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Listado top ventas resin

  • 【Bajo encogimiento y alta precisión】 La resina de fotopolímero ELEGOO contiene monómeros de metacrilato para reducir la contracción del volumen durante el proceso de fotocurado, lo que garantiza la alta precisión del modelo de impresión con acabado liso. Parámetros de impresión recomendados: Exposición inferior: 60s; Exposición normal: 8s
  • 【Curado rápido y gran estabilidad】 ELEGOO 405nm Rapid Resin fue diseñado para reducir significativamente el tiempo de impresión con su excelente fluidez. Mientras tanto, su gran estabilidad y dureza adecuada garantizan una experiencia de impresión sin preocupaciones.
  • 【Colores brillantes e impactantes】 con pigmentos de alta calidad e iniciadores de la foto dentro de la resina de curado UV ELEGOO, los modelos impresos con resina tienen un efecto de color muy puro e impresionante al igual que una obra de arte.
  • 【Aplicaciones amplias】 Al ofrecer las mejores prestaciones, la resina estándar ELEGOO es adecuada para la mayoría de las impresoras DLP o LCD 3D para prototipos rápidos con juguetes, herramientas para el hogar y el jardín o aplicaciones de joyería.
  • 【Embalaje seguro y protegido】Botella a prueba de fugas completamente envuelta con una bolsa plástica de burbujas y una caja de embalaje exquisitamente diseñada para asegurar que la resina permanezca en su lugar donde pertenecen
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  • Resina epoxi perfectamente transparente con efecto de agua
  • El Más Vendido Para Creaciones Artísticas, Joyería, Acabado Superficial (Mesas, Madera, Hormigón, Foto) y Modelado Dinámico
  • Alta resistencia a los rayos UV, excelente resistencia mecánica, muy líquido
  • Relación de uso 100: 60 - Catálisis 12h-24h
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  • ✿【20 Colores Surtidos】 Nuestro colorante resina epoxi contiene una amplia gama de 20 colores vibrantes de 10 ml cada uno, que satisfarán plenamente sus requisitos. Los colores son brillantes y también combinables, y un poco realmente ayuda mucho. Fácil de mezclar en la resina también.
  • ✿【Material Seguro】 Usando una mezcla de alcanos y naftenos, el pigmento de resina epoxi es inofensivo para la piel y ha pasado por una prueba química no irritante. Pero tenga en cuenta que debe lavarse la piel con agua inmediatamente una vez tocada.
  • ✿【Fácil de Usar】 Cada pigmento se empaqueta uniformemente en una botella blanda transparente con una boquilla especialmente diseñada. Con solo apretar un poco, puede obtener fácilmente el color perfecto. Las botellas de pigmento deben cubrirse para evitar derrames, polvo y desechos.
  • ✿【Amplia Aplicación】 El tinte resina epoxi se puede mezclar en casi cualquier medio transparente. No solo se puede usar para moco, jabón, revestimiento acrílico y anillo de cerámica, sino que también se puede usar en la fabricación de joyas de resina, decoraciones artesanales, accesorios de vestir, obras de arte y otras artesanías de bricolaje.
  • ✿【Lo que Puede Obtener】 Nuestro colorante resina epoxi tiene un conjunto completo de accesorios prácticos para maximizar sus necesidades en el proceso de bricolaje. Puede obtener 20 pigmentos de resina epoxi, 10 fundas para los dedos, 5 goteros, 5 barras de mezcla, 4 tazas de medir (30 ml), 1 tira de pulido y 1 tira de pulido.
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  • Nuestros kits de resina artística incluyen una botella de resina de 300 ml (10,6 oz) y una botella de endurecedor de 300 ml (10,6 oz), 2 lentejuelas brillantes, 2 tazas medidoras con boquillas, 2 guantes de goma, 4 guantes de madera varillas para mezclar y 2 varillas esmeriladas para asegurar un acabado uniforme.
  • Utilice nuestra resina epoxi transparente para todas sus aplicaciones de fundición y revestimiento. Cura cristalina y dura como una roca
  • Se realizaron pruebas rigurosas para garantizar que nuestra resina sea la combinación perfecta para todos los pigmentos que brillan en la oscuridad y otros pigmentos artesanales.
  • Resina de curado RÁPIDO única que la fundición terminada se puede quitar del molde después de 8 HORAS, la proporción de mezcla uno a uno es infalible. La mejor temperatura de curado de la resina es de aproximadamente 25 °, si la temperatura ambiente es demasiado baja, la concentración de la resina se verá afectada. Recomendamos que pueda usar una pistola rociadora o agua caliente para calentarlo.
  • Nuestra resina es autonivelante, autodesgasificante, sin olor, resistente al amarilleo por exposición a los rayos UV. Recordatorio Cálido: el pegamento epoxi se amarilleará ligeramente debido a la alta temperatura o al contacto con el aire, pero las artesanías de resina epoxi hechas con él son transparentes y no amarillas.
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  • 【Bajo encogimiento y alta precisión】 La resina de fotopolímero ELEGOO contiene monómeros de metacrilato para reducir la contracción del volumen durante el proceso de fotocurado, lo que garantiza la alta precisión del modelo de impresión con acabado liso. Parámetros de impresión recomendados: Exposición inferior: 60s; Exposición normal: 8s
  • 【Curado rápido y gran estabilidad】 ELEGOO 405nm Rapid Resin fue diseñado para reducir significativamente el tiempo de impresión con su excelente fluidez. Mientras tanto, su gran estabilidad y dureza adecuada garantizan una experiencia de impresión sin preocupaciones.
  • 【Colores brillantes e impactantes】Con pigmentos de alta calidad e iniciadores de la foto dentro de la resina de curado UV ELEGOO, los modelos impresos con resina tienen un efecto de color muy puro e impresionante al igual que una obra de arte.
  • 【Aplicaciones amplias】 Al ofrecer las mejores prestaciones, la resina estándar ELEGOO es adecuada para la mayoría de las impresoras DLP o LCD 3D para prototipos rápidos con juguetes, herramientas para el hogar y el jardín o aplicaciones de joyería.
  • 【Embalaje seguro y protegido】Botella a prueba de fugas completamente envuelta con una bolsa plástica de burbujas y una caja de embalaje exquisitamente diseñada para asegurar que la resina permanezca en su lugar donde pertenecen
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  • Bestseller para manualidades y joyas, restauración o revestimiento superficial (madera, hormigón, cerámica, lienzo, fibra de vidrio) y modelismo. Ideal para crear mesas, hacer recuerdos, crear una capa protectora en imágenes impresas (fotografías, lienzos, cuadros), crear muebles de diseño, crear elementos decorativos y de diseño mediante técnicas de engañamiento de objetos dentro de la resina.
  • La resina epoxi transparente es un producto bicomponente a base de resinas epoxi y su endurecedor amínico. Las principales características de este producto son: + alta transparencia, + óptima resistencia mecánica, + buena resistencia química y a la carbonatación, + alta impregnación y refuerzo de los tejidos técnicos, + larga transformación + superficie brillante y autonivelante.
