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              • El producto representa un juego de tablero
              • Contiene 220 cartas, 1 libreta de puntuación, 1 reloj de arena, bolsa de transporte y reglas
              • Se juega en tres rondas, con 2 o más equipos
              • El objetivo es adivinar objetos, animales, acciones, oficios
              • El equipo con más puntos al final de la partida gana
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              • Time’s Up! Kids forma parte de la gran familia de juegos Time’s Up!
              • Ahora con Time’s Up! Kids las cartas vienen sin texto, solo con imágenes.
              • El juego dura dos rondas con todos los jugadores usando el mismo conjunto de cartas en ambas rondas.
              • En la primera, los jugadores pueden describir las cartas para conseguir que sus compañeros las adivinen
              • pero en la segunda ronda solo se permiten gestos, no se pueden hacer ningún sonido.
              • De 4 a 12 jugadores a partir de 4 años
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              • Time’s Up es el juego de adivinar personajes que cada día gana más adeptos
              • Tu objetivo es sencillo: tendrás que hacer adivinar personajes famosos, reales o ficticios, a tus compañeros de equipo
              • Todos los jugadores tendrán los mismos personajes a lo largo de tres rondas
              • en la primera tendrás que describirlos sin nombrarlos
              • en la segunda, hacer que los adivinen con sólo decir una palabra.
              • Y para terminar, en la tercera ronda solamente valdrá hacer mímica
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                Time´s Up Family 1 La familia Time's Up! crece! Si eres un fan de Time's Up! descubre la nueva línea de este magnífico juego de Peter Sarrett: Time's Up! Academy 1, donde tendrás que dar lo mejor de ti para hacer que tu equipo acierte películas, canciones, libros y otras disciplinas artísticas. Si lo tuyo es jugar con los más pequeños de la casa, ¡Time's Up! Family 1 es para ti! En esta edición de Time's Up! dispones de más tiempo (pero no mucho más) en cada ronda y los conceptos a acertar son más sencillos, para que los pequeños reyes de la casa puedan jugar con los mayores. Objetos cotidianos, animales, profesiones...
                19,95 €
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                Time´s Up Party 1 Comprar Time´s Up Party 1 en EGD Games ¡De nuevo en stock Time's Up amarillo, en su nueva versión! Time's Up! Party 1 es el primer título de la colección Party, una actualización completa de la línea Celebrity (los conocidos anteriormente como Time's Up amarillo, azul y morado). ¡Más famosos, películas, cantantes y locuras que describir (o acertar) en 30 segundos! Comprar Juegos de mesa en EGD Games
                19,95 €
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                Time´s Up Celebrity 1 (Amarillo) - “El actor americano de apellido raro que interpretó a Terminator" - “¡Arnold Schwarzenegger!” Time's Up! es un divertidísimo juego que no tendría que faltar en tus cenas y/o reuniones de amigos. El objetivo de Time's Up Celebrity1 es acertar la mayor cantidad de personajes en una vuelta del reloj de arena. Una partida se desarrolla de la siguiente manera: Tras formar los equipos de jugadores, selecciona las cartas que vais a jugar. ¡Ya estáis preparados para la primera ronda! Durante la primera ronda, cada jugador tratará de hacer adivinar el mayor número posible de personajes a los miembros de su equipo, en tan sólo 30 segundos. En esta ronda se puede decir prácticamente de todo (o casi), pero no se puede pasar a la siguiente carta hasta que el personaje anterior sea acertado. Una vez que los 30 segundos han transcurrido, es el turno del siguiente equipo. La primera ronda termina cuando se hayan acertado todos los personajes. Durante la segunda ronda, se procede como en la primera, pero solamente se puede decir una palabra. Además, el resto del equipo solamente podrá dar una respuesta por carta. En la tercera ronda, se procede como en la primera, pero solamente se puede hacer mímica y sonidos, sin tararear o silbar canciones. Una vez que se hayan acertado todos los personajes, se suma la puntuación obtenida por cada equipo en cada ronda. El equipo que más puntos haya obtenido será el ganador. ¡Y si ya tienes Time's Up Celebrity1 prueba las demás ediciones de este magnífico juego! BGG - 38713
                19,98 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Time's Up Party es la nueva versión del famoso Time's Up Amarillo. Se trata del primer título de la colección Party, lo cual supone una actualización completa de la línea Celebrity, es decir, los que anteriormente se conocían como Time's Up amarillo, azul y morado. Trata de describir o acertar el mayor número de personajes famosos, películas, cantantes..., en 30 segundos.
