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Foreo go skin

Listado top ventas foreo go skin

  • POTENCIA EL EFECTO DE CADA MASCARILLA - UFO 2 mini te ofrece un tratamiento facial completo que recrea una experiencia de spa en casa al combinar las pulsaciones T-Sonic y la terapia de luz LED con nuestras potentes mascarillas inspiradas en fórmulas coreanas
  • TU SPA PERSONAL - UFO mini 2 está diseñado para corregir diferentes problemas de la piel como la pérdida de elasticidad o el tono desigual en un tratamiento de sólo 90 segundos que mantendrá tu rostro más suave e hidratado sin tener que desplazarte a un centro de belleza
  • COLECCIÓN DE MASCARILLAS ACTIVAS UFO - La gama de mascarillas UFO se ha diseñado teniendo en cuenta las preocupaciones de la piel. No importa si tu piel es madura, seca o cansada: hay una mascarilla esperándote para que luzcas un aspecto radiante y saludable
  • PERSONALIZA TU RUTINA CONECTADO CON LA APLICACIÓN FOREO - Cuando conectes tu dispositivo a la aplicación de FOREO, podrás seleccionar las rutinas predefinidas correspondientes a cada mascarilla. Si prefieres un tratamiento más personalizado, regula la temperatura, las luces LED y el nivel de pulsaciones
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  • DESCUBRE LA BELLEZA NATURAL DE TU PIEL - Transforma tu rutina diaria de belleza con el cepillo facial y anti edad LUNA 2. Disfruta de un ritual de cuidado facial, y revela en dos minutos una tez más luminosa y rejuvenecida. ¡Descubre una piel más brillante, más suave y radiante en sólo tres días!
  • LIMPIEZA PROFUNDA PARA UNA PIEL MÁS RADIANTE - LUNA 2 utiliza el poder de la tecnología T-Sonic para limpiar en profundidad y exfoliar suavemente la piel. Elimina el 99,5% de la suciedad y la grasa, así como los restos de maquillaje, células muertas y puntos negros, reduciendo visiblemente el tamaño de los poros.
  • VUELVE ATRÁS EN EL TIEMPO - LUNA 2 ofrece una solución completa antienvejecimiento que dirige las pulsaciones de baja frecuencia a las zonas propensas a las arrugas y disminuye la profundidad y el ancho de las líneas de expresión. Solo un minuto en el modo antienvejecimiento deja la piel más firme y tensa, y aumenta la elasticidad.
  • LUNA 2 PARA TODOS- LUNA 2 está disponible en 4 modelos diferentes con filamentos específicos para cada tipo de piel. Este avanzado sistema de cuidado facial cuentan con 12 intensidades ajustables, es 100% resistente al agua, cuenta con una automía de 450 usos por carga y NO necesita cambio de cabezal.
  • 2 AÑOS DE GARANTÍA LIMITADA - FOREO garantiza este dispositivo por un período de DOS (2) AÑOS a partir de la fecha original de compra, por defectos de fabricación o del material que se originen por un uso adecuado del dispositivo
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  • El cabezal del cepillo tiene 2 zonas; para limpieza y para masaje facial
  • 8000 pulsaciones T-Sonic por minuto
  • Hasta 600 usos
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  • LIMPIEZA FACIAL NIVEL SPA - El cepillo de limpieza facial LUNA 3 limpia tu piel de manera suave y efectiva en solo 1 minuto. Registra el dispositivo y mima tu piel con un lujoso tratamiento de spa que elimina todas las impurezas y conserva la elasticidad de la piel
  • MASAJE REAFIRMANTE CONECTADO A LA APLICACIÓN: Sincroniza tu LUNA 3 con la aplicación FOREO For You para desbloquear una amplia gama de masajes reafirmantes y controlar la intensidad de las pulsaciones T-Sonic. Cada rutina de masaje se centra en zonas específicas para reducir las arrugas y la flacidez y mejorar la absorción de productos
  • SILICONA ULTRA HIGIÉNICA - La silicona, 35 veces más higiénica que el nailon, es suave, segura para el cuerpo, ultrahigiénica y no porosa para evitar la acumulación de bacterias. LUNA 3, que no contiene BPA ni ftalatos, es mejor que una limpieza manual y deja la piel con un aspecto más firme
  • SPA EN CASA CUANDO QUIERAS - Convierte tu hogar en un increíble spa. Disfruta de una piel limpia y luminosa todos los días y disfruta de un tratamiento relajante que te hará sentir bien y lucir aún mejor
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  • COMPACTO CEPILLO FACIAL ANTI-EDAD - LUNA go es el complemento perfecto de tu ajetreado estilo de vida. Consigue una piel más suave y saludable gracias a la tecnología T-Sonic en un diseño ligero que te acompaña a donde vayas
  • LIMPIEZA T-SONIC SOBRE LA MARCHA - El cepillo facial LUNA go canaliza pulsaciones sónicas para retirar el 99,5% de grasa, suciedad y residuos de maquillaje, y exfolia células muertas con suavidad para evitar los poros obstruidos
  • ANTI-EDAD EN LA PALMA DE TU MANO - El Modo Anti-Edad envía pulsaciones de baja frecuencia directamente en las zonas con tendencia a arrugas, alisando líneas de expresión y dejando tu piel con un aspecto más firme y elástico
  • UNA GRAN FORMA DE DESCUBRIR LA LIMPIEZA T-SONIC - Como el resto de la gama LUNA de FOREO, LUNA go no necesita recambios, es 100% resistente al agua y tiene una autonomía de hasta 30 usos por carga completa
  • 2 AÑOS DE GARANTÍA LIMITADA Y 10 AÑOS DE CALIDAD DE PRODUCTO - FOREO garantiza este dispositivo por un período de DOS (2) AÑOS a partir de la fecha original de compra, por defectos de fabricación o del material que se originen por un uso adecuado del dispositivo
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  • UNA AGRADABLE LIMPIEZA FACIAL - LUNA mini 2 limpia y elimina hasta el 99.5% de suciedad y grasa en cada rutina de limpieza. Consigue una piel más clara, suave y saludable en sólo tres días, y desde la comodidad de tu hogar
  • UN RITUAL DE SPA EN LA PALMA DE TU MANO - LUNA mini 2 utiliza el poder de las pulsaciones T-Sonic para limpiar profunda y eficazmente la piel. Con 8 intensidades ajustables y 3 modos de limpieza, es apto para todo tipo de pieles
  • UNA EXPERIENCIA SUAVE Y ULTRA HIGIÉNICA - Este dispositivo con filamentos de silicona ultra suaves es hipoalergénico, no poroso (lo que evita la proliferación de bacterias) y 35 veces más higiénico que los cepillos de limpieza de nylon convencionales
  • NO NECESITA CAMBIO DE CABEZAL - ¿Por qué gastar dinero en caros recambios para tu cepillo facial? Con LUNA mini 2 no hay costos ocultos. Este elegante diseño sueco es 100% resistente al agua y tiene una autonomía de 300 usos por cada carga completa; la inversión inteligente en dispositivos de belleza
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  • Ufo mini es un tratamiento facial profesional de 90 segundos que funciona en combinación con las mascarillas activadas desarrolladas por Foreo.
