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Nature essential

Listado top ventas nature essential

  • ?️ ARÁNDANO ROJO: el arándano rojo se ha utilizado desde la antigüedad para ayudar contra infecciones en las vías urinarias y también favorece a aliviar los síntomas. La vitamina C ayuda a reforzar el sistema inmune, favoreciendo la formación de nuestras defensas contra agentes infecciosos. Extractos secos valorados en principio activo. Producto libre de alérgenos. Envase para 30 días de uso.
  • ? DESCUBRE LA GAMA DE PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE NATURE ESSENTIAL: Utiliza el Buscador de Amazon para encontrar más variedad de productos Nature Essential, solo tienes que escribir Nature Essential en la barra de búsqueda y ver qué más podemos ofrecerte. Tenemos una gama de más de 200 productos para toda la familia. Además ponemos a tu disposición un chat y el servicio de mensajería de Amazon las 24 horas del día. Contáctanos si tienes cualquier pregunta o duda.
  • ? LABORATORIOS BIO-DIS LÍDER EN ESPAÑA: En nuestros laboratorios llevamos más de 29 años creciendo con los profesionales de la salud y el bienestar. Nuestros productos son obtenidos de fuentes naturales y provienen de proveedores seleccionados para garantizar una alta calidad y pureza de las materias primas. Contamos con programas de I+D+i y una filosofía innovadora que nos impulsan a renovar todos los procesos y actividades productivas adaptándonos al futuro.
  • ? ALTA CALIDAD: Es un producto sometido a exhaustivos controles de calidad, ya que desde Laboratorios BIO-DIS nos preocupamos por la salud de nuestros clientes en primer lugar. Los productos son fabricados bajo estrictas normativas acreditadas nacional e internacionalmente y disponemos de los Certificados de Calidad que nos avalan, dando reconocimiento de garantía y calidad. Nuestra misión es ofrecer la máxima calidad en cada uno de nuestros productos.
  • ?‍⚕️ ACOMPAÑAMIENTO 100% PERSONALIZADO: Contamos con un equipo de profesionales de la salud, multidisciplinar, formado por farmacéuticos, biólogos y tecnólogos de alimentos, especializados en complementos alimenticios que brindarán seguimiento y apoyo. Desarrollamos, fabricamos y envasamos todos nuestros productos Nature Essential en España.
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  • Las propiedades de este producto promueven el fortalecimiento de los huesos
  • Se produce una sensible mejora en las articulaciones gracias al colágeno marino hidrolizado
  • Colágeno marino hidrolizado 1200 mg
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  • Fortalece el Sistema inmunológico
  • Gracias a la ingesta de este producto se puede llegar a conseguir una pérdida de peso siempre y cuando esta venga acompañada de una dieta saludable
  • Protección de la piel
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  • ?DESCUBRE LA GAMA DE PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE NATURE ESSENTIAL: Utiliza el Buscador de Amazon para encontrar más variedad de productos Nature Essential, solo tienes que escribir Nature Essential en la barra de búsqueda y ver qué más podemos ofrecerte. Tenemos una gama de más de 200 productos para toda la familia. Además ponemos a tu disposición un chat y el servicio de mensajería de Amazon las 24 horas del día. Contáctanos si tienes cualquier pregunta o duda.?
  • ?LABORATORIOS BIO-DIS LIDER EN ESPAÑA: En nuestros laboratorios llevamos más de 5 años creciendo con los profesionales de la salud y el bienestar. Nuestros productos son obtenidos de fuentes naturales y provienen de proveedores seleccionados para garantizar una alta calidad y pureza de las materias primas. Contamos con programas de I+D+i y una filosofía innovadora que nos impulsan a renovar todos los procesos y actividades productivas adaptándonos al futuro.
  • El Aceite de Germen de Trigo es rico en aceites esenciales Omega-3 y Omega-6, además contiene un alto contenido en vitamina E que es antioxidante y nos ayuda a la eliminación de los radicales libres de nuestro organismo. Aceite de Germen de Trigo y Vitamina E (Alfa tocoferol). Complemento alimenticios a base de aceite natural. No contiene lactosa. Formato perla, que protege al aceite de la oxidación.
  • ?ALTA CALIDAD: Es un producto sometido a exhaustivos controles de calidad ya que desde Laboratorios BIO-DIS nos preocupamos por la salud de nuestros clientes en primer lugar. Los productos son fabricados bajo estrictas normativas acreditadas nacional e internacionalmente y disponemos de los Certificados de Calidad que nos avalan, dando reconocimiento de garantía y calidad. Nuestra misión es ofrecer la máxima calidad a unos precios altamente competitivos.?
