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Two point hospital

Listado top ventas two point hospital

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        • Incluye 4 expansiones
        • Optimiza el diseño de tu hospital para incrementar en flujo de pacientes y tesorería, preparando pasillos, salas de espera, habitaciones a tu manera. Amplía el hospital a múltiples edificios mientras tratas de conseguir atraer pacientes
        • No esperes que Two Point County esté poblado por los típicos pacientes. En este mundo te encontrarás con todo tipo de enfermedades atípicas
        • Diagnostica enfermedades, construye habitaciones para manejarlas, elige al equipo adecuado y tenles preparados, porque curar una de estas enfermedades es solo el principio
        • Una vez hayas curado una enfermedad, busca varias curas y convierte tu hospital en un lugar imparable de cuidado de la salud
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        • Build the city of your dreams: Bring on a smog-filled industrial revolution or create a quiet beach town ideal for tourists powered by renewable energy. Build it your way!
        • Multi-tiered and challenging simulation: Playing as the mayor of your city, youll be faced with balancing essential requirements such as education, water electricity and much more, along with your citys economy.
        • Extensive local traffic simulation: Managing traffic and the needs of your citizens to work and play will require the use of several interactive transport systems.
        • Districts and policies: Be more than just another city hall official! Create a car-free downtown area, assign free public transport to your waterfront, or ban pets in suburbia.
        • After Dark included: Watch your city become an entirely different place at night: a day-night cycle will have your citizens seeking out places to unwind after work.
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        • Crea una obra maestra de hospital con el centro de atención sanitaria más impresionante de todo el condado de dos puntos.
        • Diagnóstico de enfermedades, construye habitaciones adecuadas, toma el personal y mantente preparado, porque tratar solo una de estas enfermedades es el comienzo
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            • Design and build your own hospital: Build up a hospital from nothing to a masterpiece as you design the most beautiful or functional healthcare operation in the whole of Two Point County.
            • Cure unusual illnesses: Dont expect Two Point County to be populated with your usual types of patients. In this world, youll experience Two Point's trademark quirky illnesses; from Light-headedness to Cubism each requiring their very own special type of treatment machine.
            • The County's thelimit: Your first hospital is where it begins, but what next? Once youve cured the residents of a small harbour village, can you take on a bigger challenge in a busier hospital?
            • Improve your facilities, upgrade machines, staff and layouts to make more money, more quickly.
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            • Construye tu hospital a tu gusto, modifica la disposición de las habitaciones y coloca objetos para construir los hospitales más bonitos y eficientes y tratar algunas de las más atípicas (y divertidas) enfermedades
            • Gestiona los trabajos de tu hospital, ¡y el dinero que estás haciendo también! Sigue curando gente e incrementando la reputación de tu hospital para expandir tu imperio; trata de no matar a nadie
            • Two Point Hospital en PS4, Xbox One y Nintendo Switch incluye dos expansiones Premium: Bigfoot y Pebberley Island
            • Meterse en el juego es más fácil que nunca, con un sistema de control totalmente rediseñado que traen precisión total
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            España (Todas las ciudades)
            Tras más de 3 millones de copias vendidas en todo el mundo, GAME te trae la Jumbo Edition de Two Point Hospital, con 4 enormes expansiones y dos DLC´s adicionales para que no se quede ningún paciente por atender. Los DLC incluyen: Dos paquetes de objetos exclusivos y sus cuatro expansiones, que amplían aún más la experiencia sanitaria: Bigfoot Isla Pebberley Encuentros en la tercera base Desconexión Total Diseña tu hospital ahora con la máxima personalización preparando pasillos, salas de espera, habitaciones creadas por ti al milímetro. Controla tus finanzas y sobre todo prepáralo para curar las más de 189 enfermedadesraras incluidas en este pack y atrae a los máximos pacientes posibles a tu obra maestra de la cirugía. ¿Y cuando lo hayas construido qué? ¡Sigue creando! 27 hospitales en una variedad de áreas, desde las tierras heladas de Bigfoot a los climas tropicales de Pebberley Island. Todo ello aderezado con un buen puñado de maquinas curativas y cientos y cientos de objetos para poner en tus hospitales. Two Point Hospital Jumbo Edition incluye: El juego base Two Point Hospital 4 Expansiones premium 2 Packs de accesorios ¡Salva vidas de la manera más divertida con Two Point Hospital!