  • La tecnología de hiperinfusión y la terapia de luz LED trabajan juntas para obtener el máximo en cada mascarilla y brindar exactamente lo que tu piel necesita.
  • Las pulsaciones t-sonic infunden los in gr e dientes de la mascarilla profundo en la piel.
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  • 100% CUIDADO DE LA PIEL AJUSTADO - Foreo ofrece con fofo LUNA, su entrenador poco la belleza, la clave para una piel más suave y más radiante. Este dispositivo de cuidado de la piel 2-en-1 es el método correcto para el tratamiento de problemas específicos, por lo que su piel brilla con autofotos!
  • Pincel INTELIGENTE Y ANALIZADOR DE LA PIEL - fofo Luna es un dispositivo multifuncional para la limpieza facial y ofrece un análisis de la piel eficiente el uso de sensores de la piel. Procesa los resultados inmediatamente y descubrió la edad verdadera de la piel, el tipo y la humedad para ayudar a entender su piel y mejorar la rutina de cuidado de la piel.
  • Lo mejor de cada GET limpiando - Los resultados se añaden después de cada análisis de su perfil personal piel y utilizan para producir que se adapta a la piel del usuario una rutina de limpieza personalizada. El programa de limpieza personalizado limpia la piel con suavidad y eficacia: la intensidad de las pulsaciones T-Sonic y la duración se adaptará a sus necesidades individuales de la piel.
  • ESTANCIA EN RELACIÓN CON LA PIEL - Se conecta a la piel mediante la aplicación Foreo en la que la piel y la información se almacena es más inteligente con cada análisis. Las tiendas de aplicaciones del progreso y los cambios en su piel, por lo que se mantienen hasta la fecha - cuanto más se utilizan fofo LUNA, más precisa del dispositivo y puede crear la rutina de limpieza perfecta que evoluciona junto con su piel.
  • 2 años de garantía y 10 años de seguridad - Esta unidad proporciona Foreo garantía 2 años desde la compra de equipos a los errores en el diseño o defectos de material que surgen durante el uso normal del dispositivo. El dispositivo está hecho de silicona agradable para la piel, que es lo suficientemente suave para todo tipo de piel, y contiene dos pilas AAA.
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  • El limpiador Gel de agua Hydro Boost de Neutrogena refuerza la hidratación de la piel dejando una sensación de frescura y elasticidad, disfruta de esta cómoda forma de cuidado facial
  • Su ligera e hidratante textura, hace de este limpiador facial un producto óptimo para mantener una piel cuidada, nutrida y no grasa
  • Si tienes una piel sensible, este hidratante contiene los ingredientes necesarios para conseguir una hidratación intensa de larga duración, que protege al mismo tiempo la barrera cutánea
  • Al limpiar, la espuma arrastra la suciedad, dejando una piel sin residuos y eliminando al mismo tiempo cualquier resto de maquillaje incorpora este limpiador a tu rutina de belleza
  • Contenido del envío: 1x Neutrogena limpiador de agua Hydro Boost con hidratación duradera para pieles sensibles con textura ligera; Bote: 200 ml
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  • ✅ LA DIFERENCIA DE NUESTRO PRODUCTO: en comparación con la mayoría de los sueros con ácido hialurónico y vitamina C que encuentra en estas páginas, nuestro producto innovador es COMPLETAMENTE REALIZADO CON INGREDIENTES DERIVADOS DE AGRICULTURA BIOLÓGICA - su fórmula altamente hidratante enriquecida con vitamina E, aceite de jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) y áloe vera, penetra profundamente en las capas subcutáneas de su piel, proporcionando una hidratación instantánea gracias a sus extractos.
  • ✅ RESULTADOS INMEDIATOS - Pocas aplicaciones de Nuestro Serum refrescarán inmediatamente la piel dañada por el sol, envejecida, seca y que le da un aspecto de cansancio. Estimula la producción natural del colágeno, atenuando las líneas sutiles y cicatrices de Acné del rostro, reduciendo las arrugas, reavivando e hidratando a fondo todo su rostro, cuello y escote. Prepárese para hacer girar cabezas y sobresalir de entre la multitud gracias al mejor tónico hidratante anti-envejecimiento del 2020.
  • ✅ LOS MEJORES INGREDIENTES ORGÁNICOS y VEGANOS - Nuestro suero contiene una concentración elevada de ácido hialurónico puro y vegano, con la mejor forma bio-disponible de vitamina C - Florence Organics utiliza sólo los mejores ingredientes completamente HECHOS EN ITALIA de origen orgánica - Nuestro suero facial tiene una delicada fragancia de agrumes, libre de impurezas al 100%. Ayuda a reducir las líneas sutiles y las arrugas, restaurando el juvenil resplandor de la piel.
