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    • White Goblin Games Claim 1
    • A partir de 10 años
    • Número de jugadores: 2
    • Tiempo para jugar: 25 minutos
    • Fabricante: White Goblin Games
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    • Por fin un juego de punto para 2 personas.
    • Fantástica ilustración – Sumérgete en el mundo de las nuevas grupos: gnomos pequeños, gigantes, poderosos dragones, miembros sabios y troles lisos.
    • Número de jugadores: 2. Duración del juego: aprox. 25 minutos.
    • Juego de cartas variado con cartas de alta calidad. Gana el duelo alrededor del trono.
    • Edad recomendada: a partir de 10 años.
    • Se puede combinar con Claim: juega en pareja con más conjuntos de grupos, en la versión de 3 o 4 jugadores de punto de equipo.
    • De la casa Game Factory, juegos para familia y amigos.
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    • Esto es una expansión. Necesitas CLAIM o CLAIM2 para jugar. Incluyen nuevas razas y diferentes formas de enfrentarte a tus rivales
    • ¡Llegan los mercenarios! Tras tantos años de luchas incesantes, algunos ejércitos han caído
    • Claim Refuerzos, nuevas formas de doblegar a tus rivales
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    • Claim Pocket, una pequeña gran familia.
    • Toda la diversión en la palma de tu mano.
    • ¿Queréis jugar en el avión? ¿En el autobús? ¿En la mesita de una cafetería? Ahora podréis hacerlo con estas mini versiones de dos de nuestros juegos más exitosos.
    • Estas mini versiones vendrán en una lata para poder transportarlos en vuestro bolsillo y llevároslos a cualquier lugar.
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    • Continua nuestra aventura por los mundos creados por scott almes
    • El nuevo rey ha muerto solo un año ha durado en el trono
    • Ahora, nuevas facciones lucharán por la sucesión al trono
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    • La alfombra de juego Claim trae tus duelos de juego al siguiente nivel
    • Antideslizante y suave: la alfombrilla de neopreno de alta calidad permite una protección óptima para tus tarjetas.
    • El diseño armonioso y el diseño de juego predeterminado garantizan una experiencia de sonido aún más intensa.
    • Gana el duelo alrededor del trono – sumerge un mundo de duelos, caballeros, muertos, enanos, etc. !
    • Tamaño: 60 x 30 cm, grosor 2 mm
    [Leer más]
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    • Claim Pocket, una pequeña gran familia.
    • Toda la diversión en la palma de tu mano.
    • ¿Queréis jugar en el avión? ¿En el autobús? ¿En la mesita de una cafetería? Ahora podréis hacerlo con estas mini versiones de dos de nuestros juegos más exitosos.
    • Estas mini versiones vendrán en una lata para poder transportarlos en vuestro bolsillo y llevároslos a cualquier lugar.
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    • Por fin un juego de punto para 2 personas.
    • Fantástica ilustración: Sumérgete en el mundo de los kobolde, caballeros, unmuertos, enanos y dobles.
    • Número de jugadores: 2. Duración del juego: aprox. 25 minutos.
    • Divertido juego de cartas con cartas de alta calidad. ¡Gana el duelo por el trono!
    • Edad recomendada: a partir de 10.
    • Combinable con la ampliación Claim 2.