            39,95 €
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            Barcelona (Barcelona)
            Juego ps4 two point hospital con factura y garantía 2 años en GAME. Está nuevo(sólo probado)
            35 €
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            España (Todas las ciudades)
            Two Point Hospital es un juego de simulación empresarial y estrategia, muy parecido al Theme Hospital, es divertido y de Sega. Está nuevo, preferiblemente vendo o CAMBIO por algún juego que me interese de Nintendo Switch. No hago envíos, entrega en mano y lugar es hablarlo y coincidir, gracias.
            30 €
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            España (Todas las ciudades)
            Ficha técnica two point hospital n-switch caja original: Sí titulo: two point hospital n-switch genero: simuladores informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción two point hospital n-switch two point hospital n-switch es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
            21,95 €
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            España (Todas las ciudades)
            Vendo Ps4 con Mando (Blanco), todos los cables y la caja. Opción de añadir los cascos (valorados en 40€). OFERTA: Ps4 + cascos = 200€ OPCIONAL: Añadir cuenta ID PSN con juegos digitales (podéis cambiar nombre gratis). (OFRECED/NO OFERTAS ABSURDAS): - PSN PLUS finaliza 2/9/2020 - Fifa 20 Ultimate Edition - Rainbow Six Siege (VIP) - Two point hospital - Sims 4 - Cities Skylines - Rocket League - Battlefield Hardline - Titanfall 2 - Call of Dutty Modern Warfare - The Last of Us remasterizado - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Disc Jam - Little Big planet 3 - Steep - Fifa 19 - Pes 2017 - F1 2017 - Need for speed rivals - UFC 2 - Trials fusion
            180 €
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            España (Todas las ciudades)
            PRECIO NO NEGOCIABLE. Vendo mando de Xbox 360 inalámbrico, original de Microsoft. Se compró en PcComponentes hace 2 años y lleva más de 1 sin usarse, pero se ha probado de nuevo y funciona todo perfectamente. El uso que ha tenido es en juegos de coches y motos. POCO USO. Lo entrego con el receptor original para el ordenador. Envío drivers del receptor e instrucciones. Compatible con Windows 10 (ver última foto). Aceptaría intercambios por juegos de Nintendo Switch como: Splatoon 2, Two Point Hospital, etc... NO ME DESPLAZO. Envío a toda españa.
            20 €
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            España (Todas las ciudades)
            Vendo o cambio por juegos de PS4 o de Nintendo switch two point hospital-25€ ancestors legacy conquerors edition-20€ northgard-15€ Monopoly-10€
            1 €
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            Madrid (Madrid)
            Maqueta ESCI 1/72 BAe Harrier GR.3 ‘Laser Harrier’ #9034 Maqueta ESCI 1/72 BAe Harrier GR.3 ‘Laser Harrier’ #9034 La vulnerabilidad de las bases aéreas a los ataques enemigos condujo a la búsqueda de un avión capaz de operar desde lugares remotos, a veces incluso cerca del campo de batalla. A pesar del escepticismo inicial, el Harrier se ha revelado con los años como una eficaz plataforma de combate, como quedó demostrado en la Guerra de las Malvinas, donde los Harrier Gr.3 de la RAF fueron capaces de operar desde las cubiertas de los portaaaviones británicos con un mínimo entrenamiento de los pilotos. La maqueta. La mejor que se haya hecho en esta escala de este revolucionario avión, con detalle decente en general y líneas de paneles finamente grabadas. Incluye dos misiles AIM-9L, dos contenedores ventrales de cañones ADEN de 30 mm, dos depósitos de combustible subalares, dos bombas de 1.000 lb, dos bombas cluster BL755 y sonda de reabastecimiento en vuelo. Calcas para esquemas del 1er y 3er Sqns y 1417º Flight. Peso: 180 g. The weakest point of a modern Air Force is the vulnerability of the air bases and because this a number of solutions have been developed to solve it. One option was the use of aircrafts able to operate far from their bases, sometimes even close to the battle line. Despite initial scepticism, the Harrier has probed to be a great success as was demonstrated in the Falklands War first and in the Balkan and Iraq skies later. Although not as famed as the Sea Harrier, this version -with a laser designator device in the nose- demonstrated the flexibility of the Harrier concept. It was the first time that RAF units operated from the Royal Navy carriers’ decks. The kit. The best available in this scale for this revolutionary plane, well detailed and with finelly engraved panel lines. Weaponry inlcudes two AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles, two 30 mm ADEN gun pods, two underwing fuel tanks, two 1.000 pounds GP bombs, two BL755 cluster bombs and in-flight refuelling probe. Decals for RAF’s 1st and 3rd Squadrons and 1417th Flight. Weight: 180 g.  
