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This war mine

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  • Classification PEGI : ages_18_and_over
  • packageQuantity : 1
  • operatingSystem : No Operating System
  • Genre : Jeux d'arcade
  • Editeur : Deep Silver
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  • Número de jugadores: 1-6.
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  • Juego de espuma Feldherr para 'This War of Mine' - Clasifica y protege el material de juego de la caja central de la caja original del juego.
  • El juego contiene: 1 bandeja de espuma con 36 compartimentos para miniaturas y fichas, 1 bandeja de espuma con 9 compartimentos para fichas y dados, 1 topper de espuma a juego.
  • La espuma de poros finos proporciona la mejor protección posible contra arañazos y otros daños al material de juego. La correcta organización de las docenas de miniaturas, fichas, cartas y dados acelerará la configuración y el desmontaje del juego.
  • Corte personalizado para la caja original del juego - nada se desliza, nada se tambalea. Para asegurarse de que ningún componente del juego se caiga de las bandejas, el juego incluye un topper de espuma a juego.
  • Este set contiene sólo espuma - No Game Box - No Miniatures - No Accessories - Just Foam! Los modelos que aparecen en la foto son sólo para comparación de tamaños. Son propiedad personal de la empresa Feldherr o de sus empleados.
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  • This War of mina es un juego de mesa y supervivencia inmersivo en el que un grupo de civiles encontrado en una casa de una ciudad sentada intenta sobrevivir a los horrores de una guerra interminable.
  • This War of mine es la adaptación perfecta del juego de vídeo polaco inspirado en la sede de sarajevo (de 1992 a 1996).
  • Este War of mina es un juego exigente y emocionante. Es un juego triste que a veces te llevará a tomar decisiones difíciles para sobrevivir. Este War of mina es una experiencia sin precedentes en la que vas a vivir una historia profunda e inolvidable
  • Este juego no se recomienda a los 18 años debido a la violencia de algunos pasos.
  • Duración de juego: entre 45 y 120 minutos
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  • Autor: Michal Oracz, Jakub Wisniewski.
  • El juego de mesa para juego de ordenador de la India This War of Mine.
  • El juego se inicia sin gran puerta de regla.
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    • Diarios de Guerra: Cuentos de una ciudad arruinada. Esta Guerra de Minas Exp.
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    • Este juego de mesa es la adaptación superior del premiado videojuego que muestra el drama de civiles atrapados en una ciudad desgarrada por la guerra
    • DOS: El juego de mesa cuenta con una experiencia multijugador para hasta 6 jugadores, así como una variante en solitario.
    • Experimenta la simulación de una lucha por la supervivencia como un grupo de civiles que enfrentan una guerra ciega y despiadada
    • Tiempo de juego de 45 a 120 minutos.
    • A partir de 18 años.
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    • Configuración inusual, actual: vivir como civilizado en una guerra dramática.
    • The Little Ones: Neues Setting - Niños mitten im Krieg (en alemán)
    • Alabanzas y galardonadas con numerosos premios.
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    • Tipo de producto: Juego de tablero
    • Dimensiones del producto: 5 x 29 x 29 cm
    • Número de modelo: EDGEEGKWM01
    • Marca del producto: Edge Entertainment
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    This War of Mine - Historias de la Ciudad en Ruínas Comprar This War of Mine Historias de la Ciudad en Ruinas en EGD Games Sus víctimas se cuentan por miles, y cada día que pasa nos hace perder la esperanza... poco a poco. La comida empieza a escasear, y nuestro refugio se está cayendo a cachos. Pero seguimos resistiendo. Vemos rostros nuevos por la ciudad: los amables en el improvisado mercado o en las casas vecinas, y los hostiles por la noche, con cegadoras linternas y palos y cuchillos. Buscamos nuevas rutas por las que recorrer las ruinas, incluso bajo tierra, para evitar los disparos de los francotiradores y saquear cualquier cosa que tenga valor. Nunca es mucho. Pero seguimos resistiendo. No nos queda otra. Contenido Reglamento Diario de guerra 100 Cartas 5 Hojas de escenario 1 Hoja de mercado 5 Sobres 7 Miniaturas de plástico 8 Piezas de mapa de las cloacas 24 Fichas variadas Comprar Juegos de mesa en EGD Games
    39,95 €
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    This War Of Mine - Tales From The Ruined City New faces can be seen around the city: the friendly ones at the makeshift market or in neighboring houses, the hostile ones in the night with blinding flashlights and clubs and knives. We seek new paths to travel through the ruins - sometimes even underground - just to avoid sniper fire and loot anything of value. It's never much, yet we keep struggling. We have no other choice. Tales from the Ruined City is the first expansion for This War of Mine: The Board Game, a story-rich game of survival in a war-torn city.