    • De la casa Game Factory – Juegos para familia y amigos
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    Claim Terror Comprar Claim Terror en EGD Games Nuevo título Terror, que se unirá a toda la saga anterior, en un mundo más oscuro donde Vampiros, Hombres Lobo y otros seres acecharan en la sombra. La lucha por el poder ha llegado hasta las criaturas oscuras de las Tierras Sombrías. Vampiros, Zombis, Hombres Lobo y Sombras se extendieron por el reino en busca de víctimas y sangre. Ya no hay concesiones para elegir a tus aliados en esta lucha por el trono. ¡Tienes que determinar tu propio futuro! Claim Terror se encuadra dentro de la línea Refuerzos, una serie de títulos que incluyen nuevas facciones para complementar a las ya existentes y una serie de novedades que alterarán el curso de la partida. ¡El mundo Claim, no para de crecer! CLAIM TERROR, EL MIEDO DOMINARÁ LAS TIERRAS Comprar Juegos de mesa en EGD Games
    10,75 €
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    Claim 2 Pocket Comprar Claim 2 Pocket en EGD Games Tras las aventuras acontecidas en Claim, en las que proclamamos a nuestro nuevo gran heredero, resulta que el nuevo Rey ha muerto ¡Solo un año ha durado en el trono! Ahora, nuevas facciones lucharán por la sucesión al trono: Gnomos, Gigantes, Trolls, Dragones y Videntes se enzarzarán en una lucha de poderes para lograr nombrar a un nuevo Rey que los dirija. COMPONENTES 52 Cartas 2 Cartas de referencia Reglamento Comprar Juegos de mesa en EGD games
    6,26 €
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    Claim Storage Box Claim Storage Box incluye: Un inserto personalizado que permite cartas enfundadas. 2 Razas edición limitada (Los Sátiros y las Almas del Amanecer). 1 Escenario (La Batalla de las Almas del Amanecer). La Storage Box tendrá una capacidad para más de 800 cartas, con compartimentos para 12,15, 20 y 50 cartas. Perfecta para guardar todas tus facciones de Claim o para tener clasificadas todo tipo de juegos de cartas.
    25,45 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    "Claim Pocket 2" es la edición de bolsillo de la segunda edición del "Claim". El nuevo rey sólo nos ha durado un año, ni tiempo tuvo para producir herederos. Pero a rey muerto, ¡Rey puesto! Cinco nuevas facciones; Gnomos, Gigantes, Videntes, Trols y Dragones, se han sumado a una cruenta lucha de poder para ganarse el trono y colocar en lo alto a su candidato. ¿Conseguirás ser el elegido?
    6,25 €
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    Claim Refuerzos - Mapas El reino se encuentra en dificultades. Sin ningún sucesor al trono designado, la lucha se traslada a los lugares mágicos que comenzarán a jugar un papel determinante. Convence a los Basiliscos y Unicornios para que te ayuden en tu lucha, mientras observas la aparición de los poderosos Fenix.
    10,75 €
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    Claim Refuerzos - Magia Nuevas facciones luchan por el trono. Los Magos, los Druidas y los Cambiaformas han llegado para involucrarse en la lucha por el poder. Además estas nuevas facciones traerán antiguos y poderosos artefactos que utilizarán en su beneficio.
    10,75 €
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    Claim Refuerzos - Mercenarios ¡Llegan los mercenarios! Tras tantos años de luchas incesantes, algunos ejércitos han caído. En su ausencia, los herederos reclutan mercenarios que luchen en su favor, pero… ¿Tendrán intenciones ocultas los clanes de Cíclopes, Elfos y Orcos? Tiempos de caos se avecinan.
    10,75 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Muchas veces las propias tropas no son suficientes y los pretendientes al trono tienen que recurrir a mercenarios para que luchen por ellos. En esta expansión de CLAIM y/o CLAIM 2 contaréis con famosos Héroes y el apoyo de Cíclopes, Elfos y Orcos. Se avecinan tiempos caóticos, ¿estarás a la altura?
    1.075 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Las cosas se ponen difíciles con esta expansión para CLAIM (o CLAIM 2). El reino está atravesando un momento difícil. Sin sucesor al trono y con luchas de poder incesantes, los Lugares Mágicos jugarán ahora un papel importante en las duras batallas. Convence a los Basiliscos y Unicornios para que te ayuden a reclamar el trono, pero ten cuidado con los Fénix, imponentes y peligrosos para todos.
    1.075 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Las cosas se ponen difíciles con esta expansión para CLAIM (o CLAIM 2). El reino está atravesando un momento difícil. Sin sucesor al trono y con luchas de poder incesantes, los Lugares Mágicos jugarán ahora un papel importante en las duras batallas. Convence a los Basiliscos y Unicornios para que te ayuden a reclamar el trono, pero ten cuidado con los Fénix, imponentes y peligrosos para todos. Juego Kilómetro 0: Está abierto y destroquelado, pero en perfectas condiciones. Es el que hemos usado para el vídeo.