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            Rat Hot - Segunda Mano JUEGO DE SEGUNDA MANO COMPLETO USO Poco uso ESTADO DE LA CAJA En buen estado.(ver fotos) ESTADO DE LOS COMPONENTES En buen estado. IDIOMA Castellano Rat Hot is a two-player game developed from Michael Schacht's Dschunke: Das Legespiel on his own label Spiel aus Timbuktu, which in turn was developed from his game Dschunke, also published by Queen. The Rat Hot tile distribution differs slightly from Dschunke: das Legespiel but you can very nearly use the Dschunke: das Legespiel rules with a Rat Hot set. All the games use the clever mechanism of stacking long 3x1 tiles so that the upper tiles obscure some parts of the tiles underneath. In Rat Hot, the two players simply take turns to draw 2 tiles from a face down pile, and add them to the existing layout. The tiles are all 1x3 and show a combination of rats, spices or empty crates. Each player has four different types of spice in their player colour which they are trying to form into large groups. Many of the tiles have spices of both colours. The game is scored with grey and yellow chips which represent 1 and 2 points. Each time you place a tile, you and your opponent can score points from groups created or changed by that tile. Whenever a group of two of the same spice is formed, the owning player receives one point, or two points for groups of three or more. Beware! If there are three rats of your own colour visible at the end of your turn, you instantly lose. When the draw pile is exhausted and the tiles all placed, the board is scored once more for all players, so trying to preserve existing groups also counts. The real trick in the game comes in the tile placement. Tiles must be adjacent by at least one square. Tiles can placed on top of other tiles, so that stacks build up. But a tile can not sit exactly on top of another, so there must always be some offset, and all three squares of a tile must be supported by other tiles, or the table. Rat Hot can be very tricky. You want to keep your opponent's rats exposed in awkward places, so they have to spend both their moves trying to keep the rats covered. But you also want to set up scoring positions, and cover your own rats, and avoid giving your opponent points as well. There's a good mental challenge here, as you puzzle over the best use and arrangement of your tiles. Do you dare leave two of your rats open, because your opponent may draw more of your rats and make it impossible for you to finish your next turn with less than three showing. Can you get a good group of spices going and also break up your opponent's groups? Tricky problems for tricky minds. Rat Hot is a quick, fun game and is a good addition to Queen's line of small 2-player games. The wood chips make it easy to see who is leading, the tiles are nicely made, the graphics are fun, and the game plays quickly and fairly. You can be stuffed by unlucky tile draws, but perhaps your low score is more to do with your choices, or maybe the other player is just smarter than you. Fast play, easy rules, and the risk of sudden death give Rat Hot a high replay value.