  • ?‍⚕️ACOMPAÑAMIENTO 100% PERSONALIZADO: Contamos con un equipo de profesionales de la salud, multidisciplinar, formado por farmacéuticos, biólogos y tecnólogos de alimentos, especializados en complementos alimenticios que brindaran seguimiento y apoyo. Desarrollamos, fabricamos y envasamos todos nuestros productos Nature Essential en España.
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  • Peso / Volumen: 30 ml
  • Tipo de producto: Locion anti-imperfecciones -Genero: Unisex
  • Productos de belleza y cuidado personal
  • Madura
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  • ?DESCUBRE LA GAMA DE PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE NATURE ESSENTIAL: Utiliza el Buscador de Amazon para encontrar más variedad de productos Nature Essential, solo tienes que escribir Nature Essential en la barra de búsqueda y ver qué más podemos ofrecerte. Tenemos una gama de más de 200 productos para toda la familia. Además ponemos a tu disposición un chat y el servicio de mensajería de Amazon las 24 horas del día. Contáctanos si tienes cualquier pregunta o duda.?
  • ?LABORATORIOS BIO-DIS LIDER EN ESPAÑA: En nuestros laboratorios llevamos más de 5 años creciendo con los profesionales de la salud y el bienestar. Nuestros productos son obtenidos de fuentes naturales y provienen de proveedores seleccionados para garantizar una alta calidad y pureza de las materias primas. Contamos con programas de I+D+i y una filosofía innovadora que nos impulsan a renovar todos los procesos y actividades productivas adaptándonos al futuro.
  • El espino blanco ayuda contra los nervios y favorece el sueño y además relaja los músculos. Espino Blanco polvo (ramas con flores y hojas) (Crataegus oxycantha) y Espino Blanco extracto seco de bayas (Crataegus oxycantha). Extracto seco valorado en principio activo. No contiene lactosa. Envase para 60 días de uso.
  • ?ALTA CALIDAD: Es un producto sometido a exhaustivos controles de calidad ya que desde Laboratorios BIO-DIS nos preocupamos por la salud de nuestros clientes en primer lugar. Los productos son fabricados bajo estrictas normativas acreditadas nacional e internacionalmente y disponemos de los Certificados de Calidad que nos avalan, dando reconocimiento de garantía y calidad. Nuestra misión es ofrecer la máxima calidad a unos precios altamente competitivos.?
  • ?‍⚕️ACOMPAÑAMIENTO 100% PERSONALIZADO: Contamos con un equipo de profesionales de la salud, multidisciplinar, formado por farmacéuticos, biólogos y tecnólogos de alimentos, especializados en complementos alimenticios que brindaran seguimiento y apoyo. Desarrollamos, fabricamos y envasamos todos nuestros productos Nature Essential en España.
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  • ?DESCUBRE LA GAMA DE PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE NATURE ESSENTIAL: Utiliza el Buscador de Amazon para encontrar más variedad de productos Nature Essential, solo tienes que escribir Nature Essential en la barra de búsqueda y ver qué más podemos ofrecerte. Tenemos una gama de más de 200 productos para toda la familia. Además ponemos a tu disposición un chat y el servicio de mensajería de Amazon las 24 horas del día. Contáctanos si tienes cualquier pregunta o duda.?
  • ?LABORATORIOS BIO-DIS LIDER EN ESPAÑA: En nuestros laboratorios llevamos más de 5 años creciendo con los profesionales de la salud y el bienestar. Nuestros productos son obtenidos de fuentes naturales y provienen de proveedores seleccionados para garantizar una alta calidad y pureza de las materias primas. Contamos con programas de I+D+i y una filosofía innovadora que nos impulsan a renovar todos los procesos y actividades productivas adaptándonos al futuro.
  • La coenzima Q10 es una molécula antioxidante que se integra dentro de las células atravesando las membranas lipídicas por su estructura de ácido graso. En las células contribuye a la producción de energía y nos protege de los radicales libres, tiene propiedades antioxidantes y estimula el sistema inmunitario. Coenzima Q10 Complemento alimenticios a base de aceite de coenzima Q10. No contiene gluten ni lactosa. Envase para 30 días de uso.
  • ?ALTA CALIDAD: Es un producto sometido a exhaustivos controles de calidad ya que desde Laboratorios BIO-DIS nos preocupamos por la salud de nuestros clientes en primer lugar. Los productos son fabricados bajo estrictas normativas acreditadas nacional e internacionalmente y disponemos de los Certificados de Calidad que nos avalan, dando reconocimiento de garantía y calidad. Nuestra misión es ofrecer la máxima calidad a unos precios altamente competitivos.?
