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Gym ball base fit

Listado top ventas gym ball base fit

  • Material De Alta Calidad y Anti-Explosión - La pelota gimnasio está hecha de material a prueba de explosiones y PVC de alta calidad, libre de ftalatos, segura y no tóxica, si se perfora, se desinfla lentamente en lugar de explotar. Incluso las mujeres embarazadas pueden usarlo con confianza
  • Diseño Práctico - Pelota de fitness tiene buena durabilidad, con una base de anillo antideslizante que puede evitar que pelota se mueva y proporcionar más agarre cuando se usa la pelota de gimnasio para promover el equilibrio. Úselo con 2 bandas de resistencia para entrenar el músculo del brazo,con 2 tapas y 1 aguja de aire, es conveniente inflar y desinflar
  • Amplias Aplicaciones - La pelota de gimnasia funciona ergonómica. Siéntese, recuéstese o apóyese en la pelota de gimnasia para realizar diferentes ejercicios como lagartijas, curls y abdominales para fortalecer el cuerpo y la fuerza central, liberar músculos. también es un buen regalo para las mujeres embarazadas que puede aliviar la ansiedad durante el embarazo y relajar cuerpo
  • Accesorios Perfectos y Tamaño Ideal - Paquete incluye pelota de gimnasia * 1, base * 1, bomba de pie * 1, banda de resistencia * 2, tapa * 2, aguja de aire * 1, regla de papel * 1, instrucciones manual * 1. hay 5 colores diferentes y 3 tipos de tamaño para elegir, azul, rosa claro, negro, gris, verde . sar la pelota de yoga con bandas de resistencia tiene una mejor experiencia. La pelota de fitness adecuada para yoga y pilates fitness en casa
  • Servicio al Cliente - Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en contactarnos y haremos todo lo posible para ayudarle
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  • Ergonomic back support and spinal alignment
  • Strengthens your core as you si
  • With anti-burst, 52cm Balance Ball
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  • ★ CALIDAD SUPERIOR Y ANTI-EXPLOSIóN: la pelota de fitness está hecha de PVC de alta calidad, 2 mm de grosor, gran durabilidad y resistencia a la rotura, la superficie áspera y ligera lo hace antideslizante, y libre de olores,y la superficie antideslizante proporciona un agarre seguro.
  • ★ PERFECTO PARA USO DOMéSTICO Y PROFESIONAL: la pelota de yoga será el complemento perfecto para su equipo de ejercicios en el hogar para mejorar la suavidad de su cuerpo y aumentar la fuerza muscular y la agilidad corporal. Además, puede ser utilizado profesionalmente en gimnasia, yoga, pilates, gimnasia de embarazo y entrenamiento básico. Mejore para enfocarse en los muslos, glúteos, ejercicios abdominales, suelo pélvico, equilibrio y otros objetivos musculares específicos y ejercicios aeróbic
  • ★ INFLABLE FáCIL Y RáPIDO: se incluye una bomba adicional, el balón de ejercicio es fácil de inflar.
  • ★ BASE INCLUIDA. Evite que su bola de pilates salga rodando durante sus ejercicios de yoga, parto o fisioterapia.
  • ★ MEJORA SU RENDIMIENTO. Nuestro material anti deslizamiento le ayudará a completar su rutina de ejercicios sin miedo a caerse. Con tallas de 25-105 cm de diámetro, estos tamaños son idóneos para la mayoría de estaturas y le ayudarán a sacar el máximo partido a sus ejercicios.
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  • El cojín de equilibrio contribuye a mejorar el equilibrio, la coordinación y la flexibilidad, es perfecto para sentarse o estar de pie de forma activa y fortalecer la parte central del cuerpo.
  • Con pinchos grandes en una cara para estar de pie y pinchos pequeños en el reverso para sentarse en él.
  • Estructura resistente de PVC.
  • Incluye una pequeña bomba de mano con aguja para inflar con facilidad el cojín al nivel de firmeza deseado.
  • 33 cm de diámetro.
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  • 【BOLA GIMNÁSTICA ANTIBURST】 La bola de pilates hecha de material de PVC de alta calidad, hipoalergénico y ecológico tiene una superficie rugosa y no se rompe. El rango de peso de la pelota de ejercicios 55 cm / 65 cm / 75 cm es: 1000 g ~ 1400 g. Por encima de este peso, la pelota de yoga libera lentamente aire para garantizar la seguridad.
