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Air war

Listado top ventas air war

  • Juegos de pelota.
  • Edad recomendada: de 3 a 99 años.
  • Clasificación por edad: 3 años
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        • Pinturas acrílicas a base
        • 17 ml botella cuentagotas
        • No tóxico
        • Producto no inflamable.
        • pre-thinned, aerógrafos directamente de la botella
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                  Juego Original en Inglés: In the midst of the greatest conflict humanity has ever know, victory will be claimed by the military that can overcome their enemies in every battleground. Do you have the skills to lead your nations best and bravest in the Air, Land, & Sea? In Air, Land and Sea, two players battle for control over each theater of war by playing Battle cards and strategically utilizing their special abilities to gain the advantage. Whoever controls the most theaters, thus claiming the most victory points, winds the war!
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                  Cataclysm - A Second World War Cataclysm is not your typical game about World War II. The game begins in 1933, not 1939, and is global in scope. Germany is far from dominating Europe. Japan is on the march in Asia. Every crisis is an unexpected opportunity. There is no hindsight and anything can happen. Truly grand strategic in scope, Cataclysm requires players to lead nations, not just armies or fleets. You must craft a diplomatic strategy, develop political support for your policies at home, shift your economy to a war footing, and build up the forces you need to deter or vanquish your enemies. There is no traditional I-go-you-go turn structure in Cataclysm. Counters representing political actions, military actions, units, and possible events are drawn at random from an action cup. As each counter comes out, the owning player resolves it, and play swiftly moves on to the next draw. You have to make plans to execute when your chance comes up, but you have no idea when, or in what order, events will transpire. A game about global war gives every nation armies, air forces, and fleets. But in Cataclysm, military pieces have no numeric values. You know what forces you have and where they are deployed. To resolve combat, each side rolls up to three dice and compares their single highest die. You can devote more resources to a campaign (generating more dice or bonuses), but that does not guarantee a favorable outcome. Your efforts can lead to triumph… or to disaster. In Cataclysm, you are free to explore alternatives. The Soviets can construct a massive long-range bomber force. Japan can build powerful armored forces to overrun Siberia. Germany can invade Britain, or France can take Berlin, provided you craft a strategy that gets you there.
                  67,15 €
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                  Pontevedra (Pontevedra)
                  LOTE DE 5 JUEGOS DE PC (Lote numero 8) LOTE DE 5 JUEGOS DE PC (Lote numero 8) LOTE de 5 Juegos de Pc Originales, son los siguientes: - PANZERS II (Incluye el manual, guia de misiones, guia de unidades) - IL2 STURMOVIK 1946 (Incluye el manual) - F22 TOTAL AIR WAR (Incluye el manual y guias rapidas). - WORLD WAR II: BATTLE OF BRITAIN (Incluye el manual) - STRIKE FIGHTERS FLIGHT SIMULATOR  (Incluye el manual)
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  Vendo 5 juegos fx para pc. Incluye manual y CD. Para colección -Castrol Honda Superbike 2000 fx 15€ -Fritz fx 10€ -sega rally fx 20€ -Total air war fx 10€ -viva football fx 15€ Cádiz capital gracias
                  1 €
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  Lote de 13 juegos de prdenador: Excalibur y el Rey Arturo. Atletismo edición de oro. Fritz programa de ajedrez. Rayman. Sega Rally. V-Rally2. Viva football. Hollywood Monsters. Total Air War. Roland Garros Paris 2000. Civilization II con versión multijugador. Superbike. Ski Racing 2006
                  20 €
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  Coleccion completa Mvm fx pc cd rom Sega rally 2 Tzar excalibur el rey Arturo Hollywood monsters Turok Roland garros 2000 Castrol honda superbike 2000 Viva football edición mundiales Fritz 5 F22 total air war Rayman Vías verdes precintado Train simulator code game Traitors gate, la aventura gráfica más realista jamás creada fx interactive Runaway fx interactive Micromania nº148 Flatout Sacred fx interactive Pro race driver fx interactive Splinter cell code game V rally 2 expert edition fx interactive Prince of Persia code game
                  12 €