    967 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Muchas veces las propias tropas no son suficientes y los pretendientes al trono tienen que recurrir a mercenarios para que luchen por ellos. En esta expansión de CLAIM y/o CLAIM 2 contaréis con famosos Héroes y el apoyo de Cíclopes, Elfos y Orcos. Se avecinan tiempos caóticos, ¿estarás a la altura? Juego Kilómetro 0: Está abierto y destroquelado, pero en perfectas condiciones. Es el que hemos usado para el vídeo.
    967 €
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    La Storage Box del Claim tiene capacidad para más de 800 cartas y es perfecta para guardar todas tus facciones del Claim. Además, incluye un nuevo Escenario, "Las Batallas de las Almas del Amanecer", y dos Razas únicas y de edición limitada: los Sátiros y las Almas del Amanecer.
    2.695 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Nueva expansión para Claim o Claim 2 que incorpora oscuras y terroríficas criaturas. Vampiros, Hombres Lobo, Zombies, Sombras aterradoras... El terror se expande y tendrás que elegir bien a tus aliados para luchar contra el mal.
    1.075 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Nueva expansión para Claim o Claim 2 que incorpora oscuras y terroríficas criaturas. Vampiros, Hombres Lobo, Zombies, Sombras aterradoras... El terror se expande y tendrás que elegir bien a tus aliados para luchar contra el mal. Juego Kilómetro 0: Está abierto y destroquelado, pero en perfectas condiciones. Es el que hemos usado para el vídeo.
    967 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Tras las aventuras acontecidas en Claim, en las que proclamamos a nuestro nuevo gran heredero, resulta que el nuevo Rey ha muerto  ¡Solo un año ha durado en el trono! Ahora, nuevas facciones lucharán por la sucesión al trono: Gnomos, Gigantes, Trolls, Dragones y Videntes se enzarzarán en una lucha de poderes para lograr nombrar a un nuevo Rey que los dirija.
    1.075 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Esto es un no parar, cada vez más facciones luchar por reclamar el trono; Magos, Druidas e incluso Cambiaformas toman parte en la lucha por el poder. Y no solo eso, ahora también tendrás acceso a antiguos y poderosos artefactos para darle una vuelta a tus partidas. Necesitas CLAIM o CLAIM2 para jugar.
    1.075 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Esto es un no parar, cada vez más facciones luchar por reclamar el trono; Magos, Druidas e incluso Cambiaformas toman parte en la lucha por el poder. Y no solo eso, ahora también tendrás acceso a antiguos y poderosos artefactos para darle una vuelta a tus partidas. Necesitas CLAIM o CLAIM2 para jugar. Juego Kilómetro 0: Está abierto y destroquelado, pero en perfectas condiciones. Es el que hemos usado para el vídeo.
    967 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Paquete de 60 fundas Wizard para enfundar todas tus cartas del Claim, con unas medidas de 58x89 mm.
    715 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Nuevos refuerzos para tus partidas de Claim. Ahora, nos encontramos en las Tierras de Hielo, y los guerreros de la nieve, las bestias heladas, los yetis y las reinas de hielo irán a por ti. Lucha, sufre, muere...
    10,75 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    El nuevo rey sólo nos ha durado un año, ni tiempo tuvo para producir herederos. Pero a rey muerto, ¡Rey puesto! Cinco nuevas facciones; Gnomos, Gigantes, Videntes, Trols y Dragones, se han sumado a una cruenta lucha de poder para ganarse el trono y colocar en lo alto a su candidato. ¿Conseguirás ser el elegido?   Juego Kilómetro 0: Está abierto y destroquelado, pero en perfectas condiciones. Es el que hemos usado para el vídeo.
