiento óptimo
    • La tecnología de celda cerrada ayuda a minimizar la absorción de humedad, lo que hace que sea fácil de lavar y se mantenga libre de sudor y limpio
    • Diseñada con bordes de tela cosida, la alfombra en sí misma es extremadamente duradera y capaz de resistir el más riguroso de los regímenes de entrenamiento
    • En la parte inferior del tapete, se ha creado una textura de cresta especial para agarrar cualquier superficie lisa y ayudar a reducir el movimiento
    • El tapete es fácil de enrollar y llevar con usted al gimnasio y guardarlo cuidadosamente en casa; Viene con una correa para el hombro de velcro integrada que hace que sea aún fácil de llevar contigo
    • Cuando se extiende, la alfombra tiene una longitud de 183 cm (6 '') y un ancho de 61 cm; Esto le dará suficiente espacio para entrenar de manera efectiva
    • Este tapete se ha convertido en un entrenamiento esencial para muchos de nuestros atletas
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Maquina de Step. En funcionamiento. Sólo recogida, no hago envíos.
    30 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Step de gimnasia en perfecto estado, tengo dos uno más grande que el otro
    30 €
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    Madrid (Madrid)
    Para fortalecer los cuádriceps y ejercicios indoor. Está en muy buen estado. Acepto contra oferta razonable.
    17 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Ficha técnica pedal efectos electro-harmonix ehx next step marca: electro-harmonix modelo: ehx next step tipo: analogico numero efectos: 1,00 Descripción pedal efectos electro-harmonix ehx next step pedal efectos electro-harmonix ehx next step es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Perfecto estado.
    123,90 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Ficha técnica otros percusion sonor giant step marca: sonor modelo: giant step accesorios: maletin informacion adicional: signos de uso no apreciable en las imágenes Descripción otros percusion sonor giant step otros percusion sonor giant step es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
    245,94 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Máquina de Step con Cintas de Entrenamiento para Profundizar musculatura.
    20 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Juego educativo para aprender hacer dibujos en la pizarra siguiendo los pasos que indica cada plantilla. Está como nuevo. Lo único que el bolígrafo ya no pinta... se hacen servir los bolígrafos vileda especiales para estas pizarras.
    5 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Máquina para trabajar glúteos ( se te quedarán definidos como los de Jennifer Lo o Rafa Nadal) + trabajo de piernas y cardio. Lleva dos cintas para profundidad muscular. Prácticamente nueva.
    20 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Samsung Frame TV Art Set Spring / Easter Mega Bundle - 80 files included! Size of art: 3840 x 2160 pixels (16:9 ratio display) *not suitable to print as artwork How to add the digital print to your Samsung Frame TV: Step 1 Download the Google Drive App so your can access and save the files to your phone (if you don't have experience with Google Drive please follow the instructions with the order or message me so I can assist!) Step 2 Download the SmartThings App to your phone Step 3 Connect your Frame TV to the app Step 4 Select 'Art Mode' Step 5 Add the file Step 6 Select 'No Mat' Step 7 Select 'Set' This purchase is an instant digital download, no physical product will be shipped. This purchase is for personal use only. Not for resale or distribution. File sharing or commercial sales is prohibited. Any editing to 88 Prints digital downloads is a copyright infringement. © All artwork is copyright of 88 Prints Inc.
    2.458 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Valentines Samsung Frame TV Art Set of 4 Size of art: 3840 x 2160 pixels (16:9 ratio display) *not suitable to print as artwork How to add the digital print to your Samsung Frame TV: Step 1 Download the Google Drive App so your can access and save the files to your phone (if you don't have experience with Google Drive please follow the instructions with the order or message me so I can assist!) Step 2 Download the SmartThings App to your phone Step 3 Connect your Frame TV to the app Step 4 Select 'Art Mode' Step 5 Add the file Step 6 Select 'No Mat' Step 7 Select 'Set' This purchase is an instant digital download, no physical product will be shipped. This purchase is for personal use only. Not for resale or distribution. File sharing or commercial sales is prohibited. Any editing to 88 Prints digital downloads is a copyright infringement. © All artwork is copyright of 88 Prints Inc.