  • 【BOLA DE ENTRENAMIENTO FITNESS】 Como una pelota de equilibrio, el entrenamiento con pelota de Pilates ayuda a equilibrar el equilibrio del cuerpo. Con el ejercicio se pueden entrenar grupos musculares en el pecho, el estómago, la espalda, las caderas, las piernas, etc. Al mismo tiempo, mantiene el equilibrio muscular, mejora la postura y evita el movimiento. Las lesiones y otros aspectos juegan un papel importante.
  • 【TAMAÑO DE SIDZBALL DE GIMNASIA DE BOLA】 Dependiendo de su altura Tamaño: Bola de ejercicio 55/65 / 75CM (141 - 154cm / 155 - 175cm / 176 - 185cm). Como bola de asiento, dependiendo de la longitud de su pantorrilla: Sitzball 55/65/75 CM (38 - 47cm / 48 - 57cm / 58 - 67cm)
  • 【DEPORTE DE EMBARAZO DE GIMNASIA BOLA】 La pelota de gimnasia con bomba de bola es muy útil para la salud física y mental. Las mujeres embarazadas practican yoga, lo que puede conducir a un mejor parto. Como parte del Plan de Fisioterapia, el Balón de Pilates puede ayudar a las mujeres embarazadas a reducir el estrés, relajar el cuerpo y calmar el alma.
  • 【GARANTÍA Mirumb】 Ofrecemos 30 días de devolución de dinero y 12 meses de garantía desde la fecha de compra. Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes Después de comprar una pelota de ejercicios Mirumb, contáctenos. Ofrecemos un servicio profesional en 24 horas.
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  • ALTAMENTE DURABLE: Hecha de PVC extra grueso y compatible con REACH. Adecuada para personas que pesen hasta 130KG
  • EJERCICIOS EN CUALQUIER LUGAR: Este pelotas pilates grande para ejercicios se puede usar en casa, en el gimnasio. Ideal para uso en interiores y al aire libre.
  • ARMADO RÁPIDO: la balon ejercicio de gimnasia viene con una bomba de mano para ayudarte a inflarla. Su diámetro máximo es de aproximadamente 65cm
  • MULTIUSOS: perfecta para utilizar con yoga, pilates o fortalecimiento y equilibrio, ideal para usar como pelota de ejercicio para entrenamientos de fitness.
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  • ✅ ¡AHORRA DINERO EN GIMNASIOS! ¿Por qué gastar dinero en el gimnasio? Nuestro sistema polivalente de ejercicio en casa tiene todo lo necesario para que logres tus objetivos de fitness en casa. Ya sea yoga, CrossFit o entrenamiento de cuerpo entero, puedes quemar grasa y tonificar todos los músculos con la pelota profesional, las bandas de resistencia ajustables y el flamante póster de ejercicios de tamaño A1.
  • ✅ ¡PONTE EN FORMA ESTANDO ACTIVAMENTE SENTADO! Nuestras pelotas de deporte en casa funcionan genial como sillas de escritorio ergonómicas para que entrenes y te fortalezcas mientras trabajas en casa o en la oficina. Correctora de la postura, alinea y sostiene la columna vertebral aliviando dolores en la zona lumbar. Siente la diferencia en la salud de tu columna vertebral con solo un pequeño cambio en tu rutina diaria.
  • ✅ ¡ACELERA LA REHABILITACIÓN E INCREMENTA LA MOVILIDAD! Nuestra pelota suiza está recomendada por fisioterapeutas, entrenadores personales y kinesiólogos, que usan nuestras pelotas gigantes para aumentar la flexibilidad y acelerar la recuperación de cirugías de rodilla o cadera. Con rutinas de entrenamiento en casa con pesas de bajo impacto puedes incidir en grupos específicos de músculos para fortalecerte, recuperarte más rápido y aumentar tu confianza.