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                  Triumph & Tragedy (Second Edition) Triumph & Tragedy is a geopolitical strategy game for 3 players (also playable by 2) covering the competition for European supremacy during the period 1936-45 between Capitalism (the West), Communism (the Soviet Union) and Fascism (the Axis). It has diplomatic, economic, technological and military components, and can be won by gaining economic hegemony or technological supremacy (A-bomb), or by vanquishing a rival militarily. The 22 x 34 area map covers Eurasia to India and the Urals, plus the Americas. Military units are 5/8" blocks, of 7 types (Infantry/Tank/Fortress/AirForce/Carrier/Fleet/Submarine), in 7 different colors (Germany/Italy/Russia/Britain/France/USA/Neutral). The mix of over 200 blocks allows great flexibility of force composition. There is a 55-card Action deck and a 55-card Investment deck, plus 30 Peace Dividend chits and 110 markers of various types. The game starts in 1936, with all 3 Great Powers virtually disarmed: Germany has repudiated the Versailles Peace Treaty, initiating an arms race in Europe. With blocks, the nature of military buildups remain unknown to rivals unless/until military conflict breaks out. The game may end peacefully or there may be war. There are game sanctions for attacking neutral minors or declaring war on an opponent, and rewards for remaining peaceful (you get a Peace Dividend chit of value 0-2 for every year you remain at Peace). You can win peacefully by: • Economic Hegemony (total of Production + secret Peace Dividend values + Atomic Research is the greatest in 1945, or reaches 25 at any time) OR • Technological Supremacy (build the A-bomb which takes 4 stages and be able to deliver it to a Main Capital). If there is war, you can still win by either of the above methods (with extra Economic Hegemony victory points available), or by: • Military Victory (capture TWO enemy capitals out of nine: each player controls three). Economic production underlies all forms of power in the game. Production is the LEAST of controlled Population (cities), controlled Resources, and Industry (which starts low and can be built up with Investment cards), except that Resources can be ignored if at Peace. Powers can spend their current economic Production on either: • Military units (new 1-step units or additional steps on existing units), OR • Action cards, which have Diplomatic values (to gain Population and Resources without conflict) and a Command value (to move military units), OR • Investment cards, which have Technological values (to enhance unit abilities) and a Factory value (the only way to increase Industry levels). Building a unit step or buying a card costs 1 Production. Simple. You can't inspect cards bought until after you have spent all Production. Initially, the Axis economy is Population/Resource limited, but ahead in Industry, while the West and Russia are Industry-limited, with adequate empires of Population and Resources. Throttling/limiting rival economies by denial of Population/Resources is a key form of competition. In peacetime, this is primarily done via Diplomacy, committing Action cards to gain control of minor nations and their Population/Resources, or to deny or reduce Rival control of them. At war, this can be done more directly by military conquest on land, by Naval/Submarine blockade of trade routes at sea, and by Strategic Bombing of enemy Industry by air forces. The early phase of the game tends to revolve around: • Diplomatic infighting (using Action cards), to gain minor nations (Czech, Rumania, etc) for their Population and Resources, and • Industrial buildup (via Investment cards), with • Military buildups (with the nature of forces being built being unknown to opponents), • Technology advancement (also via Investment cards), and some • Military operations (using Action cards for Command), which can include Violating (attacking) neutral minors to gain Population/Resources when Diplomacy fails. If the game continues peacefully due to imposing defenses or player inclination, pressure builds as players approach a Production of 20, as secret Peace Dividend chits may take someone over the 25 Victory threshold. Or players may succeed in developing the Atomic Bomb and steal a victory that way. At some point, however, one Power (seeing opportunity or necessity) may Declare War on another. The victim gets immediate economic benefits in reaction, but military reality comes to the forefront from this point onward. The third party may well continue its economic development in peace. Or not. Unit movement is by Command card, which specifies a Command Priority letter that determines order of movement/combat and a Command Value number that determines the maximum number of units that can be moved. Command cards are only valid during one specified Season (Spring/Summer/Fall), so a variety of Command cards in one's hand is necessary for a Power to be able to move in every Season. But HandSizes are limited, so each player must balance competing demands for card resources with military security. Combat occurs when rival units occupy the same area, and is executed by units firing in order by Type (defenders firing first amongst equal types), rolling dice for hits. Units have different Firepowers (hit values) depending on the Class of unit they are targeting (ground, naval, air, sub). Land combat is one round per Season while sea battles are fought to a conclusion. Ground units without a Supply line lose 1 step per Season and cannot build (except Fortress units which are immune to both effects but cannot move). Triumph & Tragedy is a true three-sided game: there is no requirement that the West and Russia be on the same side (and in fact there are valid reasons to attack each other), and only ONE player can win the game. Table talk is allowed (and encouraged) but agreements are not enforceable. Alliances are shifting and co-operation is undependable. The game can continue as an economic battle of attrition or a sudden military explosion can change everything. There is immense replayability as players can pursue dominance in Europe via land, sea or air military superiority, technological supremacy, or economic hegemony without rivals realizing their strategy until it is TOO LATE! It is a highly interactive, tense, fast-moving game with little downtime between player turns, covering THE crucial geopolitical decade of the 20th century in 4-6 hours. AWARDS & HONORS 2015 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee FUNDAS 63,5x88 (120)
