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Expansion i

Listado top ventas expansion i

  • Lleva la interfaz I2C en la placa principal, conveniente y conexión del dispositivo I2C.
  • 14 pines I/O (tipo servo con GND, alimentación y señal).
  • 8 pines analógicos con salida de potencia y GND.
  • Extrae toda la boca digital I/O y la boca analógica I/O, cada boca IO tiene el estándar de interfaz de fuente de alimentación positiva y negativa.
  • Aumenta la interfaz de fuente de alimentación de CC. La corriente de suministro de interfaz USB de la placa NANO es de solo 50 mA, para traer dispositivos de corriente grandes como el engranaje de dirección, obviamente no es suficiente, esta vez, en la interfaz de fuente de alimentación para proporcionar energía externa para garantizar la estabilidad del funcionamiento del equipo.
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                • Incluye todos los puertos E/S 'pines para la placa principal UNO R3.
                • Interfaces: interfaz IIC, interfaz Bluetooth, interfaz de tarjeta SD, interfaz APC220, interfaz ultra sónica, interfaz servo, interfaz paralelo LCD 12864, etc.
                • Arduino sensor escudo V5.0 expansión placa de desarrollo
                • Material: componentes eléctricos
                • Color principal: azul.
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                • ÚNETE- ¡Aventúrate en las mazmorras en solitario o forma equipo con tus amigos! Hasta cuatro jugadores pueden combatir juntos en línea o en modo cooperativo local
                • LUCHA - ¡Usa giros de combate cuerpo a cuerpo, quédate en la retaguardia y ataca a distancia o ábrete paso con protección de armadura pesada! Personaliza tu personaje y desbloquea artículos y encantamientos de armas exclusivos para lograr ataques especiales devastadores
                • SOBREVIVE - Explora los niveles repletos de acción y de tesoros: ¡todo ello en una misión épica para salvar a los aldeanos y derrotar al malvado Arch-Illager
                • ¡Lleva Minecraft Dungeons al siguiente nivel con la “Hero Edition”, que incluye el juego básico y la actualización “Hero Pass”
                • La “Hero Edition” incluye una capa de héroe, dos aspectos de jugador, una gallina de mascota, y las expansiones “La Jungla Despierta” e "Invierno Espeluznante"
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                La primera expansión para el juego Criaturas de Serie B, donde tendremos que usar a todo un repertorio de monstruos del cine clásico de terror para capturar (y probablemente devorar) al mayor número de humanos posible
                625 €
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                Madrid (Madrid)
                STAR WARS LEGION - Soldados Clon Fase I - EXPANSIÓN DE Mejora - JUEGO MINIATURAS FFG STAR WARS LEGION - Soldados Clon Fase I - EXPANSIÓN DE Mejora - JUEGO MINIATURAS FFG Star Wars Legión, el juego de miniaturas de batallas épicas en una galaxia muy muy lejana. Soldados Clon Fase I. Expansión de Mejora. Artículo Precintado. Para jugadores y coleccionistas! ***** Jariego´s Collections dispone de un amplio stock de juegos de mesa y wargames. Si esta descripción no te parece suficiente o las fotografías no te aclaran algún detalle no dudes en preguntarme TODO lo que necesites. Si estás buscando algún juego para tu colección mira entre todos los lotes que tengo en subasta y en catálogo. Si no encuentras lo que buscas pregúntame por su disponibilidad; tengo muchos más juegos que no aparecen actualmente en Todocolección. Si tienes cualquier duda, PREGUNTAME antes de comprar! Pago por transferencia bancaria. Se admite pago por PAYPAL. Gastos de envío de 6 euros: el envío es CERTIFICADO. ATENCIÓN: mira mis otros artículos, en el caso de que compres varios de ellos los gastos de envío serán ajustados para producirte un ahorro. Todos los artículos se embalan cuidadosamente antes del envío. Si vives en Madrid la entrega puede ser en mano si vienes a recoger el artículo a la dirección que te indique (cerca de Metro de Suanzes, línea 5).