    33,95 €
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    This War of Mine - Días de asedio Comprar This War of Mine Días de Asedio en EGD Games Durante los tres intensos actos de la Campaña de Guerra Desesperanza, los jugadores tendrán que encontrar la forma no solo de sobrevivir, sino también de afrontar el caos y la brutalidad de una guerra sin cuartel. Además, en el módulo Huérfanos de guerra, que incluye niños privados de sus familias, los jugadores podrán llevar la experiencia a un nuevo nivel, mientras los nuevos Lugares enriquecen cada escenario y Campaña del juego básico y de otras expansiones. CONTENIDO Reglamento, Diario de Guerra II, Campaña de Guerra de 3 Actos que incluye 5 Hojas de Acto, 1 Hoja de Referencia, 100 cartas, 1 tablero del mapa de la ciudad, 6 discos de base de plástico para miniaturas, 7 miniaturas de plástico y 57 fichas variadas. Descripción del editor Parece que este asedio horrible es una forma de vida natural para nosotros ahora. Sin ayuda de fuera de Pogoren, nos enfocamos únicamente en la supervivencia diaria. A menudo en esta lucha olvidamos que no somos los más vulnerables. Olvidamos que hay jóvenes que han perdido a sus madres y padres, y depende de nosotros darles una oportunidad para el futuro. Cualquier futuro La pregunta es: ¿cuánto nos costará? A medida que pasa el tiempo, resurgen viejos rencores y quejas entre los habitantes de la ciudad. Hay personas listas para jugar con ese odio que solo se puede encontrar entre vecinos de mucho tiempo. Los soldados Grazni son más numerosos en estos días, mientras que los rumores sobre los luchadores por la libertad Vyseni que se infiltran en la ciudad se pueden escuchar en las calles casi todos los días. Con los recursos de Pogoren ya agotados, ¿sobreviviremos a otro brote de hostilidades? Comprar Juegos de mesa en EGD Games
    44,95 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    En This War of Mine: Días de Asedio, los rebeldes han decidido infiltrarse en Pogoren y enfrentarse a sus enemigos en un último y desesperado intento de tomar la ciudad. Durante los tres intensos actos de la Campaña de Guerra Desesperanza, los jugadores tendrán que encontrar la forma no solo de sobrevivir, sino también de afrontar el caos y la brutalidad de una guerra sin cuartel. Además, en el módulo Huérfanos de guerra, que incluye niños privados de sus familias, los jugadores podrán llevar la experiencia a un nuevo nivel, mientras los nuevos Lugares enriquecen cada escenario y Campaña del juego básico y de otras expansiones.
    4.495 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Pero seguimos resistiendo. Vemos rostros nuevos por la ciudad: los amables en el improvisado mercado o en las casas vecinas, y los hostiles por la noche, con cegadoras linternas y palos y cuchillos. Buscamos nuevas rutas por las que recorrer las ruinas, incluso bajo tierra, para evitar los disparos de los francotiradores y saquear cualquier cosa que tenga valor. Nunca es mucho. Pero seguimos resistiendo. No nos queda otra.
    3.999 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Nos encontramos en Pogoren, una ciudad asediada donde los pocos supervivientes traban de sobrevivir a los horrores de una guerra interminable. El peligro acecha por todas partes, la bala de algún francotirador siempre estará dispuesta a encontrarte, pero debes salir de tus escondites para conseguir comida, suministros, vida... Toma decisiones duras, enfréntate a desafíos difíciles y crea un relato inolvidable y significativo cada vez que compartas esta experiencia única con tus amigos.
    6.995 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    La guerra no conoce fin. Sus víctimas se cuentan por miles, y cada día que pasa nos hace perder la esperanza... poco a poco. La comida empieza a escasear, y nuestro refugio se está cayendo a cachos. Pero seguimos resistiendo. Vemos rostros nuevos por la ciudad: los amables en el improvisado mercado o en las casas vecinas, y los hostiles por la noche, con cegadoras linternas y palos y cuchillos. Buscamos nuevas rutas por las que recorrer las ruinas, incluso bajo tierra, para evitar los disparos de los fran...