  • ✅ SOPORTE VITAL PARA EMBARAZADAS: Una pelota de maternidad es el regalo definitivo para cualquiera que necesite ayuda durante el embarazo o el posparto. Los ejercicios en casa alivian los habituales dolores musculares y los puntos de presión a la vez que tonifica el suelo pélvico ¡para aumentar la fuerza a la hora de empujar! Mece suavemente al recién nacido en tus brazos cuando giras lentamente sobre la pelota.
  • ✅ SELLO DE SEGURIDAD EN TODAS LAS PELOTAS DE GIMNASIA: Nuestra pelota hinchable gigante multicapa, antirrotura y antideslizante tiene un dibujo único que previene los resbalones y resiste más de 900 kg de peso estático. Estás en las mejores manos, respaldado por nuestra garantía de satisfacción absoluta al 100% y nuestro legendario servicio al cliente. ¡Solo tienes que leer nuestras críticas!
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  • ✅ DEJA QUE GEARARI SEA PARTE DE TU VIDA LIBRE DE DOLOR: Como mi hermano, una persona amigable y activa, sufrió dolor de clavícula después de un accidente de tránsito. Desde ese momento, se volvió gruñón y tenía una postura caída. Parecía que había perdido el interés en la vida de repente. John, un terapeuta líder, nos recomendó probar suertes con un corrector de postura. Por suerte, mi hermano volvió a ser feliz. Además de corregir su postura, también obtuvo alivio para el dolor de espalda, homb
  • ✅UNA BUENA POSTURA ES SALUDABLE Y SEXY PARA HOMBRES Y MUJERES: Nuestro Corrector de Postura asegura alineación y estabilidad. El uso de nuestro enderezador de espalda por un tiempo desarrolla memoria muscular, lo que significa que te mantendrás recto incluso sin el dispositivo corrector de postura. A diferencia de los correctores de postura regulares que son muy rígidos y restringen el movimiento de los brazos forzándote en una posición, nuestro corrector de espalda es uno de los mejores disposi
  • ✅CÓMODO, AJUSTABLE Y FÁCIL DE USAR: Mientras que otros correctores de postura se entierran en tus axilas, lastiman tu piel y se sienten incómodos después de usarlos 5 minutos, nuestro Corrector de Postura Comcl es lo que te ofrecemos y que está hecho exclusivamente para tu comodidad. Nuestra órtesis para clavícula es unisex y se adapta a tamaños de pecho que van desde 28 a 48". Un producto fácil de usar es todo lo que necesitas, así que comienza a usar el cinturón corrector de postura durante
  • ✅INVISIBLE E INDETECTABLE BAJO LA ROPA: No hay necesidad de sentir que llevas puesta una órtesis. El diseño ajustable sin látex es lo suficientemente discreto como para llevarlo debajo de tu camisa o blusa. Puedes usar nuestra órtesis de apoyo de postura premium mientras estás en el trabajo, en la casa o afuera y nadie sabrá que la llevas puesta. Después de un tiempo incluso olvidarás que llevas puesta la órtesis de apoyo para la postura. Nuestro corrector de postura eficaz aprobado por la FD
  • ✅TELA SUAVE Y RESPIRABLE DE CALIDAD PREMIUM: Con materiales respirables y lavables fuertes pero ligeros y un diseño de carga frontal vanguardista significa que te mantendrás fresco mientras promueves una postura adecuada. Tomamos lo mejor que tienen para ofrecer todos los correctores de postura y lo hicimos aún mejor para ayudarte a entrenar su postura de forma correcta, además ha sido elaborado para durar. También nos hemos asegurado de utilizar empaques ecológicos. El material utilizado es de
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  • 5 tamaños disponibles: 55 cm (apto para 4'8" a 5'3 "), 65 cm (apto para 5'4" a 5'10 "), 75 cm (apto para 5'11 "a 6'4")
  • Hecha de material PVC, que es duradero, antiexplosivo, ecológico sin olores, se puede soportar hasta 2200 libras de peso, y la superficie antideslizante proporciona un agarre seguro
  • El paquete incluye la pelota de ejercicio, la bomba para inflar, un manual de usuario para hacerle utilizar más efectivamente
  • Ideal para mejorar su postura, tonificar los músculos, incrementar la fuerza y la agilidad, aumentar la velocidad  y reducir el riesgo de padecer lesiones
  • Si tiene cualquier problema o duda, póngase en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente, le reembolsaremos su duda lo más pronto posible