    562 €
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    Fundas Claim Wizard (60 Fundas 58 X 89 mm) Comprar Fundas Claim Wizard en EGD Games ¿Quieres usar fundas pero lo que hay en el mercado te parece muy aburrido? Entonces las fundas de Claim son tu solución perfecta. 60 fundas de la mejor calidad con arte gráfico de Claim, Master Wizard, y unas medidas de 58x89 mm. Comprar Juegos de mesa en EGD Games
    7,15 €
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    Palencia (Palencia)
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    Starship Samurai Take your place as daimyo of one of the major clans and fight for your right to the title of Galactic Emperor in Starship Samurai, an epic new game of warring clans for two to four players. In this war, you must use diplomacy to bring honor to your clan, earn the support of the lesser clans, and cement your claim to the throne. But when negotiation is not enough, you can launch massive fleets or deploy the most fearsome weapons the galaxy has ever known - the terrifying Samurai Mechs - to crush your enemies and seize key locations. Exert your influence and bring order out of chaos! "The heavens erupt in the skies above the streets of Byakko City. Points of light flash briefly as the warp drives of carrier ships blink into existence. The Nova Clan's forces are caught off-guard as a swarm of Void fighters launch to overtake the bustling capital city. The airspace siege cannons of the Void carrier hammer away at Nova Clan's defenses, and a shadow falls over the city. Masumune has arrived. The gargantuan samurai mech cuts through the enemy forces with ease, obliterating the few remaining Nova Clan ships as they attempt to warp away to a neighboring system. Byakko City belongs to the Void Clan… for now." Fight for control of the Lotus Galaxy in Starship Samurai, a game of area control and massive mech combat for 2-4 players. Take control of your clan and lead your fleet of ships to glory with cunning tactics and political manipulation. Battle for control of key locations in the Lotus Galaxy to increase your clan's honor and sway lesser clans to your cause. Each round, players will use an innovative action selection system to use one of four available actions: Gain Wealth, Move Units, Draw Cards or Move a Clan Token. The value of each action is determined by the token used (1-4). This system allows players to adjust their strategy at a moment's notice to reflect the challenges they'll face from rival clans. Move your ships and Samurai to block a key location, draw cards to change the course of battle, move a Clan Token to secure your claim to the throne or generate wealth to give you even more options. Each player will control two Samurai with unique abilities that can vary their strategy and change the outcome of any game. These advanced Mechs are the heart of your fleet's power, capable of destroying enemy ships with ease and shifting battles in your favor. Use them wisely! Maintain Honor, no matter the cost in Starship Samurai. Lead your clan to victory and secure your claim to the throne of the Galactic Emperor. Contents 1 rulebook 1 alliance board 4 location boards 4 player boards 48 action cards 16 unit cards 16 location cards 8 Samurai mech figures 32 fighter ship figures (8 each of 4 colors) 4 carrier ship figures (1 each of 4 colors) 44 wealth tokens 1 first player token 4 player score markers 16 order markers 8 clan markers
    50,95 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    "HELLO AUTUMN - Relax and dream ‒ a colouring book for adults." digital coloring book 25 pages with 41 images - Instant Download PRINTABLE! Let the magic of autumn cast its spell over you, and find inner peace and balance as you colour. 41 large and small lovingly hand-drawn autumn motifs are waiting to be brought to life with vibrant colours. Have a look at my video review: https://youtu.be/qEchzd3t1Bg This set of coloring pages includes 25 pages of my coloring book "HELLO AUTUMN" which can be found on Amazon! This PDF download does not include the cover or back cover. You can reduce the size in any image editing software to make cards and other goodies. THERE ARE 25 PAGES WITH 41 LARGE AND SMALL AUTUMN MOTIFS IN HIGH QUALITY 300 DPI AND 8 X 10 INCHES (20.32 X 25.4 CM) The benefits of purchasing a coloring page as a digital download means you have the freedom to experiment with different papers and any medium you like be it pencil crayons, markers or water colour. You can also experiment with textured papers and different coloured papers. You could use a thicker cardstock for markers, or watercolour paper for your watercolour pencil crayons. The options are endless. If you make a mistake or don’t like the colour combination you have chosen just print another one off and you can try again. These are for personal use only. Please read terms below. Here is a link to help you if you can't find the digital files or if the email does not come to your email address. This link shows you how to download your files. Just click on this link or copy and paste this link into your address bar https://www.etsy.com/help/article/3949 Share Your Colored Image on https://www.facebook.com/groups/AlexandrasColouringBooks or https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.dannenmann I would love to see it. You can find all my books on my homepage http://alexandra-dannenmann.de Terms of Use: *This digital file and printed version is for personal use only and may NOT be shared or resold in any way. *You may NOT claim the illustration as your own or alter the illustration and claim as your own creation. I retain the copyrights. *You may NOT use the design as web graphics - colored form or black and white. *You may NOT create patterns, collage sheets, prints, coloring books, CDs or claim the art as your own to sell. This image is for individual and personal use only. *You may NOT use the image in any way to resell on products on any POD sites, such as Zazzle, Cafepress, Red Bubble, or any other print on demand website. I am the original artist, retain all copyrights.