                  84,5 €
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                  Enemy Coast Ahead - The Doolittle Raid Enemy Coast Ahead: The Doolittle Raid uses the game format to explore the first raid on the Japanese home islands by the United States during World War Two. It is a solitaire game challenging the player to conduct a successful mission where the criteria for success is not purely military. The player must organize, equip, and train a squadron of B-25 medium “Mitchell” bombers to attack a distant and rather dangerous target. The game not only covers the raid from launch to landing, it extends the story on both ends. Threatened from the air and from the sea, the player must do his utmost to strike the Japanese capital, avenging the attack on Pearl Harbor, and then land his aircraft safely. If the raid goes poorly it may boost Japanese morale and deflate the mood in the United States. Getting the B-25s close enough to launch is vital, as is the recovery of aircraft and crewmen, but above all, the player's main dilemma will be secrecy. The risk is great. Failure could mean the loss of an entire squadron, or worse, the sinking of a precious aircraft carrier. Will the Doolittle Raid add to the dismal news of Pearl Harbor, Guam, Wake Island, and Bataan, or will it signal the turning of the tide? The History Washington - April 21, 1942: After two days of rumor prompted by Japanese radio broadcasts, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt finally agrees to a press conference. Deftly avoiding difficult questions, he claims insufficient information to neither confirm nor deny the biggest news story of the four month old war. To placate tenacious journalists, however, he tells the press that the attack on Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo by United States aircraft, was launched from a mysterious base he would only call “Shangri-La,” an imaginary island from the recently published novel Lost Horizon. His impish grin, if not his words, tell the press that the top secret operation dubbed Special Aviation Project Number One has indeed been a success. That same day China's foreign minister hands a telegram to Army Air Corps Chief Hap Arnold. It has taken some time to arrive in Washington, an indication that all may not be well with the mission. Dictated two days ago by the commander of that top secret operation, a distraught Lt. Colonel James Doolittle, it reads: Mission to bomb Tokyo has been accomplished. On entering China we ran into bad weather and it is feared that all planes crashed. Telegram in hand, Arnold immediately admits to the commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the mission has failed. No bombers have been recovered. After sending that telegram, Doolittle himself expects a court marshall, confiding to his engineer that they'll tie him to a desk for the rest of the war, if he's lucky. Days later he is astonished to learn of his promotion to Brigadier General, and even more so when he is notified that the president recommended the Congressional Medal of Honor. The Doolittle Raid remains an enigmatic and contradictory episode of World War Two, defying easy interpretation even to this day. Was it a victory or a debacle? Was it a minor footnote in the annals of that war or a significant military event? Was it a desperate bid to avenge the attack on Pearl Harbor, or, a harbinger signaling death and horror soon to visit Japanese cities from the sky? Narrative Sequence Much like chapters in a story, the game is organized in six narrative segments, chronologically arranged. Each poses its own set of challenges and prompts decisions that establish the environment and conditions of subsequent chapters. Planning Naval Flight Over Targets Recovery Debriefing Historical Scenarios Besides play of the full narrative, the game offers a number of historical dissections, each a scenario focusing on a fragment of the raid. They are also a handy way to learn the game, since each scenario uses only part of the rules. For example, Scenario One covers Doolittle's flight over Tokyo, using only the 8.5x11 Target Map and the Attack Segment. An alternative scenario looks at a night raid by that flight, as Doolittle originally planned it. After playing one or two small scenarios using only the Attack segment's rules, a larger scenario can be played adding the Flight segment. Graduate next to an even larger scenario that starts with the Naval segment. In this way a player can learn the game in program fashion, little by little, studying the history of the raid by playing it as he learns. Player Aid Folders: The game comes with several 11” x 17” bi-fold aids allowing the play of each game segment with minimal study of the rule book. The mapsheet is designed to interlock with other game components, including those play aids, in order to make the player's experience fluid. Muchas gracias a todos los que hacéis posible con vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación la difusión de los juegos de mesa.