  • El producto se puede colorear con cualquier colorante epoxi (tanto en pasta como en polvo) en proporción del 0,1% al 2,0%. Además, se puede espesar con el uso de inertes como polvos y sílice pirogenica. Estas características hacen que la resina epoxi transparente sea ideal para las siguientes aplicaciones: modelismo, bricolaje, creaciones artísticas, reparaciones de fibra de vidrio, revestimientos protectores de exterior.
  • 3 Kg (Parte A + parte B) de sistema epoxi bicomponente ( de alto rendimiento para aplicación en película (1 mm) y coladas con un grosor de hasta 1.5 cm. Además de la alta transparencia (efecto agua) y las propiedades autonivelantes, garantiza una buena estanqueidad mecánica para refuerzo y aplicaciones con fibra de carbono. El producto se caracteriza por una baja viscosidad que reduce la presencia de burbujas de aire después del endurecimiento y facilita la impregnación.
  • Se puede utilizar con fibras técnicas
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  • Resina y poses no tóxicas de color transparente con efecto agua. Ideal para manualidades y joyas, restauración o revestimiento superficial (madera, hormigón, cerámica, lienzo, fibra de vidrio) y modelismo ideal para crear planos de mesa, realizar recuerdos, crear una capa protectora en imágenes impresas (fotografías, lienzos, cuadros), crear muebles de diseño, crear elementos decorativos y de diseño mediante técnicas de encolado de objetos dentro de la resina.
  • El más vendido para las creaciones artísticas, las joyas, el revestimiento de superficies (mesas, madera, hormigón, fotos) y el modelo dinámico.
  • Alta resistencia a los rayos UV, excelente resistencia mecánica, muy líquido.
  • Una síntesis de uso 100: 60 – 24 h – 12 h catalyse; la resina y los pos son de aprox. transparente es un producto bicomponente a base de resinas y poses se de ca y relativa endurecedor amminico; las principales características de este producto son: + alta transparencia, + óptima resistencia mecánica, + buena resistencia química y a la carbonatación, + alta impregnación y refuerzo de los tejidos técnicos, + larga transformación + superficie brillante y auaudaz. t oli vel l ante
  • Es ideal para las siguientes aplicaciones: + creaciones artísticas; + creación de mesas y superficies de apoyo (alta resistencia mecánica y a altas temperaturas) + modelismo; + pavimentos artísticos; + reparaciones de fibra de vidrio; + revestimientos protectores de exteriores; náuticas; campos de uso: + artístico: utilizable como resina y poses de cultivo y ingletería + artesanal: creación de mesas y superficies de apoyo (alta resistencia mecánica y a altas temperaturas)
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  • 3 KG RESINA EPOXI TRASPARENTE – Efecto agua – sistema epoxi bicomponente (compuesto de 1875 g de resina y 1125 kg de endurecedor) de alto rendimiento para su aplicación en película (1 mm) y coladas de hasta 2 cm de espesor.
  • Resina epoxi transparente ideal para bricolaje, madera, artesanía, joyería, suelos, obras de arte, modelado, mesas creaciones artísticas, revestimientos protectores para uso exterior, reparaciones con fibra de vidrio, revestimientos protectores para uso exterior, pavimentos artísticos, piso cerámico, embarcaciones, impregnación de tejidos técnicos (fibra de vidrio, fibra de carbono, Kevlar).
  • La excelente resistencia a la humedad ambiental garantiza una superficie brillante y transparente. El producto es compatible con las principales pastas colorantes del mercado. La resina epoxi transparente es un producto bicomponente a base de resinas epoxi y el correspondiente endurecedor amínico.
  • Las principales características de este producto son: Alta transparencia. Excelente resistencia mecánica. Buena resistencia química. Alta impregnación y refuerzo de tejidos técnicos. Larga trabajabilidad. Superficie brillante y autonivelante. El producto puede colorearse con cualquier colorante epoxi (en pasta o en polvo) en un porcentaje de entre el 0,1 % y el 2,0 %). También se puede espesar con el uso de cargas como polvos y sílice pirogénica.
  • Estas características hacen que la resina epoxi transparente sea ideal para las siguientes aplicaciones: Mesas creaciones artísticas. Obras de arte. Joyería. Artesanía. Bricolaje. Modelado. Creaciones artísticas. Reparaciones con fibra de vidrio. Revestimientos protectores para uso exterior. Pavimentos artísticos. Embarcaciones. Impregnación de tejidos técnicos (fibra de vidrio, fibra de carbono, Kevlar). Vida útil (150 gr a 30 ºC): 1 h 20′, catálisis completa después de 24 h.
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  • Alta transparencia alta resistencia mecánica eliminación rápida de burbujas de aire; resistencia a los rayos uv acepta mecanizado
  • Aplicaciones modelismo creaciones artísticas recubrimientos de fibra de vidrio revestimientos de protección proyectos artísticos nautica
  • Caracteristicas técnicas proporción de mezcla: 100gr de resina 45gr de endurecedor, volumen 100/50
  • Pot-life: 150gr a 25ºc: 60 min tiempo de curado mínimo: 12-24 horas a 20ºc tiempo de curado a 60ºc: 3 horas los tiempos pueden variar según el volumen aplicado y la temperatura
  • Coloración fácilmente pigmentable con nuestra línea de pigmentos en polvo, nuestras bases de pigmentos o los pigmentos de efecto
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  • Perfectamente transparente resina epoxi con efecto agua
  • La más vendida para las creaciones artísticas, joyas, el revestimiento de superficies (mesas, madera, hormigón, foto) y el modelo dinámico.
  • Alta resistencia a los UV, excelente resistencia mecánica, muy líquida.
  • Una síntesis de utilización de 100:60 – 24h-12h catalítico
  • Guantes de nitrilo negro de regalo.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
RESIN RIVER EPOXY ART, BLUE RESIN RIVER WALNUT EPOXY TABLE, Blue Epoxy Resin River Table, Natural Live Edge Wooden Table, Natural Walnut Table, Walnut Dining Table, Square Natural Epoxy Table, Green Resin Table, Epoxy Café Table, 170*80 cm EPOXY TABLE, Blue River Dining Table SIZE OF THIS TABLE: 170 cm * 80 cm - 67 inch * 31.5 inch This resin river epoxy table is the perfect addition to your home. The table is made from a blue epoxy resin and has metal legs that give it a modern and industrial look. The table can be used as a dining table, an office desk, or as an additional surface in any room of the home. Live edge epoxy table is perfect for your dining room or outdoor setting. With a base made from metal wire, a top made from resin, and a live edge tree trunk, this table offers the best of both worlds. The live edge table's unique design will remind you of the beauty of nature while the durability of resin ensures it won't crack or break like glass. Different Sizes are Available for Custom Order Epoxy Resin Natural Walnut Wood Dining Table is made with walnut wood that has perfect fit with coloured blue pigment. The epoxy resin river table is a unique addition and adds style to your home. With its perfect combination of style and function this piece of furniture is sure to be the star of any room. Epoxy Resin River Table Top is a perfect gift for friends and families. It is really unique and it is an art. Free Shipping LOCAL SELLER IN THE UK. Please, clean the epoxy table with water and dry cotton cloth. YOU SHOULD KNOW: Due to the epoxy tables are natural and handmade, your order might be slightly different than this picture. Every epoxy walnut top is unique. Epoxy Tables are made custom order. Wood texture and live edge shape might be slightly different in original product. The photos demonstrate the actual product by the colour of the image. It might have few differences depending on light or colour resolution settings of your device. Photos of your ordered table top before dispatch will send to you see the final product. After your confirmation, orders are going to dispatch as soon as possible. * No screws included. * You need a drill to mount legs to the table. Please kindly indicate your phone number for smooth delivery purpose.
