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Small world

Listado top ventas small world

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    • Used Book in Good Condition
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    • Extensión para el juego Smallword
    • Tiempo de juego: 40 min
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    • De It's A Small World Anniversary , POP Disney: Small World, Japón como un Pop estilizado. vinilo de Funko
    • La figura mide 9 cm y viene en una caja con ventana
    • Echa un vistazo a las otras figuras de It's A Small World Anniversary de Funko
    • Colecciónalos todos
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    • Duración de la partida: 80 minutos aprox
    • De 2 a 6 jugadores
    • Edad mínima : 8 años
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    • Usando la combinación correcta de razas fantásticas con poderes especiales y únicos
    • Los jugadores deberán darse prisa ampliando sus imperios
    • A menudo a expensas de los vecinos más débiles
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    • Un juego para conquistar y controlar el mundo
    • Demasiado pequeño para acomodarlos a todos
    • Juego de civilización divertido, cómico y alegre
    • De 2 a 5 jugadores
    • A partir de 8 años de edad
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    • Duración: unos 60 min a largo
    • Instrucciones de Idiomas : DE
    • Advertencia : ¡Precaución! No apto para niños menores de 36 meses
    • Escala y modelo de la vida-como para coleccionistas adultos Mensaje
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      • Small World of Warcraft es un juego de mesa independiente ambientado en el glorioso universo de videojuegos de Blizzard, Azeroth.
      • 2-5 jugadores compiten por el control de varias islas en este mundo hostil y su única esperanza será elegir la combinación correcta de carreras y poderes especiales.
      • Después de estacar tu reclamo de un pedazo de tierra, derrota a tus vecinos y expande tu territorio.
      • Si puedes ocupar lugares legendarios y controlar poderosos artefactos mágicos, llegarás a nuevos niveles de dominación.
      • Sin embargo, los imperios deben caer finalmente, así que prepárate para poner tu carrera demasiado extendida en decadencia y llevar a una nueva a la gloria para que finalmente puedas gobernar Azeroth
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      Small World Underground Con tantos restos de generaciones pasadas, el espacio en Small World es aún más pequeño bajo tierra que sobre ella. Las esperanzas que tus ancestros depositaron en ti para que excavaras un imperio subterráneo están en peligro... ¡hay quién se ha atrevido a cavar cerca de tus tierras! ¡Ya no hay espacio ni para los vivos ni para los muertos! Small World Underground es un juego que transcurre bajo la superficie del divertido y fantástico universo de épicas conquistas e imperios en declive de Small World, ¡todo un clásico que cuenta ya con más de 100.000 copias vendidas! ¡Small World Underground trae nuevas Razas y Poderes Especiales, y te descubrirá temibles Monstruos que protegen reliquias y lugares de gran poder! Puede jugarse de manera independiente o combinarse con otras expansiones de Small World. ¡Recomendado para todos los jugadores expertos en Small World! BGG - 97786
      47,95 €
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      Small World - Sky Islands An eerie silence settled on the land as a huge shadow glided over forest and mountain. Had the Wizards accidentally given their flocks of sheep flight again? All eyes turned to the horizon as an archipelago of Sky Islands floated over Small World…and realization dawned at the same time as the sun. New land means new riches! Within a few hours, the most enterprising races were swarming up a Giant Magical Beanstalk and a Stairway to Heaven on their way to wealth. The battle for the Sky Islands had just begun... In Sky Islands, an expansion designed by Philippe Keyaerts and T. Alex Davis, new lands are floating closer, but the world remains too small-and that's not going away with the new board featuring the floating Sky Islands. Each island completely conquered by a single Race will earn additional coins for that race, but accessing the Sky Islands is not easy. To help the players in their conquests, this expansion also features an assortment of new and zany races and special powers, such as the Scavengers, created by Sam Iam Lasseter, or the impressive Storm Giant, created by T. Alex Davis. To sort them all, a storage tray is included in this expansion. CONTENTS 1 double-sided board (2 or 3 Sky Islands) 7 Fantasy Race banners 7 Unique Special Power badges 94 Matching Race tokens 24 various tokens 1 Rules Booklet / Helper
      26,98 €
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      Small World - River World Un grupo de feroces piratas armados hasta los dientes bajan por el río, amenazando tus puertos. ¿Cómo se enfrentarán tus Enanos Mercaderes contra estas ratas del mar? Quizá tendrías que haberte ido antes, como hicieron los Elfos... te dijeron que habían vaticinado grandes desgracias en el Templo, pero como siempre, no escuchaste. Después de los piratas, ¿quién sabe lo que podría pasar? En River World, los jugadores descubrirán nuevos mapas llenos de regiones acuáticas amenzadas por piratas. Los jugadores tendrán que defender sus preciados puertos contra ellos, combatirlos en el río y además, no perder de vista a los contrincantes. Algunas regiones tienen efectos especiales que pueden dar ventaja, pero en River World, sigue sin haber espacio suficiente para todos. CONTENIDO 4 Mapas, en dos tableros de doble cara,11 fichas de Evento, 1 Carabela y 12 Barcos pirata. BGG - 207121 Este vídeo está en inglés y se utiliza a modo de presentación. El juego se encuentra en castellano. Muchas gracias a todos los que hacéis posible con vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación la difusión de los juegos de mesa.
      24,95 €
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      Small World - Royal Bonus Royal Bonus es una nueva mini-expansión para Small World con la que podrás ampliar tu juego con tres nuevas razas y Poderes especiales nuevos. Descubre los Faunos, Igors y Hombres Matorral, y sus nuevos poderes con Royal Bonus. CONTENIDO 3 nuevos marcadores de Raza con sus fichas (Faunos, Igors y Hombres Matorral), 3 nuevos marcadores de Poder Especial (Acuáticos, Behemoth y Bolas de Fuego) BGG - 144171
      9,94 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Small World es un juego de civilización divertido, cómico y alegre, para 2 a 5 jugadores que tratarán de conquistar y controlar un mundo que es… en fin… ¡demasiado pequeño para acomodarlos a todos! Usando la combinación correcta de razas fantásticas con poderes especiales y únicos, los jugadores deberán darse prisa ampliando sus imperios, a menudo a expensas de los vecinos más débiles. Sin embargo, también deberán saber cuándo terminar con su civilización y llevarla a su declive para dirigir una nueva raza a la victoria.
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Con tantos restos de generaciones pasadas, el espacio en Small World es aún más pequeño bajo tierra que sobre ella. Las esperanzas que tus ancestros depositaron en ti para que excavaras un imperio subterráneo están en peligro... ¡hay quién se ha atrevido a cavar cerca de tus tierras! ¡Ya no hay espacio ni para los vivos ni para los muertos! Small World Underground es un juego que transcurre bajo la superficie del divertido y fantástico universo de épicas conquistas e imperios en declive de Small World, ¡todo un clásico que cuenta ya con más de 100.000 copias vendidas! ¡Recomendado para todos los jugadores expertos en Small World!
      47,95 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Esta expansión contiene una docena de nuevos escenarios, Gracias las fichas de terreno modulares y la docena de nuevos escenarios, incluye los clásicos el Trono oxidado y un juego de dioses, esta expansión es el kit de construcción de mundos para Small World y Small World Underground que los aficionados estaban esperando.