    599 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    This set of 205 high-detail celestial illustrations is perfect for adding some mystical style to your next project or creative product; laser cutting, sticker design, planners, wall art, scrapbooking, and much more! The set includes 615 total graphics in 3 different colors (white, black, and gold), each in PNG and SVG file format to suit any creative need. This set includes: Celestial faces, small celestial icons, stars, moons, moon phases, sun rays, star bursts, chains, and charms! ——WHAT’S INCLUDED?—— · 1 PDF with a link to a Google Drive folder containing a total of 615 PNG images and 615 SVG images · Bundle of 615 contains 3 sets of 205 images, each graphic in white, black, and gold · PNG images are separate files with transparent backgrounds · All PNG files differ in size but are approx. 6”-8" in width, 300 dpi, RGB · SVG images are joined (one solid shape) and outlined (no live strokes) This is a digital product and no physical product will be shipped. After purchase, your files will be available to download in the ‘purchases and reviews’ section on Etsy. ——TERMS OF USE—— The purchase of this set includes a PERSONAL USE and COMMERCIAL USE license. ✓ PERSONAL USE: You can use these graphics in personal projects or for any non-commercial purpose. You may not resell, redistribute, or share these files in whole or in part for any purpose. You may not claim the artwork as your own. ✓ COMMERCIAL USE: You may use these graphics commercially in your small business. Graphics may not simply be used as-is for commercial purposes. For commercial-use, your end product’s design must be significantly different than the original graphic; require time, effort, and skill to produce; and does not derive its primary value from the graphic itself. ——WHAT’S NOT ALLOWED?—— ✖ You MAY NOT make public, share, or sell the licensed graphics in any way that allows others to download, extract, or redistribute licensed graphics. ✖ You MAY NOT use the licensed graphics as-is in a digital format for any commercial purpose. Significant changes must be made to incorporate any licensed graphics into a digital commercial product, and the end product must not derive its primary value from the graphic asset itself. ✖ You MAY NOT imply or claim the artwork as your own creation, even if you have made changes ✖ You MAY NOT claim copyright or trademark for a design that contains any of our resources ✖ You MAY NOT use the graphics in direct competition with the original asset(s) you purchased, even if you have made changes. This includes, but is not limited to: digital papers, clipart and SVG files. ———— By purchasing this graphic set, you agree to adhere to the Terms and Conditions outlined in these listing details. Purchase does not transfer rights, and copyright of Papercat Graphics’ designs remains with the artist. © Papercat Graphics
    834 €
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    Juego Original en Inglés: Ticket to Ride: San Francisco features the familiar gameplay from the Ticket to Ride game series collect cards, claim routes, draw tickets but on a map of 1960s San Francisco that allows you to complete a game in no more than 15 minutes.Each player starts with a supply of 20 cable cars, two transportation cards in hand, and one or two destination tickets that show locations in San Francisco. On a turn, you either draw two transportation cards from the deck or the display of five face-up cards (or you take one face-up ferry, which counts as all six colors in the game); or you claim a route on the board by discarding cards that match the color of the route being claimed (with any set of cards allowing you to claim a gray route, although some require ferries); or you draw two destination tickets and keep at least one of them.When you build a line that connects to a souvenir location, such as Lombard Street, the Embarcadero, or the Golden Gate Bridge, you take a souvenir token from that location.Players take turns until someone has no more than two cable cars in their supply, then each player takes one final turn, including the player who triggered the end of the game. Players then sum their points, scoring points for (1) the routes that they've claimed during the game, (2) the destination tickets that they've completed (by connecting the two locations on a ticket by a continuous line of their cable cars), and (3) the souvenirs that they've collected, with a full set of seven souvenirs being worth 12 points. You lose points for any uncompleted destination tickets, then whoever has the high score wins!