                1.999 €
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                Time´s Up Celebrity (Morado) Ya está aquí Time's Up Celebrity 3, la nueva edición de uno de los juegos más divertidos de los últimos tiempos. Con esta nueva categorización (en un futuro cercano, las ediciones azul y amarilla de Time's Up pasarán a denominarse Celebrity 1 y 2 respectivamente), llega a las estanterías la edición morada, con 440 nuevos personajes, y totalmente compatible (y combinable) con las ediciones anteriores. BGG - 33495
                19,98 €
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                Time´s Up Family 2 Comprar Time´s Up Family 2 en EGD Games Tu objetivo es sencillo: tendrás que hacer adivinar personajes famosos, reales o ficticios, a tus compañeros de equipo. En esta edición de Time's Up! Family podrás pasar un rato muy divertido con toda la familia, grandes o pequeños. Se juega en tres rondas, con 2 o más equipos. El objetivo es adivinar objetos, animales, acciones, oficios… El equipo con más puntos al final de la partida, gana. Comprar Juegos de mesa en EGD Games
                19,98 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Time’s Up! Kids forma parte de la gran familia de juegos Time’s Up! donde encontramos jugadores intentando hacer adivinar a tus compañeros una palabra o una frase. Ahora con Time’s Up! Kids las cartas vienen sin texto, solo con imágenes. El juego dura dos rondas con todos los jugadores usando el mismo conjunto de cartas en ambas rondas. En la primera, los jugadores pueden describir las cartas para conseguir que sus compañeros las adivinen pero en la segunda ronda solo se permiten gestos, no se pueden hace...
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                Time´s Up - Kids Esta versión de Time´s Up está pensada para que jueguen los peques de la casa. Es una versión cooperativa y adaptada a los más pequeños. Tendrán entre todos que adivinar los objetos, animales, personajes... que aparecen en las distintas cartas.
                19,95 €
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                Time´s Up Party 2 Comprar Timé´s Up Party 2 en EGD Games Tu objetivo es sencillo: tendrás que hacer adivinar personajes famosos, reales o ficticios, a tus compañeros de equipo. Todos los jugadores tendrán los mismos personajes a lo largo de tres rondas: en la primera tendrás que describirlos sin nombrarlos; en la segunda, hacer que los adivinen con sólo decir una palabra. Y para terminar, en la tercera ronda solamente valdrá hacer mímica. Además, ¡sólo tienes 30 segundos en cada turno! Comprar Juegos de mesa en EGD Games
                19,95 €
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                Time´s Up Party GMS Tu objetivo es sencillo: tendrás que hacer adivinar personajes famosos, reales o ficticios, a tus compañeros de equipo. Todos los jugadores tendrán los mismos personajes a lo largo de tres rondas: en la primera tendrás que describirlos sin nombrarlos; en la segunda, hacer que los adivinen con sólo decir una palabra. Y para terminar, en la tercera ronda solamente valdrá hacer mímica. Además, ¡sólo tienes 30 segundos en cada turno!
                24,98 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Time’s Up es el juego de adivinar personajes que cada día gana más adeptos. Tu objetivo es sencillo: tendrás que hacer adivinar personajes famosos, reales o ficticios, a tus compañeros de equipo. Todos los jugadores tendrán los mismos personajes a lo largo de tres rondas: en la primera tendrás que describirlos sin nombrarlos; en la segunda, hacer que los adivinen con sólo decir una palabra. Y para terminar, en la tercera ronda solamente valdrá hacer mímica. Además, ¡sólo tienes 30 segundos en cada turno!...