      29,64 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      La Alianza y la Horda siguen en un continuo y eterno conflicto, y el mundo de Small World es demasiado pequeño para los dos. El día amanece y Azeroth se prepara para asisir a la madre de todas las batallas. ¿Serás capaz de conseguir el control de este mundo hostil?
      59,99 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      En "River World", un grupo de feroces piratas amenazan tus puertos y deberás enfrentarte a ellos. Combatirás contra ellos en el río, sin perder de vista a tus contrincantes. Algunas regiones tienen efectos especiales que pueden dar ventaja, pero en River World, sigue sin haber espacio suficiente para todos.
      2.495 €
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      Madrid (Madrid)
      JUEGO DE MESA - SMALL WORLD OF WARCRAFT - Edición en Español - Days of Wonder - BLIZZARD -Precintado JUEGO DE MESA - SMALL WORLD OF WARCRAFT - Edición en Español - Days of Wonder - BLIZZARD -Precintado ¡La guerra por Azeroth ha comenzado! Amanece un nuevo día en Azeroth. Un día como todos los anteriores y como todos los que le seguirán. Un día de lucha despiadada por el control de World of Warcraft. No es solo que este Small World sea un territorio demasiado pequeño para todos, sino que también alberga el interminable conflicto entre las facciones de la Alianza y la Horda. Ya ha amanecido. Ha llegado la hora de luchar a la vanguardia de esta batalla. Small World of Warcraft es un juego de mesa independiente ambientado en el glorioso universo de Azeroth, en el que de 2 a 5 jugadores competirán por el control de varias islas de este mundo hostil. Tu única esperanza será elegir la combinación adecuada de razas y poderes especiales. Cuando hayas reclamado un pedazo de tierra, derrota a tus enemigos y expande tu territorio. Si consigues ocupar lugares legendarios y controlar poderosos artefactos mágicos, alcanzarás nuevas cotas de dominación. Con el tiempo, sin embargo, todo imperio tiene que caer, así que prepárate para poner en declive a las razas que se hayan extendido demasiado y lidera a otra nueva hacia la gloria. Solo así podrás acabar gobernando Azeroth. Precintado. De 2 a 5 jugadores. Idioma: español. Para jugadores y coleccionistas! **** Dispongo de un amplio catálogo de juegos de mesa, wargames y rol. Si esta descripción no te parece suficiente o las fotografías no te aclaran algún detalle no dudes en preguntarme TODO lo que necesites. Si estás buscando algún juego para tu colección mira entre todos los lotes que tengo en subasta y en catálogo. Si no encuentras lo que buscas pregúntame por su disponibilidad; tengo muchos más juegos que no aparecen actualmente en Todocolección. Si tienes cualquier duda, PREGUNTAME antes de comprar! Pago por transferencia bancaria. Se admite pago por PAYPAL. Gastos de envío de 7 euros: el envío es CERTIFICADO. Se hacen envíos combinados: ahorra en gastos de envío al hacer una compra multiple. Todos los artículos se embalan cuidadosamente antes del envío. Si vives en Madrid la entrega puede ser en mano si vienes a recoger el artículo a la dirección que te indique (cerca de Metro de Suanzes, línea 5).
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      Madrid (Madrid)
      JUEGO DE MESA - SMALL WORLD - Edición en Español - Days of Wonder - Precintado JUEGO DE MESA - SMALL WORLD - Edición en Español - Days of Wonder - Precintado Small World. Precintado. De 2 a 5 jugadores. Idioma: español. Para jugadores y coleccionistas! **** Dispongo de un amplio catálogo de juegos de mesa, wargames y rol. Si esta descripción no te parece suficiente o las fotografías no te aclaran algún detalle no dudes en preguntarme TODO lo que necesites. Si estás buscando algún juego para tu colección mira entre todos los lotes que tengo en subasta y en catálogo. Si no encuentras lo que buscas pregúntame por su disponibilidad; tengo muchos más juegos que no aparecen actualmente en Todocolección. Si tienes cualquier duda, PREGUNTAME antes de comprar! Pago por transferencia bancaria. Se admite pago por PAYPAL. Gastos de envío de 7 euros: el envío es CERTIFICADO. Se hacen envíos combinados: ahorra en gastos de envío al hacer una compra multiple. Todos los artículos se embalan cuidadosamente antes del envío. Si vives en Madrid la entrega puede ser en mano si vienes a recoger el artículo a la dirección que te indique (cerca de Metro de Suanzes, línea 5).
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      Juego de Mesa DAYS OF WONDER Small World Race Collection: Be Not Afraid & A Spider Web (Inglés - Edad Mínima: 8)
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      Juego de Mesa DAYS OF WONDER Small World Race Collection: Cursed, Grand Dames & Royal (Inglés - Edad Mínima: 8)
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      ¡Los niños merecen lo mejor, por eso te presentamos bJuego de Mesa Asmodee Small World of Warcraft/b, ideal para quienes buscan productos de calidad para los más peques! ¡Consigue bAsmodee/b a los mejores precios! ulliIdioma: Francés/liliEdad recomendada: 10 Años/liliNúmero de jugadores: 2 - 5/liliTipo: Juego de Mesa/li/ul
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Descubre los Faunos, Igors y Hombres Matorral, y sus nuevos poderes con Royal Bonus
      9,94 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      2 size Montessori Baby Play Climber Set for Toddler - Climbing Arch (Small or Large Size) - Climbing/Sliding Ramp - Toddler Pillow (Small or Large Size) You can get Montessori Arch, Ramp, and Pillow separately or as a set There are small and large size options for the climbing set. You can select the pillow design from the photos and please write it in the personalization part. This Climbing Arch with Pillow set is made of the highest quality natural birch plywood and linden tree. This Montessori Toys for babies set is very durable and easy to install. It is totally natural and very safe for your kids. A Montessori furniture set is a perfect tool for your kids' balance skills, awareness, gross motor skills, coordination, and learning development. This baby play gym set is a perfect baby boy gift and baby girl gift, This wooden baby toys are a great tool for kids activity Your little ones will be ready to play with the Montessori Gym while they crawl and when they start to walk. We recommend using our climbing sets with adult supervision. Dimensions: Large size set: Climbing Arch - 112cm length x 55cm height x 70cm width / 44" length x 21.5" height x 27.5" width The Ladder / slider ramp - 110cm length x 1,8cm height x 35cm width / 43.5" length x 0.7" height x 13.8" width The Rockwall / slider ramp - 110cm length x 1,8cm height x 35cm width / 43.5" length x 0.7" height x 13.8" width Pillow - 145cm length x 8cm height x 68cm width / 57" length x 3.2" height x 26.8" width Small size set: Climbing Arch - 94cm length x 45cm height x 61cm width / 37" length x 17.7" height x 24" width The ladder / slider ramp - 110cm length x 1,8cm height x 35cm width / 43.5" length x 0.7" height x 13.8" width The Rockwall / slider ramp - 110cm length x 1,8cm height x 35cm width / 43.5" length x 0.7" height x 13.8" width Pillow - 115cm length x 8cm height x 58cm width / 45.2" length x 3.2" height x 22.8" width World Wide Free and Express Shipping on all orders. Please DON'T FORGET to add your phone number at checkout for smooth delivery. Phone numbers are used by the carrier company during the delivery process. Shipping Details: (Ships Next Day) 3-5 business days delivery for USA & Canada. 3-4 business days delivery for Europe 3-6 business days delivery for the Rest of the World.