    655 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Las Nitro Profile Tls Step On son unas botas de snowboard de gama alta diseñadas para un uso con fijaciones rápidas Burton Step-On. Ofrecen un flex rígido y una transmisión de potencia eficiente que no deja de lado la comodidad. La Therminator Shield, la plantilla EVA, la tecnología Air Dampening y el botín Cloud 9 se combinan para sentirte bien en tus cálidas botas y con una excelente amortiguación. ¿Qué hacen las botas de snowboard Nitro Profile Tls Step On? Las Profile Tls Step On ofrece una buena reactividad, la cual te permite deslizarte con ritmo, control y precisión. El sistema Step On asegura una excelente conexión con la fijación para transmitir la energía de manera eficiente. Muy cómodas y con una buena sujeción del pie, este modelo cuenta con el botín Cloud 9 cuyo nombre, que no fue elegido al azar, significa 7º cielo en inglés. Súmale tecnologías para amortiguar golpes y vibraciones, una suela aislante y una suela externa Vibram Icetrek que proporciona muy buen agarre para las fases a pie y tendrás unas botas de gran calidad. Finalmente, el amarre Tls garantiza un ajuste muy rápido y preciso en un instante. ¿Para quién son las botas de snowboard Nitro Profile Tls Step On? Recomendamos este modelo a los snowboarders veteranos y expertos que quieren deslizarse con tonicidad y rapidez mientras mantienen una comodidad de conducción excepcional. Reactivas y potentes, las Profile Tls Step On son, sin embargo, un bun ejemplo de suavidad, agarre y amortiguación para tus pies, ¡para que las sesiones duren el mayor tiempo posible! ¿Cuáles son las principales cualidades de las botas de snowboard Nitro Profile Tls Step On? Reactivas Muy cómodas Precisas Ver más Ver menos Lucas Experto en snowboard "Cada practicante tiene su estilo propio y su material debe corresponderle. Freestyle, freeride, split… me preocupo de que encuentres lo que estás buscando. Ponte en contacto conmigo a través del teléfono +33 (0) 4 73 26 98 47 "
    19,89 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    "Even in the thickest fog, one step should be taken. Small step. And a place for the next step will open up. Step by step. It seems that in this fog it was impossible to find the way. And only after the path has been passed you realize the power of the first step towards the unknown." ~~ Title: "Fog" Painting is made using a multi-layer paint technique. A million multi-colored splashes are dry before each subsequent coat. Typically, the paint has about 10 coats of application of splashes • Size of a painting: 35" x 74" / 90 x 190 cm. • Size of canvas with borders: 41” x 83”/ 100 x 200 cm. The painting has additional 4" (10 cm.) borders around the art for convenient stretching. Additional borders of the canvas are painted so it can be hung with or without a frame as preferred. Not stretched. You'll receive it rolled, in a tube. Ready for stretching. I recommend stretching your print in a local custom framing shop. It will be the most affordable and easy way for you to get a big stretched canvas. ~~ Express shipping 5-10 Business Days, handling: 2-3 Days ~~ Follow me at Facebook and Instagram Video with your painting https://youtu.be/kUXWyunIk64 You can see my studio and my workday here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=---YT3-8qz0&t=5s Follow me: Instagram www.instagram.com/nadinsart Facebook www.facebook.com/nadinsart ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? I am a Ukrainian artist Nadin. I moved from Ukraine to Germany in order to continue painting and transferring the beauty of the world to canvases! ~~ Please check out my customers feedback:*** From Etsy's reviews page * The painting and Artist are amazing! We love them both. Gino on May 18, 2021 Beautiful and exactly as the photo. Looks great next to our dining table:) * Really transforms my living room in a beautiful way. Highly recommend ldueben on May 16, 2020 * We love the painting! Nadin created it for us for over our sofa! It makes us happy just to look at it! She was wonderful to work with, making us a different size of a painting we saw on her Etsy site, even making a few color modifications we requested. She was always prompt with her replies and kept us updated. Absolutely beautiful ???? Highly recommend Katherine on Apr 12, 2019 * I absolutely love the painting that i have oredered. Very fast service and quick responses. Thank you very much Nadia for the soul you have put in your work. Tansu Ozgulgec on Nov 8, 2018 * This is a beautiful painting I love having on my wall. Great Item! Amanda Jacob on May 27, 2018 * Nadine, I love our painting ! EVERYONE That comes to our home is blown away with how beautiful it is. Thank you. You are amazing ! Natalie Gaylord on Dec 4, 2018 etc.