  • ?‍⚕️ACOMPAÑAMIENTO 100% PERSONALIZADO: Contamos con un equipo de profesionales de la salud, multidisciplinar, formado por farmacéuticos, biólogos y tecnólogos de alimentos, especializados en complementos alimenticios que brindaran seguimiento y apoyo. Desarrollamos, fabricamos y envasamos todos nuestros productos Nature Essential en España.
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  • INGREDIENTES: Cardo Mariano Extracto Seco 300 mg (Equivalente a 9.725 mg de planta polvo) (Silybum marianum), Boldo Extracto Seco 25 mg (Equivalente a 100 mg de Planta Polvo) (Peumus boldus), Alcachofa Extracto Seco 25 mg (Equivalente a 125 mg de Planta Polvo) (Cynara scolymus), Milenrama Extracto Seco 10 mg (Equivalente a 40 mg de Planta Polvo) (Achillea millefolium), Cúrcuma Extracto Seco 6 mg (Equivalente a 300 mg de Planta Polvo) (Curcuma longa) y Envuelta ( Gelatina).
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  • Aloe
  • Producto natural
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  • De la marca Natura Bissé.
  • Contiene 75 ml.
  • Este producto está indicado para mujeres.
  • La textura que ofrece es del tipo crema.
  • Este producto está indicado para todo tipo de pieles.
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Omega-3 de 500 miligramos de 50 perlas nature - Preventivo de las enfermedades del corazón y los ataques del corazón. - Ayudar a mantener la movilidad articular. - Mantener una piel sana. - Mejoran la salud cardiovascular. - Contribuye a bajar los niveles de triglicéridos y colesterol en sangre. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Espino blanco 500 miligramos de 60 tabletas nature - Tomar dos (2) capsulas de espino blanco al día, un (1) capsula después de cada comida. - Idóneo para problemas cardíacos de origen nervioso manifestados por fuertes palpitaciones y opresión. - Contribuye también a conciliar el sueño. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Omega 3-6-9 1000 miligramos de 30 perlas nature - Envase de 30 capsulas de 1335 mg. - Contiene propiedades antiinflamatorias. - Ayuda para reducir los síntomas provocados por el síndrome premenstrual. - Reduce el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades cardiovasculares. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Aceite de higado de bacalao 1000 miligramos de 30 - Tomar dos (2) cápsulas al día. - Mejora la visión. - Ayuda al completo desarrollo del cerebro y sistema nervioso de los recién nacidos y de bebés lactantes. - Previene y trata la depresión. - Reduce el colesterol. - Mejora la salud del sistema nervioso. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Aceite de semilla de lino 500 miligramos de 50 perlas - Tomar dos (2) cápsulas de aceite de semillas lino al día. - Es muy útil como regulador del tránsito intestinal. - Contribuye a mantener una buena circulación sanguínea, Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Prostaterum 30 Cápsulas Es una planta nativa del sureste de los Estados Unidos y el Caribe. Es un arbusto perenne que no suele superar los 90 cm y que desde la antigüedad fue utilizado por los indios de Florida para aliviar muchos trastornos urológicos. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Oseomax forte Vit K-2 + Vit D 30 cápsulas Laboratorios BIO-DIS ofrece una línea de complementos alimenticios a base de extractos naturales seleccionados con las concentraciones en principio activo y origen de la planta que nos garanticen la máxima eficacia para asegurar la calidad óptima y constante en nuestros productos. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Cosmética oral Nutricosmética Nature Essential Acido hialuronico 100 miligramos de 60 cápsulas - Antiedad o antienvejecimiento, pues rellena y suaviza de forma natural las arrugas. - Devuelve a la piel luminosidad, tersura y suavidad. - Usarlo a partir de los 30 años. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Garlic oil (ajo) 1000 miligramos de 60 perlas - Tomar una (1) cápsula de aceite de ajo de gelatina blanda al día. - Inhibe el crecimiento de hongos y bacterias causantes de problemas respiratorios e intestinales. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Otros Otros Nature Essential Papaya Enzyma Papaína 500 mg 60 comprimidos La Papaya es rica en papaína que es una enzima que ayuda a la digestión, además contiene gran cantidad de vitaminas y minerales. La Papaína convierte las proteínas en fragmentos más pequeños llamados péptidos y aminoácidos que a su vez son más fácil de absorber por el organismo. Ayuda a mejorar la digestión. Adecuado como laxante suave para después de comidas copiosas, calma el dolor e infamación del estómago al instante y combate el estreñimiento. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Nature's Greetings Set: Tonic Mountain Tea Shower Gel 250ml+ Gentle Daily Shampoo 250ml+ Black Cleansing Gel 50ml (Exp. Date: 05/2023) in Apivita > Cuidado de la piel >. Nature's Greetings Set: 1x Tonic Mountain Tea Shower Gel With Essential Oils 250ml/8.45oz 1x Gentle Daily Shampoo with Chamomile & Honey (Frequent Use) 250ml/8.45oz 1x Black Detox Cleansing Jelly For Face & Eyes 50ml/1.69oz (Exp. Date: 05/2023) Ideal both for personal use & as a giftMarca: Apivita
39,90 €