596.303 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Resin Art River Coasters Set, Drinkware, Housewarming Gift, Table Decor, Gift For Birthday Present for Her, Girl, Resin Untersetzer, Beermat Estos juegos de montaña rusa son una gran adición al hogar de cualquier persona. Nuestros posavasos de resina epoxi son una obra de arte para su cocina, salón, estudio o dormitorio. Estas obras de arte inspiradas en el océano nos recuerdan que el océano nunca está lejos. También hacen hermosos regalos para bodas, compromisos, cumpleaños, Navidad y calentamiento de la casa. Regala lo hecho a mano. Por qué elegir el quinto diseño - Materiales de alta calidad - Fuentes sostenibles - Envío expreso gratuito a los EE. UU. - Ámalo o tu garantía de devolución de dinero Características técnicas - 100x100x10mm / 3.9x3.9x.39 pulgadas - Madera de Mango y Resina Epoxi CARACTERÍSTICAS PRINCIPALES.: Gran calidad - Se utiliza resina epoxi resistente al calor y de alta resistencia. Lo que significa que puedes poner tu taza de café caliente en estas bellezas - Nuestra resina epoxi es una de las mejores del mercado y es resistente a los rayos UV, lo que significa que los colores no se desvanecerán ni amarillearán.: Práctico - Estos hermosos posavasos no solo traerán alegría cada vez que los mires, sino que también son increíblemente versátiles y están diseñados para durar..: Sostenible - Obtenemos materiales producidos localmente - La mayoría de las prácticas de fabricación aquí en The Fifth Design son impulsadas por energía verde - Nuestro taller y métodos de envío tienen un énfasis en la reducción, reutilización y reciclaje.: Significativo - Todas nuestras creaciones son totalmente hechas a mano, todo lo que sale de nuestro estudio ha sido hecho con el máximo amor y cuidado - La resina es un medio fluido muy orgánico, cuando lo usamos para crear esta característica clave naturalmente hace que cada creación sea 100% única. - Nuestros posavasos de resina son el regalo perfecto. Nuestras creaciones promueven la intencionalidad y la atención plena al dar regalos. Un artículo completamente único, hecho a mano NUESTRA GARANTÍA DE FELICIDAD ¡En The Fifth Design estamos aquí para hacerte feliz! Entendemos lo estresante que puede ser comprar en línea, por lo que si surge algún problema, comuníquese con nuestro equipo de felicidad del cliente. Estamos orgullosos de ofrecer una garantía de devolución de dinero en todos nuestros productos, porque, si no eres 100% feliz, ¡nosotros tampoco!
2.094 €
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Resin Chinchilla Galesaur Small LED Table Lamp Creative Crafts Gift Decoration Birthday Gift Ornaments
11,81 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Gorgeous handmade bamboo resin boards for multi purpose use. Perfect to decorate your kitchen or serve in style. Amazing gift ideas! Message for customisation. I would be happy to help
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España (Todas las ciudades)
DEEP PURPLE SEA, Night light, Epoxy Lamp, Resin Lamp, Resin Night Light, Epoxy Resin Lamp, Table Lamp, Custom Night Light, Resin ligh Resin Night Light is an interesting application of Epoxy Art. Thanks to the transparent, easily diffused light, easy to mix with many different colors, the resin night lights are a perfect decoration for the living room, bedroom or office. We have studied the path of light, experimented with light placements to achieve the most realistic and high refraction effect. Initially, we designed the lamp to be projected from the top (natural light), that way is beautiful and gives high light efficiency, but designing the light in this position will expose the ugly power cord and difficult to put lights in the right position (no one wants their wonderful lamp to show the wires above). In addition, placing the light above also causes glare when you put it in the bedroom. So we put the light on the bottom, it's not "natural" but is the perfect position for the lamp to show its beauty. ------- You can customize the lamp with: - whale - diver - sea turtle - Ray Or any other details, let us know! We care about the customer's experience and that's why our products are different: the base of the lamp is designed with a seamless monolithic design (this makes manufacturing difficult. than removable soles but in return we have perfect and delicate seamless products) The sophisticated precisely cnc-ied bottom and aluminum heatsink make the circuit durable, and it's also designed to be removable - easy to replace and repair in the event of a problem. Using the best paint color, covered under the high-grade anti-UV coating, the saturation of the Resin Night Light will be perfectly protected for a long time. To ensure the best gloss and transparency, we use the finest resin to keep your vision unobstructed when seeing the details inside the wood and resin. -- HOW IT'S MADE: Confident as one of the biggest and most seriously invested Wood and Resin workshops in Vietnam, we possess the full equipment, people, skills and knowledge to produce the most professional custom Wood and Resin products. Each product, when it reaches you, goes through multiple carefully controlled production steps: Step 1: The product idea is sketched Step 2: mold or design in 3D to make the first prototype. The prototype be considered and refine multiple times. Step 3: The raw wood is selected then cut into suitable trunks Step 4: The first resin layer is made to cover the wood, make it last longer under conditions Step 5: Artisans then pour colored resin into the mold to make the block Step 6: The block's surfaces are honed to make flat surfaces Step 7: The edges of the keyboard case are shaped by grinding Step 8: Multiple times of polishing until the surface and edges are perfectly shinny Step 9: Check each and every finishied item then put into box Each required step is performed by skilled artisans with a minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience. -- SPECIFICATION: - Material: Wood and Resin Size: 12 x 6 x 6cm (4.72 x 2.36 x 2.36") 16 x 7 x 7cm (6.3 x 2.75 x 2.75") 22 x 8 x 8cm (8.66 x 3.14 x 3.14") 25 x 8 x 8cm (9.84 x 3.14 x 3.14") 30 x 8 x 8cm (11.81 x 3.14 x 3.14") Not all size are available to all item. Due to design's special details, some size is only available to some item. Please refer to our bundle option when you place the order. Handmade 100% -- PROCESSING TIME: The processing time vary for each item. Usually it takes us about 5-7 days to finish the production, however sometime the finished item does not look really perfect and we may decide to make start over. We just wish to deliver the best you can get. -- CUSTOM WRIST REST ORDER: As a real maker, we are capable of customize any item against your imagination. All you need to do is to describe the item you wished as detailed as possible. Our artisans will be working closely with you through the process and ensure the item will match your description. As soon as we both side agree upon the design, we will make a custom order for you to purchase and we never fail to ship out the item after the processing time informed. --BREAKWOODEN STORY: We are a team of 20 disabled artisans from Vietnam. We nurtured our passion many years ago and worked hard to make our products as perfect as possible. We have a lot more time than everyone else and that has gradually become a great advantage. We have gathered as a team and want to make our name known to friends from all over the world. We hope it would be more meaningful for you to know the product you received is painted by a one-handed guy or polished by a guy who has been on his crutches for his whole life. All of that does not stop us from being good in what we do and your satisfaction will be our true pride. "Breakwooden keeps it real!" -- NOTE: - For handmade products, please allow very slightly diference from what you see in photos. We dont do mass production so the mountains, rivers or smoke...can not be 100% the same everytime. We ship our product world wide Please provide your phone number so the logistic company could contact you when delivering the package if neccessary You could see more of our item and passion at https://www.etsy.com/shop/breakwooden Enjoy your shopping!