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  • Ojales bordados
  • 100% poliéster reciclado
  • Cierre ajustable
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Cabezas de la Linia demoniacal fit Compatibles con Trunks armadura de dragón ball Incluye su caja y las 2 cabezas de la foto 12€ cabeza Super así 10€ estado base hago envíos Express # Dragon Ball Super DBZ Scultures #master star piece#DXF One piece sh figuarts Shfiguars vegetto vegeta Goku Gohan Piccolo Coche regalo armario avión
20 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Box of Montessori Mobile, Gobbi Mobile, Montessori Bell and Ring, Tactile Mobile, Octahedron Mobile, Ribbon Mobile, Rainbow Mobile You can choose your puzzle ball in a separable or non-separable fixed style. MOBILE HOLDERS Wall Mounted The product is completely made of hornbeam wood. The lenght of mobile holder is 40 cm 15,7". You have to drill the wall and insert the screw that comes out of the set. Crib Mounted The product is completely made of hornbeam wood. It consists of 3 interlocking parts. You don't need to use any glue as the pieces fit tightly. However, if you are going to hang mobiles over 200 grams, it would be better to stick them with glue. To attach it to the cradle, the connector is turned clockwise until it tightens. The total height after attaching the mobile holder to the bassinet is 68 cm & 26.7 inches. Please click the link below for more detailed pictures. https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1189268286/baby-mobile-holder-crib-mount-mobile?ref=listings_manager_grid Baby Gym The product is completely made of linden wood. Installation is completed with two wooden screws. The height of the baby gym is 80 cm & 31.5 inches, and the width is 85 cm & 33.5 inches. Please click the link below for more detailed pictures. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1203087173/wooden-montessori-baby-gym-mobile-holder?ref=listings_manager_grid DIMENSIONS OF MOBILES Octahedron Mobile Wooden stick is 30 cm & 11.8" Each octahedron is 6.5 cm & 2.55" The red and blue octahedron is 21 cm & 8.26" below the wooden stick. The yellow one is 18 cm & 7.08" Munari Mobile 3 wooden sticks - 30/25/15 cm & 11.8"/9.85"/5.9" The plastic ball is 6 cm & 2.36" Total length from right to left is approximately 50 cm & 20". Total approximate height from top to bottom is 45 cm & 18" Gobbi Mobile Wooden stick is 30 cm & 11.8" Each ball is 6 cm & 2.36" Dancer Mobile 3 wooden sticks - 30/15/15 cm & 11.8"/5.9"/5.9" One dancer is 20-25 cm & 8"-10" lenght and 10-15 cm & 4"-6" width Total length from right to left is approximately 50 cm & 20". Total approximate height from top to bottom is 45 cm & 16" Rainbow mobile Total lenght from right to left approximately 25 cm& 10". Total approximate height from top to bottom is 45 cm & 18" The diameter of puzzle ball is approximately is 12 cm & 4,7". The Munari is the first of the Montessori Mobiles and it can be used when the baby is a few weeks old.Newborns can only see black, white and shades of gray and they love high contrast images since they can more easily distinguish them.That is why Munari mobile consists of contrasting colors, geometric shapes and a sphere that reflects light. The Octahedron mobile is the second mobile in the Montessori visual mobile series and it can be used when the baby is a 5-8 weeks old.One month after birth, the baby begins to distinguish high-contrast primary colors. Red is the best visible color for baby. That's why mobile consists of red, yellow and blue color. The Gobbi mobile is the third in the Montessori visual mobile series. It is used when the baby 7-10 weeks old.The Gobbi mobile consists of 5 balls with a diameter of 6 cm. There are different shades of a color in 5 balls and the baby starts to distinguish color transitions when he/she is 2 months old. Balls are then hung at a 45 degree angle, with the darkest color hung the lowest and the lightest color in the highest position. The baby first sees the dark ball that is closest to him/her. As his/her vision improves, he/she begins to see and distinguish other balls. The Montessori Dancers Mobile is the 4th mobile in the Visual