  • ✅ SUERO ANTIEDAD para la CARA, DÉCOLLETÉ Y CONTORNO DE OJOS PARA HOMBRE Y MUJER - mezcla patentada de Florence Organics llena de antioxidantes amantes de la piel que protegen su rostro de radicales libres dañinos y que nutren su piel, dejándola más luminosa y juvenil. Naturalmente libre de aditivos, parabenos, siliconas, alcohol, rellenos y fragancias artificiales. No ha sido probado en animales.
  • ✅ GARANTÍA DEL PRODUCTOR - Si no ama nuestro suero con ácido hialurónico en un plazo de 30 días después de la compra, Florence Organics le hará un reembolso completo gracias a nuestra política de satisfacción o de reembolso sin complicaciones. Compre hoy con toda tranquilidad y cuide su piel con la mejor cualidad de anti-envejecimiento de este elegante producto. El producto está formulado para reducir el riesgo de alergias y tiene la certificación de producto VEGANO y ECOBIOCOSMÉTICO con AIAB.
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Cómodas de llevar, las toallitas ISDIN Teen Skin Acniben On The Go Wipes son excelentes para usar sobre la marcha, siempre que necesite absorber la grasa o minimizar las imperfecciones. Con una triple acción asociada, estas toallitas ayudan a destapar los poros, absorber el exceso de sebo y oleosidad, además de limpiar la piel en profundidad. Para pieles grasas con tendencia acneica.
12,25 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Made in russia - Recycled in Ukraine, Brutal Keychain for men and this handmade metal keychain looks perfect for a bunch of keys, bag charms, men's talisman, or your collection of souvenirs. Our custom keychain accessory will be a great gift for your friends, comrades, or your relatives. Our historical keychain has a limited quantity because it is made of a piece of Russian burned panzer armor, each keychain is engraved with the individual number of the keychain and a picture of a Russian tank. Because of armored steel's natural strength and durability, Our unique keychain will last a lifetime! Each item has a unique serial number. Best for 50th birthday gift for men, car accessories for men, motorcycle gifts for men, key chain for men, burning man clothing men, 60th birthday gift for men, personalized keychain for men, unusual gifts for men, custom engraved keychain, custom qr keychain, keychain custom, engraved keychain, russia tank keychain ukraine, porte cle char ukraine Soldier Gift Metal Keychain Piece or russian tank Do not recommend storing it in rooms with high humidity. Details: • Size: 3.14 x 1,18 (8 x 3 cm) • Weight: 4.58 oz (130 g) • Colors: Metal • Material: armor steel • Made in Ukraine of a real destroyed tank The idea of creating this talisman began in March 2022, in Kyiv, during a Russian military operation in Ukraine. In March 2022, the Ukrainian army defeated the enemy army after the most difficult battles for the cities of Bucha and Irpen and destroyed a lot of enemy military equipment. Our team made this keychain - a talisman of victory so that you can feel all the energy and power of Ukrainians, who protect our people's freedom and our country's independence. The main part of the proceeds from sales will go to charity for the Ukrainian people and the Army of Ukraine. Pray for Ukraine, Stand with Ukraine, Support Ukraine. Thank you for your interest in our project. We make a New History Together.
6.058 €
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Traceless Touch Foundation Cushion Compact SPF 45 With Extra Refill - # 1.4 Bone in Tom Ford > Maquillajes > Traceless Touch Foundation Cushion Compact SPF 45 With Extra Refill. A Touch & Go, Skin Nurishing Foundation Cushion Compact La fórmula refrescante y perfeccionada de la piel se crea en Japón exclusivamente para Tom Ford La potencia ligera y multitarea ofrece un acabado mate satinado con cobertura edificable Controla el aceite y el brillo mientras le da a la piel una avalancha de humedad Minimiza instantáneamente el aspecto de líneas finas y arrugas mientras se mantiene de larga duración y verdad Ofrece protección de amplio espectro contra el daño de los rayos UV Resistente al agua, sudor y humedad Deja una tez equilibrada que brilla con vitalidad y radiancia Viene con una recarga extraMarca: Tom Ford
124,90 €
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For those of us overachievers always trying to preserve our skin’s most vibrant years, it takes a little more than just sunscreen and not sweating the small stuff. Sometimes our skin needs a little extra kick, and while retinol gets the job done, it has a reputation for being the whole boot factory as far as that’s concerned. We love retinol’s ability to help mitigate signs of premature (or timely) fine lines, loss of elasticity, and general dullness while boosting skin’s ability to care for itself. This powerhouse serum is our most deeply penetrating yet, with a strategic team of 2.5% Encapsulated Retinaldehyde, skin density-building Monk’s Pepper, skin matrix-repairing Crocus Chrysanthus Bulb Extract, and phospholipids. This serum’s nourishing gel-oil emollient base (that fans of Galilee will appreciate) buffers our actives and provides a moisturizing cushion to help ward off irritation and dryness for your bounciest, firmest, and most radiant skin yet. BENEFITS:- Helps strengthen and resurface skin for highly efficient skin cells that perform their best.- Helps smooth surface texture, including fine lines and dullness, and helps boosts skin density and firmness.- The just right” Goldilocks balance of retinol penetrates deeply enough to work efficiently while the gel-oil emollient base you love from our best-selling Galilee serum drenches skin in nourishing hydration.- Go to bed with dewy, bouncy skin and wake up with glowing skin that only gets smoother, firmer, and more radiant over time.TARGET CONCERNS:This powerhouse serum is our most deeply penetrating yet, with a strategic team of 2.5% Encapsulated Retinaldehyde, skin density-building Monk’s Pepper, skin matrix-repairing Crocus Chrysanthus Bulb Extract, and phospholipids. This serum’s nourishing gel-oil emollient base buffers our actives and provides a moisturizing cushion to help ward off irritation and dryness for your bounciest, firmest, and most radiant skin yet.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
14K Solid Gold Initial Necklace, Personalized Jewelry, Initial Necklace, Gifts for Her, ????The powerful and expressive style of the 14K solid gold large letter necklace enables you to express yourself in a special way. With our modern designs, you may discover a fresh take on a timeless piece. Wear personalized jewelry that features your large letter, a nicklarge letter, or perhaps a meaningful phrase. The trend will never go out of style, so embrace it. Add your own special inscription to this large letterplated necklace. It is meant to keep your feelings near and is a timeless piece you'll never want to take off. Create gorgeous, exquisite, and sophisticated large letter Jewelry for yourself right now. Our personalized large letter necklaces won't fade or turn yellow over time. It is suitable for use in both the sea and the shower. Our solid gold large letter necklaces are crafted using premium materials and skills. ????'Less is more,' The latest fashion is minimalism. The greatest "less" design that shines "more" loudly is our minimalist necklace. Your innate beauty will be highlighted by a delicate large letter necklace, which won't overpower your own sense of style. You may wear your sweethearts, your loved ones, or just your life philosophy near to your heart everywhere you go by personalizing your 14K solid gold large letter necklace. From the font to the pendants, our bespoke jewelry is completely individualized to your preferences. ????We use handcrafted jewelry and the highest attention while making our solid gold large letter necklaces. You can be certain that the recipient will adore it and that it will fit their personal taste. suitable for all skin types. potential touch with ????These large letter necklaces brilliantly reflect light and make an eye-catching statement! lively, energetic, and distinctive. Our large letter-plate necklace is as unique as you are! It makes a magnificent present or a special treat for you. Anything special and intimate to you can be inscribed on this delicate large letter necklace. It may be worn every day and is meant to last a lifetime. There is never a need to remove it, even while working out, having a shower, or getting ready for bed. ????CARGO INFORMATION???? ????I provide shipping with cargo company ups express cargo. Express service of UPS company, which offers the fastest and highest quality experience in America. ????The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. Delivery for all US orders takes 2 to 5 business days. ???? ON ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, EXPRESS SHIPPING. The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. All orders shipped internationally are delivered in 3 to 4 business days. ????UPS is used to ship and insure each order. Once your shipment has arrived, ETSY will send you an email with a tracking number and a direct tracking link. ????Orders can be tailored however you like. presented in unique gift boxes. With the "Gift Message" option, you may give gifts that are more valued and meaningful. ???? Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. ???? If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. ???? You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. ???? Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. ???? 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. ???? Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. ???? Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. ???? C H A I N L E N G T H???? ????14 inches (36 cm) - Age 5 years or Under ????15 inches (38 cm) - Choker ????16 inches (41 cm) - Age 6-18 years ????18 inches (46 cm) - Most popular size for women ????Handmade item ???? ????Materials: Gold, Rose gold, White gold ????Closure: Spring ring ????Chain style: Cable ????Adjustable length ????Style: Minimalist ????Can be personalized???? ????PERSONALIZATION???? ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. ????O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N???? • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) ????Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! ????BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. Large Initial Necklace, Big Letter Necklace, Personalized Necklace, Letter Necklace, Moms Day Gift, Initial Necklace, Gift For Her
10.028 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
14K Solid Gold Initial Necklace, Personalized Jewelry, Gold Initial Necklace, Gifts for Her, Initial Letter Necklace, ???? Necklace with initials can be a minimalist gift. With its polite and elegant appearance, it gives happiness to the woman. Initials necklace for kids can be a suitable gift. Gold Initials Necklace is a great gift for kids, teen girls and adult women. ???? You can make your mother happy with the initial letter necklace. You can order a gold initial necklace for Mother's Day. We ship with custom gift wrap and a gift message. ????The powerful and expressive style of the 14K solid gold minimalist initial necklace enables you to express yourself in a special way. With our modern designs, you may discover a fresh take on a timeless piece. Wear personalized jewelry that features your minimalist letter necklace, a minimalist letter, or perhaps a meaningful phrase. The trend will never go out of style, so embrace it. Add your own special inscription to this minimalist solid gold letter necklace. It is meant to keep your feelings near and is a timeless piece you'll never want to take off. Create gorgeous, exquisite, and sophisticated Gold letter Jewelry for yourself right now. Our personalized minimalist initial necklaces won't fade or turn yellow over time. It is suitable for use in both the sea and the shower. Our solid gold large letter necklaces are crafted using premium materials and skills. ????'Less is more,' The latest fashion is minimalism. The greatest "less" design that shines "more" loudly is our minimalist initial letter necklace. Your innate beauty will be highlighted by a delicate gold initial letter necklace, which won't overpower your own sense of style. You may wear your sweethearts, your loved ones, or just your life philosophy near to your heart everywhere you go by personalizing your 14K solid gold minimalist letter necklace. From the font to the pendants, our bespoke jewelry is completely individualized to your preferences. ????We use handcrafted jewelry and the highest attention while making our solid gold letter necklaces. You can be certain that the recipient will adore it and that it will fit their personal taste. suitable for all skin types. potential touch with ????These letter necklaces brilliantly reflect light and make an eye-catching statement! lively, energetic, and distinctive. Our minimalist initial letter necklace is as unique as you are! It makes a magnificent present or a special treat for you. Anything special and intimate to you can be inscribed on this delicate letter necklace. It may be worn every day and is meant to last a lifetime. There is never a need to remove it, even while working out, having a shower, or getting ready for bed. ????CARGO INFORMATION???? ????I provide shipping with cargo company ups express cargo. Express service of UPS company, which offers the fastest and highest quality experience in America. ????The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. Delivery for all US orders takes 2 to 5 business days. ???? ON ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, EXPRESS SHIPPING. The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. All orders shipped internationally are delivered in 2 to 3 business days. ????UPS is used to ship and insure each order. Once your shipment has arrived, ETSY will send you an email with a tracking number and a direct tracking link. ????Orders can be tailored however you like. presented in unique gift boxes. With the "Gift Message" option, you may give gifts that are more valued and meaningful. ???? Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. ???? If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. ???? You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. ???? Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. ???? 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. ???? Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. ???? Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. ???? C H A I N L E N G T H???? ????14 inches (36 cm) - Age 5 years or Under ????15 inches (38 cm) - Choker ????16 inches (41 cm) - Age 6-18 years ????18 inches (46 cm) - Most popular size for women ????Handmade item ???? ????Materials: Gold, Rose gold, White gold ????Closure: Spring ring ????Chain style: Cable ????Adjustable length ????Style: Minimalist ????Can be personalized???? ????PERSONALIZATION???? ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. ????O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N???? • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) Gold Necklace, Personalized Gifts, Personalized Jewelry ????Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! ????BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. Minimalist Initial Necklace, Gold Initial Letter Necklace, Personalized Necklace, Letter Necklace, Moms Day Gift, Initial Necklace, Gift For Her, Personalized Gifts, Necklace for Women, initial gold necklace, Gold Necklace
3.061 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