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Desarrollada específicamente para las pieles maduras, la crema rema revitalizante essential shock de nature bissé rejuvenece y refina la piel a la vez que aporta propiedades antiedad. Enriquecida con el innovador concentrado de aminoácidos ricos en nutrientes aminoessence cocktail, esta crema regeneradora consigue una hidratación duradera, ayudando a restaurar la elasticidad y firmeza, dejando la piel suave, tersa y radiante. Una mezcla antioxidante de vitaminas c, e y f protege contra los agresores ambientales, mientras las isoflavonas extraídas de la flor de lirio blanco minimizan las líneas de expresión y arrugas. Conseguirás una tez suave, tersa y con una luminosidad juvenil.
109,80 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
adventure shirt, mountain shirt, Road Trip Shirt, life is good shirt, Walk Shirt, Let's Go Walking, Walking Love Shirt, Go to the mountains, Camper shirt, Camping shirt, Hunting shirt, Hiking shirt, Nature lover shirt This updated unisex essential fits like a well-loved favorite. Super soft cotton and excellent quality print makes one to fall in love with it over and over again. ------------- Fabrication ------------- 100% Combed ring spun cotton Made by specially treating the cotton fibers before spinning them into yarn. The result is stronger and smoother fabric. ------------- Unisex T-shirt Size Chart ------------- XS - - 27" Length and 18" Width S - 28" Length and 19" Width M - 29" Length and 20 1/2" Width L - 30" Length and 22" Width XL - 31" Length and 24" Width 2XL - 32" Length and 26" Width 3XL - 33" Length and 27" Width ------------- Delivery time (in addition to 3-5 days production time) ------------- United States- 3-5 Business Days Canada- 5-10 Business Days Worldwide - 5-20 Business days ------------- Dispatch time ------------- All shirts are printed specially for order, with our turn around being 3 - 5 business days from ordering to dispatch.
2.362 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Mothers Ring / Mothers Birthstone Ring / Mothers Day Gift / Personalized Gift / Gift for Mom / Grandma Gift / Raw Stone / Raw Birthstone -------------------------------------------------- The exquisite power of our electroformed stone rings will surround you in raw radiance. When our genuine, organically shaped gemstones are captured in a gleaming Gold, Silver, or Copper setting, they take on an ethereal beauty. With our finely handcrafted Circle of Strength Family Birthstone Ring, you select stones to set together on a single band and we design for you a cherished piece of wearable art! We adore this as an opportunity to represent a family or group of loved ones. Select birthstones to represent the energy and beauty of those close to your heart. Birthstones by month are (see listing image): January – Garnet February – Amethyst March – Aquamarine April – Herkimer Diamond May – Emerald June – Moonstone July – Ruby (Please note: due to the reactive nature of Rubies during our electroforming and plating process, we are currently using Pink Tourmaline as a substitute.) August – Peridot September – Sapphire October – Opal November – Citrine December – Turquoise If you have specific instructions as to the layout of your Family Birthstone Ring, please be as clear as possible in the comments section of your order (i.e. "place them in this order" or "I want a large opal at the center" or "make them all similar sized stones"), otherwise we will design it as we feel is best from a visual standpoint. Our in-house electroforming and plating operations are intricate, scientific, and done entirely by hand. Each stone is selected for its color, quality and continuity when ordered as part of a stack. The electroforming process itself is fantastic alchemy. We use the power of precise chemistry and electricity to form a completely unique setting for each stone. Each 24-karat Gold plated ring is initially electroformed in Copper. They receive a “flash” Palladium coating and then go for their luxurious fine metal treatment. Fine Silver plated rings have a solid.925 Sterling Silver core. They go through both Copper and Palladium processes before their final Silver treatment. NOTE: Fine Silver is an especially soft metal. Gentle care is essential for long-term satisfaction with your Silver plated rings. Copper rings are given a double coat of protective sealant to ensure your ring’s lasting luster. Our high-quality process is nickel-free. Production time typically runs 2 weeks. Rest assured; the final product is well worth the wait! ORDERING: --------- You select your ring size and the number of stones you want in the drop down menu (please see pic 3 for the stones offered). In the box labeled "enter stones here" you list the stones you would like and any "wishes" for the design you have. We, then, work our creative artistry magic and make you a custom electroformed ring with all of your loves birthstones nestled together perfectly and artistically. We will work to accommodate your "wishes" but cannot guarantee them as all of our stones are genuine, organic and unique and we may not have the shape and style of your request at the moment or they may not look artistically right in the order you requested but they will be arranged as we, as designers, feel they look best together. We wanted to show variety here so please see all of the images and reviews! Because of the raw, genuine, organic nature of the stones they will all vary and yours will be super custom - no two will be alike. It is very important you know your ring size as these cannot be resized due to the incredibly detailed and