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                Onus - Segunda Mano Comprar Onus + Expansión de griegos y Persas + Expansión de terrenos y fortalezas + Libro de campañas en EGD Games JUEGO DE SEGUNDA MANO COMPLETO USO Poco Uso (3 partidas) ESTADO DE LA CAJA En perfecto estado ESTADO DE LOS COMPONENTES En perfecto estado. IDIOMA Castellano Estás ante un juego de guerra (o wargame) de simulación de batallas históricas, parecido a los juegos de miniaturas, donde dos bandos se enfrentan en una batalla de la edad antigua. Este juego inicial representa al periodo de las Guerras Púnicas, aproximadamente durante los siglos III a I a.C. En el juego se combinan cartas que reproducen órdenes y eventos que permiten que cada partida sea diferente y que cada combate sea impredecible y emocionante. Descripción del editor ¿Alguna vez has soñado con comandar un poderoso ejército? ¿Alguna vez has imaginado liderar tropas, que incluyen elefantes sobre los Pirineos y los Alpes para tratar de conquistar Roma? ¿Te ha gustado una buena novela histórica fechada en la antigua República de Roma y te gustaría viajar a esa época? Onus es un juego de guerra similar a los juegos de miniaturas en el que ambas partes luchan en una antigua batalla. El juego se basa principalmente en la II Guerra Púnica, aunque también se pueden simular batallas de los siglos III al I a. C. El concepto del juego combina cartas de órdenes y eventos, lo que hace que cada juego sea diferente y cada combate se vuelva impredecible y emocionante. Onus se puede jugar en cualquier lugar, pero para obtener la mejor experiencia de juego, recomendamos un área de juego lo más grande posible, es decir, 3.2 x 2.9 pies (100 x 90 cm) Las unidades están representadas por cartas que se han escalado alrededor de un Centuria, que representan formaciones de 80 a 100 hombres para unidades de Infantería, 20 hombres de caballería para unidades de Caballería o 6 Elefantes. Las unidades tienen su propio conjunto de rasgos para representar atributos permanentes de la unidad, como combate cuerpo a cuerpo, ataque de rango, capacidad defensiva, moral y vida y capacidad de movimiento. Este conjunto de rasgos obtiene bonificaciones y penalizaciones dependiendo de la situación actual y los enfrentamientos de combate. Las unidades también tienen su conjunto único de habilidades para representar habilidades específicas que pueden realizar: desde formaciones defensivas hasta técnicas extremadamente efectivas para atacar a los enemigos. Algunas de estas habilidades deben activarse, lo que significa que solo una de ellas se puede usar en un enfrentamiento, mientras que otras son inherentes a las unidades. El liderazgo está representado en el juego por la figura del general. La ficha de un General representa su cuartel general y su propia escolta. Además del beneficio de liderazgo, un General otorga bonos a las unidades cercanas, lo que aumenta la moral de las tropas y proporciona beneficios adicionales cuando se enfrentan al enemigo en esos encuentros sangrientos. ¡Hannibal y Scipio, dos generales conocidos, están incluidos en el juego con su conjunto único de bonificaciones! Además, ¡las unidades de héroes, veteranos y élite participan en Onus Comprar Onus te permitirá vivir luchas épicas. Comprar Juegos de mesa de segunda mano en EGD games
                50 €
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                Alicante (Alicante)
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                Madrid (Madrid)
                Starcraft Wings of Liberty Heart of the Swarm Expansion Starcraft Wings of Liberty Heart of the Swarm Expansion Lote juegos Pc Starcraft, Starcraft II, Heart of the Swarm Expansion, Wings of Liberty, Blizzard S e puede recoger en mano. S i tienes alguna duda mándame un mensaje.
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                Star Wars X-Wing - Cañonera LAAT/i Un vehículo resistente capaz de funcionar igual de bien tanto en ofensivas espaciales como en batallas atmosféricas, la cañonera LAAT/i se encarga de transportar tropas de la República hasta los frentes de batalla en planetas asediados por la Alianza Separatista. Al igual que sucede con los soldados clon que la tripulan, la cañonera LAAT/i es una nave fiable célebre por su capacidad para llevar a cabo cualquier trabajo que le encomienden. Aparte de su capacidad para transportar tropas, estas naves son plataformas ideales para que caballeros jedi como Plo Koo ayuden a escuadrones de la República con su dominio de la Fuerza. Ya sea desembarcando con precisión quirúrgica escuadras de soldados clon en mundos disputados, prestando fuego de apoyo a formaciones de la República en batallas atmosféricas o enfrentándose a cazas estelares en las profundidades del espacio, la LAAT/i se puede equipar para prácticamente cualquier tarea en el campo de batalla. El Pack de Expansión Cañonera LAAT/i contiene todo lo necesario para incorporar una de estas resistentes naves a tus escuadrones de la República Galáctica. Esto incluye una miniatura de cañonera LAAT/i detalladamente esculpida, cuatro cartas de Nave, catorce cartas de Mejora y dos cartas de creación rápida. CONTENIDO 20 cartas, 37 fichas, 1 selector de maniobras y 1 miniatura pintada a mano con peana y clavijas.
                29,95 €
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                Girona (Girona)
                The Jedi Council - Cartas de expansión Young Jedi The Jedi Council - Cartas de expansión Young Jedi Sobre de 11 cartas de expansión - The Jedi Council - para el juego de cartas coleccionables Star Wars Episodio I, YOUNG JEDI - El Joven Jedi. En ingles. Sobres nuevos, sin abrir.  Lucasfilm LTD Edición 1999 Decipher
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                Girona (Girona)
                Menace of Darth Maul - Cartas de expansión Young Jedi Menace of Darth Maul - Cartas de expansión Young Jedi Sobre de 11 cartas de expansión - Menace of Darth Maul - para el juego de cartas coleccionables Star Wars Episodio I, YOUNG JEDI - El Joven Jedi. Sobres nuevos, sin abrir.  Lucasfilm LTD Edición 1999 Decipher
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                Star Wars Legion - Soldados Clon Fase I - Expansión De Mejora Se incluyen también nuevas cartas de Mejora que podrás utilizar en tus batallas. CONTENIDO 4 miniaturas de plástico, 1 carta de Unidad, 7 cartas de Mejora, 12 fichas diversas y 1 hoja de reglas.