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    El sol está a punto de ocultarse, y con él se desvanece la amenaza de atraer la bala de algún francotirador si eres lo bastante imprudente (o desesperado) como para salir del refugio. Pero la noche no trae consuelo alguno. Los pocos suministros que hemos conseguido reunir están en riesgo debido a los saqueadores y a cosas aún peores… Nuestro grupo es pequeño, pero nos las arreglamos. Ahora mismo, los más fuertes de entre nosotros se preparan para salir al amparo de la oscuridad para reunir comida y cualqu...
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    Korea - The Forgotten War Korea: The Forgotten War, Is the ninth game in the Operational Combat Series (OCS) release by The Gamers. The Korean War stands as a key event in world history. The first shooting confrontation of the Cold War, and the first limited war of the nuclear age, it is the only time since the Second World War that two of the world's major military powers fought one another - in this case the United States and China. Diplomatically, the war offers an interesting view of the miscalculation and ineptitude on both sides that led to open conflict. It also brings to light the United Nations' first opportunity to play a leading role in world military events. Korea: The Forgotten War covers the first year of the war and highlights the mobile phases of the battle. Campaign victory is determined most often by the stable positions of the lines (relative to the "neck" of the peninsula). A number of shorter scenarios are also included to allow players to explore specific operations or to use as a training scenario before taking on one of the campaign games. Korea: The Forgotten War was initially released in 2003. The 2014 (2nd edition) is a reprint of the 2003 (1st edition) with changes made to address errata and to better conform to the latest version of the OCS rules when printed. Korea: The Forgotten War has 15 scenarios broken down as follows: 5 1-map scenarios 4 2-map scenarios 6 3-map scenarios Game Scale: Turn: Half-week Hex: 5 miles / 8 Km Units: Battalion to Army 2014 Game Inventory: Three 22 x 34" full-color mapsheets Four dual-side printed countersheets (2 combat, 2 markers - 560 1/2" counters) One 48-page OCS v4.1a rules booklet One 40-page Korea v2.0 game specific rules booklet Two 4-page OCS v4.1a Charts & Tables Folders Two dual-sided Player Aid cards Two 6-sided dice Complexity: High Solitaire Suitability: High Playing Time: 4-100 hours Players: 1 or more
    76,05 €
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    Labyrinth - The War on Terror 2001 Third Printing 2001: The “American Century” had closed with a single Cold War superpower standing and a pause in conflict that some at the time dubbed “The End of History”. It wasn't. In the Middle East and South Asia, an Islamic revival was underway. Resentments bred in part of US support for the regions' anti-Soviet tyrannies soon erupted into a new struggle against the West. Wealthy Saudi fanatic Usama bin Ladin issued a declaration of holy war against America in 1996 and then fired the first shots with spectacular terrorist attacks on US targets in East Africa in 1998 and the Arab Peninsula in 2000. Bin Ladin's al-Qaeda organization plotted securely under the protection of the Taliban, a fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan born of the anti-Soviet “Bear Trap” of the 1980s. By 2001, al-Qaeda had set in motion even more devastating strikes - this time within the US Homeland - that Bin Ladin hoped would light off a global Muslim uprising. Uprising or not, the Western response to those September 11th attacks would reshape international affairs from London to Jakarta and from Moscow to Dar es Salaam. Labyrinth takes 1 or 2 players inside the Islamist jihad and the global war on terror. With broad scope, ease of play, and a never-ending variety of event combinations similar to GMT's highly popular Twilight Struggle, Labyrinth portrays not only the US efforts to counter extremists' use of terrorist tactics but the wider ideological struggle - guerrilla warfare, regime change, democratization, and much more. From the award-winning designer of Wilderness War and later Andean Abyss, Cuba Libre, A Distant Plain, and Fire in the Lake, Labyrinth combines an emphasis on game play with multifaceted simulation spanning recent history and near future. In the 2-player game, one player takes the role of jihadists seeking to exploit world events and Islamic donations to spread fundamentalist rule over the Muslim world. The other player as the United States must neutralize terrorist cells while encouraging Muslim democratic reform to cut off extremism at its roots. With the game's solitaire system, a single player as the US takes on ascending levels of challenge in defeating al-Qaeda and its allies. The jihadists must operate in a hostile environment - staying below the authorities' radar while plotting terrorist attacks and building for the Muslim revolution. Will Iran's Shia mullahs help or hinder the Sunni jihadists? Will the gradual spread of Islamist rule bring final victory - or will it be a sudden strike at the United States with an Islamic weapon of mass destruction? The United States has the full weight of its military force and diplomacy at the ready - but it can't be everywhere: will technological and material superiority be enough? US forces can invade and topple Islamist regimes, but how will the Muslim “street” react? And if quagmire results, how will the US find its way out? Labyrinth features distinct operational options for each side that capture the asymmetrical nature of the conflict, while the event cards that drive its action pose a maze of political, religious, military, and economic issues. In the parallel wars of bombs and ideas, coordinated international effort is key - but terrorist opportunities to disrupt Western unity are many. The Towers have fallen, but the global struggle has only just begun. “Let's roll!” GAME CONTENTS • One Counter Sheet • 22x34 inch Hard Mounted Mapboard • 120 Playing cards • Rules Booklet • Playbook • Two Player Aid sheets • One Solitaire Play sheet • 30 Wooden Cubes • Four 6-sided