14K Solid Gold Initial Necklace, Personalized Jewelry, Initial Necklace, Gifts for Her, Mother Day Gifts, Letter Necklace ????The powerful and expressive style of the 14K solid gold large letter necklace enables you to express yourself in a special way. With our modern designs, you may discover a fresh take on a timeless piece. Wear personalized jewelry that features your large letter, a nicklarge letter, or perhaps a meaningful phrase. The trend will never go out of style, so embrace it. Add your own special inscription to this large letterplated necklace. It is meant to keep your feelings near and is a timeless piece you'll never want to take off. Create gorgeous, exquisite, and sophisticated large letter Jewelry for yourself right now. Our personalized large letter necklaces won't fade or turn yellow over time. It is suitable for use in both the sea and the shower. Our solid gold large letter necklaces are crafted using premium materials and skills. ????'Less is more,' The latest fashion is minimalism. The greatest "less" design that shines "more" loudly is our minimalist necklace. Your innate beauty will be highlighted by a delicate large letter necklace, which won't overpower your own sense of style. You may wear your sweethearts, your loved ones, or just your life philosophy near to your heart everywhere you go by personalizing your 14K solid gold large letter necklace. From the font to the pendants, our bespoke jewelry is completely individualized to your preferences. ????We use handcrafted jewelry and the highest attention while making our solid gold large letter necklaces. You can be certain that the recipient will adore it and that it will fit their personal taste. suitable for all skin types. potential touch with ????These large letter necklaces brilliantly reflect light and make an eye-catching statement! lively, energetic, and distinctive. Our large letter-plate necklace is as unique as you are! It makes a magnificent present or a special treat for you. Anything special and intimate to you can be inscribed on this delicate large letter necklace. It may be worn every day and is meant to last a lifetime. There is never a need to remove it, even while working out, having a shower, or getting ready for bed. ????CARGO INFORMATION???? ????I provide shipping with cargo company ups express cargo. Express service of UPS company, which offers the fastest and highest quality experience in America. ????The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. Delivery for all US orders takes 1 to 2 business days. ???? ON ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, EXPRESS SHIPPING. The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. All orders shipped internationally are delivered in 3 to 4 business days. ????UPS is used to ship and insure each order. Once your shipment has arrived, ETSY will send you an email with a tracking number and a direct tracking link. ????Orders can be tailored however you like. presented in unique gift boxes. With the "Gift Message" option, you may give gifts that are more valued and meaningful. ???? Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. ???? If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. ???? You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. ???? Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. ???? 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. ???? Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. ???? Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. ???? C H A I N L E N G T H???? ????14 inches (36 cm) - Age 5 years or Under ????15 inches (38 cm) - Choker ????16 inches (41 cm) - Age 6-18 years ????18 inches (46 cm) - Most popular size for women Gold Initial Necklace, Personalized Jewelry, Gifts for Her, Letter Necklace, Gifts for Mom, 14K Gold Necklace, Letter Necklace Gold Necklace, Personalized Necklace, 14K Solid Gold Necklace, ????Handmade item ???? ????Materials: Gold, Rose gold, White gold ????Closure: Spring ring ????Chain style: Cable ????Adjustable length ????Style: Minimalist ????Can be personalized???? ????PERSONALIZATION???? ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. ????O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N???? • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) ????Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! ????BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. Large Initial Necklace, Big Letter Necklace, Personalized Necklace, Letter Necklace, Moms Day Gift, Initial Necklace, Gift For Her
4.329 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
14K Solid Gold Initial Necklace, Personalized Gifts, Initial Necklace, Gifts for Her, ???? We engrave your loved one's name on the Gold Initial Necklace. Capital Letter Necklace can be used in daily life and special occasions. We can engrave any personalization you want on the capital letter name necklace. It can be a great personalized birthday gift. ???? The powerful and expressive style of the 14K solid gold large letter necklace enables you to express yourself in a special way. With our modern designs, you may discover a fresh take on a timeless piece. Wear personalized jewelry that features your large letter, a nicklarge letter, or perhaps a meaningful phrase. The trend will never go out of style, so embrace it. Add your own special inscription to this large letterplated necklace. It is meant to keep your feelings near and is a timeless piece you'll never want to take off. Create gorgeous, exquisite, and sophisticated large letter Jewelry for yourself right now. Our personalized large letter necklaces won't fade or turn yellow over time. It is suitable for use in both the sea and the shower. Our solid gold large letter necklaces are crafted using premium materials and skills. ???? 'Less is more,' The latest fashion is minimalism. The greatest "less" design that shines "more" loudly is our minimalist necklace. Your innate beauty will be highlighted by a delicate large letter necklace, which won't overpower your own sense of style. You may wear your sweethearts, your loved ones, or just your life philosophy near to your heart everywhere you go by personalizing your 14K solid gold large letter necklace. From the font to the pendants, our bespoke jewelry is completely individualized to your preferences. ???? We use handcrafted jewelry and the highest attention while making our solid gold large letter necklaces. You can be certain that the recipient will adore it and that it will fit their personal taste. suitable for all skin types. potential touch with ???? These large letter necklaces brilliantly reflect light and make an eye-catching statement! lively, energetic, and distinctive. Our large letter-plate necklace is as unique as you are! It makes a magnificent present or a special treat for you. Anything special and intimate to you can be inscribed on this delicate large letter necklace. It may be worn every day and is meant to last a lifetime. There is never a need to remove it, even while working out, having a shower, or getting ready for bed. ????SHIPPING INFORMATION???? ????I provide shipping with cargo company ups express cargo. Express service of UPS company, which offers the fastest and highest quality experience in America. ????The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. Delivery for all US orders takes 2 to 3 business days. ???? ON ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, EXPRESS SHIPPING. The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. All orders shipped internationally are delivered in 2 to 3 business days. ????UPS is used to ship and insure each order. Once your shipment has arrived, ETSY will send you an email with a tracking number and a direct tracking link. ????Orders can be tailored however you like. presented in unique gift boxes. With the "Gift Message" option, you may give gifts that are more valued and meaningful. ???? Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. ???? If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. ???? You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. ???? Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. ???? 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. ???? Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. ???? Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. ???? C H A I N L E N G T H???? ????14 inches (36 cm) - Age 5 years or Under ????15 inches (38 cm) - Choker ????16 inches (41 cm) - Age 6-18 years ????18 inches (46 cm) - Most popular size for women ????Handmade item ???? ????Materials: Gold, Rose gold, White gold ????Closure: Spring ring ????Chain style: Cable ????Adjustable length ????Style: Minimalist ????Can be personalized???? ????PERSONALIZATION???? ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. ????O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N???? • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) ????Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! ????BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. Large Initial Necklace, Big Letter Necklace, Personalized Necklace, Letter Necklace, Moms Day Gift, Initial Necklace, Gift For Her