organic process of electroforming. PLEASE NOTE THE PRODUCTION TIME ON ALL RAW STONE RINGS PIECES IS 2 WEEKS. RUSH PRODUCTION IS NOT OFFERED. IMPORTANT SHIPPING & PRODUCTION DETAILS!! -------- **All of our pieces are made-to-order from scratch. **NORMAL PRODUCTION - Once we receive your order, it goes immediately into the normal production queue which is on average 5 business days but can be longer depending on our load. Please see our policy section for our most up-to-date production lead time. **RUSH PRODUCTION - If your order is time sensitive and you need it quick domestically or internationally, we offer RUSH PRODUCTION for $20 which is max 3 business days in production. Please send me a convo if you're interested in this in-house upgrade and we'll create your custom listing. Please note this is not a shipping upgrade. If you need to upgrade shipping, you'll want to select the method that suits your needs best at checkout. **DOMESTIC SHIPPING - For domestic orders, if you select standard shipping at checkout it will be shipped with tracking via first class USPS mail which typically, but is not guaranteed, takes 3 business days to arrive at its location. Priority Mail tends to arrive slightly faster than standard first class mail but it also is not guaranteed. If you want it fast or guaranteed, consider upgrading your shipment to FedEx at checkout. **INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING - For international orders, if you select standard shipping it can take up to 6 weeks to arrive so please plan accordingly. Also standard shipping packages are NOT tracked beyond the US border. If you need it fast, or want it guaranteed with door-to-door tracking, please select FedEx at checkout. **Please see our policy section on shipping times, production turnaround and all other details pertaining to your order prior to placing your order: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/amywaltz#policies METALS & SEALANTS: --------- We work with high-quality, lead-free metals and low VOC, eco-friendly sprays and sealants. We use fine metals, recycled metals, gold-filled metals, base metals, and alloys. For a breakdown of the content of our metals, please see our policy section under OUR PROCESS: https://www.etsy.com/shop/amywaltz/policy?ref=shopinfo_policies_leftnav. Please see this section prior to making a purchase, especially if you have allergic tendencies.
7.907 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Adorable LULU headband in beautiful colors to choose from. Perfect for any occasion It is so easy to dress up or keep casual. The perfect essential bow for any little girl our darling nylon headbands are design to grow as your baby grows. From baby to big girls your little one will be able to wear this beauty for many years to come. Choose one or all colors. You can never have too many! PRODUCT DETAILS: Bow can be untied for hand washing or size adjustment Soft fabric material No compression marks 2 SIZES: 14" 0-9 MONTHS 17" 9 MONTHS & Up - There may be slight variations in color due to the handmade nature of this item - Seller is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items once items have shipped. We recommend to add shipping insurance upon checking out. -------CHOOSING COLORS------ Please make sure to leave a note for us on the seller box upon cheking out. If the client does not pick color (s) we sill send a random assortment. - There may be slight variations in color due to the handmade nature of this item - Seller is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items once items have shipped. We recommend to add shipping insurance upon checking out. Check our shop for more adorable bows and apparel: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/TheKnotBridals *****NEED SOONER? RUSH SHIPPING, PRIORITY SHIPPING & INSURANCE***** Our current processing time is usually 3-5 business days & standard shipping is an additional 3-5 business days. If you’re worried about getting it sooner, we offer RUSH/PRIORITY shipping. Please check the link bellow for different options. Only for the USA. Rush and shipping upgrades options: hhttps://www.etsy.com/es/listing/629691459/rush-priority-mail-upgrade?ref=shop_home_active_1 https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/464665378/priority-mail-upgrade?ref=shop_home_active_2 https://www.etsy.com/listing/618115262/rush-express-mail-upgrade?ref=shop_home_active_1 CAUTION: Many items in our shop including hair accessories and necklaces contain small parts and present a choking hazard. Never leave children unattended while products from Sweet Valentina Boutique. All of our products should be used with adult supervision. The buyer assumes all responsibility for its use. ******For International Orders we ship USPS first class international. We cannot provide a tracking number. Our experience tells us that arrival time is 1-4 weeks depending on your location.****** ~~~Please read our SHOP POLICY BEFORE you make your purchase~~~ https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheKnotBridals?ref=l2-shopheader-name#policies