16.858 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
DEEP BLUE SEA, Night light, Epoxy Lamp, Resin Lamp, Resin Night Light, Epoxy Resin Lamp, Table Lamp, Custom Night Light, Resin ligh Resin Night Light is an interesting application of Epoxy Art. Thanks to the transparent, easily diffused light, easy to mix with many different colors, the resin night lights are a perfect decoration for the living room, bedroom or office. We have studied the path of light, experimented with light placements to achieve the most realistic and high refraction effect. Initially, we designed the lamp to be projected from the top (natural light), that way is beautiful and gives high light efficiency, but designing the light in this position will expose the ugly power cord and difficult to put lights in the right position (no one wants their wonderful lamp to show the wires above). In addition, placing the light above also causes glare when you put it in the bedroom. So we put the light on the bottom, it's not "natural" but is the perfect position for the lamp to show its beauty. ------- You can customize the lamp with: - whale - diver - sea turtle - Ray Or any other details, let us know! We care about the customer's experience and that's why our products are different: the base of the lamp is designed with a seamless monolithic design (this makes manufacturing difficult. than removable soles but in return we have perfect and delicate seamless products) The sophisticated precisely cnc-ied bottom and aluminum heatsink make the circuit durable, and it's also designed to be removable - easy to replace and repair in the event of a problem. Using the best paint color, covered under the high-grade anti-UV coating, the saturation of the Resin Night Light will be perfectly protected for a long time. To ensure the best gloss and transparency, we use the finest resin to keep your vision unobstructed when seeing the details inside the wood and resin. -- HOW IT'S MADE: Confident as one of the biggest and most seriously invested Wood and Resin workshops in Vietnam, we possess the full equipment, people, skills and knowledge to produce the most professional custom Wood and Resin products. Each product, when it reaches you, goes through multiple carefully controlled production steps: Step 1: The product idea is sketched Step 2: mold or design in 3D to make the first prototype. The prototype be considered and refine multiple times. Step 3: The raw wood is selected then cut into suitable trunks Step 4: The first resin layer is made to cover the wood, make it last longer under conditions Step 5: Artisans then pour colored resin into the mold to make the block Step 6: The block's surfaces are honed to make flat surfaces Step 7: The edges of the keyboard case are shaped by grinding Step 8: Multiple times of polishing until the surface and edges are perfectly shinny Step 9: Check each and every finishied item then put into box Each required step is performed by skilled artisans with a minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience. -- SPECIFICATION: - Material: Wood and Resin Size: 12 x 6 x 6cm (4.72 x 2.36 x 2.36") 16 x 7 x 7cm (6.3 x 2.75 x 2.75") 22 x 8 x 8cm (8.66 x 3.14 x 3.14") 25 x 8 x 8cm (9.84 x 3.14 x 3.14") 30 x 8 x 8cm (11.81 x 3.14 x 3.14") -- Power supply: 5V Charging port: USB (can use phone charger or USB port of laptop or PC) Not all size are available to all item. Due to design's special details, some size is only available to some item. Please refer to our bundle option when you place the order. Handmade 100% -- PROCESSING TIME: The processing time vary for each item. Usually it takes us about 5-7 days to finish the production, however sometime the finished item does not look really perfect and we may decide to make start over. We just wish to deliver the best you can get. -- CUSTOM WRIST REST ORDER: As a real maker, we are capable of customize any item against your imagination. All you need to do is to describe the item you wished as detailed as possible. Our artisans will be working closely with you through the process and ensure the item will match your description. As soon as we both side agree upon the design, we will make a custom order for you to purchase and we never fail to ship out the item after the processing time informed. --BREAKWOODEN STORY: We are a team of 20 disabled artisans from Vietnam. We nurtured our passion many years ago and worked hard to make our products as perfect as possible. We have a lot more time than everyone else and that has gradually become a great advantage. We have gathered as a team and want to make our name known to friends from all over the world. We hope it would be more meaningful for you to know the product you received is painted by a one-handed guy or polished by a guy who has been on his crutches for his whole life. All of that does not stop us from being good in what we do and your satisfaction will be our true pride. "Breakwooden keeps it real!" -- NOTE: - For handmade products, please allow very slightly diference from what you see in photos. We dont do mass production so the mountains, rivers or smoke...can not be 100% the same everytime. We ship our product world wide Please provide your phone number so the logistic company could contact you when delivering the package if neccessary You could see more of our item and passion at https://www.etsy.com/shop/breakwooden Enjoy your shopping!