dice GAME SCALE TIME:About 1 year per hand of cards PLAYERS:1-2 MAP:Point-to-Point system GAME CARDS Labyrinth contains 120 playing cards, including: • Tora Bora • Patriot Act • Predator • Iraq WMD • Renditions • Leak • Martyrdom Operation • Taliban • Kashmir • Wahhabism • Madrassas • Zarqawi • Abu Sayyaf • Lebanon War • Mossad & Shin Bet • Loose Nuke • and so much more! AWARDS & HONORS 2011 JoTa Best Wargame Nominee 2011 JoTa Best 2-Player Board Game Nominee 2011 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee 2011 Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Nominee 2010 James F. Dunnigan Design Elegance Award Winner 2010 Charles S. Roberts Best Post-WW2 Era Board Wargame Winner 2010 Charles S. Roberts Best Post-WW2 Era Board Wargame Nominee 2010 Charles S. Roberts Best Board Game Graphics Nominee FUNDAS 63,5x88 (120) BGG - 62227 Muchas gracias a todos los que hacéis posible con vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación la difusión de los juegos de mesa.
    58 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Juego de la play 4 precintado, a estrenar. También cambiaria por otros juegos de la Playstation 4 como Hellblade, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete edition, Spider-Man, Batman return to Arkham, this war of mine u otros.
    15 €
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    Starship Samurai Take your place as daimyo of one of the major clans and fight for your right to the title of Galactic Emperor in Starship Samurai, an epic new game of warring clans for two to four players. In this war, you must use diplomacy to bring honor to your clan, earn the support of the lesser clans, and cement your claim to the throne. But when negotiation is not enough, you can launch massive fleets or deploy the most fearsome weapons the galaxy has ever known - the terrifying Samurai Mechs - to crush your enemies and seize key locations. Exert your influence and bring order out of chaos! "The heavens erupt in the skies above the streets of Byakko City. Points of light flash briefly as the warp drives of carrier ships blink into existence. The Nova Clan's forces are caught off-guard as a swarm of Void fighters launch to overtake the bustling capital city. The airspace siege cannons of the Void carrier hammer away at Nova Clan's defenses, and a shadow falls over the city. Masumune has arrived. The gargantuan samurai mech cuts through the enemy forces with ease, obliterating the few remaining Nova Clan ships as they attempt to warp away to a neighboring system. Byakko City belongs to the Void Clan… for now." Fight for control of the Lotus Galaxy in Starship Samurai, a game of area control and massive mech combat for 2-4 players. Take control of your clan and lead your fleet of ships to glory with cunning tactics and political manipulation. Battle for control of key locations in the Lotus Galaxy to increase your clan's honor and sway lesser clans to your cause. Each round, players will use an innovative action selection system to use one of four available actions: Gain Wealth, Move Units, Draw Cards or Move a Clan Token. The value of each action is determined by the token used (1-4). This system allows players to adjust their strategy at a moment's notice to reflect the challenges they'll face from rival clans. Move your ships and Samurai to block a key location, draw cards to change the course of battle, move a Clan Token to secure your claim to the throne or generate wealth to give you even more options. Each player will control two Samurai with unique abilities that can vary their strategy and change the outcome of any game. These advanced Mechs are the heart of your fleet's power, capable of destroying enemy ships with ease and shifting battles in your favor. Use them wisely! Maintain Honor, no matter the cost in Starship Samurai. Lead your clan to victory and secure your claim to the throne of the Galactic Emperor. Contents 1 rulebook 1 alliance board 4 location boards 4 player boards 48 action cards 16 unit cards 16 location cards 8 Samurai mech figures 32 fighter ship figures (8 each of 4 colors) 4 carrier ship figures (1 each of 4 colors) 44 wealth tokens 1 first player token 4 player score markers 16 order markers 8 clan markers
    50,95 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    This printable ADHD planner is NOT just another ordinary planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. ————————————————————— ???? We have a Sunset Pink version of this planner too, check it out! https://etsy.me/3nEvf4R ???? NEW! I now have a digital version of this planner - hyperlinked for iPad/Goodnotes or Notability & Android/Noteshelf ???? https://etsy.me/3b1E9a0 ————————————————————— I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren’t designed for my brain. They’re designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD planner is different to the other planners you’ll find on the internet. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! ————————————————————— ✱ What makes this planner neurodivergent-friendly? ✱ This printable planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains DON’T NEED 200 templates... We’ll start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner is carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! ???? INCLUDED IN THIS 135-PAGE PLANNER - Rainbow edition! ???? ⌂ Quick start guide (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly planner (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages and handy carry cards (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages and handy carry cards Once you’ve turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a printable planner so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You get to print out what you need, as you need it for your personal use. —————————————————————— You will receive: - A4 (British English) - US Letter (American English) - Quick start guide - Printing guide **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for Happy Planner/A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. —————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence. I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators.