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Diviértete con " Time's Up Party" en familia o con tus amigos. ¡ No podrás parar de reír! Time's Up Party es la nueva versión del famoso Time's Up Amarillo. Se trata del primer título de la colección Party, lo cual supone una actualización completa de la línea Celebrity, es decir, los que anteriormente se conocían como Time's Up amarillo, azul y morado. Trata de describir o acertar el mayor número de personajes famosos, películas, cantantes..., en 30 segundos.. Referencia TUP04ES
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                ¡Si eres un fan declarado de Time's Up! no puedes perderte la oportunidad de disfrutar de este divertido juego con los más pequeños de la casa! En Time's Up! Family el objetivo de cada equipo es adivinar objetos cotidianos, profesiones, animales... ¡Diversión al alcance de todos!
                1.646 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Un nuevo formato con nuevos nombres¡ Si eres un fan declarado de Time's Up! no puedes perderte la oportunidad de disfrutar de este divertido juego con los más pequeños de la casa! En Time's Up! Family el objetivo de cada equipo es adivinar objetos cotidianos, profesiones, animales... ¡ Diversión al alcance de todos! Contenido de la caja: 218 cartas con 436 personajes Una libreta de resultados Un reloj de arena Un libreto explicativo de los personajes Una bolsa para llevar el juego a donde quieras Instrucc...
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                En esta nueva versión del Time's Up Party, tendrás que describir o acertar nuevos personajes famosos, películas, cantantes..., en 30 segundos.
                1.995 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Disfruta ahora de toda la diversión de Time's Up! en un formato más sencillo, adaptado a niños a partir de 4 años., y en su edición Panda.
                1.995 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                En Time's Up Family deberás adivinar objetos, animales, acciones, oficios..., para entretener a toda la familia. Juega con los más grandes o con los más pequeños, pero no pares la diversión!
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Disfruta ahora de toda la diversión de Time's Up! en un formato más sencillo, adaptado para jugar a partir de 4 años.
                20,98 €
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                Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
                Bolsa mochila plástico time's finest comando command conquer Bolsa mochila plástico time's finest comando command conquer Bolsa mochila plástico  soldado time's finest comando command conquer 
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                Cáceres (Cáceres)
                Juego de mesa Time's up! Celebrity 3 Asmodee Juego de mesa Time's up! Celebrity 3 Asmodee ¡Tienes 30 segundos y 3 rondas para adivinar el máximo de personajes! Juego a partir de 12 años, de 4 a 12 jugadores. El juego está en perfecto estado pero la caja está rota por el lado como se puede comprobar en la fotografía. Dentro de la caja viene una bolsa para poder guardar todos los componentes, por tanto, la caja no es necesaria.
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                Girona (Girona)
                MUÑECO DE ARTISTA - FREDDY'S FROGGY FUN TIME - SHERRY RAWN PARA THE ASHTON-DRAKE GALLERIES 2007 MUÑECO DE ARTISTA - FREDDY'S FROGGY FUN TIME - SHERRY RAWN PARA THE ASHTON-DRAKE GALLERIES 2007 Tal y como veis en las fotos que también forman parte de la descripción, está como nuevo, en muy buen estado general. Mide 28 cm. de suave silicona.  Cada vez que aprietas su barriguita hace un sonido como un bebé real. Todo original, conservado en vitrina en casa sin humos ni animales, conserva su certificado de autenticidad original. Preguntad si tenéis dudas. 7 euros envío certificado a España, resto de países a consultar. Gracias
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                A gift that's fun for your tot and educational at the same time! These puzzles are the perfect tool to teach your young one their name, identify letters and animals, and fine motor skills. This timeless gift is perfect for any holiday, birthday, or just because gift. With your puzzle, you also get... - free shipping! - a love of learning - endless fun These puzzles come with more than just love, learning, and fun. They are handmade (with love) from maple plywood and non-toxic, eco-solvent ink. Each puzzle is 4 inches tall and the length varies depending on how many letters are in the name. Each letter is about 3 inches tall - perfect for little hands and safe for little mouths. The maximum length a puzzle will be is 18.5 inches. All letters stick out of their holding spots just enough to grab without constantly falling out. These puzzles are safe, fun, and educational - the perfect mix for your little one! We offer a multitude of color combination options! We know picking can be hard, and that's why we provide some preselected combinations. If you want to customize your colors, send us a message - we'd be more than happy to bring your color combo to life! The colors may vary slightly from puzzle to puzzle due to the natural grain and pores of the wood. Colors may appear slightly different in real life than from what is seen on screen. The order of the colors will differ depending on how many letters are in the name and which colors will be the best background for the corresponding animal under the letter. Each background for the animal will match the letter it goes with. We will include special characters (ie hyphens and apostrophes), but they will be glued down. This is for your child's safety as the special character would be very small and swallowing size. Please include all special characters in your total count of letters. Our puzzles only include capital letters. If you select that your order is a gift and include a message, we will engrave the message on the back on the puzzle unless otherwise specified. It will be copied exactly as you submit it, so please check your spelling and grammar! We offer free shipping! Since we ship through the USPS, shipping times may vary. We will get your puzzle to the post office within two days of ordering to get your puzzle to you in the quickest time possible! We do not accept returns. This is because each puzzle is made from scratch custom for your order. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us via message or email. We want you and your little one to love their new puzzle and will always try to help if we can. If your puzzle arrives with a mistake, we will make it right for you! We start on your order as soon as we can to get you your puzzle as soon as possible. We know you are waiting eagerly to start playing with your new toy! Because of the quick nature of the ordering process, we do not accept cancelations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out before placing your order! We will work with you to make the order you want! Thanks!