                  53,5 €
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                  Blitz! - A World in Conflict Blitz! A World in Conflict is an army-level adaptation of the internationally award winning global World War II wargame World in Flames. Blitz! covers the entire globe on one large (approx 910mm x 560 mm/36"x22") map of the world with area-based movement covering every theater of the war (Europe, N Africa, Pacific, E. Asia, N Atlantic, etc.) Blitz! A World in Conflict is a stand-alone boxed game. It includes almost 400 two-sided counters providing all the armies, air wings, and fleets for all the major combatants and many other countries, selected commanders, plus game markers. It plays in a fraction of the time needed for most historically-accurate World War II campaign games (2 hours for Barbarossa, 5 to 8 hours for the entire global war) while still giving players the opportunity to cover the entire war. Rules include various options so you can tailor the game to your preferences and experiment with "what if" situations," including revising the politics of the 1930s before the war begins. At last you can re-fight with all WW2 WiF style in less than a lifetime. Contents • 1 large map (559mm x 864 mm) • 396 two-sided full colour counters • 1 Rule book • 8 two-sided Weapons Development Charts • 2 x 6-sided dice BGG - 42997
                  79,19 €
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                  Madrid (Madrid)
                  Maqueta Heller 1/72 Fieseler Fi 156C-3 Storch - 1976 #072 Maqueta Heller 1/72 Fieseler Fi 156C-3 Storch - 1976 #072 El Storch (cigüeña) se desarrolló a finales de los años treinta como aparato de observación, enlace y reglaje artillero para la Werhmacht, de quien llegó a convertirse en una suerte de 'jeep' volador. El extraordinario diseño de sus superficies de vuelo le permitían volar extraordinariamente lento, llegando incluso a quedar parado en el aire con un mínimo viento en contra; y gracias a su tren de aterrizaje podía tomar tierra en casi cualquier superficie mínimamente plana de terreno. Unos pocos ejemplares sirvieron en la Guerra Civil Española, permaneciendo después en el Ejército del Aire. Una de sus acciones más destacadas durante la IIGM fue la evacuación de Benito Mussolini tras ser liberado de su reclusión, en la cumbre del Gran Sasso, por un comando de paracaidistas alemanes. Tras la guerra continuó su producción en Francia con la designación MS-500, llegando a operar en la guerra de Vietnam. La maqueta. Una opción a seguir teniendo en cuenta a pesar de la mucho más moderna de Academy. Buen detalle superficial y suficiente en cabina para que no se vea vacía. Calcas para un esquema desértico alemán (ilustrado). Caja sellada. Peso: 90 g. *************** The Storch (stork) was developed in the late '30s for liaison, observation and artillery spotting duties for whom she became a kind of 'flying jeep'. The outstanding design of her flying surfaces allowed her to fly very slowly, to the point of keeping stopped in the air with a minimum of face-wind; and to her undercarriage she could land in almost any more or less flat surface. A handful operated in the Spanish Civil War with the Legion Condor. One of her most famous actions during IIWW was the evacuation of Benito Mussolini after being rescued from his reclusion, at the Great Sasso peak, by a 'commando' of german parachutists. After the war her production continued in France with the MS-500 designation, flying operations again in the Vietnam war. The kit. Still an option to be considered despite the much modern offer by Academy. Good overall detail, enough in the cockpit to avoid an 'empty' look. Decals for a German desertic scheme (luustrated). Sealed box. Weight: 120 g.
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                  Wild Blue Yonder - Down In Flames Series Since then there have been two more games, two packs of additional aircraft, and a large number of C3i modules for the series. However, the original two games have been long out of print. GMT has considered a number of options to address that, from straight reprints to a base game/ campaign module arrangement. Finally, though, the company has decided to P500 an entire new game covering the war in the ETO from 1940-1944. Wild Blue Yonder will be a true deluxe Down in Flames product. It will contain a dozen full campaigns, over 200 aircraft cards, plus all of the necessary targets, resource sheets, and play aids needed for play. All of this will be packaged in a large box similar to the ones for the Combat Commander games. Many of the campaigns will be on the same subjects as those in Rise of the Luftwaffe, 8th Air Force and various C3i modules. However, they will not be simple reprints of those campaigns. Wild Blue Yonder will contain three different types of campaigns, Land Campaigns, Progressive Campaigns, and Operations (The Schweinfurt Raids, for example). The first type will be the familiar “standard” DiF campaign to which players of the system are accustomed. Progressive Campaigns give both players a fixed “order of battle” along with reinforcements and replacements they will have to use throughout the campaign. This will reflect the more attritional nature of these air campaigns. The game will also include one solitaire campaign for players who don't have an opponent available.