    22,10 €
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    Carson City - Big Box Edición Kickstarter The year is 1858 in Carson City, Nevada. You have rounded up a team of courageous cowboys, and your plan is to buy up the best parcels of land in this new town, then build them up with the most prosperous ranches, mines, saloons, etc. Carson City: Big Box is a collection of the Carson City base game, the Gold & Guns expansion, and the upcoming Horses & Heroes expansion. The game board has been redesigned and updated to support a sixth player and the Horses & Heroes expansion. The game is played in four rounds, and in each one of them, the players choose one of the characters, which give certain advantages. When several players claim the same action, a duel is fought, and the player with the most firepower wins the action. In the end, the most prominent citizen in Carson City - as measured by victory points that can be won both during and after the game - wins. Carson City: Gold & Guns, the first expansion, contains updated buildings and houses, new buildings, new double-sided characters, the "Indian" character (previously a promotional item at Spiel 2010), and a separate expansion called "The Outlaws". Carson City: Horses & Heroes, the second expansion, lets players visit the rodeo to claim additional victory points and use horses to unlock special actions. Three new characters are also added to the game.
    76,44 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Tiny Tornado - Instant Digital Download - Personal or commercial Use - JPG, PNG, SVG, DXF EPS Files Your purchase is an instant DIGITAL DOWNLOAD and not a physical product that is mailed to you. This item is to be downloaded, not shipped or printed to you. You will want to download it to your computer, laptop or tablet. These files are large in size so, DO NOT download well with cell phones. ???? WHAT IS INCLUDED: 1 - Quality high resolution JPG file 1 - Quality high resolution PNG file - 300 DPI - transparent background 1 - SVG - Vector File - Cut File For Cricut and Silhouette 1 - DXF File - Drawing exchange format file 1- EPS File - Vector File There will be no watermarks as shown in the listing photo. Please be aware that colors may vary slightly due to your screen settings and printer. T-shirts, cups, totes that are shown in photos are examples of what you can do with your digital file. They are not part of this purchase. ???? USES: - Use images for both personal use and commercial projects. Up to 50 units commercially. - Direct pint, sublimation, printable vinyl, printed format. Use on t-shirts, cups, bags, totes, mugs,etc. - Clipart digital designs to use for t-shirts, mugs, tumblers, website designs, artwork, Invitations, cards, business cards, stationary, magnets, key chains, jewelry, clothing, totes, stickers and so much more! - You can re-size, crop, add other elements or re-color images! ???? CHECKOUT: Add digital files to cart and checkout. Once payment is confirmed, you will be able to download your digital file. Access your download from your Etsy completed orders/ purchase page and you will also receive an email that is used for your Etsy account, which will have a link to your instant download. Enjoy your new files! No refunds will be given, but if you have any issues with the file, please contact me. ???? HOW TO OPEN UP A ZIPPED FILE: Once you have downloaded the zipped folder you will need to unzip it to access the files. ON A PC: Right click the.zip folder and click ‘Extract All’. Choose a location for the folder to be extracted into ON A MAC: Double click the.zip file ???? DISCLAIMERS: Please read the entire listing before purchasing. Research what file types work with your software before purchasing. This being said, please research what file types work with your software before purchasing. As this is a digital instant download product, no refunds can be given if it is determined the files are not compatible with your software. You may use the files for personal or commercial use. This file is not to be sold as a digital file, sold as clip art, traded, shared, or given away as freebie. Do not use these files for any digital creations, instead use for finished products. Do not claim any of my designs as your own or edit/alter them and then claim as your own.