      12.745 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Western Cooking A World Away by Nancy Delamarter, Norma Larsen, American Peace Corps, Calcutta, PB, fair shape, c1960s, Vintage, Condiments covers worn, discolored, small tear on edge
      3.409 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle for Adults by FoxSmartBox™ contains dozens of uniquely shaped pieces, designed by artists to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story, making the puzzle incredibly entertaining. ???? 487 Pieces ????️ Completed size 16.8" x 12.5" (426x318 mm) ???? Original premium quality magnetic gift box. ✔️ Cardboard template to guide assembly. ???? Inspiration Point: illustration of fairy elves harvesting mushrooms in a magical forest. The perfect gift for jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts with plenty of autumn-themed unique cut details. ???? Premium Quality. We use 1/4" thick FSC certified plywood, which provides an amazing tactile experience. Fine art, archival quality paper, and inks to create a beautiful, clear, and crisp image. Made to last for years to come. ???? Whimsical Pieces. Each jigsaw puzzle contains dozens of hand-drawn, uniquely shaped pieces, called "whimsies". Whimsies are designed by artists and crafted to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story. Each puzzle is different! ???? Thoughtful gift. The puzzle comes in a beautiful, bright gift box, a "present ready" immediately upon delivery. Unique gift for Christmas, New Year, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day or just to make any day joyful and bright. ???? Crafting Experience. Ideal for Adults and Teens (Over 14 yrs). Enjoy on your own or with family and friends. Perfect both for spending time with yourself and socializing with people. ✅ Collectable. The size of the box is designed to conveniently stock your collection upon the bookshelf. We also included an additional sticker, so you can mark the side of the box by your preference, depends how you want to keep and display your puzzles' collection. ???? Proudly made in the USA. FoxSmartBox™ - California-based manufacturer specializing in premium quality wooden jigsaw puzzles for Adults and Teens. Sophisticated elements, cut with a high-precision laser, seamlessly slide together into colorful art, making it oddly satisfying to put a wooden piece in place. Each jigsaw puzzle contains dozens of hand-drawn uniquely shaped pieces, called "whimsies". Whimsies are designed by artists and crafted to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story. The intricately cut wooden puzzle will challenge a puzzler and provide hours of enjoyment. Every puzzle is a small world with its own story inside. Immerse yourself in this colorful world, take a close look at the details and stories, it never gets old and can be done time and again. Enjoy the "puzzling" time, random laser-cut and whimsical pieces make this wooden jigsaw puzzle even more challenging than traditional classic puzzles. Optionally when your puzzle is completed, you can display it as a classy decoration. Wooden puzzles are designed to be collectible and last for years to come. FoxSmartBox™ wood jigsaw puzzles are meant to be played like a board game. Colorful Art combined with unique artwork design turns it into an ideal puzzle gift, a precious puzzle artifact. There are various styles the jigsaw puzzle can be designed, depending on the theme of art: traditional puzzle, historic design puzzle, Victorian-style puzzle, contemporary cut, nautilus spiral pattern puzzle, mosaic puzzle. Puzzling supports mental health and helps to keep your mind sharp, it takes so much focus to put the whole puzzle together, that you may get into a meditative state. Immerse yourself into a magical atmosphere of peace and art. All of our jigsaw puzzles are made in the USA.
      10.792 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle for Adults by FoxSmartBox™ contains dozens of uniquely shaped pieces, designed by artists to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story, making the puzzle incredibly entertaining. ???? 500 Pieces ????️ Completed size 18.3" x 12.5" (465x318 mm) ???? Original premium quality magnetic gift box. ✔️ Cardboard template to guide assembly. ???? Inspiration Point: illustration of a happy family, gathering together. The perfect gift for jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts with plenty of family, gifts, and happiness-themed unique cut details. ???? Premium Quality. We use 1/4" thick FSC certified plywood, which provides an amazing tactile experience. Fine art, archival quality paper, and inks to create a beautiful, clear, and crisp image. Made to last for years to come. ???? Whimsical Pieces. Each jigsaw puzzle contains dozens of hand-drawn, uniquely shaped pieces, called "whimsies". Whimsies are designed by artists and crafted to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story. Each puzzle is different! ???? Thoughtful gift. The puzzle comes in a beautiful, bright gift box, a "present ready" immediately upon delivery. Unique gift for Christmas, New Year, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day or just to make any day joyful and bright. ???? Crafting Experience. Ideal for Adults and Teens (Over 14 yrs). Enjoy on your own or with family and friends. Perfect both for spending time with yourself and socializing with people. ✅ Collectable. The size of the box is designed to conveniently stock your collection upon the bookshelf. We also included an additional sticker, so you can mark the side of the box by your preference, depends how you want to keep and display your puzzles' collection. ???? Proudly made in the USA. FoxSmartBox™ - California-based manufacturer specializing in premium quality wooden jigsaw puzzles for Adults and Teens. Sophisticated elements, cut with a high-precision laser, seamlessly slide together into colorful art, making it oddly satisfying to put a wooden piece in place. Each jigsaw puzzle contains dozens of hand-drawn uniquely shaped pieces, called "whimsies". Whimsies are designed by artists and crafted to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story. The intricately cut wooden puzzle will challenge a puzzler and provide hours of enjoyment. Every puzzle is a small world with its own story inside. Immerse yourself in this colorful world, take a close look at the details and stories, it never gets old and can be done time and again. Enjoy the "puzzling" time, random laser-cut and whimsical pieces make this wooden jigsaw puzzle even more challenging than traditional classic puzzles. Optionally when your puzzle is completed, you can display it as a classy decoration. Wooden puzzles are designed to be collectible and last for years to come. FoxSmartBox™ wood jigsaw puzzles are meant to be played like a board game. Colorful Art combined with unique artwork design turns it into an ideal puzzle gift, a precious puzzle artifact. There are various styles the jigsaw puzzle can be designed, depending on the theme of art: traditional puzzle, historic design puzzle, Victorian-style puzzle, contemporary cut, nautilus spiral pattern puzzle, mosaic puzzle. Puzzling supports mental health and helps to keep your mind sharp, it takes so much focus to put the whole puzzle together, that you may get into a meditative state. Immerse yourself into a magical atmosphere of peace and art. All of our jigsaw puzzles are made in the USA.