    216.386 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Let us transform your favorite photo into a beautiful watercolor painting portrait! Our custom portrait from photo is the perfect gift for a mother's day gift, anniversary gift, custom family portrait, family print or any special occasion! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***ORDER PROCESS*** > STEP 1: Choose Size > STEP 2: List the Name, Date, or any other text you'd like in the personalization box. > STEP 3: Place order > STEP 4: After order is complete, send photo via contact button on our shop page. > STEP 5: Your portrait will be sent via Etsy message and Email the following business day (M-F, NOT including holidays). You may print it at home, online or any print shop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Be sure to check out the rest of what we have to offer and any shop updates! https://www.etsy.com/shop/SolidRockDesignCo > © Copyright 2017-2020 by SolidRockDesignCo. All rights reserved.
    2.044 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    We are glad to see you in our shop! These are Marina and Alina, professional artists ready to turn your photos into a small piece of art. We will help you get the perfect gift for yourself and loved ones for any occasion, be it a christmas, birthday, wedding or graduation. Our small team will hand draw your favorite photo with great attention to details. We can make unlimited revisions until it is perfect for you. How to make an order: ✮Step 1: Pick the number of people/pets, then write any details (text, print size, background) you want in «Personalisation Box». ✮Step 2: Send your photo via Etsy message. ✮Step 3: You will receive your first proofs in 6 hours with 4 different backgrounds colors option (1 that you choose and 3 as a gift at our discretion). ✮Step 4: That’s all! You can print it at home or any print shop. Enjoy it!:) Please make sure that the photo you want to use as a reference is of good quality. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions at all. Please note that the product is digital and will be sent to you by mail. No physical goods will be sent! Thank you! Marina and Alina ❤️
    1.500 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Hello, My name is Johnny Pham. I am an artist and I recently created this store on Etsy. I hope everyone will support me. First and foremost, thank you for stopping by my shop. I know that reading long articles can be annoying. So I'm going to tell you very briefly about everything I want you to know. Do you want to make a fast and budget-friendly present for your loved ones or have a dog portrait artwork to display on your wall. You send us a photo as well as an Etsy message or our email. You will have more creative options for your custom photo. ✦I'm new here, but I am very experienced in drawing portraits. ✦If you are not satisfied, I will immediately refund the full price. ✦I will turn any of your favorite photos into a unique, modern, and minimalist digital piece. You'll receive a high-quality digital photo file through Etsy that you can download and print at any store of your choice. This will save you time and money. ????HOW TO ORDER **STEP ONE – ORDERING All kinds of pets are accepted. Select your background color, text personalization, and quantity. Multiple pets can be put on one portrait, but pricing is per pet, so please ensure you select the right quantity when ordering. **STEP TWO – SEND YOUR PHOTOS Send in your photos through Etsy messaging (Note that there is no upload option when ordering). Please see the “Photo Best Practices” image of my listing to see what an ideal picture looks like. **STEP THREE – PORTRAIT CREATION Using the photos provided, the portrait will be created in photoshop. Minor changes such as the removal of small objects are possible. Objects that don’t already appear in the photo unfortunately can’t be added. **STEP – RECEIVE YOUR FILE Your portrait will be finished within 3 days, and a high resolution.jpg file will be sent to you through Etsy. My standard size is 8x10 (which can also print at 16x20) for US & Canada. International customers will receive an A4 print file. Can be resized if required. INSTANT DOWNLOAD – NO PHYSICAL PRODUCTS SHIPPED! Simply download, print and frame! ???? Give your space a stylish look with this amazing wall art print.