    170 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    2023 Holiday Deadlines US Customers - Regular Shipping, Order by December 7th for delivery by 24th US Customers - Expedited Shipping, Order by December 10th for delivery by 24th UK Customers - 15.5x31b'"' Mats only - Order by December 6th for delivery by 24th UK Customers - All other items - Order by December 4th for delivery by 24th International Customers - Order by December 4th for delivery by 24th Once upon a time, there was a charming little vacation home nestled in the lush foothill of a painstakingly beautiful northern forest. The home was owned by a delightful family of five: a loving pair of parents along with their three vibrant children. Even amid their bustling life, the family made an annual pilgrimage to their little outpost. However, this visit was not just an ordinary family vacation... (Read the rest of this story at the bottom of the listing description.) Breathe fresh, whimsical charm into your workspace or gaming zone with our Mystic Forest Retreat Desk Mat! The perfect blend of practicality and style, this customizable desk mat doubles as an extra large mousepad, making it an excellent addition to any desk setup. The mat features an enchanting forest design that enraptures you into a magical land of fantasy; a sublime blend of vibrant colors making it an instant eye-catcher. It's the ideal gift for college students or those heading back to school, adding a touch of enchantment to their study sessions. Our mats are made from 4mm thick neoprene material, promising durability that stands the test of time. With an anti-slip backing, this large desk pad or extended mousepad won't slide or move while in use. This giant desk mat is also available in a range of sizes and styles, with a choice of either hemmed edges or flat edges, allowing you to choose what suits your needs the best. If you're a gaming enthusiast, this gaming desk mat will level up your gamer desk setup, offering a smooth and supportive surface for seamless mouse movements. It could also serve as a kawaii desk mat or kawaii mousepad, thanks to its cute and captivating design. Caring for this mat is a breeze! Simply use warm water and dish soap to clean off any spots. For those stubborn spots, a soft-bristled brush always does the trick. Dimensions available: 10x16b'"' Flat Edge 12x18b'"' Flat or Hemmed Edge 12x22b'"' Hemmed Edge 14x24b'"' Flat Edge 15.5x31b'"' Hemmed Edge 16x35b'"' Hemmed Edge 18x36b'"' Flat Edge Discover the perfect blend of functionality, comfort, and design with the Mystic Forest Retreat Desk Mat - the ultimate gift for any student, gamer, or anyone looking for a cute desk mat or cute mouse pad. ### The story for this item: Once upon a time, there was a charming little vacation home nestled in the lush foothill of a painstakingly beautiful northern forest. The home was owned by a delightful family of five: a loving pair of parents along with their three vibrant children. Even amid their bustling life, the family made an annual pilgrimage to their little outpost. However, this visit was not just an ordinary family vacation, but instead, a magical, mystical, wonderfully peculiar night that took place once a year. It was a night when the tranquil forest turned into an enchanted land of pastel wonders. As the cherished date drew near, anticipation and excitement filled the family's home. The children won't stop chattering about it; their eyes gleaming with a bright mixture of joy and wonder. Although the parents did their best to keep the mystery intact, they too couldn't mask their stirred excitement. The unpredictability of the enchanting night was the ingredient that whipped them into a frenzy of anticipation. And so, with merriment in their hearts and love in their smiles, the family set off towards their whimsical date with the forest. They arrived at their vacation home just as dusk was starting to hug the world. They unpacked laughter, love, and light, filling the small house with warmth far more nurturing than the fireplace ever could. As clock hands danced towards midnight, the children and the parents sat by the window, their gazes passionately glued to the vista outside. Then, just like clockwork, the transformation began. As if orchestrated by unseen hands, a magical pastel blue fog rolled out from the base of the surrounding hills hitting the air with an aura of serenity. The once-still forest bustled into newfound life. Trees bristled with energy, releasing indescribable tunes that stood somewhere between rustling leaves and soft humming. Almost instantly, the forest seemed like an enchanted orchestra playing a symphony of joy and whimsy. Above, the full moon smirked in golden yellow, lending a soft, tender glow to the entire scene. The clouds, not to be left behind, joined the dance of pastels. They pirouette, waltz and twirled in the sky, interweaving a fanciful tapestry of purple, pink and blue. Every now and then, a star, too shy to miss the fun, blinked into existence, beautifying the sky just a bit more. The entire cosmos laid claim to the celebration, painting a picture so awe-inspiring that it left the family breathless and mesmerized. The children, their eyes wide, hearts full with a blend of joy and astonishment, turned to look at their parents. Their innocent faces as radiant as the magical night unfolding before them. The prophetic magic night was no mere fairytale, it was a promise, a reminder of the unbound love they were blessed to be a part of. As the first streak of dawn emerged from behind the hills, the pastel fog gradually dissipated, the stars dimmed and monotony began to claim the forest back. The enchanting night was over, but it lived on in hearts, a night forever etched into the memory of the family, eagerly looked forward to, and longingly remembered till the next year.
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    Players have 8 rounds to develop their civilizations, adding territory through Land Tiles and prestigious buildings through the Building Tiles. These increase the civilizations’ inhabitants, luxury, wealth and power. Only through a balance of inhabitants, land and buildings can a player claim victory and join the heroes of Peloponnesian history.
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