      10.792 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle for Adults by FoxSmartBox™ contains dozens of uniquely shaped pieces, designed by artists to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story, making the puzzle incredibly entertaining. ???? 230 Pieces ????️ Completed size 10.3" x 13.5" (262 x 343 mm) ???? Original premium quality magnetic gift box. ✔️ Cardboard template to guide assembly. ???? Inspiration Point: beautiful vintage illustration Forest Nymphs by Arthur Rackham. The perfect gift for jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts with plenty of themed unique cut details. ???? Premium Quality. We use 1/4" thick FSC-certified plywood, which provides an amazing tactile experience. Fine art, archival quality paper, and inks to create a beautiful, clear, and crisp image. Made to last for years to come. ???? Whimsical Pieces. Each jigsaw puzzle contains dozens of hand-drawn, uniquely shaped pieces, called "whimsies". Whimsies are designed by artists and crafted to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story. Each puzzle is different! ???? Thoughtful gift. The puzzle comes in a beautiful, bright gift box, a "present ready" immediately upon delivery. Unique gift for Christmas, New Year, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day or just to make any day joyful and bright. ???? Crafting Experience. Ideal for Adults and Teens (Over 14 yrs). Enjoy on your own or with family and friends. Perfect both for spending time with yourself and socializing with people. ✅ Collectable. The size of the box is designed to conveniently stock your collection on the bookshelf. We also included an additional sticker, so you can mark the side of the box by your preference, depends how you want to keep and display your puzzles' collection. ???? Proudly made in the USA. FoxSmartBox™ - California-based manufacturer specializing in premium quality wooden jigsaw puzzles for Adults and Teens. Sophisticated elements, cut with a high-precision laser, seamlessly slide together into colorful art, making it oddly satisfying to put a wooden piece in place. Each jigsaw puzzle contains dozens of hand-drawn uniquely shaped pieces, called "whimsies". Whimsies are designed by artists and crafted to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story. The intricately cut wooden puzzle will challenge a puzzler and provide hours of enjoyment. Every puzzle is a small world with its own story inside. Immerse yourself in this colorful world, and take a close look at the details and stories, it never gets old and can be done time and again. Enjoy the "puzzling" time, random laser-cut and whimsical pieces make this wooden jigsaw puzzle even more challenging than traditional classic puzzles. Optionally when your puzzle is completed, you can display it as a classy decoration. Wooden puzzles are designed to be collectible and last for years to come. FoxSmartBox™ wood jigsaw puzzles are meant to be played like a board game. Colorful Art combined with unique artwork design turns it into an ideal puzzle gift, a precious puzzle artifact. There are various styles the jigsaw puzzle can be designed, depending on the theme of art: traditional puzzle, historic design puzzle, Victorian-style puzzle, contemporary cut, nautilus spiral pattern puzzle, mosaic puzzle. Puzzling supports mental health and helps to keep your mind sharp, it takes so much focus to put the whole puzzle together, that you may get into a meditative state. Immerse yourself into a magical atmosphere of peace and art. All of our jigsaw puzzles are made in the USA.
      6.316 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle for Adults by FoxSmartBox™ contains dozens of uniquely shaped pieces, designed by artists to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story, making the puzzle incredibly entertaining. ???? 275 Pieces ????️ Completed size 10.6" x 16.5" (269 x 418 mm) ???? Original premium quality magnetic closure gift box. ✔️ Cardboard template to guide assembly. ???? Inspiration Point: art "Cat In The Garden" by Louis Wain. The perfect gift for jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts with plenty of themed unique cut details. ???? Premium Quality. We use 1/4" thick FSC-certified plywood, which provides an amazing tactile experience. Fine art, archival quality paper, and inks to create a beautiful, clear, and crisp image. Made to last for years to come. ???? Whimsical Pieces. Each jigsaw puzzle contains dozens of hand-drawn, uniquely shaped pieces, called "whimsies". Whimsies are designed by artists and crafted to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story. Each puzzle is different! ???? Thoughtful gift. The puzzle comes in a beautiful, bright gift box, a "present ready" immediately upon delivery. Unique gift for Christmas, New Year, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day or just to make any day joyful and bright. ???? Crafting Experience. Ideal for Adults. Enjoy on your own or with family and friends. Perfect both for spending time with yourself and socializing with people. ✅ Collectable. The size of the box is designed to conveniently stock your collection on the bookshelf. We also included an additional sticker, so you can mark the side of the box by your preference, depends how you want to keep and display your puzzles' collection. ???? Proudly made in the USA. FoxSmartBox™ - manufacturer specializing in premium quality wooden jigsaw puzzles for Adults. Sophisticated elements, cut with a high-precision laser, seamlessly slide together into colorful art, making it oddly satisfying to put a wooden piece in place. Each jigsaw puzzle contains dozens of hand-drawn uniquely shaped pieces, called "whimsies". Whimsies are designed by artists and crafted to match the theme of the puzzle and tell a story. The intricately cut wooden puzzle will challenge a puzzler and provide hours of enjoyment. Every puzzle is a small world with its own story inside. Immerse yourself in this colorful world, and take a close look at the details and stories, it never gets old and can be done time and again. Enjoy the "puzzling" time, random laser-cut and whimsical pieces make this wooden jigsaw puzzle even more challenging than traditional classic puzzles. Optionally when your puzzle is completed, you can display it as a classy decoration. Wooden puzzles are designed to be collectible and last for years to come. FoxSmartBox™ wood jigsaw puzzles are meant to be played like a board game. Colorful Art combined with unique artwork design turns it into an ideal puzzle gift, a precious puzzle artifact. There are various styles the jigsaw puzzle can be designed, depending on the theme of art: traditional puzzle, historic design puzzle, Victorian-style puzzle, contemporary cut, nautilus spiral pattern puzzle, mosaic puzzle. Puzzling supports mental health and helps to keep your mind sharp, it takes so much focus to put the whole puzzle together, that you may get into a meditative state. Immerse yourself into a magical atmosphere of peace and art. All of our jigsaw puzzles are made in the USA.
      8.341 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Disponemos de musicales de cuerda en distintas melodías con tirador de bola: La le lu, when you wish a start, f. Jaques,lullaby (brahms), it's a small world, twinkle little start
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      · W O O D E N · N A M E · P U Z Z L E · Personalized, eco-friendly baby gift idea for Birthday, Christmas, and any other day of the year. As a Mother, I know that “love” is the most important component in the development of Your child under 3 years old. Mom, love, and time together are all they need. But also, I know how difficult it is to invent a new game every time, to make it interesting. Based on this, we have developed an educational toy with which You can express your feelings (that’s why we made an option to engrave Your custom message for Your Little One. Explore the world we live in (by different additional elements we have made). What can be better than spending fun time together, learning the baby's name, and of course develop motor skills. Thanks to the playful form, the child can easily learn his name. And of course, from the lips of mother name sounds the most beautiful and sweet. · P O S S I B I L I T I E S · O F · N A M E · P U Z Z L E S · Learning while playing is the best way to start teaching your kid. The name puzzle is a simple and nice toy that helps your child to develop motor skills, color & shape recognition. Learning how to spell his name is a great way to make kids feel special and loved as well. · A B O U T · O U R · P U Z Z L E S · ☆ Made with birch plywood and water-based ink, our puzzles are absolutely eco-friendly and safe for kids. ☆ We have found an ideal size, now there are light, lasting, and easily usable. Their length varies from 8 to 24 inches, depending on the number of letters. The puzzle width is 3,35 inches. It was made for the best matching for your requests. ☆ The technique of playing with a name puzzle is inspired by the Montessori technique. Our puzzle can give your child possibilities to learn without your involvement. But still - use every time