                19,95 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Pack de expansión para Star Wars Legión, incluyendo 7 miniaturas de Soldados clon fase I, suficiente para desplegar una unidad de Tropa, además de nuevas cartas de Unidad y Mejora que podrás utilizar en tus batallas.
                2.495 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Nueva expansión para el T.I.M.E. Stories, tan entretenida y divertida como las anteriores. Ahora nos situamos en 1419 TN, en plena Reconquista de España, y deberás cumplir una misión diplomática en nombre del Papa.
                2.499 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Nueva expansión para el T.I.M.E. Stories, tan entretenida y divertida como las anteriores. Ahora nos situamos en el 1146 T.N., en el Valle de los Reyes, y podrás desvelar el secreto del faraón.
                2.499 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Nueva expansión para el T.I.M.E. Stories, tan entretenida y divertida como las anteriores. Nos encontramos en 7553 T.A., pero olvida todo lo que crees conocer sobre la Edad Media. Se ha abierto una realidad paralela donde la magia lo cambió todo. Tiene un pequeño desperfecto en la caja.
                2.499 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Nueva expansión del T.I.M.E. Stories, bajo el nombre de Madame, donde trasladará sus aventuras al mundo maravilloso de Versalles.
                24,98 €
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                El Astillero (Cantabria)
                Juego Destiny 2 para la PlayStation 4 - PS4 en su edición Los Renegados Coleccion Legendaria, la cual incluye: Juego / Expansion I Expansion II. Totalmente Nuevo y Precintado, realizo envios.
                15 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Juego Destiny 2. Los Renegados para PC. Completamente en castellano. Colección Legendaria. Solo descarga (disco no incluido). Contenido: Destiny 2, Expansión I, Expansión II y código de descarga para Los Renegados. A estrenar. Precintado. Como se ve en las fotos. Más artículos en mi perfil.
                9 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Juego Destiny Edición Legendaria para Xbox One. Nuevo y precintado. Incluye la colección completa de Destiny: Destiny + Expansión I: La Profunda Oscuridad + Expansión II: La Casa de Los Lobos + Destiny: El Rey de Los Poseídos. Fantástico Shooter en primera persona con todas sus expansiones. Hago envíos.
                12 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Juego a estrenar con su precinto original. Incluye Expansión I y II
                11 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                ????It’s finally here! Your very. first. Seasonal decor planner! Not just beautifully designed, but this is your best planner yet in organizing and prioritizing your life in the way you envision it! This planner comes decorated differently for EACH month, so it can be your functional yet lazy planner for days when you don’t have time to decorate; however, there’s still room to grow and add decorations and stickers of your own! Find your planner peace at last. Make it your own! ????Check out the flip through video here! https://youtu.be/m68eaStY2lA ????This beautiful planner comes with 600+ pages hyperlinked and undated for reuse. Months, weeks, and days are highlighted easily for you to navigate. This planner was created truly with convenience and ease in mind. The design has in mind the simplicity of the paper planners we all know and love, while also including the optional expansion, bells and whistles of digital planning that we’ve grown to adore. This includes and is not limited to sections for: ✪ Health ✪ Memories ✪ Finance ✪ Cleaning ✪ Mindset ✪ AND an entire 12-subject notebook to expand this planner in your own way! All completely hyperlinked and color-coded! **These sections all come with a monthly spread of their own! ????INCLUDED DIGITAL FILES (Sent through a Dropbox link) ✪ 4 planner files - one for each of the daily spread styles ✪ A goodnotes sticker book! ????WHY DIGITAL PLANNERS? Maybe you decided it was time to do away with the piles of 20+ notebooks, journals, and planners, or maybe it’s one of the many other pros digital planners have to offer. Digital planners provide a great way to get highly-structured and customized notes, journaling, and planning all in one place. An inexpensive option to the once physical choice, digital planners makes for optimal organization at home and professionally. ????WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? The digital planning market is BOOMING, so this is a great question-- with all the other brands out there, why mine? Carefully and thoughtfully, I provide an aesthetic that will appeal to a variety of shoppers. More importantly, my shop functions out of passion. I teach full-time, and selling my art is a career path that I’m hoping to pursue full-time in the near future. I’m dedicated to my craft, and I’m motivated to provide the best possible listings for the market. ???? WHERE DO I GET MY FILES? Please note that this item purchased is a digital only file only and not a physical product. No product will be mailed to you. However, once you have paid for your digital product, you can immediately download the product by going to Your Purchases: http://www.etsy.com/your/purchases). If for some reason you are unable to download your order please write to us and we will help solve the problem as soon as possible. To do this, go to our store page and click the “Contact” button: (https://www.etsy.com/shop/HannahClairePlans) ????COPYRIGHT NOTICE You may not: sell or give away the original files nor use any portion of the files to create a new design to resell. This product is for personal use. The digital artwork showcased in this shop remains the intellectual property of HannahClairePlans. Copyright © 2021 by HannahClairePlans. All rights reserved ????Terms & Conditions The files that you purchase and download here are all digital; therefore, I do not accept any returns, cancellations or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. You may not also alter nor share the digital files with anyone even. However, if you do have any issues with your download or your file, this is a different matter, and I encourage you to please reach out to me; I shall do everything to make it right. ????COLOR DISCLAIMER The color variations in screens and monitors means that sometimes your printed artwork may appear slightly different than what you saw on your screen. ????RESOLUTION DISCLAIMER This planner goes above and beyond to provide the best quality with the smallest amount of lag. Thus, in such a large planner file including 600+ pages, 20,000+ hyperlinks, and 100's of stickers and Washi, a pre-decorated planner may appear in lower resolution for a few images, namely a few dashboard pages. You may resolve this by replacing the image with a fresher png if need be.