17.480 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
POLYGON DEEP TURTLE SEA, Night light, Epoxy Lamp, Resin Lamp, Resin Night Light, Epoxy Resin Lamp, Table Lamp, Custom Night Light, Resin ligh Resin Night Light is an interesting application of Epoxy Art. Thanks to the transparent, easily diffused light, easy to mix with many different colors, the resin night lights are a perfect decoration for the living room, bedroom or office. We have studied the path of light, experimented with light placements to achieve the most realistic and high refraction effect. Initially, we designed the lamp to be projected from the top (natural light), that way is beautiful and gives high light efficiency, but designing the light in this position will expose the ugly power cord and difficult to put lights in the right position (no one wants their wonderful lamp to show the wires above). In addition, placing the light above also causes glare when you put it in the bedroom. So we put the light on the bottom, it's not "natural" but is the perfect position for the lamp to show its beauty. ------- You can customize the lamp with: - whale - diver - sea turtle - Ray Or any other details, let us know! We care about the customer's experience and that's why our products are different: the base of the lamp is designed with a seamless monolithic design (this makes manufacturing difficult. than removable soles but in return we have perfect and delicate seamless products) The sophisticated precisely cnc-ied bottom and aluminum heatsink make the circuit durable, and it's also designed to be removable - easy to replace and repair in the event of a problem. Using the best paint color, covered under the high-grade anti-UV coating, the saturation of the Resin Night Light will be perfectly protected for a long time. To ensure the best gloss and transparency, we use the finest resin to keep your vision unobstructed when seeing the details inside the wood and resin. -- HOW IT'S MADE: Confident as one of the biggest and most seriously invested Wood and Resin workshops in Vietnam, we possess the full equipment, people, skills and knowledge to produce the most professional custom Wood and Resin products. Each product, when it reaches you, goes through multiple carefully controlled production steps: Step 1: The product idea is sketched Step 2: mold or design in 3D to make the first prototype. The prototype be considered and refine multiple times. Step 3: The raw wood is selected then cut into suitable trunks Step 4: The first resin layer is made to cover the wood, make it last longer under conditions Step 5: Artisans then pour colored resin into the mold to make the block Step 6: The block's surfaces are honed to make flat surfaces Step 7: The edges of the keyboard case are shaped by grinding Step 8: Multiple times of polishing until the surface and edges are perfectly shinny Step 9: Check each and every finishied item then put into box Each required step is performed by skilled artisans with a minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience. -- SPECIFICATION: - Material: Wood and Resin Size: Size M: 9cmx 14cm (3.5"x5.5") Size L: 15cmx 24cm (5.9"x9.5") -- Power supply: 5V Charging port: USB (can use phone charger or USB port of laptop or PC) Not all size are available to all item. Due to design's special details, some size is only available to some item. Please refer to our bundle option when you place the order. Handmade 100% -- PROCESSING TIME: The processing time vary for each item. Usually it takes us about 5-7 days to finish the production, however sometime the finished item does not look really perfect and we may decide to make start over. We just wish to deliver the best you can get. -- CUSTOM WRIST REST ORDER: As a real maker, we are capable of customize any item against your imagination. All you need to do is to describe the item you wished as detailed as possible. Our artisans will be working closely with you through the process and ensure the item will match your description. As soon as we both side agree upon the design, we will make a custom order for you to purchase and we never fail to ship out the item after the processing time informed. --BREAKWOODEN STORY: We are a team of 20 disabled artisans from Vietnam. We nurtured our passion many years ago and worked hard to make our products as perfect as possible. We have a lot more time than everyone else and that has gradually become a great advantage. We have gathered as a team and want to make our name known to friends from all over the world. We hope it would be more meaningful for you to know the product you received is painted by a one-handed guy or polished by a guy who has been on his crutches for his whole life. All of that does not stop us from being good in what we do and your satisfaction will be our true pride. "Breakwooden keeps it real!" -- NOTE: - For handmade products, please allow very slightly diference from what you see in photos. We dont do mass production so the mountains, rivers or smoke...can not be 100% the same everytime. We ship our product world wide Please provide your phone number so the logistic company could contact you when delivering the package if neccessary You could see more of our item and passion at https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/breakwooden Enjoy your shopping! --------------------------------- Follow us for more: Website: www.breakwooden.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCl5DVag7ePM75n6HNTPYeQ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breakwooden_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breakwooden/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/breakwooden/ Our shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/breakwooden
10.515 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
POLYGON DEEP whale SEA, Night light, Epoxy Lamp, Resin Lamp, Resin Night Light, Epoxy Resin Lamp, Table Lamp, Custom Night Light, Resin ligh Resin Night Light is an interesting application of Epoxy Art. Thanks to the transparent, easily diffused light, easy to mix with many different colors, the resin night lights are a perfect decoration for the living room, bedroom or office. We have studied the path of light, experimented with light placements to achieve the most realistic and high refraction effect. Initially, we designed the lamp to be projected from the top (natural light), that way is beautiful and gives high light efficiency, but designing the light in this position will expose the ugly power cord and difficult to put lights in the right position (no one wants their wonderful lamp to show the wires above). In addition, placing the light above also causes glare when you put it in the bedroom. So we put the light on the bottom, it's not "natural" but is the perfect position for the lamp to show its beauty. ------- You can customize the lamp with: - whale - diver - sea turtle - Ray Or any other details, let us know! We care about the customer's experience and that's why our products are different: the base of the lamp is designed with a seamless monolithic design (this makes manufacturing difficult. than removable soles but in return we have perfect and delicate seamless products) The sophisticated precisely cnc-ied bottom and aluminum heatsink make the circuit durable, and it's also designed to be removable - easy to replace and repair in the event of a problem. Using the best paint color, covered under the high-grade anti-UV coating, the saturation of the Resin Night Light will be perfectly protected for a long time. To ensure the best gloss and transparency, we use the finest resin to keep your vision unobstructed when seeing the details inside the wood and resin. A great gift for yourself or a meaningful gift for a loved one. Gift for him, gift for her. -- HOW IT'S MADE: Confident as one of the biggest and most seriously invested Wood and Resin workshops in Vietnam, we possess the full equipment, people, skills and knowledge to produce the most professional custom Wood and Resin products. Each product, when it reaches you, goes through multiple carefully controlled production steps: Step 1: The product idea is sketched Step 2: mold or design in 3D to make the first prototype. The prototype be considered and refine multiple times. Step 3: The raw wood is selected then cut into suitable trunks Step 4: The first resin layer is made to cover the wood, make it last longer under conditions Step 5: Artisans then pour colored resin into the mold to make the block Step 6: The block's surfaces are honed to make flat surfaces Step 7: The edges of the keyboard case are shaped by grinding Step 8: Multiple times of polishing until the surface and edges are perfectly shinny Step 9: Check each and every finishied item then put into box Each required step is performed by skilled artisans with a minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience. -- SPECIFICATION: - Material: Wood and Resin Size: Size M: 9cmx 14cm (3.5"x5.5") Size L: 15cmx 24cm (5.9"x9.5") -- Power supply: 5V Charging port: USB (can use phone charger or USB port of laptop or PC) Not all size are available to all item. Due to design's special details, some size is only available to some item. Please refer to our bundle option when you place the order. Handmade 100% -- PROCESSING TIME: The processing time vary for each item. Usually it takes us about 5-7 days to finish the production, however sometime the finished item does not look really perfect and we may decide to make start over. We just wish to deliver the best you can get. -- CUSTOM WRIST REST ORDER: As a real maker, we are capable of customize any item against your imagination. All you need to do is to describe the item you wished as detailed as possible. Our artisans will be working closely with you through the process and ensure the item will match your description. As soon as we both side agree upon the design, we will make a custom order for you to purchase and we never fail to ship out the item after the processing time informed. --BREAKWOODEN STORY: We are a team of 20 disabled artisans from Vietnam. We nurtured our passion many years ago and worked hard to make our products as perfect as possible. We have a lot more time than everyone else and that has gradually become a great advantage. We have gathered as a team and want to make our name known to friends from all over the world. We hope it would be more meaningful for you to know the product you received is painted by a one-handed guy or polished by a guy who has been on his crutches for his whole life. All of that does not stop us from being good in what we do and your satisfaction will be our true pride. "Breakwooden keeps it real!" -- NOTE: - For handmade products, please allow very slightly diference from what you see in photos. We dont do mass production so the mountains, rivers or smoke...can not be 100% the same everytime. We ship our product world wide Please provide your phone number so the logistic company could contact you when delivering the package if neccessary You could see more of our item and passion at https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/breakwooden Enjoy your shopping! --------------------------------- Follow us for more: Website: https://breakwooden.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCl5DVag7ePM75n6HNTPYeQ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breakwooden_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breakwooden/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/breakwooden/ Our shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/breakwooden
10.372 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