to form friendships with your kids. · C U S T O M I Z A T I O N · ☆ You have 10 different color schemes. Choose whatever you like. Or make your own scheme using the colors we offer you. ☆ You have different shapes to choose from. Add them at the beginning of the name or at the end. An additional element can be selected in the presented infographics, so totally the puzzle looks more harmonic. Or if you want to make your own scheme - choose every figure you like. ☆You can add to your puzzle back engraving which you want. ☆You can add pegs. It helps children under 2 years to enjoy playing. ☆Choose gift wrap to make your puzzle be a real gift. ☆Additionally, we offer you a puzzle stand, so your toy will be a beautiful element of nursery decor. · H A V E · A N Y · Q U E S T I O N S ? · • If you got a damaged product - contact us. We are ready to return your full price for bad quality. • Remember, that we don’t own delivery services and can’t control this process. So, if you have trouble with the time of shipping - check if your product was sent correctly. If all were sent in time - the problem is from the part of the delivery service. • If your dog ate the shape of the puzzle or you lost it - we are ready to send you a new set of letters for a good price. · T E R M S · A N D · C O N D I T I O N S · F O R · S A F E · U S E · 1. All kids have imagination. And we made all we can to give you a safe toy. But be careful and try not to leave your child alone with puzzles. Instead - play with your kid. Collect memories 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him. 3. IF IN YOUR PUZZLE YOU HAVE LETTER ”I” OR NUMBER “1” - BE ATTENTIVE. THIS SHAPES CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR KIDS 0-3. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. OR WE CAN MAKE SHAPES BE FIXED TO THE PUZZLE. · W I T H · T H I S · T O Y · O U R · C L I E N T S · A L S O · O R D E R · The link to the pastel girl collection https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=979223534§ion_id=33282778 The link to the shop https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/BusyPuzzle · S P E C I A L · O F F E R · With a personalized puzzle it will be cheaper to buy something else. We offered a coupon for a 60% discount instead of the standard 50%. Just enter PUZZLEPLUS - and enjoy your shopping. Learn letters and words quickly and very easily when learning as a game. We present to your attention the developing Wooden Alphabet - sorter. Sorter puzzles are sure to please your child, as it is fun and interesting to spend time with. https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=30981719 New Learning Time Clock. We made our toy clocks have a little bit more than simple clocks. Of course, we added hours and minutes. But also we added colorful sections, peace of puzzles. https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=31133813 Busy Name Puzzle which includes not only letters but other developing and interesting elements on the board - entertain Your kid and definitely, it will become one of the favorite toys. https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=24836979 A good chair for a kid to get to know the world better and be able to reach any object in the house. This stool is tested for durability, it will fit beautifully into your decor in a children's room. The best-personalized gift you can ever imagine https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=27133368 Our bows are made from high-strength wooden plywood. When we created it, we didn’t think that this would be a game not only for children but also for adults. It is very interesting and fun. And the name on the bow emphasizes the individuality of each archer) https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=29448540 Have you ever thought about toys which are not only for fun but also for education? Montessori Toys on which we can engrave the name of a child, and make it more personal https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=24039563 The Numbers Puzzle Such educational activities always appreciate by children and help you to diversify the time of learning https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=31284902· C H A R I T Y · D O N A T I O N · Part of the profit from sales in the period from 12/13/2021 to 12/20/2021 will go to donations for orphans in Ukraine The Busy Puzzle team will personally go to the children's shelter to give them a little warmth and love! Each of you is involved in this case! · W O O D E N · N A M E · P U Z Z L E · Personalized, eco-friendly baby gift idea for Birthday, Christmas, and any other day of the year. As a Mother, I know that “love” is the most important component in the development of Your child under 3 years old. Mom, love, and time together are all they need. But also, I know how difficult it is to invent a new game every time, to make it interesting. Based on this, we have developed an educational toy with which You can express your feelings (that’s why we made an option to engrave Your custom message for Your Little One. Explore the world we live in (by different additional elements we have made). What can be better than spending fun time together, learning the baby's name, and of course develop motor skills. Thanks to the playful form, the child can easily learn his name. And of course, from the lips of mother name sounds the most beautiful and sweet. · P O S S I B I L I T I E S · O F · N A M E · P U Z Z L E S · Learning while playing is the best way to start teaching your kid. The name puzzle is a simple and nice toy that helps your child to develop motor skills, color & shape recognition. Learning how to spell his name is a great way to make kids feel special and loved as well. · A B O U T · O U R · P U Z Z L E S · ☆ Made with birch plywood and water-based ink, our puzzles are absolutely eco-friendly and safe for kids. ☆ We have found an ideal size, now there are light, lasting, and easily usable. Their length varies from 8 to 24 inches, depending on the number of letters. The puzzle width is 3,35 inches. It was made for the best matching for your requests. ☆ The technique of playing with a name puzzle is inspired by the Montessori technique. Our puzzle can give your child possibilities to learn without your involvement. But still - use every time to form friendships with your kids. · C U S T O M I Z A T I O N · ☆ You have 10 different color schemes. Choose whatever you like. Or make your own scheme using the colors we offer you. ☆ You have different shapes to choose from. Add them at the beginning of the name or at the end. An additional element can be selected in the presented infographics, so totally the puzzle looks more harmonic. Or if you want to make your own scheme - choose every figure you like. ☆You can add to your puzzle back engraving which you want. ☆You can add pegs. It helps children under 2 years to enjoy playing. ☆Choose gift wrap to make your puzzle be a real gift. ☆Additionally, we offer you a puzzle stand, so your toy will be a beautiful element of nursery decor. · H A V E · A N Y · Q U E S T I O N S ? · • If you got a damaged product - contact us. We are ready to return your full price for bad quality. • Remember, that we don’t own delivery services and can’t control this process. So, if you have trouble with the time of shipping - check if your product was sent correctly. If all were sent in time - the problem is from the part of the delivery service. • If your dog ate the shape of the puzzle or you lost it - we are ready to send you a new set of letters for a good price. · T E R M S · A N D · C O N D I T I O N S · F O R · S A F E · U S E · 1. All kids have imagination. And we made all we can to give you a safe toy. But be careful and try not to leave your child alone with puzzles. Instead - play with your kid. Collect memories 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him. 3. IF IN YOUR PUZZLE YOU HAVE LETTER ”I” OR NUMBER “1” - BE ATTENTIVE. THIS SHAPES CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR KIDS 0-3. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. OR WE CAN MAKE SHAPES BE FIXED TO THE PUZZLE. · W I T H · T H I S · T O Y · O U R · C L I E N T S · A L S O · O R D E R · The link to the pastel girl collection https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=979223534§ion_id=33282778 The link to the shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle · S P E C I A L · O F F E R · With a personalized puzzle it will be cheaper to buy something else. We offered a coupon for a 60% discount instead of the standard 50%. Just enter PUZZLEPLUS - and enjoy your shopping. Learn letters and words quickly and very easily when learning as a game. We present to your attention the developing Wooden Alphabet - sorter. Sorter puzzles are sure to please your child, as it is fun and interesting to spend time with. https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=30981719 New Learning Time Clock. We made our toy clocks have a little bit more than simple clocks. Of course, we added hours and minutes. But also we added colorful sections, peace of puzzles. https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=31133813 Busy Name Puzzle which includes not only letters but other developing and interesting elements on the board - entertain Your kid and definitely, it will become one of the favorite toys. https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=24836979 A good chair for a kid to get to know the world better and be able to reach any object in the house. This stool is tested for durability, it will fit beautifully into your decor in a children's room. The best-personalized gift you can ever imagine https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=27133368 Our bows are made from high-strength wooden plywood. When we created it, we didn’t think that this would be a game not only for children but also for adults. It is very interesting and fun. And the name on the bow emphasizes the individuality of each archer) https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=29448540 Have you ever thought about toys which are not only for fun but also for education? Montessori Toys on which we can engrave the name of a child, and make it more personal https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=24039563 The Numbers Puzzle Such educational activities always appreciate by children and help you to diversify the time of learning https://www.etsy.com/shop/BusyPuzzle?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=31284902