2.940 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This comfort fit ring made of titanium with hand carved mountain range all the way around is handmade by us from start to finish. These mountain ranges are entirely made up as I go, meaning no two will ever be the same! Our rings are still made to order to your specifications. FREE WORLDWIDE STANDRD SHIPPING: Europe = 4-12 business days Outside Europe = 7-21 business days DHL EXPRESS SHIPPING ≈ 20$: Worldwide = 1-5 business days (you can upgrade your shipping to "Express" and cut your shipping time to 1-5 business days with DHL Express) =>>> Titanium is hypoallergenic, meaning it is safe to wear for those with sensitive skin, or those with allergies to various metals! Mountain range ring - titanium, men's wedding ring, women's wedding ring, comfort fit Our rings are handmade by us from start to finish and represent hours of careful crafting to create a durable, unique and eye catching piece. Only hand tools are ever used in the creation process for that extra special handmade touch. We use only genuine and quality materials and make jewelry with a lot of love and passion. ***On request we also engrave the ring for you. ***Rings are waterproof. We suggest a jewelry polishing cloth to clean your ring. ***Every ring is made to order, to your specifications, so please remember to message us with the ring width and size you desire. Please be 100% sure of your size before ordering, as it takes a long time to make this ring. Titanium and stones (wooden...) rings are not resizeble, so I recommend to double check the ring size at your local jewelry store! Our prices do not Inflate on sizes and specifications, they are fixed. The ring will be sent in a jewelry gift box. Write us before ordering for any customization such as different types of wood and/or metal inlays or stones! The titanium rings are made with a solid titanium bar, we don't use welding to make the band. This ring is the perfect choice if you are looking for a durable and solid ring. Ideal for daily use and special occasion. Our goal at Brokss is to create the highest quality jewelry with sleek modern designs. We would love to hear your thoughts once you have received your ring and also as you go on wearing it in the future. ***With our jewelry, you will always be in the spotlight. You will never go unnoticed!**
15.500 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Shipping Form Mexico --------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Our footwear is wide, Example: if you are 8.5 we recommend 8. --------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Huaraches for women in Yellow, Blue, Brown, Chedron, Black, Red, Tan, Green, Pink colors 100% Cow leather, traditionally tanned, for this reason there are no identical pairs turning your footwear into a unique garment above industrial footwear. Due to the natural processes of the skin, the preparation time can go from 3 to 5 business days. ** NOTE - The processing time is not the estimated delivery time ** to check the transit times, please check the policies Measurements: Mexico - 22 to 27 USA - 5 to 10 We do not handle average numbers because the skin stretches and molds to your foot with regular use.
3.728 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Shipping Form Mexico --------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Our footwear is wide, Example: if you are 10.5 we recommend 10. --------------------------------------------------------------- Fine Suede Huaraches for man in Tan, Chedron, Dark Brown, Light Brown. 100% Cow leather, traditionally tanned, for this reason there are no identical pairs turning your footwear into a unique garment above industrial footwear. Due to the natural processes of the skin, the preparation time can go from 3 to 5 business days. ** NOTE - The processing time is not the estimated delivery time ** to check the transit times, please check the policies Measurements: Mexico - 25 to 32 USA - 7 to 14 We do not handle average numbers because the skin stretches and molds to your foot with regular use.
7.781 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
????Make it unique and unique to you. Introducing the 14K Solid Gold Flower Necklace with your name on it. Make this lovely item the ideal present for your mother, your closest friend, or even for yourself! With this bespoke jewelry, you may show your individual style in a sophisticated way, whether you choose flowers, initials, or a meaningful statement. Let your imagination go wild and jot down everything that has personal significance for you. made from pure gold of the highest quality, it will last for all of time, from special occasions to eternity. ????A minimalist necklace is the definition of elegant. As a choker necklace, this delicate necklace works well. Your flower jewelry may be personalized with any flower or slogan of your choice. Display your personal style. Create your own design for your unique jewelry just for you. Wear it both frequently and on important occasions. ????Without having to say anything, you may wear your heart on your sleeve with a Flower Nameplate necklace. They can read it on the front of their neck, so there's no need to explain who you are or why you care so much about them. Because of the excellent materials and craftsmanship used to create this item, you can be sure she will wear it every day with style. ????For your mother, sister, girlfriend, or yourself, get a flower necklace! This floral necklace with a vintage printed letter charm is attractive. Keep it basic or add your name to give it more importance. ????The best friend, mother, sisters, bridesmaids, graduates, weddings, engagements, and anniversaries are all excellent occasions to give a woman this personalized name necklace. ???? We provide FREE "After Sales Service" on all of our items. In any case, get in touch with us first.????CARGO INFORMATION???? ????I provide shipping with cargo company ups express cargo. Express service of UPS company, which offers the fastest and highest quality experience in America. ????The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. Delivery for all US orders takes 2 to 5 business days. ???? ON ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, EXPRESS SHIPPING. The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. All orders shipped internationally are delivered in 3 to 4 business days. ????UPS is used to ship and insure each order. Once your shipment has arrived, ETSY will send you an email with a tracking number and a direct tracking link. ????Orders can be tailored however you like. presented in unique gift boxes. With the "Gift Message" option, you may give gifts that are more valued and meaningful. ???? Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. ???? If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. ???? You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. ???? Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. ???? 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. ???? Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. ???? Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. ???? C H A I N L E N G T H???? ????14 inches (36 cm) - Age 5 years or Under ????15 inches (38 cm) - Choker ????16 inches (41 cm) - Age 6-18 years ????18 inches (46 cm) - Most popular size for women ????Handmade item ???? ????Materials: Gold, Rose gold, White gold ????Closure: Spring ring ????Chain style: Cable ????Adjustable length ????Style: Minimalist ????Can be personalized???? ????PERSONALIZATION???? ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. ????O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N???? • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) ????Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! ????BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes.