POLYGON DEEP TURTLE SEA, Night light, Epoxy Lamp, Resin Lamp, Resin Night Light, Epoxy Resin Lamp, Table Lamp, Custom Night Light, Resin ligh Resin Night Light is an interesting application of Epoxy Art. Thanks to the transparent, easily diffused light, easy to mix with many different colors, the resin night lights are a perfect decoration for the living room, bedroom or office. We have studied the path of light, experimented with light placements to achieve the most realistic and high refraction effect. Initially, we designed the lamp to be projected from the top (natural light), that way is beautiful and gives high light efficiency, but designing the light in this position will expose the ugly power cord and difficult to put lights in the right position (no one wants their wonderful lamp to show the wires above). In addition, placing the light above also causes glare when you put it in the bedroom. So we put the light on the bottom, it's not "natural" but is the perfect position for the lamp to show its beauty. ------- You can customize the lamp with: - whale - diver - sea turtle - Ray Or any other details, let us know! We care about the customer's experience and that's why our products are different: the base of the lamp is designed with a seamless monolithic design (this makes manufacturing difficult. than removable soles but in return we have perfect and delicate seamless products) The sophisticated precisely cnc-ied bottom and aluminum heatsink make the circuit durable, and it's also designed to be removable - easy to replace and repair in the event of a problem. Using the best paint color, covered under the high-grade anti-UV coating, the saturation of the Resin Night Light will be perfectly protected for a long time. To ensure the best gloss and transparency, we use the finest resin to keep your vision unobstructed when seeing the details inside the wood and resin. A great gift for yourself or a meaningful gift for a loved one. Gift for him, gift for her. -- HOW IT'S MADE: Confident as one of the biggest and most seriously invested Wood and Resin workshops in Vietnam, we possess the full equipment, people, skills and knowledge to produce the most professional custom Wood and Resin products. Each product, when it reaches you, goes through multiple carefully controlled production steps: Step 1: The product idea is sketched Step 2: mold or design in 3D to make the first prototype. The prototype be considered and refine multiple times. Step 3: The raw wood is selected then cut into suitable trunks Step 4: The first resin layer is made to cover the wood, make it last longer under conditions Step 5: Artisans then pour colored resin into the mold to make the block Step 6: The block's surfaces are honed to make flat surfaces Step 7: The edges of the keyboard case are shaped by grinding Step 8: Multiple times of polishing until the surface and edges are perfectly shinny Step 9: Check each and every finishied item then put into box Each required step is performed by skilled artisans with a minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience. -- SPECIFICATION: - Material: Wood and Resin Size: Size M: 9cmx 14cm (3.5"x5.5") Size L: 15cmx 24cm (5.9"x9.5") -- Power supply: 5V Charging port: USB (can use phone charger or USB port of laptop or PC) Not all size are available to all item. Due to design's special details, some size is only available to some item. Please refer to our bundle option when you place the order. Handmade 100% -- PROCESSING TIME: The processing time vary for each item. Usually it takes us about 5-7 days to finish the production, however sometime the finished item does not look really perfect and we may decide to make start over. We just wish to deliver the best you can get. -- CUSTOM WRIST REST ORDER: As a real maker, we are capable of customize any item against your imagination. All you need to do is to describe the item you wished as detailed as possible. Our artisans will be working closely with you through the process and ensure the item will match your description. As soon as we both side agree upon the design, we will make a custom order for you to purchase and we never fail to ship out the item after the processing time informed. --BREAKWOODEN STORY: We are a team of 20 disabled artisans from Vietnam. We nurtured our passion many years ago and worked hard to make our products as perfect as possible. We have a lot more time than everyone else and that has gradually become a great advantage. We have gathered as a team and want to make our name known to friends from all over the world. We hope it would be more meaningful for you to know the product you received is painted by a one-handed guy or polished by a guy who has been on his crutches for his whole life. All of that does not stop us from being good in what we do and your satisfaction will be our true pride. "Breakwooden keeps it real!" -- NOTE: - For handmade products, please allow very slightly diference from what you see in photos. We dont do mass production so the mountains, rivers or smoke...can not be 100% the same everytime. We ship our product world wide Please provide your phone number so the logistic company could contact you when delivering the package if neccessary You could see more of our item and passion at https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/breakwooden Enjoy your shopping! --------------------------------- Follow us for more: Website: https://breakwooden.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCl5DVag7ePM75n6HNTPYeQ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breakwooden_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breakwooden/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/breakwooden/ Our shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/breakwooden
11.710 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Landscape light, Night light, Epoxy Lamp, Resin Lamp, Resin Night Light, Epoxy Resin Lamp, Table Lamp, Custom Night Light Resin Night Light is an interesting application of Epoxy Art. Thanks to the transparent, easily diffused light, easy to mix with many different colors, the resin night lights are a perfect decoration for the living room, bedroom or office. We have studied the path of light, experimented with light placements to achieve the most realistic and high refraction effect. Initially, we designed the lamp to be projected from the top (natural light), that way is beautiful and gives high light efficiency, but designing the light in this position will expose the ugly power cord and difficult to put lights in the right position (no one wants their wonderful lamp to show the wires above). In addition, placing the light above also causes glare when you put it in the bedroom. So we put the light on the bottom, it's not "natural" but is the perfect position for the lamp to show its beauty. We care about the customer's experience and that's why our products are different: the base of the lamp is designed with a seamless monolithic design (this makes manufacturing difficult. than removable soles but in return we have perfect and delicate seamless products) Using the best paint color, covered under the high-grade anti-UV coating, the saturation of the Resin Night Light will be perfectly protected for a long time. To ensure the best gloss and transparency, we use the finest resin to keep your vision unobstructed when seeing the details inside the wood and resin. A great gift for yourself or a meaningful gift for a loved one. Gift for him, gift for her. -- HOW IT'S MADE: Confident as one of the biggest and most seriously invested Wood and Resin workshops in Vietnam, we possess the full equipment, people, skills and knowledge to produce the most professional custom Wood and Resin products. Each product, when it reaches you, goes through multiple carefully controlled production steps: Step 1: The product idea is sketched Step 2: mold or design in 3D to make the first prototype. The prototype be considered and refine multiple times. Step 3: The raw wood is selected then cut into suitable trunks Step 4: The first resin layer is made to cover the wood, make it last longer under conditions Step 5: Artisans then pour colored resin into the mold to make the block Step 6: The block's surfaces are honed to make flat surfaces Step 7: The edges of the keyboard case are shaped by grinding Step 8: Multiple times of polishing until the surface and edges are perfectly shinny Step 9: Check each and every finishied item then put into box Each required step is performed by skilled artisans with a minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience. -- SPECIFICATION: - Material: Wood and Resin Size: Size M: 9cmx 14cm (3.5"x5.5") Size L: 15cmx 24cm (5.9"x9.5") -- Power supply: 5V Charging port: USB (can use phone charger or USB port of laptop or PC) Not all size are available to all item. Due to design's special details, some size is only available to some item. Please refer to our bundle option when you place the order. Handmade 100% -- PROCESSING TIME: The processing time vary for each item. Usually it takes us about 5-7 days to finish the production, however sometime the finished item does not look really perfect and we may decide to make start over. We just wish to deliver the best you can get. -- CUSTOM WRIST REST ORDER: As a real maker, we are capable of customize any item against your imagination. All you need to do is to describe the item you wished as detailed as possible. Our artisans will be working closely with you through the process and ensure the item will match your description. As soon as we both side agree upon the design, we will make a custom order for you to purchase and we never fail to ship out the item after the processing time informed. --BREAKWOODEN STORY: We are a team of 20 disabled artisans from Vietnam. We nurtured our passion many years ago and worked hard to make our products as perfect as possible. We have a lot more time than everyone else and that has gradually become a great advantage. We have gathered as a team and want to make our name known to friends from all over the world. We hope it would be more meaningful for you to know the product you received is painted by a one-handed guy or polished by a guy who has been on his crutches for his whole life. All of that does not stop us from being good in what we do and your satisfaction will be our true pride. "Breakwooden keeps it real!" -- NOTE: - For handmade products, please allow very slightly diference from what you see in We ship our product world wide Please provide your phone number so the logistic company could contact you when delivering the package if neccessary You could see more of our item and passion at https://www.etsy.com/shop/breakwooden Enjoy your shopping! --------------------------------- Follow us for more: Website: https://breakwooden.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCl5DVag7ePM75n6HNTPYeQ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breakwooden_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breakwooden/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/breakwooden/ Our shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/breakwooden
27.451 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Material: Wood / Epoxy Customization Available,Please Message your desired size and shape Custom Made Epoxy River Table Top is gorgeous and one of a kind looking Table has ever lasting appeal and gives an Elegance look to your home. The resin river table is brand new and the contemporary design would be a unique addition to your home. With its perfect combination of style and function this piece of furniture is sure to be the star of any room. This modern table will also make for an awesome gift for your friends or relatives.All tables are finished to the highest standard. The epoxy resin is very strong & durable with specialized UV resistance Note - this item has been sold. the photos are a representation of our hard work and art. this tabletop is made of LIVE EDGE wood and epoxy resin so the shapes may vary depending on the wood, Slight Variation in product may occur due to natural tone and texture of wood,We will send images for approval before dispatch. NOTE: This listing is for a custom Live edge Wooden Table. The Slab shown in the photos has already been purchased,the new one may be slightly different from the picture because wood slab are natural.and its a hand made work Made to Order.........