                856 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Here we have a set of 482 Gwent cards, containing every card in the game and it's associated expansions and DLC. Each card is here and in the correct quantities and arts. The decks come packaged in a beautiful matte finished storage box. I do all layout and font design myself, but lack card printing facilities, so outsource that portion to a printer. Compare the cards included in this complete listing to the 425 cheaply made cards in competing sets: Monsters: 97 cards Nilfgaard: 93 cards Northern Realms: 94 cards Scoia’Tael: 94 cards Skellige: 96 cards Rule Cards: 8 Cards (Enough for both players) For a total of 482 cards (the complete set of every official card)! Other cheap sets only contain 425 cards (they're missing over 50 cards!), and are printed on flimsy card stock with a plastic laminate that peels off with light use! Not here, these are true playing cards, no missing cards, no laminate that scuffs up or peels off. Real playing cards, not cheaply made laser printed copies. Every single card from W3 is here! Other sets do NOT contain the Ballad Heroes expansion (both the standard and alternate art versions are included) or the neutral set of Skellige Storm cards. This set does, every card found in W3 and it’s expansions. Also included is a sturdy custom cardboard box for storing your collection! Why save a few dollars to get a flimsy incomplete set without even a storage box! The cards are professionally manufactured on a heavy Blue-Core playing stock of 350gsm. For comparison this is like the card stock found in a deck of standard playing cards. These are printed at bridge size (3.5" x 2.25"), this size is ideally suited for Gwent. Bridge size cards do not bend or edge-wear as badly as poker or tarot size cards. Likewise, the sturdy stock means that these will be durable over a heavy amount of use. Other sellers advertise that their sets are complete, containing every Gwent card. This is simply not accurate, this is the only truly complete set on the market. As a special added bonus, this comes with a beautiful matte finished storage box. This special box is made of cardboard and gives you a convenient and presentation worthy storage method! Instructions are included as extra cards within the box. These decks will be shipped in a shrink wrapped brick inside the storage box. In hand and ready to ship! Board not included, but I do have them occasionally for purchase, depending on demand. So, why pay for an incomplete set of cheaply made cards? *** SHIPPING *** Sets ship the next business day after purchase. Shipping is free to the US, via Priority Mail. No need pay extra for fast shipping. Priority Mail delivers everywhere in the United States inside of 4 days. *************International Buyers************* Be aware that you may be charged for import tax/VAT. ETSY populates all customs forms, I can't change them. I am not responsible for any import taxes that the receive country may charge. Nor do I know if your country does charge import taxes or how much they are. Etsy is *usually* collecting VAT/GST up front (in most of the EU/AUS/NZ), so you won't pay at delivery. Please do NOT pay for expedited shipping services. You will not get faster transit due to COVID related restrictions on travel to/from the United States to Europe and most international destinations. I can't individually check each order to see what shipping you selected. You are charged the actual cost of the shipping speed you select. Once the item has been shipped I cannot refund you any shipping costs for the parcel not making the estimates given by ETSY. Those estimates are wrong as they do not consider the travel restrictions. Paying for expedited shipping is done at your risk.***
                10.494 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                ???? FREE shipping within the US and European Union!???? Here we have the most popular complete Gwent Set! The set has 482 Gwent cards, containing every card in the game and it's associated expansions and DLC. Each card is here and in the correct quantities and arts. The decks come packaged in a beautiful matte finished storage box. I do all layout and font design myself, but lack card printing facilities, so outsource that portion to a printer. What makes this set unique? ???? Complete set of every single card in the W3 and every one of it's DLC/Expansions. ???? The cards are professionally printed on a heavy Blue-Core playing stock of 350gsm. Just like the card stock found in a deck of standard playing cards. These are printed at bridge size (3.5" x 2.25"), this size is ideally suited for Gwent. Bridge size cards do not bend or edge-wear as badly as poker or tarot size cards. Likewise, the sturdy stock means that these will be durable over a heavy amount of use. ✨ 482 actual cards - actual cards - not a beefed up number counting separators, blanks or non-canon cards. ✨ 8 Rule Cards - 2 sets of 4 rule cards - one for each player. ???? Beautiful presentation-worthy matte finished cardboard storage box. ???? Perfectly assembled images, these aren't composite card images swiped from the web and printed. Each image is carefully assembled from individual graphical components. This means the final card product is perfectly proportioned and amazingly faithful when printed. ???? The cards have a silky matte feel. They are a joy to