            9 €
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            Triumph & Tragedy (Second Edition) Triumph & Tragedy is a geopolitical strategy game for 3 players (also playable by 2) covering the competition for European supremacy during the period 1936-45 between Capitalism (the West), Communism (the Soviet Union) and Fascism (the Axis). It has diplomatic, economic, technological and military components, and can be won by gaining economic hegemony or technological supremacy (A-bomb), or by vanquishing a rival militarily. The 22 x 34 area map covers Eurasia to India and the Urals, plus the Americas. Military units are 5/8" blocks, of 7 types (Infantry/Tank/Fortress/AirForce/Carrier/Fleet/Submarine), in 7 different colors (Germany/Italy/Russia/Britain/France/USA/Neutral). The mix of over 200 blocks allows great flexibility of force composition. There is a 55-card Action deck and a 55-card Investment deck, plus 30 Peace Dividend chits and 110 markers of various types. The game starts in 1936, with all 3 Great Powers virtually disarmed: Germany has repudiated the Versailles Peace Treaty, initiating an arms race in Europe. With blocks, the nature of military buildups remain unknown to rivals unless/until military conflict breaks out. The game may end peacefully or there may be war. There are game sanctions for attacking neutral minors or declaring war on an opponent, and rewards for remaining peaceful (you get a Peace Dividend chit of value 0-2 for every year you remain at Peace). You can win peacefully by: • Economic Hegemony (total of Production + secret Peace Dividend values + Atomic Research is the greatest in 1945, or reaches 25 at any time) OR • Technological Supremacy (build the A-bomb which takes 4 stages and be able to deliver it to a Main Capital). If there is war, you can still win by either of the above methods (with extra Economic Hegemony victory points available), or by: • Military Victory (capture TWO enemy capitals out of nine: each player controls three). Economic production underlies all forms of power in the game. Production is the LEAST of controlled Population (cities), controlled Resources, and Industry (which starts low and can be built up with Investment cards), except that Resources can be ignored if at Peace. Powers can spend their current economic Production on either: • Military units (new 1-step units or additional steps on existing units), OR • Action cards, which have Diplomatic values (to gain Population and Resources without conflict) and a Command value (to move military units), OR • Investment cards, which have Technological values (to enhance unit abilities) and a Factory value (the only way to increase Industry levels). Building a unit step or buying a card costs 1 Production. Simple. You can't inspect cards bought until after you have spent all Production. Initially, the Axis economy is Population/Resource limited, but ahead in Industry, while the West and Russia are Industry-limited, with adequate empires of Population and Resources. Throttling/limiting rival economies by denial of Population/Resources is a key form of competition. In peacetime, this is primarily done via Diplomacy, committing Action cards to gain control of minor nations and their Population/Resources, or to deny or reduce Rival control of them. At war, this can be done more directly by military conquest on land, by Naval/Submarine blockade of trade routes at sea, and by Strategic Bombing of enemy Industry by air forces. The early phase of the game tends to revolve around: • Diplomatic infighting (using Action cards), to gain minor nations (Czech, Rumania, etc) for their Population and Resources, and • Industrial buildup (via Investment cards), with • Military buildups (with the nature of forces being built being unknown to opponents), • Technology advancement (also via Investment cards), and some • Military operations (using Action cards for Command), which can include Violating (attacking) neutral minors to gain Population/Resources when Diplomacy fails. If the game continues peacefully due to imposing defenses or player inclination, pressure builds as players approach a Production of 20, as secret Peace Dividend chits may take someone over the 25 Victory threshold. Or players may succeed in developing the Atomic Bomb and steal a victory that way. At some point, however, one Power (seeing opportunity or necessity) may Declare War on another. The victim gets immediate economic benefits in reaction, but military reality comes to the forefront from this point onward. The third party may well continue its economic development in peace. Or not. Unit movement is by Command card, which specifies a Command Priority letter that determines order of movement/combat and a Command Value number that determines the maximum number of units that can be moved. Command cards are only valid during one specified Season (Spring/Summer/Fall), so a variety of Command cards in one's hand is necessary for a Power to be