Mobile Series. It is traditionally offered to a baby around 10-12 weeks of age after the Gobbi Mobile, to help the baby continue developing his/her concentration, dynamic visual focus and depth perception.But the most important thing is to follow your child's own interests and path.Dancer mobile consists of 4 dancing human figures. Since halographic paper is used, light is reflected as the mobile moves, thanks to the wind created by the baby's hand movements. Rainbow mobile is the 5th mobile. Montessori ball is designed for children to develop their cognitive and motor skills. Thanks to the shape of the ball, the baby can easily grasp it. It can transfer from one hand to the other. Develops baby's hand and ankle movements. It also helps develop hand-eye coordination.Approximately 13 cm (5,1 inches) in diameter. One of the indispensable elements of Montessori is the bell and ring mobile. Bell and ring is a tactile mobile and tactile mobiles come after Montessori visual mobiles. What we want to tell with Tactile is that the baby touches, pushes, pulls and thus establishes a cause and effect relationship. In addition, the baby's muscles, grasping skills and motor skills will develop. You can present the mobile to your baby at 3-4 months of age. The baby won't notice the first time you hang it up. It is very important that the bell is silver in color to make it easier for the baby to recognize the bell. Chances are your baby's hand will accidentally hit the bell and it will make a sound! In this way, your baby will try to touch, hold and pull the bell. Thanks to the elastic ends, your baby can pull the bell and ring towards himself. In addition, the ring is a natural wood product. The aim here is to make the baby feel as natural real textures as possible. In addition, the baby will pull this ring towards herself and use it as a teether. The Butterfly mobile is a Montessori-inspired mobile consisting of four different colours of butterflies. This beautiful mobile can be introduced around 10 weeks and can be used as long as the child shows interest. Each butterfly has a length of 15 cm. The hoop they are attached to has a diameter of 18 cm. Butterflies have different attachment heights. The purpose here is to give the baby depth perception.Thanks to the wind created by the baby's hand movements, the mobile moves. In this way, the baby's movement and balance information develops.This supports the Montessori value of teaching cause and effect through natural materials and observation, rather than battery-powered, noise-making devices. Ribbon mobile is one of the other tactile mobiles. There are 40 cm long ribbons of 8 different colors on an 18 cm hoop. Colorful ribbons allow the baby to recognize colors and help develop the sense of sight. At the same time, your baby's aesthetic sense develops. When you hang it up so your baby can see it, your baby will try to catch the ribbons with their hands and kick it around! In this sense, it will be a mobile that excites your baby a lot! With the wind and tiny touches, the shaking of the mobile will also enable your baby to establish a cause-effect relationship. One of the Montessori tactile mobiles is the wooden musical mobile. Wooden musical mobile is a tactile mobile and tactile mobiles come after Montessori visual mobiles. What we want to tell with tactile is that the baby touches, pushes, pulls and thus establishes a cause and effect relationship. In addition, the baby's muscles, grasping skills and motor skills will develop. Four wooden bells and one wooden round ball are attached to the wooden ring. The wooden ball can be easily moved by the baby. As your baby shakes the ring attached to the wooden ball, the ball will hit the wooden bells and make a fantastic sound! Your baby will love this sound and will try to shake the wooden ball more. In this way, your baby will begin to establish the cause and effect relationship. The mobiles should be hung at an eye distance of 20-30 cm, where the baby cannot touch but can see clearly. The mobiles are already assembled. All you have to do is tie the product's threads to the place you want. It is recommended to use under adult supervision.