    1.949 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Get 10 FREE brush stamps here: https://concept-wedding-illustration.mykajabi.com/freebrushes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create beautiful floral illustrations with these 35 unique and artistic floral Procreate brush stamps. Simply stamp the brush on the screen and build up stunning arrangements quickly. Perfect for elevating design presentations for wedding and event industry professionals. This collection of brushes has been hand-drawn by me and are the same brushes I use in my own wedding design business. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INCLUDED IN THIS PURCHASE One PDF file with link to download the brush set (due to Etsy file size limitations) My '10 Step Drawing Process' PDF so you can create quick and beautiful illustrations A 'How to upload your brushes' PDF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEDDING ILLUSTRATION COURSE Want to learn my step by step process and get hundreds of Procreate brushes and colours as a bonus? Register for my Wedding Table Digital Illustration course here: https://concept-wedding-illustration.mykajabi.com/table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS - This.brushset file will only work with the Procreate app. I recommend using a pressure-sensitive stylus. - The brushes will not work in Photoshop or any other software, only the Procreate App. - This is a digital product. - If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. - Due to the digital nature of these products I do not accept returns, refunds or exchanges. - You can use these brushes for personal and commercial use and although credit to Concept Wedding Designs is appreciated it isn't required. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RULES OF USE You must not: -- re-sell this colour palette as it is or with any changes -- claim this colour palette as your own Copyright © 2020 JA Concept Wedding Designs
    1.907 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    * This listing is for digital files (high resolution 300dpi JPG files), no physical item will be sent or mailed. ** Frame is not including (it's for preview purpose only) ***There might be a slight color deviation due to different settings on every monitor's screen. Such deviations vary from zero to none. Aren Design Shop - Abstract shape and leaf boho modern minimalist clipart ✅ BC1 Folder You can print the folder in the specified sizes: 4"x6" / 6"x9" / 8"x12" / 10"x15" / 12"x18" / 16"x24" / 20"x30"/ 24"x36" ✅ BA1 Folder You can print the folder in the specified sizes: 5"x7" / A5 / A4 / A3 / A2 / A1 / 50cm x 70cm And here’s how it works: Step 1: Purchase this listing Step 2: After payment is confirmed you will be taken to the download page, and an email will be sent to you with your download link Step 3: Click “Download”, save the file to your computer, print, and enjoy!
    1.515 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Las Burton Ruler Step-On ofrecen una flexión bastante firme, así como un ajuste muy cómodo y un sistema de ajuste BOA con una sola rueda que aprieta toda la bota. Con ellas contarás con todas las ventajas del sistema Step-On, tanto en practicidad como en comodidad y sensación. ¿Qué hacen las botas de snowboard Burton Ruler Step On Black? Rápidas de poner, rápidas de amarrar, prácticas y cómodas, las Ruler Step-On comparten el principio del sistema Step-On. Más allá de estas consideraciones, las Ruler Step-On tienen un rendimiento bien equilibrado, reactividad y son accesibles y fáciles de manejar. Estamos bien mantenidos y tenemos el apoyo necesario para marcar el ritmo en los descensos y apoyo en los giros, pero mantenemos la flexión suficiente para deslizarse con tranquilidad y disfrutar de una sensación surfera y libre que ofrece el sistema Step-ON ¿Para quién están diseñadas las botas de snowboard Burton Ruler Step On Black? Accesibles desde el nivel intermedio, estas botas harán las delicias de una amplia gama de snowboarders que quieran tener el privilegio de montar en Step-On. Serán especialmente adecuadas para un snowboarder al que le guste evolucionar por toda la estación. ¿Cuáles son las principales ventajas de las botas de snowboard Burton Ruler Step On Black? Prácticas Cómodas Rendimiento/accesibilidad bien equilibrados Ver más Ver menos Lucas Experto en snowboard "Cada practicante tiene su estilo propio y su material debe corresponderle. Freestyle, freeride, split… me preocupo de que encuentres lo que estás buscando. Ponte en contacto conmigo a través del teléfono +33 (0) 4 73 26 98 47 "
    20,06 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    ALL the cutting files you need for any cutting machine. File is already grouped into colours for you saving you loads of time! Files include SVG File DXF File EPS File Adobe Illustrator File PNG for Complete Picture Reference And PNG of Step by Step Layering! Chicago Bulls NBA SVG Basketball League
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Ficha técnica coleccionismo musical detalle de producto: signos de uso en la portada descripcion: new kids on the block step by step 1990 cbs informacion adicional: signos de uso Descripción coleccionismo musical coleccionismo musical es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Usado.