handle and play with! ???? Other cheap sets only contain 425 cards (they're missing over 50 cards!), and are printed on flimsy card stock with a plastic laminate that peels off with light use! Not here, these are true playing cards, no missing cards, no laminate that scuffs up or peels off. Real playing cards, not cheaply made laser printed copies. Every single card from W3 is here! ???? Other sets do NOT contain the Ballad Heroes expansion (both the standard and alternate art versions are included) or the neutral set of Skellige Storm cards. This set does, every card found in W3 and it’s expansions. ✨ Other sellers advertise that their sets are complete, containing every Gwent card. This is simply not accurate, this is the only truly complete set on the market. These decks will be shipped in a shrink wrapped brick inside the storage box. In hand and ready to ship! Board not included, but I do have them occasionally for purchase, depending on demand. So, why pay for an incomplete set of cheaply made cards? *** SHIPPING *** Sets ship the next business day after purchase. Shipping is free to the US, via Priority Mail. No need pay extra for fast shipping. Priority Mail delivers everywhere in the United States inside of 4 days. *************International Buyers************* Be aware that you may be charged for import tax/VAT. ETSY populates all customs forms, I can't change them. I am not responsible for any import taxes that the receive country may charge. Nor do I know if your country does charge import taxes or how much they are. Etsy is *usually* collecting VAT/GST up front (in most of the EU/AUS/NZ), so you won't pay at delivery. Please do NOT pay for expedited shipping services. You will not get faster transit due to COVID related restrictions on travel to/from the United States to Europe and most international destinations. I can't individually check each order to see what shipping you selected. You are charged the actual cost of the shipping speed you select. Once the item has been shipped I cannot refund you any shipping costs for the parcel not making the estimates given by ETSY. Those estimates are wrong as they do not consider the travel restrictions. Paying for expedited shipping is done at your risk.***
                9.882 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Here we have a PROFESSIONALLY manufactured set of 482 Gwent cards, containing every card in the game and it's associated expansions and DLC. Each card is here and in the correct quantities and arts. The decks come packaged in a beautiful matte finished storage box. Compare the cards included in this complete listing to the 425 cheaply made cards in competing sets: Monsters: 97 cards Nilfgaard: 93 cards Northern Realms: 94 cards Scoia’Tael: 94 cards Skellige: 96 cards Rule Cards: 8 Cards (Enough for both players) For a total of 482 cards (the complete set of every official card)! Other cheap sets only contain 425 cards (they're missing over 50 cards!), and are printed on flimsy card stock with a plastic laminate that peels off with light use! Not here, these are true playing cards, no missing cards, no laminate that scuffs up or peels off. Real playing cards, not cheaply made laser printed copies. Every single card from W3 is here! Other sets do NOT contain the Ballad Heroes expansion (both the standard and alternate art versions are included) or the neutral set of Skellige Storm cards. This set does, every card found in W3 and it’s expansions. Also included is a sturdy custom cardboard box for storing your collection! Why save a few dollars to get a flimsy incomplete set without even a storage box! The cards are professionally manufactured on a heavy Blue-Core playing stock of 350gsm. For comparison this is like the card stock found in a deck of standard playing cards. These are printed at bridge size (3.5" x 2.25"), this size is ideally suited for Gwent. Bridge size cards do not bend or edge-wear as badly as poker or tarot size cards. Likewise, the sturdy stock means that these will be durable over a heavy amount of use. Other sellers advertise that their sets are complete, containing every Gwent card. This is simply not accurate, this is the only truly complete set on the market. As a special added bonus, this comes with a beautiful matte finished storage box. This special box is made of cardboard and gives you a convenient and presentation worthy storage method! Instructions are included as extra cards within the box. These decks will be shipped in a shrink wrapped brick inside the storage box. In hand and ready to ship! Board not included, but I do have them occasionally for purchase, depending on demand. So, why pay for an incomplete set of cheaply made cards? *** SHIPPING *** Sets ship the next business day after purchase. Shipping is free to the US, via Priority Mail. No need pay extra for fast shipping. Priority Mail delivers everywhere in the United States inside of 4 days. *************International Buyers************* Be aware that you may be charged for import tax/VAT. ETSY populates all customs forms, I can't change them. I am not responsible for any import taxes that the receive country may charge. Nor do I know if your country does charge import taxes or how much they are. Etsy is *usually* collecting VAT/GST up front (in most of the EU/AUS/NZ), so you won't pay at delivery. Please do NOT pay for expedited shipping services. You will not get faster transit due to COVID related restrictions on travel to/from the United States to Europe and most international destinations. I can't individually check each order to see what shipping you selected. You are charged the actual cost of the shipping speed you select. Once the item has been shipped I cannot refund you any shipping costs for the parcel not making the estimates given by ETSY. Those estimates are wrong as they do not consider the travel restrictions. Paying for expedited shipping is done at your risk.***