806 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Adorable LULU headband in beautiful colors to choose from. Perfect for any occasion It is so easy to dress up or keep casual. The perfect essential bow for any little girl our darling nylon headbands are design to grow as your baby grows. From baby to big girls your little one will be able to wear this beauty for many years to come. Choose one or all colors. You can never have too many! PRODUCT DETAILS: Bow can be untied for hand washing or size adjustment Soft fabric material No compression marks 2 SIZES: 14" 0-9 MONTHS 17" 9 MONTHS & Up - There may be slight variations in color due to the handmade nature of this item - Seller is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items once items have shipped. We recommend to add shipping insurance upon checking out. -------CHOOSING COLORS------ Please make sure to leave a note for us on the seller box upon cheking out. If the client does not pick color (s) we sill send a random assortment. - There may be slight variations in color due to the handmade nature of this item - Seller is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items once items have shipped. We recommend to add shipping insurance upon checking out. Check our shop for more adorable bows and apparel: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheKnotBridals *****NEED SOONER? RUSH SHIPPING, PRIORITY SHIPPING & INSURANCE***** Our current processing time is usually 3-5 business days & standard shipping is an additional 3-5 business days. If you’re worried about getting it sooner, we offer RUSH/PRIORITY shipping. Please check the link bellow for different options. Only for the USA. Rush and shipping upgrades options: hhttps://www.etsy.com/listing/629691459/rush-priority-mail-upgrade?ref=shop_home_active_1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/464665378/priority-mail-upgrade?ref=shop_home_active_2 https://www.etsy.com/listing/618115262/rush-express-mail-upgrade?ref=shop_home_active_1 CAUTION: Many items in our shop including hair accessories and necklaces contain small parts and present a choking hazard. Never leave children unattended while products from Sweet Valentina Boutique. All of our products should be used with adult supervision. The buyer assumes all responsibility for its use. ******For International Orders we ship USPS first class international. We cannot provide a tracking number. Our experience tells us that arrival time is 1-4 weeks depending on your location.****** ~~~Please read our SHOP POLICY BEFORE you make your purchase~~~ https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheKnotBridals?ref=l2-shopheader-name#policies
960 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
We promise you that the bag will arrive as per the deadline given by you, even if its less than a week. 15% OFF ON 3 or more bags - use coupon code - 15PERCENTOFF Enjoy FREE PERSONALISATION on 2 or more bags! Each piece is carefully handmade with full grain leather with a warranty of a lifetime - durable yet elegant making it your everyday carry- on tote. The bag is definitely spacious enough to fit in all your weekend essentials. It can fit your laptop, cosmetic bag, files, journal, lunch and as well as other work essentials. It is simply made from a high quality leather directly sourced from a certified leather tannery - with no break or tear! Personalization Name, image, picture, initials, or even a logo can be engraved on any part of the bag (please let us know where would you like it to be) Optional Zip/ Button Closure and Crossbody Strap- The button used in the bag for closure is a snap button HANDLE COLOUR - Please leave in the note if you would like to have the tote bag with brown handle as per the picture or black handle INCLUDES- -Conveniently Fits up to 18" laptop -Extremely spacious -Interior zip pocket for wallets and phones -Key holder -Full Grain vegetable tanned leather - With an experience of three decades in leather, The unique point is each piece of this calf based leather is selected by hand trying our best to leave natural scars behind. -Made in India DIMENSIONS Height: 12.5 inches / 32 cm Width (the top): 18inches / 46 cm Width (the bottom): 14.5 inches / 37 cm Depth: 5 inches / 12.5 cm Handle Drop - 11.4inches/ 29 cm (It can be reduced as per customers demand. However, the handle drop size we have used is the most viable and bestselling option as per customers demand) With a plenty of storage place to even securely keep a laptop or tablet, this bag will become a part of your everyday essential item. Each tote comes with an interior pocket which consists of a zippered pocket along with key holder to keep all things in place. Additionally one can take it for work, shopping, meeting - be it any situation due to its universal look. For more leather tote bags - https://www.etsy.com/in-en/shop/Leatherfarmdesign?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=30377646 LIFETIME GUARANTEE We are a family run business therefore we use only such, which we believe are not misleading the customer into believing something which its actually not. The nature of the animals used for leather is such that they live in extreme conditions which makes them adaptive to different climates and hence make hides luxurious as compared to others. With time you will notice change in leather as the it ages and beautifies itself. It becomes more tough and full of strength. If in case of leather cracks and hardware issues feel free to contact us and thats our lifetime warranty. STAND UP FOR CRAFSTWOMEN To protect the women artisans is the reason why we started “Leather Farm Design” - In a growing technology world people are forgetting handmade art, for us, it is the only thing that we have been taught as it