    8,94 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    This digital printable set of 3 is a neutral terracotta color that says "you are my sunshine" with a sun and rainbow design that will add a minimal boho touch to your nursery. • A quick, easy and affordable way to decorate your nursery • Instantly download and gain unlimited access to the prints • Print at home, online or in store • 17 sizes and 5 aspect ratios included • Includes FREE customization to make the art your perfect fit **WHAT'S INCLUDED?** You'll receive all 3 digital art pieces in 5 different aspect ratios and 17 different sizes for a total of 51 art files. They'll be high quality PNG files ready for instant download. No physical copies will be provided. SIZES • 11x14 IN • 4x5 Ratio (IN) - 4x5 / 8x10 / 12x15 / 16x20 • 3x4 Ratio (IN) - 6x8 / 9x12 / 12x16 / 18x24 • 2x3 Ratio (IN) - 4x6 / 8x12 / 12x18 / 16x24 • International (CM) - A5 14.8x21 / A4 21x29.7 / A3 29.7x42 / A2 42x59.4 **HOW TO PURCHASE, DOWNLOAD, PRINT AND FRAME?** It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 simply download, print and frame your wall art! Step by step instructions are provided in a "How To Download, Print and Frame" guide. PURCHASE Once you purchase you'll receive an email from Etsy that will allow you to instantly download all digital PNG art files. Files can only be downloaded on desktop and not on mobile. DOWNLOAD Files are provided in a zipped folder. To unzip the folder right click the folder, select "extract all" and select the destination folder. PRINT Print at home on white matte cardstock or photo paper (at least 200 gsm, recommended only for prints 8x12 or smaller). Print at an online shop such as Vistaprint.com or Shutterfly.com or print in store at Walmart, Staples, FedEx, CVS etc. or your local print shop. FRAME Prints are sized to be framed unmatted. **HOW TO CUSTOMIZE?** To ensure the art is your perfect fit I offer one FREE round of customizations per order. For custom colors, texts and sizes please contact me and I'll provide a custom mockup for you to approve before you purchase. All customizations are usually available within 24 hours. **SHOP SIMILAR LISTINGS** Sage Green You Are My Sunshine: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1142232141/sage-green-boho-you-are-my-sunshine?ref=listings_manager_grid Blush Pink You Are My Sunshine: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1135654135/you-are-my-sunshine-blush-pink-nursery?ref=listings_manager_grid Burnt Orange/Rust You Are My Sunshine: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1172142525/boho-burnt-orange-digital-print-out-wall?ref=listings_manager_grid Neutral You Are My Sunshine (sans-serif): https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1104589032/digital-print-wall-art-set-of-3-nursery?ref=listings_manager_grid
    675 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Custom Couple Portrait,HE and SHE,Personalized Portrait,Hand Embroidered Oval Custom Portrait,Custom Wedding Anniversary Gift Custom portraits are a unique way to capture favorite memories in an exciting art piece for your special someone. This is a custom embroidered couple portrait on oval hoop. It includes one couple (two people) and two oval flexi hoops. All work is hand embroidered using a minimalist personal style with black and white thread on organic unbleached cotton. IMPORTANT: Please take a moment to read the instructions below. Make sure you understand, agree to, and can follow each step. Due to the nature of custom orders, I’ll need your help to develop the process without any problems and work well. HELPFUL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. How to order: After purchasing the item I'll get back to you very soon. I will need 2 or 3 clear pictures (of each person). Please make sure that I can see their eyes and other facial features, if you have photos taken from eye level it will be so great. Once everything is clear I'll start studing the pictures and drawing some sketches for you, to show you the composition. I will emphasize on the expression of the face. You'll receive proof sketch via Etsy conversation. You'll have the opportunity to request any small corrections for the specific sketch. Once you have approved the final sketch I'll start the final part the embroidery step! If you want me to work on a new sketch from the start based on a new photo you'll send me after the final sketches are complete, this will cause an additional cost. 2. Size: Portraits are framed on oval hoop. Hoop size: 3'' x 4'' (7.5cm x 10cm). 