                4.025 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Your order is under our full GUARANTEE! Zuzu Puzzle uses the fastest shipping of Fedex. Personalized Name Puzzle, Wooden Healthy Toy, Baby Shower and Birthday Gift for Toddlers, Newborn. Toddler Name Sign. Nursery and Baby Room Decor. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ DETAILS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our puzzles are SUPER quality and have SUPER wooden hand-built. It is a natural and important game that increases motor skills in your child's development. Also, our puzzles are one of the best and unique gift choice. All of our best experiences were gathered to make wonderful combined color and shapes. If you want to make it extra special, you can add coloring book and stand choices of your cart. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SPECIFICATION ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ -Standard Board: 43x20cm (17,00x8,00 inches) -Big Board: 43x33cm (17,00x13,00 inches) -Average Letter Height: 6cm (2,36 inches) -Natural Anatolian Wood(puzzle has smooth surface) -Cheerful and Bright Colors (tested for best appearance) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PUZZLES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - Supports kid’s motor skills -Teaches balance and coordination -Nurtures kid’s creativity, imagination, problem solving and sharing skills -Gets familiar with the basics of daily usage shapes -Recognizes name and developing spell -Discovers potentials and world -Increases kid’s curiosity -Much more better instead of focusing to a digital screen ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SHIPPING ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ -Zuzu Puzzle uses the fastest shipping of Fedex. -Your puzzle will come to you very well wrapped and packaged. Shipping Times: USA: 2-3 working days Europe: 1-2 working days Rest of World: 2-5 working days *processing time: 2-4 working days. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ZUZU PUZZLE & SUPPORT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Thank you for choosing to shop with us! We hope you love our items as much as we do. Share the love on social media, send it to us for a 15% discount you can use on your next order. If you will have any unclear point, you can ask to us. We love to help!
                3.990 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                FRENCH EDITION ABOUT THE BOOK “Céleste sauve la ville” entraîne les lecteurs dans la vie d'une jeune fille forcée de quitter sa chère maison, alors que l'ouragan Katrina menace d'inonder la Nouvelle-Orléans. Déterminée à jouer un rôle clé dans l'avenir, Céleste envisage de devenir ingénieure civile et découvre comment protéger les zones humides pour ralentir les crues, lors de violents ouragans et tempêtes. Available in: - Hardcover | ISBN 979-8-9870036-3-3 - Paperback | ISBN 979-8-9870036-4-0 - eBook | ISBN 979-8-9870036-5-7 Size: 8.5"x8.5" Page Count: 32 pages Age Range: 5-12 Themes: New Orleans, Louisiana, Hurricane Katrina, Engineering, Construction, Civil Engineering, Wetlands, Coastal Erosion, STEM, STEAM, Diversity, Representation PERSONALIZE IT! ($+2) Make your copy your own or send a special message to the recipient by adding up to 100 characters of text. All messages will be handwritten into the book(s). Be sure to select the "Personalize It!" option. BULK DISCOUNTS Buying in bulk? Contact us for special pricing. SHIPPING Books will ship within 7 days via Media Mail. If a faster service is requested, please select the service during checkout. Orders over $50 ship FREE. RETURNS If there is an issue with your order, please contact us within 3 days of receipt. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, Courtney grew up wanting to be a veterinarian - until Hurricane Katrina changed the course of her life. After attending numerous engineering and math camps, she left Louisiana to pursue degrees in civil engineering and mathematics at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. She began a career in construction project management of heavy civil infrastructure projects that has included work at DFW International and Love Field Airports, highways, and local municipalities. Courtney went on to obtain a master's degree in civil engineering with a concentration in structures from SMU and a master's degree in business at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. She is also a licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas. In her spare time, Courtney serves on the board for SOSMC USA, a nonprofit raising funds to renovate three buildings on the campus of a school for low-income disabled children in Chennai, India. She enjoys traveling, attending arts events, discovering new music, watching Korean dramas, and spending time with her fluffy bunny, Albus. www.courtneykellybooks.com
                2.019 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                "Bill & Ted's Riff in Time Rufu's remix" constituye una increíble expansión para el juego básico. Con esta expansión, hasta 5 jugadores podrán salvar la historia, ya que Rufus se unirá a los Wyld Stallyns en su misión vital. Se incluye tanto a Rufus como a 10 miniaturas de todos los personajes de relevancia histórica que ya conoces para llevar tu experiencia al siguiente nivel.