has been passed on to us by our elders. We create handcrafted goods that become a part of your everyday essentials. We are a woman run family business with a small team of craftswomen whose dedications, masterful craftsmanship brings timeless beauty to each product. We design all of our products and are constantly working on new designs of bags and aprons in order to come up with high utility products. A large portion of these are women who only depend on these skills to earn livelihood for their families. Each product you buy from us goes into providing education, medicines, living facilities and basic needs to these women and their children. With each product we will provide with a thank you note to show gratitude for helping us grow. We can assure you that all our products are made from full grain vegetable tanned leather with a warranty of a lifetime. We always want to offer customers according to their needs and spread as much knowledge and gain the same from them. Each day we handcraft every product together, Each product at every stage is made by hand by our shop members, starting from tracing and cutting panels by tools, to placement of these panels by hand, then making all the small parts and then to sewing of all the parts together, everything is intricately done in order to provide the best quality. We have also added the name of each Maker involved in the making of each bag and what their respective day to day work is in order to make a high quality product. Each leather skin or hide is handpicked by our skilled artisans to avoid scars or loosening in order to create a high quality, durable product which beautifies as it matures. Each product is carefully inspected before dispatching to offer a memorable experience. To know more about our shop and makers - Please visit about the shop section Therefore, STAND UP FOR CRAFTSWOMEN and help us grow our society.. LOOKING FOR MORE VARIETY OF OUR PRODUCTS? Please get in touch with us at anytime and we will revert to you at the earliest. Many times we require more information from your end for which we will contact via Etsy messages.
11.492 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Personalized Leather Passport Holder, Passport Cover Gift for Travel, Gift For Father, Best Father’s Day Gift, Tiger Engraving Wallet A essential travel accessory and an effortless and classy cover to securely hold your passport, credit cards, ID, or cash while all on the trip! You can use it for both your and your child's/wife's/husband's passports. Give your loved ones an unforgettable gift experience with a special leather bag that they can always carry with them! You can give all the personalized leather bags for Father's Day, Mother's Day, birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day, Graduation, Wedding, Thanksgiving, and Christmas gifts. The folded size of the wallet is 4.1/6'' by 6.1/4'' A Card Sleeve for the credit/debit cards/IDs, A large inner pocket for passport, boarding passes, etc. Hand sewed with strong thread. Hand stitches achieve aesthetics and durability that you can use for many years. Our products are produced by hand in our atelier using completely natural materials. There may be slight differences in handmade products, depending on the nature of the material or the taste of the craftsman's hand. Since the products are not fabricated, they may differ slightly from the images on the site. We always check our products before we pack them. But if you find an error/deformation caused by production/delivery, please contact us directly. ---PERSONALIZATION INSTRUCTIONS Would you like to add a DATE or NAME? No problem, We will engrave text/name/initial/logo on the engraving area specified on the leathers. Just let us know what your wishes are. Please also specify the location of the initials. If you don’t tell us, the default location is the lower right-hand corner on the front of the wallet. For our stylish wallets and bags, you can make changes to your personalization request within 12 hours after your purchase. If you still want a change after 12 hours, you should order a new one. Since our products are customized according to your wishes, they cannot be resold. If you have purchased the customization option but do not send us your request within one week, we will ship the item unengraved after one week and refund the engraving price. Our products are durable for many years of use. ---How to Care: When necessary, clean the leather only with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use detergent or any cleaner. Scratches and bumps that occur as you use it will give the leather a vintage look. However, the leather polish can be used for unwanted scratches. Always rub in circular motions when wiping or polishing leather. If the leather gets wet, do not heat treat, wipe off moisture to prevent mildew, turn it over and hang it to dry. ---Processing Time: Our production time is 1-3 days for all our products. At the end of the production time, your order will ship. If you want to rush your order, you may purchase the link below. And after your purchase, your product will ship the same day. ---Shipping Time: We ship your package with the USPS shipping company with the First-Class option by default. You may upgrade the shipping method during checkout. Your order is ready to be gifted in a free, eco-friendly box. We only use leathers and hides which are by-products of the food industry.