10.028 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This stunning Virgin Mary necklace is one piece of religious jewelry you don't want to miss out on! The gold virgin with cubic zirconia is a true beauty and a classic representation of faith and devotion. This Virgin Mary necklace is a great choice for those who are looking for an elegant and religious piece of jewelry that will go perfectly with any outfit. Also, this chain makes a wonderful gift for that special person in your life, especially for Mother's Day or any other occasion. This Virgin Mary necklace is a stunning addition to any jewelry collection, and is perfect worn on its own or combined with other chains and necklaces to create a layered look. Quality and craftsmanship are evident in every detail, ensuring this piece of jewelry will stay beautiful for years to come. There is no doubt that this Virgin Mary Cubic Zirconia Chain is a piece of religious jewelry that will be cherished by anyone who owns it. The Virgin Mary is a symbol of hope, faith, and love, and this necklace is a beautiful way to honor those values. Don't miss your chance to get this stunning Virgin Mary necklace and make that special someone in your life feel truly blessed and loved WHY WE? Each of our beautiful pieces is made with love and care from high-quality materials. We love creating beautiful jewelry and we hope our designs bring you as much joy as we do making them. If you have a question or special request, please contact us. We would love to hear from you! PACKING: The jewelry is carefully packed in a soft peach skin bag and box. The peach skin bag is elegant and non-abrasive, which protects jewelry from scratches and damage during transport. Enter our store here: https://phoebeshopboutique.etsy.com Thanks for visiting and have a great day!
2.101 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
????Make it unique and unique to you. Introducing the 14K Solid Gold Flower Necklace with your name on it. Make this lovely item the ideal present for your mother, your closest friend, or even for yourself! With this bespoke jewelry, you may show your individual style in a sophisticated way, whether you choose flowers, initials, or a meaningful statement. Let your imagination go wild and jot down everything that has personal significance for you. made from pure gold of the highest quality, it will last for all of time, from special occasions to eternity. ????A minimalist necklace is the definition of elegant. As a choker necklace, this delicate necklace works well. Your flower jewelry may be personalized with any flower or slogan of your choice. Display your personal style. Create your own design for your unique jewelry just for you. Wear it both frequently and on important occasions. ????Without having to say anything, you may wear your heart on your sleeve with a Flower Nameplate necklace. They can read it on the front of their neck, so there's no need to explain who you are or why you care so much about them. Because of the excellent materials and craftsmanship used to create this item, you can be sure she will wear it every day with style. ????For your mother, sister, girlfriend, or yourself, get a flower necklace! This floral necklace with a vintage printed letter charm is attractive. Keep it basic or add your name to give it more importance. ????The best friend, mother, sisters, bridesmaids, graduates, weddings, engagements, and anniversaries are all excellent occasions to give a woman this personalized name necklace. ???? We provide FREE "After Sales Service" on all of our items. In any case, get in touch with us first.????CARGO INFORMATION???? ????I provide shipping with cargo company ups express cargo. Express service of UPS company, which offers the fastest and highest quality experience in America. ????The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. Delivery for all US orders takes 2 to 5 business days. ???? ON ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, EXPRESS SHIPPING. The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. All orders shipped internationally are delivered in 3 to 4 business days. ????UPS is used to ship and insure each order. Once your shipment has arrived, ETSY will send you an email with a tracking number and a direct tracking link. ????Orders can be tailored however you like. presented in unique gift boxes. With the "Gift Message" option, you may give gifts that are more valued and meaningful. ???? Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. ???? If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. ???? You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. ???? Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. ???? 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. ???? Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. ???? Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. ???? C H A I N L E N G T H???? ????14 inches (36 cm) - Age 5 years or Under ????15 inches (38 cm) - Choker ????16 inches (41 cm) - Age 6-18 years ????18 inches (46 cm) - Most popular size for women ????Handmade item ???? ????Materials: Gold, Rose gold, White gold ????Closure: Spring ring ????Chain style: Cable ????Adjustable length ????Style: Minimalist ????Can be personalized???? ????PERSONALIZATION???? ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. ????O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N???? • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) ????Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! ????BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. ► HOW TO ORDER 1- Please select your preferred chain length from the menu. 2- Please select your preferred colour of the chain from the menu. 3- Please write your preferred word/name to the personalisation box. Please note that you need to choose the "solid gold" option if you want real gold. 14K Gold necklaces are high quality 14K Gold plated necklaces over sterling silver 925. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes.