                35,99 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Dimensions; - LARGE play mat is approx 24" x 18" - XL play mat is approx 30" x 20" - cave is approx 6" wide, 6" deep and 5" high. CLICK on MORE to see further details. NOTE: At the time of purchase, please let me know your preferred colours for the flowers in the field and on the cave. PLEASE NOTE: These prices are for the play mat ONLY which will be custom made for you and comes with....... an attached cave, rocks and stepping stones, a pond and river, a flower area, a leafy forest area, grassy bushes and foliage. SEE PHOTOS 4 & 5 for the play mat of this sale, WITHOUT the added extra animals and tree house. My photos show a variety of mats that I have made and they make a colourful base for adding other play items and figures..........wonderful play times to stimulate young imaginations. I make this item using a combination of wet felting and needle felting and it is a very tough, durable mat that can be rolled and taken travelling with you. All the 3 D additions of bushes, grasses, rocks, vines and flowers are invisibly stitched for safety from inquisitive little play fingers. I can also offer this play mat in smaller and larger sizes...... just let me know the dimensions you would prefer and I will send you a quote. PLEASE NOTE. As stated in paragraph 3 above...... This is a single item sale for a play mat only and does not include The Old Man Oak / The Duckpond/ the Rabbit Warren or any of the little animals, fairies or trees shown in some of my photos. The 4th & 5th photos show my play mat as it is sold. NOT RECOMMENDED for those little ones who are still eating their toys, as small pieces could be hazardous if swallowed. DISCOUNTS discounts are available for more than one item supplied - please convo me for a price. SHIPPING Soosun uses Royal Mail 'track and trace' …………………………………………………………………………………………………… What customers say *I am speechless!!!, This is beyond amazing thank you with all my heart for creating something so special for my son. It will be something he will treasure for life. I dont know how I can ever thank you enough for that magical playmat. I was moved to tears by all the little details, love and care that you put into it. Thank you thank you!! *This is simply beautiful, the pictures just do not do these pieces justice. Do not hesitate to order from her shop. Wonderful to work with and amazing toys that will last. * This order is perfect, in my mind I picture how I would create the ideal play environment for my child. This is the only item I have ever ordered that completely lives up to my vision. Thank you so much for sharing such a talent. * These play felt items are so very well designed and made! The quality is A++, the customer service superb! The packaging was excellent! This Etsy artist has my highest recommendation! *I am deeply moved by the beauty and magic you have created for my family. * Cannot say enough wonderful things about this play set. It's even more fabulous than the pictures, and the pictures had me anxiously awaiting its arrival! It shipped super fast, was packed really well, and will undoubtedly delight our 3yr old twin girls on their birthday. Above all, the customer service was just plain beyond stellar. SooSun worked so hard to customize this set for our girls, all correspondence was timely and informative.....as I said before, I cannot say enough good!!!! * The most beautiful play mat I've ever seen! extremely quickly made and just stunning! have recommended to many and will be back to buy more i'm sure! Thank you Soosun:) * Thank you very much for this amazing crafted playmat, oak tree and animals. They are absolutely gorgeous. I also appreciated that my whishes where implemented. The comunication was great and the pieces very fast made after ordering. Great shop! * Wonderful playmat arrived today! oh how i wish i would have had this as a child - i would have spent days and days in this little world! it is my hope that my grandchildren pass it on to their children. this is a very special item and thanks for working with my ideas for a bridge. i will gift it to the children on our next visit to nashville and until then I will enjoy showing it off! tx * I don't know even how to say how amazing this play scape is. It came in super quick time and the quality is just beyond remarkable. Thank you so much for making such a special gift for our little chick and even for the extra little duckies! Great communication and would recommend to anyone! It's just beautiful!