3. Shipping: About 2-4 weeks after the photos were sent to the mail and all the required information is settled. Please confirm turnaround time before purchasing. If you need the portraits by a particular date please contact me first. Please note that International shipping is not guaranteed to arrive within this time frame and can sometimes be unpredictable. Item will be shipped only by Registered Mail with Tracking number. 4. Quality: The embroidery art piece is hand stitched on organic unbleached cotton. I work with the finest black and white cotton thread. ADITIONAL INFORMATION: Embroidery is a slow process and it needs it's time, so please have patience. If you have photos taken from eye level it will be great because it helps me to read the face and the shape more clearly. If you don't have any photos following the sample pictures, that's ok! take a moment to take a selfie! I specialize in custom embroidery portraits inspired by your photos. Find a photo that captures the essence of the person that you'd like me to stitch. Every portrait I make is unique due to it's handmade nature (and one of a kind gift to celebrate weddings, engagements, anniversaries, Birthdays, Valentines Day and other special days.) I will embroider the portrait of the person / couple / family you're buying this for in the style shown in the example. Please note that this portrait is an artistic expression and will not be a literal and exact portrait. Please note that I ship from Greece All items are sent as Registered via Hellenic Post Services, First Priority to your Etsy SHIPPING ADDRESS. Registered mail comes with tracking number. All items are shipped by default in gift packaging. Please feel free to contact me for any questions. I look forward to work with you on creating an exciting art piece for your special someone. You can be sure that the gift you are giving is both sentimental and timeless. All my work is analog by choice, I think this is what make people stop and have a look at my shop! So, nothing goes digital, from sketching to embroidering everything is strictly handmade. I love what I do and I care a lot. Lots of love, Maria. All artwork is property of the artist and may not be reproduced, resold and duplicated.
    14.246 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    College Student Desktop Icons|Student desktop folder icons|College Student desktop organizer|mac file folders|mac icons|mac folder icons ✧ Compatible with both Mac & Windows ✧ Other color option>> https://etsy.me/3RXV8uC It is designed exclusively for college students, particularly those who prefer visuals over words. (I were one of them), folders categorized by colors and graphics work much better for me, otherwise I stare at all the blue folders, try to read the words, and feel lost. (If you get me, you need this pack) Once adapting this pack in your study, when you see any icon in Red, you will know exactly which subject it's belong to. So if you want to put the icon on desktop, you don't need to name it like SUBJECT_ASSIGNMENT_02, and you won't mix up with an assignment icon from other subjects. Icons are well made in high quality images, in a cozy color combo (less stressful). For each color, I include 3 bonus icons for your general use to fit your system. I hope you like this set as much as I do ! WHAT YOU WILL GET You will receive 2 ZIP files + 1 PDF files includes: . 195 x Folder Icons for Mac (PNG) . 195 x Folder Icons for Windows (ICO) . 1 x Step by Step Instruction (PDF) TERMS OF USE ☑For Personal use only, personal use is not limited ☒Re-sell it as digital product is not okay. ☒Send to others for free/ Let people download them for free is not okay. NOTES .This is a digital product, no physical item will be shipped. .This is a pack of icons, no wallpaper is included. .Colors may vary slightly for different monitor and printer. REFUND ・Since it’s a digital product, Sorry that I do not accept refund.Please feel free to contact if you have any difficulties with the file.