3.031 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Customized VVS1 Round & Baguette Moissanite Pendent Necklace, Silver White Gold Plated Ice Out 16mm Hip Hop 20b'"' Cuban Chain with Pendent ➡️ SKU -6324-17122566-CVF ➡️ Listed Pendent Details▶️ ????????Given LONG in NICOLE - 3.00x2.50 Inches ???????? Tall of NICOLE - 2.5 inches include bale & long 3 inches ???????? Thickness Of NICOLE - 5.1mm ???????? NOTE ???? - The above detail is as listed 6 letter b'"'NICOLEb'"' word PENDENT in listing but AS PER YOUR NEED of CUSTOM WORDS from 1 TO 7 LETTER OF ANY WORD in VARIATION, i will provide as per your custom requirement in variation with also different style of LETTERS of PENDENT on your request so please MENTION your any 1-7 LETTER WORD in order detail of YOUR PERSONALIZATION given BOX and if you need extra LETTER than 1 TO 7 letter then you need to pay additional cost so message me for this.‼️‼️ ???????? ➡️ Listed Design Details▶️ ????????Moissanite CT Weight - 42.12CTW to 51.65CTW depend on the ORDER DETAIL of size and LENGHT of the SET. ???????? Length: 20 inches Cuban listed cuban but provides Custom Length as per given in variation. ???????? Metal Purity: 935 ARGENTIUM Silver for SILVER SET ORDER, 10k Gold for GOLD SET ORDER as per chose the order variation. ???????? Stamp/Hallmark: Any hallmark as per buyer need if not request then S925 on silver order and 10KT ON GOLD ORDER. ➡️All ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ▶️ ???????? Material Type: 935 ARGENTIUM SILVER with WHITE/YELLOW/ROSE GOLD PLATED or 10KT YELLOWGOLD/WHITE/ROSE as per your order detail. ???????? Main Stone: Moissanite ???????? Gem description: VVS1 DEF Color ???????? Certificate Type: ISO LAB APPROVED Certificate for All HANDMADE MOISSANITE and I can not provide Chinese normal Moissanite with ensured of Authentic paper like as GRA etc as that is not longer for lifetime. ➡️ ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ▶️ ????????If Moissanite: D Color, VVS1, Colorless, Eye Clean with Hand Made Polished. ➡️???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? All customization requests are most welcome ???????? You can order this Pendant in 10K/14k/18k White Gold, Yellow Gold, and Rose Gold, as well as Platinum ???????? You can order this Pendant with simulated diamonds, natural diamonds and MOISSANITE. ???????? Massage and you will get instant reply. ➡️ ???????????? 5???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ▶️ ???????? Fast Chat (Response Time: 2min to 20min maximum) ???????? Easy Payment Plan ???????? Easy Return & Exchange Policy ???????? FAST FREE Shipping to Everywhere ???????? Required CUSTOM Engraving. ???????? Rush Order Service accepted. ???????? All Order will be delivered with beautiful packaging and ready for gift giving from our reputed professional expert. ???????? Free Premium GIFT Ring Box so you don't have to buy additional amazing ring box for proposal or for gift. ➡️ ???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????➡️ ???????? Minimum 200 USD Order Value and rest pay during shipment of order after APPROVAL by SHARING OF VIDEO AND IMAGES. ???????? Production Start After 50% Payment. ???????? Jewelry Ship After Full Payment Received. ➡️ ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? and RETURN SERVICE ➡️ ???????? Moissanite in nature is very durable. ???????? We offer a 180 warranty on all our Loose diamonds or Jewelry. ???????? We also provide paid service after the completion of the warranty duration. ????????You can send us an email or can send a message on Etsy 24x7 for any service required thereafter. ????????After over of return period of delivered jewelry, free charges warranty service for 180 days that will cover the stone has fallen but charges apply for new stone, free resizing, jewelry setting refix and repolish jewelry, or upgrade jewelry but a buyer need it return back the item to me so for this all service first contact me for your issue. ➡️ WHY CHOOSE Sparkly JEWELRY? ➡️ ???????? Hypoallergenic - Skin Friendly ???????? Will NOT Turn Your Skin Green as DOUBLE WHITE GOLD PLATED ????????Lead & Nickel Free ????????Cadmium Free ➡️ SHIPMENT SERIVCE ➡️ ???????? We do Standard Shipping through FAST SHIPPING SERVICE PROVIDER. ???????? Free Express Shipping and It will go through PRIORITY SHIPPING SERVICE PROVIDER and it will take 3-6 Working days for delivery. ➡️ OUR SERVICES FOR YOU:- Here We offer Customization Item Specifications:- Diamond Clarity:- VVS Diamond Shape:- Round & Emerald and Straight Baguette Cut Metal:- Argentium with WHITE GOLD PLATED Metal Purity:- 935 Moissanite Color: White DEF Colorless Moissanite Jewelry Type:- Custom Hip Hop Jewelry ------------- PLEASE NOTE IN ANY Custom Order you NEED ! --------------- I accept all kinds of Custom pendent orders. If you would like to change the designs according to your expectations, that is also possible. Or, if you have the designs that you would like us to make, I will be happy to quote you a price and duration until completion of that project. You can also customize everything (Name, color, size, stone, metal) Feel free to contact us for any customization as all jewelry is made to order and well gladly accommodate. For exclusive Sales/Coupons & to support handmade fine quality Jewelry - Please add my shop as a favorite on Etsy Our products are direct from the factory so we can give our product at a very Low Price to Our Valued Customer. ----------------- How Custom order will be proceed ----------------- After payment we make a 3-D CAD Drawing i will send picture examples. This would take 1-3 days. ???? SHOP ______________ For more of our items visit: https://www.etsy.com/in-en/shop/VivaciousForever?ref=seller-platform-mcnav ???? FOLLOW ______________ https://www.instagram.com/vivacious_forever57/ www.pinterest.com/vivaciousf www.vivaciousforever.com https://twitter.com/vivaciousforev1 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWdebbfKjWpiWI_WG8L9g-A This ring is made-to-order. Please allow for a 1 Week lead time plus shipping. Please read the FAQ or Contact Us if you have any questions. Thank you for visiting my shop. Please convo me with any questions, my goal is to create an amazing piece of jewelry you will enjoy and treasure for a lifetime Sincerely, VIVACIOUS FOREVER ???? ???? ???? Remember.. If you can dream it... I can make your dream into REAL ???? ???? ???? ????
74.916 €
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