                11.075 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Custom engraved wood guitar picks. These are woods from all over the world that I handmade into playable wood guitar picks. The options for engravings are not limited to the pictures above, they are examples are to help you come up with your own custom/personalized guitar pick. Contact me for custom images/logos. Can’t see the Wood Types image clearly? Click the link below to get a clearer image: https://i.etsystatic.com/6292388/r/il/56a3f5/3797630040/il_1140xN.3797630040_s7rz.jpg Check the images to see an example of a necklace and a keychain Here you can choose wood types. WOOD TYPE OPTIONS: Please select from one of the following wood types show in the image above in the Wood Type selection bar. For Ordering Multiple Wood Types, Please "Add to Cart" one wood type at a time and then purchase all guitar picks together QUANTITY: I do my best to keep a quantity of 10 of each wood type in stock at all times. If you want more than 10 of one wood type, please contact me If you don't want engravings, please select "No Engraving". If you would like and engraving, please select "Engrave One Side" for an engraving on one side of the pick. -Select "Engrave Both Sides" for an engraving on both sides of the pick. If you would like a Keychain or Necklace, please select "Keychain No Engrave" for a Keychain on the pick and no engravings. - Select "Keychain One Side" for a Keychain on the pick and for an engraving on one side of the pick. - Select "Keychain Both Sides" for a Keychain on the pick and for an engraving on both sides of the pick. please select "Necklace No Engrave" for a Necklace on the pick and no engravings - Select "Necklace One Side" for a Necklace on the pick and for an engraving on one side of the pick. - Select "Necklace Both Sides" for a Necklace on the pick and for an engraving on both sides of the pick. FOR ENGRAVING REQUESTS: Please put your request in the box below "Add your personalization" or note in your order. Feel free to contact/message me on Etsy for custom images/logos or any engraving questions. Engraving options, Text Designs, Image Designs, Fonts, shown in pictures above. I also sell wood guitar pick boxes/holder. This guitar pick box can hold 1 wood guitar pick at the link below: https://etsy.me/2GR3DFm This guitar pick box can hold 5 wood guitar picks at the link below: http://etsy.me/2wLMpBX [New to Etsy?] Click the link below for How to Order on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/es/help/article/339?ref=help_search_result [CONTACT ME] Click the link below or click the contact button to contact me: https://www.etsy.com/es/conversations/new?with_id=13072729&ref=owner_contact_leftnav [FONT OPTIONS] 3RDD PHOTO [MAXIMUM CHARACTER LIMITS] Please click the link below to see the character limits: https://img0.etsystatic.com/146/0/13072729/icm_fullxfull.108587450_f8xc4owsln4884kowocg.jpg [IMAGE AND TEXT DESIGN OPTION DESCRIPTIONS] (Refer to 3rd and 4th picture above) [FAQs] Q: WHERE TO PUT INFO FOR MY CUSTOM TEXT? A: Please mention your desired text/image design to be engraved in the “note to Pickslay’s Woodworking” which will be an option after you add the item to your cart. Q: HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR SHIPPING? A: Please click the link below the pictures above for Shipping or the box above listed "Shipping & Policies" below the photos https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/PickslaysWoodworking/policy?ref=shopinfo_policies_leftnav Q: HOW DO I ADD MULTIPLE PICKS WITH DIFFERENT WOOD TYPES/OPTIONS? A: Please "Add to Cart" one guitar pick at a time and then purchase all guitar picks together. Q: WHERE ARE THE FONT OPTIONS? A: (Refer to 2nd picture above) Q: HOW BIG ARE THESE PICKS? A: My guitar picks are approximately >1 1/16 inch or 26 mm wide >1 1/4 inch long or 31 mm >1/8 of an inch thick or 3 mm thick to insure durability and to allow the grooves at the top of the pick to be deeper, allowing for better grip Some guitar picks may not be exactly those dimensions. But I do my best to make them as close to those measurements as I can. I do this by hand and I have to estimate as I sand them by hand. Q. CAN YOU ACTUALLY PLAY WITH THESE? A: Yes, wood guitar picks offer a great sound on pretty much all kinds of guitars. Feel and sound: For sound, They make a great smooth sound when they hit the strings. It doesn't have that plasticky sound that a plastic pick has as it rolls off each string. Customers and friends say that they make a beautiful sound. For feel, Smooth to the touch, great grip at the top. It's hard to see in the pictures, but there are indentations at the top on both sides for gripping. Engravings add some roughness but give more friction to make it even easier to grip. Check to see pictures of the indentations for the grip at the top of the pick at my about page: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PickslaysWoodworking/about?ref=l2-about [DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PLASTIC AND WOOD PICKS] >Wood has no flexibility and is very firm. > Wood offers a much clearer and stronger strum > It doesn't have that plastic plucking sound that most plastic picks have as the pick catches on every string. > It gives a great sound. *grain patterns will vary from pick to pick, the above picture is a stock photo, however, other picks will compare in quality, color, and grain pattern *Pictures above have copyrights © Thanks for looking, Spencer
                496 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Custom engraved wood guitar picks. These are woods from all over the world that I handmade into playable wood guitar picks. The options for engravings are not limited to the pictures above, they are examples are to help you come up with your own custom/personalized guitar pick. Contact me for custom images/logos. Can’t see the Wood Types image clearly? Click the link below to get a clearer image: https://i.etsystatic.com/icm/5f302f/595945025/icm_fullxfull.595945025_4sexf004dpus0sscw4wc.jpg?version=0 Check the images to see an example of a necklace and a keychain Here you can choose wood types. WOOD TYPE OPTIONS: Please select from one of the following wood types show in the image above in the Wood Type selection bar. For Ordering Multiple Wood Types, Please b'"'Add to Cartb'"' one wood type at a time and then purchase all guitar picks together QUANTITY: I do my best to keep a quantity of 10 of each wood type in stock at all times. If you want more than 10 of one wood type, please contact me If you don't want engravings, please select b'"'No Engravingb'"'. If you would like and engraving, please select b'"'Engrave One Sideb'"' for an engraving on one side of the pick. -Select b'"'Engrave Both Sidesb'"' for an engraving on both sides of the pick. If you would like a Keychain or Necklace, please select b'"'Keychain No Engraveb'"' for a Keychain on the pick and no engravings. - Select b'"'Keychain One Sideb'"' for a Keychain on the pick and for an engraving on one side of the pick. - Select b'"'Keychain Both Sidesb'"' for a Keychain on the pick and for an engraving on both sides of the pick. please select b'"'Necklace No Engraveb'"' for a Necklace on the pick and no engravings - Select b'"'Necklace One Sideb'"' for a Necklace on the pick and for an engraving on one side of the pick. - Select b'"'Necklace Both Sidesb'"' for a Necklace on the pick and for an engraving on both sides of the pick. FOR ENGRAVING REQUESTS: Please put your request in the box below b'"'Add your personalizationb'"' or note in your order. Feel free to contact/message me on Etsy for custom images/logos or any engraving questions. Engraving options, Text Designs, Image Designs, Fonts, shown in pictures above. I also sell wood guitar pick boxes/holder. This guitar pick box can hold 1 wood guitar pick at the link below: https://etsy.me/2GR3DFm This guitar pick box can hold 5 wood guitar picks at the link below: http://etsy.me/2wLMpBX [New to Etsy?] Click the link below for How to Order on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/339?ref=help_search_result [CONTACT ME] Click the link below or click the contact button to contact me: https://www.etsy.com/conversations/new?with_id=13072729&ref=owner_contact_leftnav [FONT OPTIONS] 3RDD PHOTO [MAXIMUM CHARACTER LIMITS] Please click the link below to see the character limits: https://img0.etsystatic.com/146/0/13072729/icm_fullxfull.108587450_f8xc4owsln4884kowocg.jpg [IMAGE AND TEXT DESIGN OPTION DESCRIPTIONS] (Refer to 3rd and 4th picture above) [FAQs] Q: WHERE TO PUT INFO FOR MY CUSTOM TEXT? A: Please mention your desired text/image design to be engraved in the “note to Pickslay’s Woodworking” which will be an option after you add the item to your cart. Q: HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR SHIPPING? A: Please click the link below the pictures above for Shipping or the box above listed b'"'Shipping & Policiesb'"' below the photos https://www.etsy.com/shop/PickslaysWoodworking/policy?ref=shopinfo_policies_leftnav Q: HOW DO I ADD MULTIPLE PICKS WITH DIFFERENT WOOD TYPES/OPTIONS? A: Please b'"'Add to Cartb'"' one guitar pick at a time and then purchase all guitar picks together. Q: WHERE ARE THE FONT OPTIONS? A: (Refer to 2nd picture above) Q: HOW BIG ARE THESE PICKS? A: My guitar picks are approximately b'>'1 1/16 inch or 26 mm wide b'>'1 1/4 inch long or 31 mm b'>'1/8 of an inch thick or 3 mm thick to insure durability and to allow the grooves at the top of the pick to be deeper, allowing for better grip Some guitar picks may not be exactly those dimensions. But I do my best to make them as close to those measurements as I can. I do this by hand and I have to estimate as I sand them by hand. Q. CAN YOU ACTUALLY PLAY WITH THESE? A: Yes, wood guitar picks offer a great sound on pretty much all kinds of guitars. Feel and sound: For sound, They make a great smooth sound when they hit the strings. It doesn't have that plasticky sound that a plastic pick has as it rolls off each string. Customers and friends say that they make a beautiful sound. For feel, Smooth to the touch, great grip at the top. It's hard to see in the pictures, but there are indentations at the top on both sides for gripping. Engravings add some roughness but give more friction to make it even easier to grip. Check to see pictures of the indentations for the grip at the top of the pick at my about page: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PickslaysWoodworking/about?ref=l2-about [DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PLASTIC AND WOOD PICKS] b'>'Wood has no flexibility and is very firm. b'>' Wood offers a much clearer and stronger strum b'>' It doesn't have that plastic plucking sound that most plastic picks have as the pick catches on every string. b'>' It gives a great sound. *grain patterns will vary from pick to pick, the above picture is a stock photo, however, other picks will compare in quality, color, and grain pattern *Pictures above have copyrights © Thanks for looking, Spencer
                477 €
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                Granada (Granada)
                Snes Secret Evermore Illusion of Time Super Nintendo consola dos mandos Snes Secret Evermore Illusion of Time Super Nintendo consola dos mandos Hola!!! The Chota's Team se complace en presentar una estupendisima consola Super Nintendo pal España con dos mandos, cable de tv, adaptador de corriente y dos estupendos juegos también en su version pal España. Secret of Evermore e Illusion of Time. Todo es completamente original 100x100 Nintendo. Si estas buscando una Snes en un estado increible con su color original y no llevarte sorpresas desagradables esta es la tuya!!! Mira las fotos es fantastico el estado de todo!!! Cobramos 9 euros por el envio ya que lo hacemos mediante Seur 24 horas y certificado. Empaquetamos a prueba de bombas!!! Gracias por tu tiempo!!!!
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Se vende pack de juegos ZELDA en cartucho PAL EUR de Nintendo 64. -The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask -The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time Probados, limpios y desinfectados tanto carcasa como pines. En perfecto estado. Bizum, PayPal, transferencia o ingreso BBVA Envíos a toda la península. Carta ordinaria 2€ por artículo bajo responsabilidad del comprador. Envío certificado 5€ con código de seguimiento sin límite de artículos. Envíos wallapop. Recogida en Salou. SE COMBINAN ARTÍCULOS PARA ÚNICO ENVÍO NO NEGOCIO NO ME DESPLAZO N64 Snes nes cartucho Sega ps1 PS2 PS3 retro PROGAMES play station PlayStation ps4 link
                64 €
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