                  67,5 €
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                  Madrid (Madrid)
                  Maqueta ESCI 1/72 BAe Harrier GR.3 ‘Laser Harrier’ #9034 Maqueta ESCI 1/72 BAe Harrier GR.3 ‘Laser Harrier’ #9034 La vulnerabilidad de las bases aéreas a los ataques enemigos condujo a la búsqueda de un avión capaz de operar desde lugares remotos, a veces incluso cerca del campo de batalla. A pesar del escepticismo inicial, el Harrier se ha revelado con los años como una eficaz plataforma de combate, como quedó demostrado en la Guerra de las Malvinas, donde los Harrier Gr.3 de la RAF fueron capaces de operar desde las cubiertas de los portaaaviones británicos con un mínimo entrenamiento de los pilotos. La maqueta. La mejor que se haya hecho en esta escala de este revolucionario avión, con detalle decente en general y líneas de paneles finamente grabadas. Incluye dos misiles AIM-9L, dos contenedores ventrales de cañones ADEN de 30 mm, dos depósitos de combustible subalares, dos bombas de 1.000 lb, dos bombas cluster BL755 y sonda de reabastecimiento en vuelo. Calcas para esquemas del 1er y 3er Sqns y 1417º Flight. Peso: 180 g. The weakest point of a modern Air Force is the vulnerability of the air bases and because this a number of solutions have been developed to solve it. One option was the use of aircrafts able to operate far from their bases, sometimes even close to the battle line. Despite initial scepticism, the Harrier has probed to be a great success as was demonstrated in the Falklands War first and in the Balkan and Iraq skies later. Although not as famed as the Sea Harrier, this version -with a laser designator device in the nose- demonstrated the flexibility of the Harrier concept. It was the first time that RAF units operated from the Royal Navy carriers’ decks. The kit. The best available in this scale for this revolutionary plane, well detailed and with finelly engraved panel lines. Weaponry inlcudes two AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles, two 30 mm ADEN gun pods, two underwing fuel tanks, two 1.000 pounds GP bombs, two BL755 cluster bombs and in-flight refuelling probe. Decals for RAF’s 1st and 3rd Squadrons and 1417th Flight. Weight: 180 g.  
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                  Madrid (Madrid)
                  Maqueta Revell 1/144 Hawker Harrier GR.1 #4007 Maqueta Revell 1/144 Hawker Harrier GR.1 #4007 La Histo ria       The History       L'histoire La vulnerabilidad de las bases aéreas a los ataques enemigos condujo a la búsqueda de un avión capaz de operar desde lugares remotos, a veces incluso cerca del campo de batalla. A pesar del escepticismo inicial, el Harrier se ha revelado con los años como una eficaz plataforma de combate, como quedó demostrado en la Guerra de las Malvinas primero y más tarde en los cielos de los Balcanes e Irak. La Armada española fue la primera que lo empleó desde la cubierta de un portaaviones.       The weakest point of a modern Air Force is the vulnerability of the air bases and because this a number of solutions have been developed to solve it. One option was the use of aircrafts able to operate far from their bases, sometimes even close to the battle line. This last requirement was the main interest for the US Marine Corps when selected the Harrier for the service. Despite initial scepticism, the Harrier has probed to be a great success as was demonstrated in the Falklands War first and in the Balkan and Iraq skies later.       Le point le plus faible d'une Force aérienne moderne est la vulnérabilité des bases aériennes et, grâce à cela, un certain nombre de solutions ont été développées pour le résoudre. Une option était l'utilisation d'avions capables de fonctionner loin de leurs bases, parfois même proches de la ligne de bataille. Cette dernière exigence était le principal intérêt pour le Marine Corps des États-Unis lors de la sélection du Harrier pour le service. Malgré le scepticisme initial, le Harrier a sondé pour être un grand succès comme cela a été démontré dans la guerre des Malouines d'abord et dans les esprits des Balkans et d'Irak plus tard. Traducteur Google, mes excuses.                   