able to move in every Season. But HandSizes are limited, so each player must balance competing demands for card resources with military security. Combat occurs when rival units occupy the same area, and is executed by units firing in order by Type (defenders firing first amongst equal types), rolling dice for hits. Units have different Firepowers (hit values) depending on the Class of unit they are targeting (ground, naval, air, sub). Land combat is one round per Season while sea battles are fought to a conclusion. Ground units without a Supply line lose 1 step per Season and cannot build (except Fortress units which are immune to both effects but cannot move). Triumph & Tragedy is a true three-sided game: there is no requirement that the West and Russia be on the same side (and in fact there are valid reasons to attack each other), and only ONE player can win the game. Table talk is allowed (and encouraged) but agreements are not enforceable. Alliances are shifting and co-operation is undependable. The game can continue as an economic battle of attrition or a sudden military explosion can change everything. There is immense replayability as players can pursue dominance in Europe via land, sea or air military superiority, technological supremacy, or economic hegemony without rivals realizing their strategy until it is TOO LATE! It is a highly interactive, tense, fast-moving game with little downtime between player turns, covering THE crucial geopolitical decade of the 20th century in 4-6 hours. AWARDS & HONORS 2015 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee FUNDAS 63,5x88 (120)
            84,5 €
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            Madrid (Madrid)
            Maqueta Revell 1/144 Hawker Harrier GR.1 #4007 Maqueta Revell 1/144 Hawker Harrier GR.1 #4007 La Histo ria       The History       L'histoire La vulnerabilidad de las bases aéreas a los ataques enemigos condujo a la búsqueda de un avión capaz de operar desde lugares remotos, a veces incluso cerca del campo de batalla. A pesar del escepticismo inicial, el Harrier se ha revelado con los años como una eficaz plataforma de combate, como quedó demostrado en la Guerra de las Malvinas primero y más tarde en los cielos de los Balcanes e Irak. La Armada española fue la primera que lo empleó desde la cubierta de un portaaviones.       The weakest point of a modern Air Force is the vulnerability of the air bases and because this a number of solutions have been developed to solve it. One option was the use of aircrafts able to operate far from their bases, sometimes even close to the battle line. This last requirement was the main interest for the US Marine Corps when selected the Harrier for the service. Despite initial scepticism, the Harrier has probed to be a great success as was demonstrated in the Falklands War first and in the Balkan and Iraq skies later.       Le point le plus faible d'une Force aérienne moderne est la vulnérabilité des bases aériennes et, grâce à cela, un certain nombre de solutions ont été développées pour le résoudre. Une option était l'utilisation d'avions capables de fonctionner loin de leurs bases, parfois même proches de la ligne de bataille. Cette dernière exigence était le principal intérêt pour le Marine Corps des États-Unis lors de la sélection du Harrier pour le service. Malgré le scepticisme initial, le Harrier a sondé pour être un grand succès comme cela a été démontré dans la guerre des Malouines d'abord et dans les esprits des Balkans et d'Irak plus tard. Traducteur Google, mes excuses.                   La Maqueta       The Kit       Le Maquette Reedición del molde original de Crown, el único que existe de este aparato en esta escala. Moderadamente detallada, con líneas de paneles grabadas. La carga externa comprende cuatro contenedores lanzacohetes MATRA y dos bombas de caída libre. A pesar de lo que dice la caja, no hay piezas para hacer un GR.3; es un GR.1 o AV-8A. Incluye sonda de reabastecimiento en vuelo. Calcas para el esquema de la ilustración. Piezas en bolsa sellada original. Peso: 70 g.       Re-issue of the original Crown tooling, the only for this aircraft in this scale. Moderatelly detailed, with engraved panel lines. Ordnance includes four MATRA rocket-launcher pods and two free-fall bombs. There is no parts to build a GR.3 despite it's said in the box, it's a GR.1 or AV-8A. In-flight refuelling probe included. Decals for the scheme shown in the box-art. Parts in original sealed bag. Weight: 70 g.       Réédition de l'outillage original Crown, le seul pour cet avion dans cette échelle. Modélément détaillée, avec des lignes de panneaux gravés. La charge d'armes comprend quatre gaines de lance-roquette MATRA et deux bombes à chute libre. Il n'y a pas de pièces pour construire un GR.3 malgré sa mention dans la boîte, c'est un GR.1 ou AV-8A. Sonde de ravitaillement en vol incluse. Les décalques pour le schéma figurant dans le box-art. Pièces dans le sac scellé d'origine. Poids: 70 g.