    2.486 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    This printable ADHD planner is NOT just another ordinary planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren't designed for my brain. They're designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD planner is different to the other planners you'll find on the internet. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! -------------------------------------------------------------- ✱ What makes this planner neurodivergent-friendly? ✱ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Even the central menu design is simplified compared to other digital planners - we need less clutter and distraction. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! -------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VARIATIONS: ???? RAINBOW - Printable ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3IbnQnf ???? RAINBOW - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB ???? PINK/GOLD - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3b1E9a0 -------------------------------------------------------------- ✱✱ INCLUDED IN THIS 170-PAGE PLANNER ✱✱ Sizing: - US Letter - A4 / A5 - Happy Planner ⌂ QUICK START GUIDE (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly planner & Jan-Dec calendar (undated) ⌂ 'Do it with dopamine' (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it's a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend's vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ 'Color to Calm' pages and handy carry cards (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent 'pinging thoughts' mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages and handy carry cards Once you've turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. -------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a printable planner so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You get to print out what you need, as you need it for your personal use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- You will receive: - US Letter - A4 / A5 - Happy Planner - Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????‍♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
    2.520 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    This printable ADHD planner is NOT just another ordinary planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren't designed for my brain. They're designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD planner is different to the other planners you'll find on the internet. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! -------------------------------------------------------------- ✱ What makes this planner neurodivergent-friendly? ✱ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! -------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VARIATIONS: ???? RAINBOW - Printable ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3IbnQnf ???? RAINBOW - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB ???? PINK/GOLD - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3b1E9a0 -------------------------------------------------------------- ✱✱ INCLUDED IN THIS 170-PAGE PLANNER ✱✱ Sizing: - US Letter - A4 / A5 - Happy Planner ⌂ QUICK START GUIDE (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly planner & Jan-Dec calendar (undated) ⌂ 'Do it with dopamine' (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it's a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? --> ????) ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend's vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ 'Color to Calm' pages and handy carry cards (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent 'pinging thoughts' mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages and handy carry cards Once you've turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. -------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a printable planner so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You get to print out what you need, as you need it for your personal use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- You will receive: - US Letter - A4 / A5 - Happy Planner - Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????‍♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
    2.504 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    This printable ADHD planner is NOT just another ordinary planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren't designed for my brain. They're designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD planner is different to the other planners you'll find on the internet. It's a shame-free, customizable layout that allows you add pages each day as needed, instead of staring at a bunch of pages you haven't used and feeling guilty. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 6 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. -------------------------------------------------------------- ✱ What makes this planner neurodivergent-friendly? ✱ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! -------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VARIATIONS: ???? RAINBOW - Printable ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3IbnQnf ???? RAINBOW - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB ???? PINK/GOLD - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3b1E9a0 -------------------------------------------------------------- ✱✱ INCLUDED IN THIS 170-PAGE PLANNER ✱✱ Sizing: - US Letter - A4 / A5 - Happy Planner ⌂ QUICK START GUIDE (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Calendars ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ Lifetime access to all future annual editions of the planner ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly planner & Jan-Dec calendar (undated) ⌂ 'Do it with dopamine' (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it's a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? --> ????) ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend's vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ 'Color to Calm' pages and handy carry cards (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent 'pinging thoughts' mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages and handy carry cards Once you've turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. -------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a printable planner so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You get to print out what you need, as you need it for your personal use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- You will receive: - US Letter - A4 / A5 - Happy Planner - Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????‍♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