    785 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Listing for the digital plans for the "Diy - 2 Drawer Cabinet" as featured on ACbespokecarpentry instagram and socials. The plan is designed for all levels of experience and can even be built using very inexpensive basic tools using only one 18mm (23/32") thick 8x4" sheet. The 2 Drawer Cabinet is 586mm (23") high by 414mm (16" 1/4) wide and 439mm (17" 1/4) deep. The plan has been designed around visual leaders featuring detailed step by step images showing the cutting and assembly process. The design can also be altered for an intended space featuring detailed measurements and examples on how the drawers have been calculated for the cabinet. Links to all the tools and hardware used in the build are embedded in the PDF also. Im a carpenter/cabinet maker on the tools and i love what i do and enjoy inspiring others to find a passion in making! So remember to tag me on socials if you're building this project! @acbespokecarpentry
    1.142 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Welcome to our minimalist-inspired digital art shop, where we believe in creating clean, simple, and elegant designs that bring a touch of sophistication to any space. Our passion for minimalism is reflected in each piece of digital art that we offer, crafted with an eye for detail and a love for timeless design. Whether you're looking to add a serene centerpiece to your home or office or to create a meaningful gift for a loved one, our shop has something for everyone. At our shop, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We understand that buying art can be a personal and emotional experience, which is why we are committed to providing a smooth and seamless shopping experience. From the moment you place your order, you can expect friendly and responsive customer service, and fast shipping times (if you bought a physical product) so you can start enjoying your new artwork as soon as possible. We are proud to be part of the Etsy community, where independent artists and makers come together to share their unique creations with the world. By choosing to shop with us, you are supporting not just our small business, but a community of makers and artists who are passionate about their craft. Thank you for choosing to support Simple Visions Art, we hope you find a piece that speaks to you. Step 1 - Download the PDF and press "Download here" Step 2 - You'll be taken to a google folder with the following ratio options for you to download: Inches: Pixels: 5" x 7" 1429 x 2000 8" x 10" 1600 x 2000 11" x 14" 1571 x 2000 16" x 20" 1600 x 2000 20" x 30" 1920 x 2880 22" x 32" 2112 x 3072
    491 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Catalogo de las setas comestibles como reconocerlas y recolectarlas. Tags: boletus niscalo rovellons bolets rebollones calzado mochila bag tenis sneakers deportivas supervivencia militar yarara caza pesca submarinismo snorkel explorador culturismo deporte musculación bicicleta bici ciclismo btt mountain bike mtb trek shimano bontraguer cannondale scalpel montaña lefty rocksox carbono mountainbike ortlieb maquina fitness golf cardio box aerobic step cinta correr pesas mancuernas contact combat Montañismo trekking senderismo acampada tienda campaña pádel TRX running no urge
    15 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Máquina de ejercicios Step, brazos, abdominales, glúteos Contador de pasos. Regulador de la intensidad. Mover la cintura, ejercitar piernas, dorsales. Display de lcd, seleccionador de la velocidad Fitness en casa. Precio negociable.
    70 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Máquina fitness, step para subir escalones. Para hacer ejercicio sin tener que salir de casa. No tiene la superficie para colocar los pies pero no influye en su uso, por eso lo dejo barato. Fácil de guardar y transportar. Tiene pantalla para contar el tiempo y los pasos que das.
    20 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Se vende cinta de correr con escaso uso y en perfecto estado. Runner fit step black.
    170 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Ficha técnica coleccionismo musical descripcion: faces (3) - first step (lp, album, re, gat) Descripción coleccionismo musical coleccionismo musical es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
    23,95 €
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