      458 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      This is a single genuine English Magpie skull collected from the wild. It is air dried and if you wish, ready for further preparation or treatment, whitening, coloring, etc. I will include a few magpie feathers with each order as a little gift. Please note my photo is a stock picture. The price is per skull. Skulls may vary slightly in colour and condition. These skulls are collected from the wild and may have small imperfections such as cracks, small holes etc. Each skull is about 5cm or 2ins long. Note: This item will often arrive with the bottom beak detached. This is not a fault, but is a result of the cleaning process. I leave it to the recipient to decide if they wish to re-attach it with a spot of clear glue. Magpie Superstitions Around the World: In China, instead of being a sign of misfortune, European magpie is considered to be a lucky sign. The name is literally "happiness magpie." In China a singing Magpie foretells happiness and good luck. An old English folk tale states that when Jesus was crucified on the cross, all of the world's birds wept and sang to comfort him in his agony. The only exception was the magpie, and for this, it is forever cursed. In many parts of Europe, the Magpie is honored due to the fact it warns people of the approach of wolves and armed men. In German folklore the magpie is seen as a thief. In ancient Greece, the Magpie was associated with Dionysos and intoxication. In both Italian and French folklore, magpies' penchant for picking up shiny items is thought to be particularly directed towards precious ones. In Korea, the Magpie delivers good news and invites good people into your life. He is also seen as the village spirit. Therefore in Korea, the Magpie is seen as the symbol of good luck and happiness. In the Middle Ages and during the witch-hunts in Europe, the bird was considered to be connected with witchcraft - just like crows, ravens and black cats. In Mongolia, the Magpie is considered a clever bird with control over the weather. In Native America, the Magpie is considered as a friend and helper. In Native American folklore, wearing a magpie feather is a sign of fearlessness in some tribes as the magpie is bold and has little fear. In Norway, a magpie is considered cunning and thievish, sometimes wicked, but a playful and loud bird is also bringer of good weather. In Ancient Rome, the Magpie is sacred and linked to the god Bacchus. In Scandinavia, the Norse snow shoe goddess Skadi was associated with Magpies. In Scotland, a Magpie near the window of the house foretells death. In Scottish folklore, (in a story possibly related to the above) magpies were long reviled for allegedly carrying a drop of Satan's blood under their tongues. In South Dakota, there is a myth that all the animals had a race to determine if the two legged animals had the right to eat the four legged ones or if it was the reverse. The Bison was winning, but the Magpie was sitting between his horns. As he got close to the finish line she burst forward and won. The Magpie straddles both the inspiration and chaos archetypes. In many parts of the United Kingdom spotting a single magpie is considered bad fortune and saluting it is a way of showing the bird respect in the hope that the magpie won't pass on some of the misfortune that follows it. The Magpie is featured in some creation myths and one myth is that it allows its tail to be used as a bridge for people needing to cross a river into this world. More Magpie Superstitions: If a flock of magpies suddenly abandon a nesting area, hard times are ahead. A chattering magpie denotes the arrival of a stranger. Reversing the Magpie Myth of Bad Luck: As you can see, the solitary Magpie is very often seen as bad luck, something to be feared. Perhaps this should be reversed and the solitary Magpie will then become a lucky symbol, a symbol to be revered. When you see this solitary Magpie make a wish. When the wish materializes you will understand the true magic of the Magpie and you will understand that someone created this fearful superstition to prevent us from truly understanding and utilizing the magic of the Magpie.
      1.873 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Cute Easter Bunny Stuffed Animal, Rabbit Soft Toy, Easter Plush Bunny, Bunny Soft Plush Toy, Easter Bunny Stuffed Toy, Birthday Gift, Easter Gift Basket, Baby First Easter, Plush Easter Bunny, Easter Basket Gift For Kids, Rabbit Lover Gift, Bunny Rabbit Plush, Plush Rabbit, Rabbit Plush, Kawaii Plush, Bunny Stuffed Animal For Kids, Stuffed Bunny BUNNY: Rabbits are small adorable mammals. There are 305 breeds of rabbits that can be found in many areas of the world. Their diet contains large amount of cellulose, which is hard to digest however, rabbits solve this problem via a form of hindgut fermentation. They often sleep with their eyes open to respond to potential danger in wildlife. They are very cute and have a very soft fur which people love to touch their silky soft skin. The soft bunny toys are very popular among people all around the world. This plush bunny toys are perfect for all babies, toddlers, and young children; they designed in a very safe size and it’s very cuddly. These plush toys are very adorable and extremely soft and can be loved by all ages. ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: These adorable stuffed animals are so premium. • Brand: SHAD®. • Handmade with love. • Item number: P2019-R3-1. • Name: Andover Bunny. • Overall sizes: 10 in / 25 cm. • Weight: 0.26 lb / 117 g. • Materials: All new hygiene polyester fibers & plastic pellets. • Age grading: All ages. • Safety: SHAD is the safest brand in the market! We test each individual category in third party laboratory to ensure they meet our quality level and goes beyond global toy safety standards. • Toxin free. WASHING INSTRUCTIONS: Some of us may still remember or even have a plush toy that passed by generations in our family. Since our toys are collectibles and handmade, to keep them forever, we recommend to spot clean / hand wash this toy. You may also want to put them into washing machine / dryer, but it is recommended to be hand-washed / air dry to keep your stuffed toy in a very best shape for many years. ABOUT US: SHAD is a subsidiary brand by U.S. East Coast Trade (USECT), which specifically designs and manufactures the superior-quality children’s products. We are located in the greater Boston area and proudly offer the cuddliest lovable plush toy in the world. Our unique products are fully handmade with passion and satisfy every personal taste and preferences. SAFETY: At SHAD, we test each individual category in a third party CPSC- accepted laboratories. We guarantee our selection goes beyond U.S. Consumers Product Safety Commission and CANADA Consumer Product Safety Act. (ASTM F963-17) & (SOR/2011-17). Key Safety Highlights: • Lead-free. • Phthalate-free. • Barium-free. • Cadmium-free. • Antimony-free. • Selenium-free. • Chromium-free. • Mercury-free. • Arsenic-free. • Small part tested. In addition to above, our selection is made from brand new hygiene stuffing materials. Note: Please remove all packaging materials before use. Keep the tag for your reference. VISION STATEMENT: To be the most customer-based company that provides the highest value to the people, the environment and the communities. OUR MISSION: As a customer-focused business, our goal is to continuously improve consumer satisfaction to generate greater values and increase customer’s loyalty. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Due to the nature of these products we do not accept any return if the packaging is open and/or item is used. A 15% handling fee will be apply to all returned items. All designs and images are the property of © U.S. East Coast Trade, LLC® Please visit us at www.usect.us/shad to learn more.