37.175 €
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Feature: Easy to use and clean for the silicone material. Multifunctional silicone molds, perfect tools for your DIY craft projects. Great for making jewelry and create beautiful jewelry pieces. It's perfect for using it with resin. You can add beads, glitter, color, and pictures to make your own jewelry design. Easy to release, the resin is clear and shinny comes out of the mold. Material: Silicone, Size: A7: 9x12.7cm A6: 10.6x17.5cm A5: 15x21cm Color:Semi-Transparent, Quantity: 1 PC CB:A7: 3.5, A6: 5.5, A5:6.5 Weight:About A7: 50, A6: 90, A5:110 Note: Size for manual measurement, there may be a 0 to 2 cm error, belongs to the normal phenomenon. And due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 1 X Silicone Mold
1,87 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This high quality handmade table is made of solid wood and epoxy resin. With the combination of high-quality wood and noble epoxy resin, the product always attracts attention. To protect the surface, the table is finely sanded several times and finished with high quality oil. The table is characterized by individuality, uniqueness and quality. Due to the natural shape and hand-crafting, each table is unique and one-of-a-kind. Epoxy resin - Black Wood - American walnut Finish - Rubio Pure Oil Dimensions - 800/800/630 cm Weight - 20kg ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY ✓ We are aware that our business has an impact on nature, so we are committed to using part of the company's profits to plant new trees. ✓ We only use carbon neutral shipping services and try to have plastic-free shipping wherever possible. ✓ We use noble sustainable wood
169.000 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
No rush orders for this item. Email us the image at brandon [!at] hardymillwork.com or use etsy messages. Looking for a unique gift or just want to have a memory of the Unit you served in? We make custom engraved plaques made from solid wood. Perfect for PCS or ETS! Perfect for display in your home or office! These measures 17x23 and are colored with resin with multiple layers. The entire plaque besides the borders is resin. These plaques have a 3D look to them due to being layered. Personalization for text can be added via a metal back and gold plate! How to order: 1. Enter Unit or company. 2. List any other details you feel necessary. 3. Enter metal plate text. These items are large and use lots of resin. Items take about 2 weeks so please plan ahead if needed by certain dates.
28.184 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Custom Made Resin and Olive Wooden Wall Cross, Wall Crucifix, Handmade Epoxy and Olive Wooden Wall Cross, Wall Hanger Cross, Large wooden Wall cross I have added these handmade resin and olive wooden crosses to my collection. I make these epoxy and wooden wall crosses in the same quality i always make my resin art that is 1st quality and nothing less. I have sanded these to 400 grid and then put a nice hard top oil on it. You can choose the height and shape in the variation section. The width will get bigger accordingly to the height. You can add the color or colors you want in the personalization section. If you want a special form or size please contact me. I can make these wall crosses anyway you like. Thickness of the crosses can varie between 1.5cm and 5cm. This has to with the size, the bigger the cross the thicker and wider the cross. We don't want it to break. I have attached a metal clip on the back which you can use to mount on wall. I can also make other products like coffeetables, charcuterie boards, coasters, night lamps, candle holders etc. Please visit and follow my Instagram page; Blacksearesinworks Due to the nature of Olive Wood, these pieces can have cracks and curves. Little changes in the wood can occur over time due to climate change. These pieces are made from expired dry Olive Wood.
4.496 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Mastic gum / Mastiha of Chios (Pistacia lentiscus) Raw Resin DESCRIPTION Mastiha is the natural and rare tree resin from mastic tree, which grows only on the island of Chios. Chios’ Mastiha is protected by the European Union as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product. Mastic has numerous
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This coaster set comes with 4 coasters made out of high quality UV resin and pigment paste. Each coaster is about 5 inches long and has a different blue at the base with white floral designs. The base colors are sky blue, steel blue, diamond blue, and lagoona blue. Care instructions: you can use
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This is a OOAK, original resin wall clock, that is 10 inches in diameter, and 10 mm deep, not including the clock mechanism. Made to order. Please add variations such as glitter, abalone shells, or crushed glass at checkout. The setup only allows one option, so please specify Roman or school house numerals, or no numerals, and any other variations that are listed. The one displayed is not for sale, but a similar one can be custom made, please remember that these are original pieces of art, and no two are the same. The above is made with turquoise alcohol ink, glitter, pigment paste, and backed with a semi-opague layer of resin to bring out the 3D effect of the flower. All will have a layer like this, unless specified by the buyer otherwise.