12.297 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
4 types of infant mobiles, aligned with Montessori philosophy (Munari Mobile, Octahedron Mobile, Pink Gobbi Mobile, Dancer Mobile) MOBILE HOLDERS Wall Mounted The product is completely made of hornbeam wood. The lenght of mobile holder is 40 cm 15,7". You have to drill the wall and insert the screw that comes out of the set. Crib Mounted The product is completely made of hornbeam wood. It consists of 3 interlocking parts. You don't need to use any glue as the pieces fit tightly. However, if you are going to hang mobiles over 200 grams, it would be better to stick them with glue. To attach it to the cradle, the connector is turned clockwise until it tightens. The total height after attaching the mobile holder to the bassinet is 68 cm & 26.7 inches. Please click the link below for more detailed pictures. https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1189268286/baby-mobile-holder-crib-mount-mobile?ref=listings_manager_grid Baby Gym The product is completely made of linden wood. Installation is completed with two wooden screws. The height of the baby gym is 80 cm & 31.5 inches, and the width is 85 cm & 33.5 inches. Please click the link below for more detailed pictures. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1203087173/wooden-montessori-baby-gym-mobile-holder?ref=listings_manager_grid DIMENSIONS OF MOBILES Octahedron Mobile Wooden stick is 30 cm & 11.8" Each octahedron is 6.5 cm & 2.55" The red and blue octahedron is 21 cm & 8.26" below the wooden stick. The yellow one is 18 cm & 7.08" Munari Mobile 3 wooden sticks - 30/25/15 cm & 11.8"/9.85"/5.9" The plastic ball is 6 cm & 2.36" Total length from right to left is approximately 50 cm & 20". Total approximate height from top to bottom is 45 cm & 18" Gobbi Mobile Wooden stick is 30 cm & 11.8" Each ball is 6 cm & 2.36" Dancer Mobile 3 wooden sticks - 30/15/15 cm & 11.8"/5.9"/5.9" One dancer is 20-25 cm & 8"-10" lenght and 10-15 cm & 4"-6" width Total length from right to left is approximately 50 cm & 20". Total approximate height from top to bottom is 40 cm & 16" The lenght of mobile holder is 38,5 cm & 15" The Munari is the first of the Montessori Mobiles and it can be used when the baby is a few weeks old.Newborns can only see black, white and shades of gray and they love high contrast images since they can more easily distinguish them.That is why Munari mobile consists of contrasting colors, geometric shapes and a sphere that reflects light. The Octahedron mobile is the second mobile in the Montessori visual mobile series and it can be used when the baby is a 5-8 weeks old.One month after birth, the baby begins to distinguish high-contrast primary colors. Red is the best visible color for baby. That's why mobile consists of red, yellow and blue color. The Gobbi mobile is the third in the Montessori visual mobile series. It is used when the baby 7-10 weeks old.The Gobbi mobile consists of 5 balls with a diameter of 6 cm. There are different shades of a color in 5 balls and the baby starts to distinguish color transitions when he/she is 2 months old. Balls are then hung at a 45 degree angle, with the darkest color hung the lowest and the lightest color in the highest position. The baby first sees the dark ball that is closest to him/her. As his/her vision improves, he/she begins to see and distinguish other balls. The Montessori Dancers Mobile is the 4th mobile in the Visual Mobile Series. It is traditionally offered to a baby around 10-12 weeks of age after the Gobbi Mobile, to help the baby continue developing his/her concentration, dynamic visual focus and depth perception.But the most important thing is to follow your child's own interests and path.Dancer mobile consists of 4 dancing human figures. Since halographic paper is used, light is reflected as the mobile moves, thanks to the wind created by the baby's hand movements. Mobiles; -Improves attention and concentration. -Thanks to the wind created by the baby's hand movements, the mobile moves. In this way, the baby's movement and balance information develops.This supports the Montessori value of teaching cause and effect through natural materials and observation, rather than battery-powered, noise-making devices. -Thanks to its aesthetic appearance and structures in different sizes and colors, it helps the baby to develop a perception of beauty and a proportional perception. -The movement of the mobile contributes to the development of depth and distance perception. -Contributes to the development of the baby's ability to spend time by herself/himself. It can be a great gift for mothers and expectant mothers. While the baby spends time by himself/herself, the mother can take a coffee break in the meantime. The mobiles should be hung at an eye distance of 20-30 cm, where the baby cannot touch but can see clearly. The mobiles are already assembled. All you have to do is tie the product's threads to the place you want. It is recommended to use under adult supervision.