      1.529 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Cute Easter Bunny Stuffed Animal, Rabbit Soft Toy, Easter Plush Bunny, Bunny Soft Plush Toy, Easter Bunny Stuffed Toy, Birthday Gift, Easter Gift Basket, Baby First Easter, Plush Easter Bunny, Easter Basket Gift For Kids, Rabbit Lover Gift, Bunny Rabbit Plush, Plush Rabbit, Rabbit Plush, Kawaii Plush, Bunny Stuffed Animal For Kids, Stuffed Bunny BUNNY: Rabbits are small adorable mammals. There are 305 breeds of rabbits that can be found in many areas of the world. Their diet contains large amount of cellulose, which is hard to digest however, rabbits solve this problem via a form of hindgut fermentation. They often sleep with their eyes open to respond to potential danger in wildlife. They are very cute and have a very soft fur which people love to touch their silky soft skin. The soft bunny toys are very popular among people all around the world. This plush bunny toys are perfect for all babies, toddlers, and young children; they designed in a very safe size and it’s very cuddly. These plush toys are very adorable and extremely soft and can be loved by all ages. ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: These adorable stuffed animals are so premium. • Brand: SHAD®. • Handmade with love. • Item number: P2019-R3-1. • Name: Andover Bunny. • Overall sizes: 10 in / 25 cm. • Weight: 0.26 lb. / 117 g. • Materials: All new hygiene polyester fibers & plastic pellets. • Age grading: All ages. • Safety: SHAD is the safest brand in the market! We test each individual category in third party laboratory to ensure they meet our quality level and goes beyond global toy safety standards. • Toxin free. WASHING INSTRUCTIONS: Some of us may still remember or even have a plush toy that passed by generations in our family. Since our toys are collectibles and handmade, to keep them forever, we recommend to spot clean / hand wash this toy. You may also want to put them into washing machine / dryer, but it is recommended to be hand-washed / air dry to keep your stuffed toy in a very best shape for many years. ABOUT US: SHAD is a subsidiary brand by U.S. East Coast Trade (USECT), which specifically designs and manufactures the superior-quality children’s products. We are located in the greater Boston area and proudly offer the cuddliest lovable plush toy in the world. Our unique products are fully handmade with passion and satisfy every personal taste and preferences. SAFETY: At SHAD, we test each individual category in a third party CPSC- accepted laboratories. We guarantee our selection goes beyond U.S. Consumers Product Safety Commission and CANADA Consumer Product Safety Act. (ASTM F963-17) & (SOR/2011-17). Key Safety Highlights: • Lead-free. • Phthalate-free. • Barium-free. • Cadmium-free. • Antimony-free. • Selenium-free. • Chromium-free. • Mercury-free. • Arsenic-free. • Small part tested. In addition to above, our selection is made from brand new hygiene stuffing materials. Note: Please remove all packaging materials before use. Keep the tag for your reference. VISION STATEMENT: To be the most customer-based company that provides the highest value to the people, the environment and the communities. OUR MISSION: As a customer-focused business, our goal is to continuously improve consumer satisfaction to generate greater values and increase customer’s loyalty. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Due to the nature of these products we do not accept any return if the packaging is open and/or item is used. A 15% handling fee will be apply to all returned items. Please visit us at www.usect.us/shad to learn more. All designs and images are the property of © U.S. East Coast Trade, LLC®
      1.529 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Discover our new Digital Small Business flashcard: Secret Pricing Trick to learn on Etsy ⚡️ WHAT IS IT? ⚡️ Discover MY OWN product pricing marketing strategy on Etsy, that allowed my listings to be seen more than the rest of my competitors. ⚡️ WHAT CAN YOU ACHIEVE WITH IT? ⚡️ You will discover a unique trick to price your product on Etsy that can explode your views and click rate fast. ⚡️ WHY DO YOU NEED IT? ⚡️ We know that attention is the new currency. You may have the best product in the world, but if no one sees it, it means nothing. You can use this to stand out when you have fewer reviews than your competitors, as this will definitely help to attract the eyes and get the clicks on your listings. ⚡️ HOW TO USE IT? ⚡️ This is a digital download received instantly after purchase. Access to it via your laptop directly, open it and... start crafting it! It's super simple! ⚡️WHO IS THIS FOR? ⚡️ This flashcard is for all ambitious and driven online small business owner that are serious about driving QUALITY traffic into their store and convert it into BIG SALES. Upstrider is for people that want to go full-time with their online business. ???? [NOTE THAT THIS PRICING TRICK CAN ONLY BE APPLIED TO PHYSICAL PRODUCTS] ⚡️ WHAT'S UPSTRIDER? ⚡️ Upstrider® is the ALL-IN-ONE Resource Community designed to help ambitious and driven small business owners build a life on their own terms by monetising their passions, knowledges, traumas and past life experiences with physical and digital products, so they can build a strong brand they love, MAKE AN IMPACT and become anything they want to be, through empowering and educational resources. ⚡️ WHY "FLASHCARDS"? ⚡️ Trying to grow your online store? I feel you: building a business is challenging. But building a brand? It's tough, time consuming, and isolating. Discover a ever-growing collection of simplified and straight to the point small business guidance flashcards at an affordable price, for you to work on your store on single simple and actionable tasks at a time. It's time to level up without the overwhelm feeling. Templates, Done-For-You, Actions Steps and Fill-In-The-Blanks business tools...? That's right. Everything covered for you to launch, grow and scale your e-commerce store. Collect them all and show off your milestones! Find the whole FLASHCARD collection here >>>>>>>>>>>>> https://upstrider.etsy.com How To Sell On Etsy Secret Pricing Trick, Etsy Selling Pricing Tips, Pricing Your Product Small Business Marketing Strategy, Selling on Etsy
      1.067 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      Climbing Arch with Pillow, Arch Rocker Pillow, Handmade Toddler Bedroom gift, Nursery Playmat, Wooden Baby Gym, Children's Playroom, Arch Rocker Playmat, Baby Cotton Pillow, Rocker Cushion ✅ VERY FAST FREE DELIVERY FEDEX ✈️ ✅ 24/7 hours communication service ✅ The only company in the world that gives a lifetime warranty for its products ✅ Our products are CE and CPC-certified. ✅ The best price and quality on this site * * * An unique and luxurious set of many parts for the physical development of your child is made by us exclusively by hand with love. That is why all our sets are unique. We take into account all the age needs of kids in the manufacture of each set, and take care of the comfort and safety of our future little users. Climbing arch, made by us for children, is a multi-functional kids’ furniture. It has been designed to support active play and diverse development of gross motor skills, coordination, balance, and strength. Climbing fulfills kids’ natural built-in need to learn new things and learning to climb is a wonderful way to get physically active and build kids’ confidence. Climbing arch also has many other functions beyond climbing. When turned upside down climbing arch works as a rocker, and it is perfect as a dreamy naptime nest. For this use we create unique cute pillows and cover which makes the use of the arch as a rocker safer and more comfortable Each pillow is hand-sewn by us, taking into account all manufacturing technologies. Each pillow is surprisingly soft and light, designed for the comfort and convenience of the baby. Natural cotton is incredibly pleasant to the touch, which will be especially pleasant for the baby. The pillow filler specially selected by us allows the child to feel comfortable. We make pillows for the arch with four ties for a strong fixation. Each product is sewn by us by hand and with the utmost care, using the highest quality materials. We create quilted pillows or capes for wigwams in a single copy. You can choose the color of the fabric and we will sew a pillow for your baby. ❗️❗️❗️ We create fabric products only according to the dimensions of our wooden products. If you want a larger/smaller size, just contact us. * * * The age range for using the climbing arch is 0–9 years. The frame of the climbing arch is made of sustainably sourced birch plywood, and the rungs are sustainably sourced aspen. Cushion is made of 100 % cotton and it is filled with EcoSuperSoft filling - antiallergenic children's synthetic winterizer. * * * ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ▷Small pillows not included▷ Big pillow: Length 130cm / 51.18 " Width 50cm / 19.68 " Height 7cm / 2.75 " Small pillow: Length 85cm / 33.46 " Width 50cm / 19.68 " Height 