                9.391 €
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                Virgin Queen Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598 is a game of grand strategy for two to six players based on the military, political and religious conflicts within Europe during the reigns of Elizabeth I of England and Philip II of Spain. Each player controls one or more of the major powers that presided over European politics in that day. Spain is the juggernaut, able to draw upon the vast riches of their global empire. But such a dominant power is sure to have many enemies. The Ottoman expansion towards Spain's Mediterranean outposts remains unchecked. Elizabeth's English sea dogs are poised to raid Spain's overseas empire. And the forces of Protestant reform will soon drag Spain into eighty years of rebellion in the Netherlands. Will Spain find aid from its Catholic allies? Perhaps not from France, where the Catholic Valois dynasty is soon to engage another group of Protestant believers in the bloody French Wars of Religion. And even Philip's relatives in Vienna who rule the Holy Roman Empire may dabble in the Protestant faith instead of remaining loyal to their Catholic heritage and Spanish brethren. The six powers in Virgin Queen are: Ottoman Spain England France Holy Roman Empire Protestants (Dutch & Huguenots) Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598 is the sequel to Here I Stand, another card-driven game of grand strategy that covered the previous forty years (from Martin Luther's posting of his 95 Theses in 1517 through the abdication of Charles V in 1556). Players familiar with Here I Stand will find much that is familiar in Virgin Queen as over half of the rule book remains unchanged. New game systems have been put in place to emphasize the changing nature of the conflicts here in the late 16th Century: Religion: Streamlined from Here I Stand, the new rules for religious conversion and rebellion allow actions to be resolved quickly, reflecting the already entrenched presence of both Catholic and Protestant factions across the key areas of religious struggle. World Map: Oceanic expeditions are now under direct player control as they sail to the Caribbean and beyond to seize plunder, found colonies, and attempt to circumnavigate the globe. Diplomatic Influence: Alliances with minor powers (and major powers that can be activated in games with fewer than six players) are now made through a unified system where players buy influence at each of these foreign courts. Weddings: Here I Stand 's secret negotiation phase is still present here in Virgin Queen, but with a new twist. Now you will want to arrange marriages for each of the princes and princesses of your family dynasty with a suitable foreign royal. Will even the Virgin Queen succumb to love and take a husband, or will she jilt that suitor at the last minute once again? Patronage: Your royal court will be visited by artists, writers, scientists, and architects, who all want you to invest in their endeavors for the glory and advancement of the realm. Will you sponsor Galileo, Cervantes, or Shakespeare or instead spend your treasury on a fruitless quest for the Philosopher's Stone? Espionage: Beware, there is also a dark side to this period - a time of espionage and spymasters. In Virgin Queen you can ask your ambassadors to spy on foreign courts, send out handgun-armed assassins, invest in cryptology, and even recruit Jesuit priests for undercover missions of conversion. There are several different scenarios included allowing your play sessions to be tailored to the number of players and time available: Two-Player Tutorial: Great for new players just learning the series, this 90-minute game pits the Ottomans against Spain during the time of the Siege of Malta and Battle of Lepanto. Uses a subset of the full rules so you can dive in quickly. Campaign Scenario: The full Virgin Queen experience, this eight-hour game can last up to seven turns and is normally played with from 4 to six players. Variant rules allow you to play with just two or three players if desired. Armada Scenario: A quicker game focused on Turns 3 to 6 of the full campaign, this 4 to 5-hour game is ideal for tournament play. Once again supports from 4 to 6 players. Components: Five full color counters sheets 22x34 inch full-color mounted mapboard 112 Playing cards & 22 Royal cards Six Power Cards Diplomatic Influence Table card Protestant Spaces card Rules booklet Scenario booklet Ten dice Two Reference cards Patronage Charts cards Royal Wedding card AWARDS & HONORS 2012 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee 2012 Charles S. Roberts Best Ancient to Napoleonic Era Board Wargame Nominee FUNDAS 63,5x88 (146) BGG - 41066 Muchas gracias a todos los que hacéis posible con vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación la difusión de los juegos de mesa.