8.027 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
4 types of infant mobiles, aligned with Montessori philosophy (Munari Mobile, Octahedron Mobile, Green Gobbi Mobile, Dancer Mobile) MOBILE HOLDERS Wall Mounted The product is completely made of hornbeam wood. The lenght of mobile holder is 40 cm 15,7b'"'. You have to drill the wall and insert the screw that comes out of the set. Crib Mounted The product is completely made of hornbeam wood. It consists of 3 interlocking parts. You don't need to use any glue as the pieces fit tightly. However, if you are going to hang mobiles over 200 grams, it would be better to stick them with glue. To attach it to the cradle, the connector is turned clockwise until it tightens. The total height after attaching the mobile holder to the bassinet is 68 cm & 26.7 inches. Please click the link below for more detailed pictures. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1189268286/baby-mobile-holder-crib-mount-mobile?ref=listings_manager_grid Baby Gym The product is completely made of linden wood. Installation is completed with two wooden screws. The height of the baby gym is 80 cm & 31.5 inches, and the width is 85 cm & 33.5 inches. Please click the link below for more detailed pictures. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1203087173/wooden-montessori-baby-gym-mobile-holder?ref=listings_manager_grid DIMENSIONS OF MOBILES Octahedron Mobile Wooden stick is 30 cm & 11.8b'"' Each octahedron is 6.5 cm & 2.55b'"' The red and blue octahedron is 21 cm & 8.26b'"' below the wooden stick. The yellow one is 18 cm & 7.08b'"' Munari Mobile 3 wooden sticks - 30/25/15 cm & 11.8b'"'/9.85b'"'/5.9b'"' The plastic ball is 6 cm & 2.36b'"' Total length from right to left is approximately 50 cm & 20b'"'. Total approximate height from top to bottom is 45 cm & 18b'"' Gobbi Mobile Wooden stick is 30 cm & 11.8b'"' Each ball is 6 cm & 2.36b'"' Dancer Mobile 3 wooden sticks - 30/15/15 cm & 11.8b'"'/5.9b'"'/5.9b'"' One dancer is 20-25 cm & 8b'"'-10b'"' lenght and 10-15 cm & 4b'"'-6b'"' width Total length from right to left is approximately 50 cm & 20b'"'. Total approximate height from top to bottom is 40 cm & 16b'"' The lenght of mobile holder is 38,5 cm 15b'"'. The Munari is the first of the Montessori Mobiles and it can be used when the baby is a few weeks old.Newborns can only see black, white and shades of gray and they love high contrast images since they can more easily distinguish them.That is why Munari mobile consists of contrasting colors, geometric shapes and a sphere that reflects light. The Octahedron mobile is the second mobile in the Montessori visual mobile series and it can be used when the baby is a 5-8 weeks old.One month after birth, the baby begins to distinguish high-contrast primary colors. Red is the best visible color for baby. That's why mobile consists of red, yellow and blue color. The Gobbi mobile is the third in the Montessori visual mobile series. It is used when the baby 7-10 weeks old.The Gobbi mobile consists of 5 balls with a diameter of 6 cm. There are different shades of a color in 5 balls and the baby starts to distinguish color transitions when he/she is 2 months old. Balls are then hung at a 45 degree angle, with the darkest color hung the lowest and the lightest color in the highest position. The baby first sees the dark ball that is closest to him/her. As his/her vision improves, he/she begins to see and distinguish other balls. The Montessori Dancers Mobile is the 4th mobile in the Visual Mobile Series. It is traditionally offered to a baby around 10-12 weeks of age after the Gobbi Mobile, to help the baby continue developing his/her concentration, dynamic visual focus and depth perception.But the most important thing is to follow your child's own interests and path.Dancer mobile consists of 4 dancing human figures. Since halographic paper is used, light is reflected as the mobile moves, thanks to the wind created by the baby's hand movements. Mobiles: -Improves attention and concentration. -Thanks to the wind created by the baby's hand movements, the mobile moves. In this way, the baby's movement and balance information develops.This supports the Montessori value of teaching cause and effect through natural materials and observation, rather than battery-powered, noise-making devices. -Thanks to its aesthetic appearance and structures in different sizes and colors, it helps the baby to develop a perception of beauty and a proportional perception. -The movement of the mobile contributes to the development of depth and distance perception. -Contributes to the development of the baby's ability to spend time by herself/himself. It can be a great gift for mothers and expectant mothers. While the baby spends time by himself/herself, the mother can take a coffee break in the meantime. The mobiles should be hung at an eye distance of 20-30 cm, where the baby cannot touch but can see clearly. The mobiles are already assembled. All you have to do is tie the product's threads to the place you want. It is recommended to use under adult supervision.
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