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            Arquebus - Men of Iron IV Fecha de Llegada Aproximada - Octubre 2017 Northern Italy - and especially Milan - at the end of the 15th century was the brutal focal point for power and control between France and the Imperialist empires of Venice and Spain. And the battles fought for this prize are a record of the changing face of how war was fought. At the start of the 'war', the main forces were mounted men-at-arms and a tightly packed and closed formation of pike, especially as represented by the Swiss. But as battle churned into battle, that slowly changed. Firepower, in the form of the arquebus (an early musket) became increasingly prevalent and dominant, forcing the closed pike formations to open up, as the Spanish did (with sword and buckler), and the reliance on heavily mounted cavalry to decrease. Arquebus shows all of this in true die-rolling glory, featuring 8 major battles: Fornovo, Cerignola, Agnadello, Ravenna, Marignano, Bicocca, Pavia, and Ceresole. These are all really great game-players, with all but two of them half-mappers playable in 3 hours or less. The other two are the 'tiny' page-sized (8" x 11") Cerignola and the big one-mapper, the major, final battle of Pavia. Pavia was a crushing defeat wherein France lost over 50% of its army and almost all of its nobility of command, including her king, Francis I, who was captured. But for gamers, Pavia is wonderful gameplay, with units all over the greatly detailed map, much maneuver and many tough decisions to make. Arquebus uses the popular "Men of Iron" mechanics with much concentration on detail of weaponry, from the differences between closed formation and open, to the decline of the Swiss (pas d'argent? pas de Suisse), and the rise of the German Landsknecht, the major force in warfare of the era and, ironically, the best-dressed men in Europe. Yes, Landsknecht uniforms literally set the fashion trend at the time for the entire western world.
            61,45 €
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            Avalon. JUEGO DE SEGUNDA MANO COMPLETO USO Poco Uso ESTADO DE LA CAJA En buen estado ESTADO DE LOS COMPONENTES En buen estado. IDIOMA Alemán. NOTA Incluye reglamento en castellano. The game starts with the landscapes face down, randomly assigned knights or enchantresses on each player's side of the landscape cards, and five knights/enchantresses in each players hand. In the course of the game, if you play knights on your side of the territory and you have at least as many cards on your side before playing the card, you have the option of declaring an attack with that knight. The other player has a chance to respond by defending with a knight of exactly the same color (in which case both knights are left in place). If the attacker is successful, the loser loses all of their cards from their side, and the winner loses an equal number. Then, the winner must lose an additional number of cards from their side or the hand equal to the total number of knights on both sides that were involved in the conflict. Finally, the region is turned face up with the crowns on the bottom facing toward the controlling player. You can only attack up to two landscapes per turn, but you may play as many cards as you would like to on your turn. The max hand size at the end of a round is 5. The object is to control 15 crowns at the end of your turn (number of crowns on a card ranges from 1-3). Two landscape cards have special abilities - Avalon reduces your loss from battles by one once per turn, and the forest with a standing stone allows you to declare an attack on your opponent with an enchantress as if she was a knight. Enchantresses normally will convert enemy knights from their side of the board to yours unless countered with a same color enchantress. The countering player receives the aggressor's attacking enchantress into his hand if he counters an enchantress. When the player is done playing cards, he draws one of the 5 Light tiles or 4 Dark tiles that describe the options for replenishing cards in hand. Light tiles give you their benefit immediately, and Dark tiles give you their benefit at the beginning of your next turn. Each tile is used only once until all tiles have been used, at which point they are all available again. After drawing a replenishment tile, the player's turn is over and the game continues with the next player.
            8 €
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            Share a friendly moment with family or friends with this wooden dexterity game !two crazy builders and a challenge: build the highest palace without it tumbling down. two players take each other on to build a palace. the winner will be the bravest player with the steadiest hand! place the brick with the inscriptions as a base, in the center of the playing surface. roll the dice and place your bricks anywhere on the base or on bricks already positioned following the indications of the dice: if it is an s, lay your brick vertically; if it's an m, lay it on its side; if it's an l, lay it flat. each time you put a brick, put your pawn on it. be careful not to move anything or drop everything! when there are no more bricks, whoever puts their pawn on the highest point of the palace wins the game!a safe, eco-friendly game made with fsc certified wood and non-toxic colours. 100% made in italy. crazy palace, a wooden game made by milaniwood.
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            Madrid (Madrid)
            time commando 15 the unholy war 50 thrasher skate and destroy 20 toca touring car 8 toca touring car 2 18 tank racer 15 tom clancy's rainbow six/rogue spear 25 tekken 40 tekken 3 30 uefa challenge 12 uefa striker 10 v-rally 12 v-rally 2 12 vanishing point 10 virus it is aware 20 virtual kasparov 5 wip3out 25 a recoger en la parada de metro o renfe Hospital doce de octubre. hago envios por wallapay o certificado. Precio fijo, no hago descuentos. no me interesa cambios
            5 €
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