6.119 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Personalized Leather Passport Holder, Passport Cover Gift for Travel, Gift For Father, Best Father’s Day Gift, Personalized Handwrite Wallet A essential travel accessory and an effortless and classy cover to securely hold your passport, credit cards, ID, or cash while all on the trip! You can use it for both your and your child's/wife's/husband's passports. Give your loved ones an unforgettable gift experience with a special leather bag that they can always carry with them! You can give all the personalized leather bags for Father's Day, Mother's Day, birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day, Graduation, Wedding, Thanksgiving, and Christmas gifts. The folded size of the wallet is 4.1/6'' by 6.1/4'' A Card Sleeve for the credit/debit cards/IDs, A large inner pocket for passport, boarding passes, etc. Hand sewed with strong thread. Hand stitches achieve aesthetics and durability that you can use for many years. Our products are produced by hand in our atelier using completely natural materials. There may be slight differences in handmade products, depending on the nature of the material or the taste of the craftsman's hand. Since the products are not fabricated, they may differ slightly from the images on the site. We always check our products before we pack them. But if you find an error/deformation caused by production/delivery, please contact us directly. ---PERSONALIZATION INSTRUCTIONS Would you like to add a DATE or NAME? No problem, We will engrave text/name/initial/logo on the engraving area specified on the leathers. Just let us know what your wishes are. Please also specify the location of the initials. If you don’t tell us, the default location is the lower right-hand corner on the front of the wallet. For our stylish wallets and bags, you can make changes to your personalization request within 12 hours after your purchase. If you still want a change after 12 hours, you should order a new one. Since our products are customized according to your wishes, they cannot be resold. If you have purchased the customization option but do not send us your request within one week, we will ship the item unengraved after one week and refund the engraving price. Our products are durable for many years of use. ---How to Care: When necessary, clean the leather only with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use detergent or any cleaner. Scratches and bumps that occur as you use it will give the leather a vintage look. However, the leather polish can be used for unwanted scratches. Always rub in circular motions when wiping or polishing leather. If the leather gets wet, do not heat treat, wipe off moisture to prevent mildew, turn it over and hang it to dry. ---Processing Time: Our production time is 1-3 days for all our products. At the end of the production time, your order will ship. If you want to rush your order, you may purchase the link below. And after your purchase, your product will ship the same day. ---Shipping Time: We ship your package with the USPS shipping company with the First-Class option by default. You may upgrade the shipping method during checkout. Your order is ready to be gifted in a free, eco-friendly box. We only use leathers and hides which are by-products of the food industry.
6.119 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Elevate Your Style with the Must-Have Sweatshirt for Stargazers and Adventure-Seekers! Get ready to escape into nature with this heavy blend hooded sweatshirt, made for adventure-seekers and stargazers alike. Crafted from a thick blend of cotton and polyester ensure comfortable wear, this garment guarantees a cozy and comfortable experience, rendering it ideal for chilly weather conditions. Adorned with a stunning depiction of a mountain sunset, this sweatshirt serves as a fitting embodiment of your passion for exploration and your wanderlust spirit. A comfortable and stylish sweatshirt that evokes the majesty of the wilderness is an essential addition to your wardrobe. Shirt Text: "Camping under the stars is a love letter to the universe".: Enjoy long-lasting durability with this product, which is designed to resist cracking and peeling for up to 50 washes..: 50% cotton, 50% polyester (fiber content may vary for different colors).: Medium-heavy fabric.: Classic fit.: Tear-away label.: Runs true to size Sizing *All measurements listed in inches S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL Width, in 20.08 22.05 24.02 25.98 27.99 29.92 31.89 33.86 Length, in 27.17 27.95 29.13 29.92 31.10 31.89 33.07 33.86 Sleeve length from center back, in 33.50 34.50 35.50 36.50 37.50 38.50 39.50 40.50 Shipping up to 2 - 5 business days * Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and unincorporated territories of the United States can take additional 7 - 12 business days. Fulfillment centers: Miami, Florida Juarez, Mexico
4.212 €
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