    1.558 €
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    Shadows of Brimstone - Trederra Deluxe Other Worlds On the war-torn, industrial-age battlefields of Trederra, legions of alien soldiers patrol the ruins of their once great cities, searching for anyone foolhardy enough to intrude into their territory. Waging war on each other for generations, the battle-scarred Nations of Trederra use Dark Stone to fuel their engines of death, polluting their planet with radiation and drifting clouds of toxic gas. But there are also treasures to be found amidst the devastation, weapons and technology advanced beyond reckoning by brutal centuries of warfare. The Trederra Deluxe Expansion introduces a brand new OtherWorld for the Heroes to explore! This includes a full set of 18 new Map Tiles depicting the war-torn planet of Trederra, with dangerous new Radioactive Spaces and Cover Terrain! These Map Tiles also have an all new set of unique Mine rooms on the reverse, bringing more variety and new Encounters to discover throughout the Mines. All of the cards needed for this alien world are included, such as Trederran Encounters, Artifacts, Map Cards, OtherWorld Threats, and more, as well as a host of new cards for adventuring in the Mines! 6 New Missions will challenge your Heroes as well. This Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion includes a host of dangerous new Enemies to encounter, including: 6 Trederran Legionnaires - Alien soldiers committed to the cause of 'winning the war' for their Nation and armed with deadly Dark Stone weaponry to get the job done. 3 large Z-4 Grenadiers - Heavily armored demolition soldiers immune to all but the strongest attacks and armed with terrifying thermal charges. 6 Trederran Mutants - Soldiers who have succumbed to the corrupting radiation of the Dark Stone and are now little more than viciously mindless savages. And 3 Trederran Lieutenants - Ruthless officers that command their legions with an iron fist. Also included are 6 pieces of plastic Cover Terrain (3x Barrels and 3x Tank Traps). These are for use with the Cover Terrain rules and are placed on the board to give a more 3D feel to the Environment. Like all OtherWorlds, Trederra has a set of unique Encounters, Artifacts, Map Cards, and OtherWorld Threat cards, as well as a couple of Global Rules that make adventuring there more distinct. The Global Rules are listed on the World Card included in this expansion. While exploring Trederra, Heroes will find themselves navigating an extremely hostile environment full of Land Mines, poisonous Toxic Clouds, Acid Rain, and relentless patrols of Enemies, always on the hunt for intruders. There are many treasures to be found though, amongst the ruins and devastation, especially in the form of powerful alien weapons and protective clothing and gear. FUNDAS 63,5x88
    67,94 €
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    Madrid (Madrid)
    Saboteur (English Edition) Saboteur (English Edition) Players take on the role of dwarves. As miners, they are in a mine, hunting for gold. Suddenly, a pick axe swings down and shatters the mine lamp. The saboteur has struck. But which of the players are saboteurs? Will you find the gold, or will the fiendish actions of the saboteurs lead them to it first? After three rounds, the player with the most gold is the winner. With the help of Dwarf Cards, the players are assigned their role: either miner or saboteur. The roles are kept secret- they are only revealed at the end of the round. The Start Card and the three Goal Cards are placed onto the table, each seven cards away from the start and one card between each Goal Card. The Goal Cards are placed face-down. The gold is on one of the Goal Cards, but nobody knows which. Players have cards in hand. On a player's turn, he must do one of three things: place a Path Card into the mine, play an Action Card in front of a player, or pass. The Path Cards form paths leading to the Goal Cards. Path Cards must be played next to a already-played Path Card. All paths on the Path Card must match those on the already-played cards, and Path Cards may not be played sideways. The miners are trying to build an uninterrupted path from the Start Card to a Goal Card, while the saboteurs are trying to prevent this. They shouldn't try and be too obvious about it, however, lest they be immediately discovered. Action Cards can be placed in front of any player, including oneself. Action Cards let the players help or hinder one another, as well as obtain information about the Goal Cards. Once a player places a Path Card that reaches the gold, the round is over. The miners have won and receive cards with gold pieces as their reward. The round is also over if the gold could not be reached. In that case, the saboteurs have won and receive the gold pieces. Once the Gold Cards have been distributed, the next round begins. The game is over at the end of the third round, with the player with the most gold pieces being the winner.
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