La Maqueta       The Kit       Le Maquette Reedición del molde original de Crown, el único que existe de este aparato en esta escala. Moderadamente detallada, con líneas de paneles grabadas. La carga externa comprende cuatro contenedores lanzacohetes MATRA y dos bombas de caída libre. A pesar de lo que dice la caja, no hay piezas para hacer un GR.3; es un GR.1 o AV-8A. Incluye sonda de reabastecimiento en vuelo. Calcas para el esquema de la ilustración. Piezas en bolsa sellada original. Peso: 70 g.       Re-issue of the original Crown tooling, the only for this aircraft in this scale. Moderatelly detailed, with engraved panel lines. Ordnance includes four MATRA rocket-launcher pods and two free-fall bombs. There is no parts to build a GR.3 despite it's said in the box, it's a GR.1 or AV-8A. In-flight refuelling probe included. Decals for the scheme shown in the box-art. Parts in original sealed bag. Weight: 70 g.       Réédition de l'outillage original Crown, le seul pour cet avion dans cette échelle. Modélément détaillée, avec des lignes de panneaux gravés. La charge d'armes comprend quatre gaines de lance-roquette MATRA et deux bombes à chute libre. Il n'y a pas de pièces pour construire un GR.3 malgré sa mention dans la boîte, c'est un GR.1 ou AV-8A. Sonde de ravitaillement en vol incluse. Les décalques pour le schéma figurant dans le box-art. Pièces dans le sac scellé d'origine. Poids: 70 g.
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                  Cádiz (Cádiz)
                  SPECIAL HOBBY 72308 # HA-1112 M-1L 'BUCHON' SPECIAL HOBBY 72308 # HA-1112 M-1L 'BUCHON' MAQUETA ESCALA 1:72 PARA MONTAR PINTAR NO INCLUYE NI PEGAMENTO NI PINTURAS HA-1112 M-1L Buchón “Ejército del Aire” 1/72 Although Spanish dictator Franco owed to the Italian fascists and German Nazis for the successful coup, he did not let them to pull him into World War 2. This fact did not prevent him, however, from purchasing weapons or their production license rights from Hitler’s Germany. The license for the Bf 109F/G fighter was purchased in this manner. The airframe production was trouble free in Spain but the engines should have been delivered by Germany. Eventually this never happened so the Spanish have to help themselves. Initially, they tested domestic HS-12Z engine but it was no earlier than in 1949 that a small series of HA-1109 K-1L/C-4J was produced. Meanwhile the airframes had been awaiting the power plant installation already since 1944! In 1953, Great Britain lifted the embargo so it was possible to purchase British Merlin 500/45 engines. Eventually, these engines were installed into modified Messerschmitt airframes. Between 1955-56, the Spanish Air Force received 171 machines of the new HA-1112 M-1L/C-4K Buchón (Pigeon) version. Of course these aircraft could not have been used as fighters, their primary role were the ground attacks. For these missions the aircraft were equipped not only with cannon armament but also with rockets. The latter were used against the insurgents in Spanish Morocco in 1958-60. During the mid 1960s the Buchóns were transferred to training and reserve units. But their finest hour was yet to come. About 15 Buchóns together with Spanish license-built He 111 (CASA 2.111) were used for the filming purposes during the shooting of Battle of Britain film in 1968. To resemble the Bf 109 the film Buchóns were modified by addition of the squared wing tips, mock up weapons and tail plane struts. Of interest might be the fact that during the filming the Buchóns were used not only as German aircraft but also to expand the Hurricane force as they flew in the formation in the background. Several Buchóns survived the filming and participated in other films, too. Some of them still fly nowadays as warbirds.    The kit of the Spanish ground attack version of the Buchón contains two frames with grey styrene parts, a part of which, including the rockets and their racks are injected from a metal mould that was completely designed in 3D CAD, there is also a frame with clear parts, highly detailed resin cast cannon parts, exhaust stacks and photo-etched parts. The Buchóns in Spain served in two camouflage scheme standards. Initially it was the overall blue coat that was later replaced by aluminium dope on the upper surfaces and light blue coat on the lower surfaces. The decal sheet  offers markings for three machines; two of them feature the standard camouflage scheme while the last one carries non standard field applied camouflage. The overall blue and the non-standard machine sport nicknames on their noses and also unit badges.
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