                76,44 €
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                Notre Dame Notre Dame es un emocionante juego de estrategia que pondrá a prueba tus capacidades tácticas y de planificación, y en el que muchos caminos pueden llevarte a la victoria. Los jugadores asumen el papel de cabezas de influyentes familias parisinas de finales del siglo XIV. Cada jugador tratará de acumular riqueza y prestigio haciendo uso de las cartas de acción, para influenciar astutamente los sectores de sus distritos. Pero deberán tener cuidado, ya que aquellos que no se preocupen del bienestar de los habitantes de su barrio sufrirán los efectos de la peste negra. A medida que avance la partida, tendrás que tomar decisiones que tendrán más y más implicaciones. Deberás elegir la mejor opción entre las muchas alternativas que se te presentarán, y para lograr la victoria tendrás que aprovechar las oportunidades en el momento justo. Tras 9 apasionantes rondas llenas de acción, el jugador que mejor haya aprovechado sus cartas y que más puntos de prestigio haya logrado obtener será el ganador. La edición 10º Aniversario ha recibido un rediseño visual completo, y tanto la caja, como todas las cartas y componentes tienen nuevas ilustraciones. Esta edición incluye el juego base Notre Dame y la expansión “Nuevos Personajes” I + II. Esta expansión añade 18 cartas de personaje, aportando una gran variedad al juego ya que los nuevos personajes permiten a los jugadores realizar distintas acciones durante la partida. Además, esta edición también incluye una pequeña expansión para el juego Los Castillos de Borgoña, titulada “ Rutas comerciales”.
                40,5 €
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                TIME Stories 1 - El Caso Marcy Una extraña epidemia se extiende por un apacible pueblo americano. Tu misión: salvar a la joven Marcy para salvar el futuro. 1992 T.N.: una extraña enfermedad asola una tranquila ciudad americana. Rescatad a Marcy. ¡Salvad al mundo! En stock la primera expansión en castellano de T.I.M.E. Stories. ¡Bienvenidos agentes! La agencia T.I.M.E. os necesita. Las intrusiones amenazan el tejido de nuestro universo y de sus mundos paralelos. La agencia T.I.M.E. envía agentes para neutralizar este peligro. Antes de vuestra misión, elegiréis un avatar para actuar en el pasado sin causar daño en el tiempo. Cumplid vuestra misión tan rápido como sea posible, pero sabed que podéis comenzar de nuevo tantas veces como necesitéis. Prestad atención a cada escena para elegir vuestras acciones. ¡Buena suerte, agentes! Un nuevo escenario para T.I.M.E. Stories, que es necesario para jugar. FUNDAS 70x120 (135)
                24,95 €
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                The Others - Equipo beta. JUEGO DE SEGUNDA MANO COMPLETO USO Sin uso ESTADO DE LA CAJA En buen estado.(ver fotos) ESTADO DE LOS COMPONENTES En buen estado. IDIOMA Castellano. NOTAS Precintado. La expansión del Equipo Beta introduce unos refuerzos muy necesarios para el operativo F.A.I.T.H. con 5 nuevos Héroes (cada uno con sus propias capacidades innatas) y 6 tipos de Mejora exclusivos para equilibrar la balanza en la lucha contra los Ajenos. Pero las fuerzas del Pecado también cuentan con nuevos Acólitos en la forma de Policías corrompidos que no dudarán en abrir fuego contra los Héroes solitarios y Bomberos corrompidos empeñados en incendiar la ciudad. Esta expansión también amplía la ciudad de Haven con 5 módulos de tablero que ofrecen nuevas combinaciones de recursos y amenazas, así como mapas alternativos para las 7 historias incluidas en la caja básica.
                30 €
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                The Others - Equipo Delta Pese a la diversidad de orígenes no militares de sus integrantes, el equipo Delta siempre cumple sus misiones con un éxito arrollador. Este «hatajo de inadaptados con ganas de gresca», como su propio líder Bob Walker los llama, realiza una labor encomiable en operaciones que causarían dificultades a otras unidades más convencionales. Puede afirmarse con total seguridad que el equipo Delta disfruta del caos provocado por las infestaciones de los Ajenos. La expansión del Equipo Delta introduce unos refuerzos muy necesarios para el operativo F.A.I.T.H. con 5 nuevos Héroes (cada uno con sus propias capacidades innatas) y 6 tipos de Mejora exclusivos para equilibrar la balanza en la lucha contra los Ajenos. Pero las fuerzas del Pecado también cuentan con nuevos Acólitos en la forma de Cocineros corrompidos que neutralizan la Habilidad de los Héroes y Músicos corrompidos que les impiden sufrir Corrupción voluntariamente. Esta expansión también amplía la ciudad de Haven con 5 módulos de tablero que ofrecen nuevas combinaciones de recursos y amenazas, así como mapas alternativos para las 7 historias incluidas en la caja básica. CONTENIDO 17 detalladas miniaturas, 5 módulos de tablero, 2 tarjetas de Acólito, 5 tarjetas de Héroe, 12 cartas de Mejora, 1 libro con mapas, 3 dados de Héroe.