11.386 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
• A perfect live edge solid wood bar table for your home, balcony, kitchen that looks perfect against a wall. It has a long narrow table with a commercial bar, and a beautiful set of chair combinations. That would look perfect to decorate your living room, kitchen, dorm room or office. • With its natural wood ceiling in one spot to rest, this versatile dining table or bar table is designed in true contemporary style to provide busy city dwellers with a sense of well-being. •The table is make out of solid wood and epoxy resin. Resin is heat resistant and waterproof and has great flexural strength, meaning it can handle a lot of stress I promise our table will last for many many years. ❤️A perfect housewarming gift for your family members, friends and loved ones!❤️ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: ♦ The product is made of 100% natural Golden Camphor wood. ♦ We use solid Golden Camphor wood that has been kiln dried, making it resistant to future cracking and ready for interior use. ♦ The most important feature of the live edge bar table is that it is very strong, durable and long-lasting. ♦This bar table is not only solid but has a unique design and provides excellent workspace and offers pleasant conversations with your friends! ♦ Customizable: You can also have this special bar table with lively edges by choosing the color,length, size, you want. Shipping information: ♦ Ready to ship within 9-10 weeks ♦ We carefully wrap our products for the best possible protection during shipping -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just for your info: Total Height = legs height + table thickness For example if you want 30" height as total table height. I recommend you order: 28" leg height would be enough because our table thickness is about 1.8" to 2" Custom order ♦If you have any particular idea about the form, size, color, or maybe even material of your table? We are open to any ideas, so do not hesitate to contact us!? ♦ Excellent art, furniture, home decor collections -------------- To keep up to date, add this table to your ❤️ Favorites!
78.476 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Handmade acrylic resin and Ambrosia Maple serving tray/ Charcuterie board with blue resin with red and teal accents, Size 19-3/4x12x3/4". Finished with food safe mineral oil.
21.099 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Vinyl record art one of a kind design - Each piece is unique, no two pieces are identical. You will receive a piece similar to but not exactly the same as the one pictured. - Real Vinyl records are used for the artwork. We sourced the records from stores. they actually have music in it. The records are cleaned. - Resin is mixed with metallic paint and epoxy resin dye. -Resin is poured in swirls. - Handmade in Chicago, Illinois. -This piece comes framed and ready to hang. - If there are any questions about your order, please reach out to theplaystead [!at] gmail.Com. We will not be able to accept any pieces that have been altered in appearance. -To prevent color desaturation, please avoid hanging in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. -We sincerely hope you this piece brings as much joy and happiness we had creating it. Thank you for supporting us! Please check out our truly uncommon original artworks! ????
15.605 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
"FREE SHIPPING ALL ORDER !!! HOW TO ORDER FROM OUR SHOP! --- 1. Click here: https://desindecor.com 2. Choose: Epoxy Lamps 3. Use this coupon: D20 at checkout page to save $20 => Never error payment, more support and good customer service from our website. Specifications: Small size: 8x5 inches (0.5 inch error) Large size: 14x8 inches (0.5inch error) Purely handmade, there will be errors in shape and size. Wattage: 1-2W LED White light (Replaceable, Lights are for decorative purposes only and do not illuminate the entire room) Wired/Wireless: USB Wired Remote control: No Adapter: No Material: Wood, Epoxy Resin, Polymer Clay. Crafted handmade 100% by Artisans. Good for people, good for the planet. ⚠ Please note: Shades and colors displayed by your screen may differ from the originals! Each piece of art is handmade and any subsequent copy may not be 100% similar to the photo shown or the original. The size will also vary. Please do not order if you are a perfectionist who expects 100% perfect design, sorry but it does not exist in our artwork. Each of them is created by natural wood and hand, which make them unique. There is no two same woods in the world, just like you are special on the earth too. You won't find the similar one anywhere else. As I develop by my own design and unique natural wood for each of them. What you own would be the only one in the world! We don't accept refund & cancellation once we start process your order. Be careful to avoid extreme temperatures, as well as hard and sharp objects to prevent scratches. Wash with warm water. Allow for a residual smell of natural wood. The resin is odorless and NOT toxic! Shipping: Standard Shipping - Free: Orders will take 6 - 18 business days to reach you. Express Shipping: Orders will take 3 - 7 business days to reach you. All custom duty taxes are included in the pricing. All Epoxy Lamps will be processed within 3 - 8 business days on working days. Limited Edition or Customize Edition will require an additional lead time of 3 - 5 business days for them to be ready to be shipped. Returns & Refund: To be eligible for a return: We only accept returns if you have videos proving that the product was faulty upon arrival or that the defect was caused by the manufacturer. Our policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. Customized products and gift cards are exempt from being returned. We don't accept refund & cancellation once we start process your order. We love the products we make and think you will, too."
6.870 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
PLEASE NOTICE: This kit is a one gallon total. Each unit is a half gallon. The resin part A, weighs 4.10 pounds and the hardener PART B weighs 3.12 pounds. We formulated this epoxy meet a variety of applications. Convenient 1:1 mix ratio by volume, long work life (45-60 mins.), Cures with great
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Cheer up your garden with this amazing hand crafted hippo head outdoor sculpture. This resin / stone outdoor sculpture will look very amusing emerging from your garden! My stone ornaments make great garden gifts for any occasion. Order one today to see it wallowing in your garden very soon! The
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Product:Flower Plant Pot Material:resin Color:random color,mix Size:Upper 9cm * height 8cm * lower 6cm Quantity:1PCS/2pcs/5pcs Package include:1PCS/2PCS/5PCS
1,87 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Beautiful, shiny ashtray made with heat resist resin so can be actually used. Don't smoke! But if you do, you need a ashtray, why not to add a pinch of beauty to this not healthy habit. 5 cm diameter in a ash part. If you would like to order a costumised ashtray drop me a message:)
1.504 €
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10pcs/set mini mushroom miniatures artificial garden fairy moss resin crafts decorations stakes craft for home 2cm,specification:material: foampattern: small red foam mushroon / big red foam mushroonsize: 2cmfeature:it built a fairy world for you when the red foam mushroom would work well in a container mini garden or in a mn nestled on moss-covered ground and a stream of pebbles lining the riverbed below.here are two patterns to choice,select the best to yourself.
4,17 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
3 Pack x 60 = 180 of Dry Drops (200mg each) - Original Altaic Siberian Pure Shilajit Resin Dry Drops - extracted from high quality raw materials directly from the Altai Golden Mountains according to GMP standards. Premium purification proprietary technology to maintain the maximum fulvic acid content and original mineral composition 3 Pack x 60 = 180 Tabs of 100% Shilajit Dry Drops - Exactly like natural shilajit, but packed in small compartments for seamless use - no need to measure, no risk to exceed recommended dosage. Use it anytime, anywhere, easily and conveniently Concentrated mineral complex obtained from aged organic matter that was trapped by layers of rocks in Altai Golden Mountains. Fresh source, GMO-free, gluten-free, contains no soy, gelatin, egg, dairy products or caffeine, no fillers.  Support 'Altaisky Biosphere Natural Preserve' in Siberia, a unique UNESCO biodiversity natural site at the foothills of the Golden Mountains - source of our pure Shilajit! Quality & Safety report in each package and Independent US-based 3-rd party Lab tested Manufactured/ Designed by Siberian Green
2.427 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
I only have one 40oz Stanley in the color Rose Quartz, Pool & Azalea available This tumbler is made with Resin Rhinestones that give off the same sparkle as glass stones. You can choose whatever rhinestone color you would like. If you already have a Stanley you are more than welcome to ship it too me and I can upgrade It just msg me before hand so I can add the listing Processing Time is 2-3 weeks however it can be sooner. Processing time does not include shipping
21.894 €
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