7cm / 2.75 " ************************* Climbing Arch Big Width: 97 cm (38,2 inch) Height: 47 cm (18,5 inch) Length: 52 cm (20,5 inch) Climbing Arch Small Width: 75 cm (30,2 inch) Height: 35 cm (13,5 inch) Depth 44 cm / 17 inches You can choose from 7 different color variations of the climbing arch. Pillow can be washed in 40°C with a delicate wash cycle. ❗️❗️❗️Use the climbing arch on a non-slip surface. Young kids should only use the climbing arch under adult supervision. * * * ▷WORLDWIDE DELIVERY Free worldwide shipping. Each item is checked and professionally packed for safe travel so that your item arrives at your place in perfect condition. If you have any problems with delivery, or have any questions - just contact me! Your order will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is confirmed. We use the mailing address you indicate, therefore, please make sure it is correct. We will inform you when the order is in transit, and send you a package tracking number. Standard international shipping takes up to 10-20 business days. ▷ RETURNS/EXCHANGES No returns/exchanges. If there is any problem with the purchase, you must inform us within 3 days. If the error was on my part, I am ready to help you solve this situation. If you changed your mind, or for some other reason, you are fully responsible for your purchase. ▷ IMPORT TAXES AND CUSTOM. ITEM LOST Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We are not responsible for delays due to customs, and we are not responsible for lost packages in transit. ▷ IMPORTANT!!! ▷ Image Copyright and Item Copyright - "WoodenLikesUa" 2020 Copyright Law prevents others from copying items or images without "WoodenLikesUa" permission. ▷ Please note that picture colors may differ slightly depending on your monitor settings. Thank you for your visit! We hope you found what you were looking for, but if not, we have lots more items to see in our shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/WoodenLikesUa You can look at the FAQs * care instructions * delivery * packaging * * * Please CONTACT ME if you have any problems with your order. Before you write feedback, write to us and we will help you solve your problem
      18.486 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      A beautifully illustrated journal that includes your personalised text and choice of places on the cover. Inside choose from blank, lined or map pages. The cover designs are first created digitally and after printing onto a smooth matt cover they are bound into a hardbacked book. Notebooks are shipped in a strong cardboard book wrap / box. Please take note of the turnaround time for this item which can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. Please note that turnaround time excludes delivery time. ORDERING To personalise your order please enter the details into the small text box on the cart page / send the details in an Etsy conversation message / or email the details directly to us at files @ noordinaryemporium.com (remove spaces). Please include your order number for reference. ■ On the product page □ Choose your book page amount ~ 50 pages ~ 100 pages □ Choose your book page design ● Blank pages option - All pages are blank. ● Lined pages option - Lined on right-hand pages only. ● Grey world map pages option - A grey world map at the top of right-hand pages. ● Colour map pages option - Throughout the pages, a world map is divided and mixed into a random order. The maps are printed on the right-hand page only. View an example of a 50 page book with colour map pages - https://www.noordinaryemporium.com/img/all-maps-50-maps.jpg ● Colour map + lines option - A full world map at the top with a section for a date, destination and a lined note section at the bottom. ● Specific county map option - Pick one country of your choice to be printed grey or colour on the right-hand page only. OUR DESIGN PROCESS ● DESIGN - After receiving your order and the details required to create them, we will work on the design within the processing/dispatch times shown on the listing or your purchases page. ● PROOF - As soon as your proof image is ready we will send the digital proof image for you to check over. This is typically a few days before the dispatch date if you have not chosen to add on the Rush DispatchOptions. ● REVISIONS - Included in the purchase price are two rounds of revisions to wording or minor changes to the design. Additional changes or significant design changes will be charged an additional fee. ● APPROVAL - Once you have approved your proof image we will prepare the design for printing or provide the digital file. Without approval of the proof, we are unable to print/finalise your order. Orders will be cancelled if we do not hear back from you with approval. We will honour the dispatch date if proof approval is received in good time, however, the dispatch date may be later than shown if approval is received later than normal. ● DISPATCH - Orders will be dispatched before the end of the processing time, or sooner if you have already agreed to an earlier dispatch or rush option. L A S T - B U T - N O T - L E A S T Please note that printed colours may vary slightly to those on your screen or monitor. Please read our FAQs for more helpful info or if you have any questions that are not answered please get in touch. © No Ordinary Emporium 2015 - 2021 - Based in the United Kingdom - www.noordinaryemporium.com Sign up for our newsletter for product updates and offers - copy and paste this link in your browser - https://noordinaryemporium.com/shop/newsletter-sign-up/
      6.000 €
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      España (Todas las ciudades)
      A beautifully illustrated journal that includes your personalised text and choice of places on the cover. Inside choose from blank, lined or map pages. The cover designs are first created digitally and after printing onto a smooth matt cover they are bound into a hardbacked book. Notebooks are shipped in a strong cardboard book wrap / box. Please take note of the turnaround time for this item which can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. Please note that turnaround time excludes delivery time. ORDERING To personalise your order please enter the details into the small text box on the cart page / send the details in an Etsy conversation message / or email the details directly to us at files @ noordinaryemporium.com (remove spaces). Please include your order number for reference. ■ On the product page □ Choose your book page amount ~ 50 pages ~ 100 pages □ Choose your book page design ● Blank pages option - All pages are blank. ● Lined pages option - Lined on right-hand pages only. ● Grey world map pages option - A grey world map at the top of right-hand pages. ● Colour map pages option - Throughout the pages, a world map is divided and mixed into a random order. The maps are printed on the right-hand page only. View an example of a 50 page book with colour map pages - https://www.noordinaryemporium.com/img/all-maps-50-maps.jpg ● Colour map + lines option - A full world map at the top with a section for a date, destination and a lined note section at the bottom. ● Specific county map option - Pick one country of your choice to be printed grey or colour on the right-hand page only. OUR DESIGN PROCESS ● DESIGN - After receiving your order and the details required to create them, we will work on the design within the processing/dispatch times shown on the listing or your purchases page. ● PROOF - As soon as your proof image is ready we will send the digital proof image for you to check over. This is typically a few days before the dispatch date if you have not chosen to add on a Rush Dispatch Option. ● REVISIONS - Included in the purchase price are two rounds of revisions to wording or minor changes to the design. Additional changes or significant design changes will be charged an additional fee. ● APPROVAL - Once you have approved your proof image we will prepare the design for printing or provide the digital file. Without approval of the proof, we are unable to print/finalise your order. Orders will be cancelled if we do not hear back from you with your approval of the proof image. We will honour the dispatch date if proof approval is received in good time, however, the dispatch date may be later than shown if approval is received later than normal. ● DISPATCH - Orders will be dispatched on time, or sooner if you have already agreed to an earlier dispatch or purchased the rush option. L A S T - B U T - N O T - L E A S T Please note that printed colours may vary slightly to those on your screen or monitor. Please read our FAQs for more helpful info or if you have any questions that are not answered please get in touch. © No Ordinary Emporium 2015 - 2021 - Based in the United Kingdom - www.noordinaryemporium.com Sign up to our newsletter for product offers and updates - copy and paste this link in your browser - https://noordinaryemporium.com/shop/newsletter-sign-up/
      5.981 €
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