                34,95 €
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                Five Tribes The Sultanate of Naqala continues to flourish. This time of prosperity has attracted more competitors than grains of sand in the desert, so if you expect to remain on top, you'll have to learn some new tricks… especially since the Sultan founded 5 new fabulous cities that everyone wants to control. I've also heard that the Sultan sometimes holds hearings in those cities, offering huge rewards to those who grant him his whims. Are you up for the challenge? With Whims of the Sultan, up to 5 players can now vie to control the 5 fabulous cities and work to satisfy the Sultan's requirements. This expansion can be played with the base game alone or along with The Artisans of Naqala expansion. CONTENTS 6 tiles (5 fabulous cities, 1 great lake) 15 wooden tribe meeples 8 camels, 1 tent and 1 player's turn marker 22 Whim of the Sultan cards 2 Djinn cards 1 bid order track / 1 turn order track for 5 player games 1 pad of scoring sheets 1 rules booklet 1 summary sheet 42 gold coins (worth “5”) FUNDAS 80x80 45x68 BGG - 226828 Muchas gracias a todos los que hacéis posible con vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación la difusión de los juegos de mesa.
                22,45 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                This is a full-deck of high quality full-color professionally printed replacement resource and development cards compatible with a original popular board game. These are way better quality than the ones that came with the game and have amazing high-resolution graphics/pictures as well. These cards fit nicely in our custom card trays for storage as well as ease of use during play. The graphics match our custom boards, card trays, etc so you get a consistent theme across your entire setup. FEATURES: - Full-Color High-resolution graphics/photos on both sides of all cards - 300 gram blue-core card stock with smooth finish - Professionally printed casino quality cards - Glossy finish for amazing graphic details - Sturdy cards for years of use 3-4 PLAYER DECK: It includes 125 cards total. (The complete deck of 120 that comes with the original game, plus a couple extras in case you lose/damage some, and 3 unique cards exclusive to our deck for some fun rule scenario play) Resource Cards: 95 resource cards are distributed as follows: -19 Brick Resource Cards -19 Wood Resource Cards -19 Sheep Resource Cards -19 Wheat Resource Cards -19 Ore Resource Cards Development Cards: 30 development cards are distributed as follows and have the "black sailboat" on the back: -14 Knight Cards -6 Progress Cards (2 Monopoly, 2 Road Building, 2 Year of Plenty) -5 Victory Point Cards (Chapel, Great Hall, Library, Market, University) -1 "Blank Template" Card (to replace lost/damaged cards, or write on your own unique rules) -1 King's Wild (allows you to Swap any 2 number tokens on the board) -1 "Wild" (can be any development card you want it to be) -1 Eminent Domain (move any 2 free-standing roads, can be your own roads or those of an opponent) -1 Pillage (downgrade an opponent city to a settlement and steal a resource) 3-4 AND 5-6 EXPANSION OPTION: 161 Cards. It includes BOTH COMPLETE SETS ABOVE for 161 cards total. (Standard game expansion deck only has 154 cards) Resource Cards: 120 resource cards are distributed as follows: -24 Brick Resource Cards -24 Wood Resource Cards -24 Sheep Resource Cards -24 Wheat Resource Cards -24 Ore Resource Cards Development Cards: 41 development cards are distributed as follows and have the "black sailboat" on the back: -20 Knight Cards -9 Progress Cards (3 Monopoly, 3 Road Building, 3 Year of Plenty) -5 Victory Point Cards (Chapel, Library, Market, Palace, University) -3 "Blank Template" Cards (to replace lost/damaged cards, or write on your own unique rules) -1 King's Wild (allows you to Swap any 2 number tokens on the board) -1 "Wild" (can be any development card you want it to be) -1 Eminent Domain (move any 2 free-standing roads, can be your own roads or those of an opponent) -1 Pillage (downgrade an opponent city to a settlement and steal a resource) These cards are a few millimeters larger and thicker/sturdier than the original cards. Our Card Dimensions: 55.9mm x 87.1mm, 2.2" x 3.43" (Original game cards are 54mm x 81mm) I have several other boards, pieces, parts, cards and boxes. So check out my store if you want to get more accessories for your board game. Please note: This board DO NOT come with any player pieces or playing cards, and is meant to supplement the existing game you already own. DISCLAIMER: This is an accessory and/or supplement for the official Settlers of Catan® and/or Catan® board game. Catan® is the registered trademark of Catan GmbH. This serves as notice that JonesLaserWorks is not associated with, or sponsored by Catan GmbH. In order to play Catan® with this accessory you must have already purchased, and currently own the official Catan® board game. We do not include nor sell anything that is protected by copyright or trademark laws.
                2.388 €
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                España (Todas las ciudades)
                Nintendo 64 Star wars Episode I racer limited edition set con la caja incluida y el corcho, incluye tambien la consola, el juego de star wars episodio I, el mando y el cable de alimentación todo en buenas condiciones, también tiene el expansion pack. Precio: 100€ Juegos en mi perfil. Se realizan ENVIOS o venta en mano en Madrid. Fotos de la caja completa en el anuncio. Mientras que el anuncio sea visible, el producto estará en venta.
                100 €
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